Stephen Morgan c90e7dbc8d cln: Move posting rendering functions into Hledger.Data.Posting.
Replace showPosting with a wrapper around postingAsLines.

The functions textConcat(Top|Bottom)Padded are no longer used anywhere
in the code base, and can be removed if desired.

This produces slightly different output for showPosting, in particular
it no longer displays the transaction date. However, this has been
marked as ‘for debugging only’ for a while, and is only used in
hledger-check-fancy assertions. The output there is still acceptable.
2021-10-31 07:50:50 -10:00

414 lines
16 KiB

A 'Transaction' represents a movement of some commodity(ies) between two
or more accounts. It consists of multiple account 'Posting's which balance
to zero, a date, and optional extras like description, cleared status, and
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.Data.Transaction
( -- * Transaction
, transaction
, txnTieKnot
, txnUntieKnot
-- * operations
, hasRealPostings
, realPostings
, assignmentPostings
, virtualPostings
, balancedVirtualPostings
, transactionsPostings
, transactionTransformPostings
, transactionApplyValuation
, transactionToCost
, transactionApplyAliases
, transactionMapPostings
, transactionMapPostingAmounts
-- nonzerobalanceerror
-- * date operations
, transactionDate2
, transactionDateOrDate2
-- * transaction description parts
, transactionPayee
, transactionNote
-- payeeAndNoteFromDescription
-- * rendering
, showTransaction
, showTransactionOneLineAmounts
, transactionFile
-- * tests
, tests_Transaction
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Valuation
nulltransaction :: Transaction
nulltransaction = Transaction {
-- | Make a simple transaction with the given date and postings.
transaction :: Day -> [Posting] -> Transaction
transaction day ps = txnTieKnot $ nulltransaction{tdate=day, tpostings=ps}
transactionPayee :: Transaction -> Text
transactionPayee = fst . payeeAndNoteFromDescription . tdescription
transactionNote :: Transaction -> Text
transactionNote = snd . payeeAndNoteFromDescription . tdescription
-- | Parse a transaction's description into payee and note (aka narration) fields,
-- assuming a convention of separating these with | (like Beancount).
-- Ie, everything up to the first | is the payee, everything after it is the note.
-- When there's no |, payee == note == description.
payeeAndNoteFromDescription :: Text -> (Text,Text)
payeeAndNoteFromDescription t
| T.null n = (t, t)
| otherwise = (T.strip p, T.strip $ T.drop 1 n)
(p, n) = T.span (/= '|') t
Render a journal transaction as text similar to the style of Ledger's print command.
Adapted from Ledger 2.x and 3.x standard format:
yyyy-mm-dd[ *][ CODE] description......... [ ; comment...............]
account name 1..................... ...$amount1[ ; comment...............]
account name 2..................... ..$-amount1[ ; comment...............]
pcodewidth = no limit -- 10 -- mimicking ledger layout.
pdescwidth = no limit -- 20 -- I don't remember what these mean,
pacctwidth = 35 minimum, no maximum -- they were important at the time.
pamtwidth = 11
pcommentwidth = no limit -- 22
The output will be parseable journal syntax.
To facilitate this, postings with explicit multi-commodity amounts
are displayed as multiple similar postings, one per commodity.
(Normally does not happen with this function).
showTransaction :: Transaction -> Text
showTransaction = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . showTransactionHelper False
-- | Like showTransaction, but explicit multi-commodity amounts
-- are shown on one line, comma-separated. In this case the output will
-- not be parseable journal syntax.
showTransactionOneLineAmounts :: Transaction -> Text
showTransactionOneLineAmounts = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . showTransactionHelper True
-- | Helper for showTransaction*.
showTransactionHelper :: Bool -> Transaction -> TB.Builder
showTransactionHelper onelineamounts t =
TB.fromText descriptionline <> newline
<> foldMap ((<> newline) . TB.fromText) newlinecomments
<> foldMap ((<> newline) . TB.fromText) (postingsAsLines onelineamounts $ tpostings t)
<> newline
descriptionline = T.stripEnd $ T.concat [date, status, code, desc, samelinecomment]
date = showDate (tdate t) <> maybe "" (("="<>) . showDate) (tdate2 t)
status | tstatus t == Cleared = " *"
| tstatus t == Pending = " !"
| otherwise = ""
code = if T.null (tcode t) then "" else wrap " (" ")" $ tcode t
desc = if T.null d then "" else " " <> d where d = tdescription t
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (tcomment t) of [] -> ("",[])
c:cs -> (c,cs)
newline = TB.singleton '\n'
hasRealPostings :: Transaction -> Bool
hasRealPostings = not . null . realPostings
realPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
realPostings = filter isReal . tpostings
assignmentPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
assignmentPostings = filter hasBalanceAssignment . tpostings
virtualPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
virtualPostings = filter isVirtual . tpostings
balancedVirtualPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
balancedVirtualPostings = filter isBalancedVirtual . tpostings
transactionsPostings :: [Transaction] -> [Posting]
transactionsPostings = concatMap tpostings
-- Get a transaction's secondary date, or the primary date if there is none.
transactionDate2 :: Transaction -> Day
transactionDate2 t = fromMaybe (tdate t) $ tdate2 t
-- Get a transaction's primary or secondary date, as specified.
transactionDateOrDate2 :: WhichDate -> Transaction -> Day
transactionDateOrDate2 PrimaryDate = tdate
transactionDateOrDate2 SecondaryDate = transactionDate2
-- | Ensure a transaction's postings refer back to it, so that eg
-- relatedPostings works right.
txnTieKnot :: Transaction -> Transaction
txnTieKnot t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t' where
t' = t{tpostings=map (postingSetTransaction t') ps}
-- | Ensure a transaction's postings do not refer back to it, so that eg
-- recursiveSize and GHCI's :sprint work right.
txnUntieKnot :: Transaction -> Transaction
txnUntieKnot t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map (\p -> p{ptransaction=Nothing}) ps}
-- | Set a posting's parent transaction.
postingSetTransaction :: Transaction -> Posting -> Posting
postingSetTransaction t p = p{ptransaction=Just t}
-- | Apply a transform function to this transaction's amounts.
transactionTransformPostings :: (Posting -> Posting) -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionTransformPostings f t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map f ps}
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this transaction's amounts, using
-- the provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- See amountApplyValuation.
transactionApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> ValuationType -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today v =
transactionTransformPostings (postingApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today v)
-- | Convert this transaction's amounts to cost, and apply the appropriate amount styles.
transactionToCost :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionToCost styles = transactionTransformPostings (postingToCost styles)
-- | Apply some account aliases to all posting account names in the transaction, as described by accountNameApplyAliases.
-- This can fail due to a bad replacement pattern in a regular expression alias.
transactionApplyAliases :: [AccountAlias] -> Transaction -> Either RegexError Transaction
transactionApplyAliases aliases t =
case mapM (postingApplyAliases aliases) $ tpostings t of
Right ps -> Right $ txnTieKnot $ t{tpostings=ps}
Left err -> Left err
-- | Apply a transformation to a transaction's postings.
transactionMapPostings :: (Posting -> Posting) -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionMapPostings f t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map f ps}
-- | Apply a transformation to a transaction's posting amounts.
transactionMapPostingAmounts :: (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionMapPostingAmounts f = transactionMapPostings (postingTransformAmount f)
-- | The file path from which this transaction was parsed.
transactionFile :: Transaction -> FilePath
transactionFile Transaction{tsourcepos} = sourceName $ fst tsourcepos
-- tests
tests_Transaction :: TestTree
tests_Transaction =
testGroup "Transaction" [
testGroup "showPostingLines" [
testCase "null posting" $ showPostingLines nullposting @?= [" 0"]
, testCase "non-null posting" $
let p =
{ pstatus = Cleared
, paccount = "a"
, pamount = mixed [usd 1, hrs 2]
, pcomment = "pcomment1\npcomment2\n tag3: val3 \n"
, ptype = RegularPosting
, ptags = [("ptag1", "val1"), ("ptag2", "val2")]
in showPostingLines p @?=
[ " * a $1.00 ; pcomment1"
, " ; pcomment2"
, " ; tag3: val3 "
, " * a 2.00h ; pcomment1"
, " ; pcomment2"
, " ; tag3: val3 "
, let
-- one implicit amount
timp = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` missingamt]}
-- explicit amounts, balanced
texp = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` usd (-1)]}
-- explicit amount, only one posting
texp1 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["(a)" `post` usd 1]}
-- explicit amounts, two commodities, explicit balancing price
texp2 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` (hrs (-1) `at` usd 1)]}
-- explicit amounts, two commodities, implicit balancing price
texp2b = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` hrs (-1)]}
-- one missing amount, not the last one
t3 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd 1, "b" `post` missingamt, "c" `post` usd (-1)]}
-- unbalanced amounts when precision is limited (#931)
-- t4 = nulltransaction {tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-0.01), "b" `post` usd (0.005), "c" `post` usd (0.005)]}
in testGroup "postingsAsLines" [
testCase "null-transaction" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings nulltransaction) @?= []
, testCase "implicit-amount" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings timp) @?=
[ " a $1.00"
, " b" -- implicit amount remains implicit
, testCase "explicit-amounts" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings texp) @?=
[ " a $1.00"
, " b $-1.00"
, testCase "one-explicit-amount" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings texp1) @?=
[ " (a) $1.00"
, testCase "explicit-amounts-two-commodities" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings texp2) @?=
[ " a $1.00"
, " b -1.00h @ $1.00"
, testCase "explicit-amounts-not-explicitly-balanced" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings texp2b) @?=
[ " a $1.00"
, " b -1.00h"
, testCase "implicit-amount-not-last" $ postingsAsLines False (tpostings t3) @?=
[" a $1.00", " b", " c $-1.00"]
-- , testCase "ensure-visibly-balanced" $
-- in postingsAsLines False (tpostings t4) @?=
-- [" a $-0.01", " b $0.005", " c $0.005"]
, testGroup "showTransaction" [
testCase "null transaction" $ showTransaction nulltransaction @?= "0000-01-01\n\n"
, testCase "non-null transaction" $ showTransaction
{ tdate = fromGregorian 2012 05 14
, tdate2 = Just $ fromGregorian 2012 05 15
, tstatus = Unmarked
, tcode = "code"
, tdescription = "desc"
, tcomment = "tcomment1\ntcomment2\n"
, ttags = [("ttag1", "val1")]
, tpostings =
[ nullposting
{ pstatus = Cleared
, paccount = "a"
, pamount = mixed [usd 1, hrs 2]
, pcomment = "\npcomment2\n"
, ptype = RegularPosting
, ptags = [("ptag1", "val1"), ("ptag2", "val2")]
} @?=
[ "2012-05-14=2012-05-15 (code) desc ; tcomment1"
, " ; tcomment2"
, " * a $1.00"
, " ; pcomment2"
, " * a 2.00h"
, " ; pcomment2"
, ""
, testCase "show a balanced transaction" $
(let t =
(fromGregorian 2007 01 28)
[ posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 47.18), ptransaction = Just t}
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-47.18)), ptransaction = Just t}
in showTransaction t) @?=
[ "2007-01-28 coopportunity"
, " expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
, " assets:checking $-47.18"
, ""
, testCase "show an unbalanced transaction, should not elide" $
(txnTieKnot $
(fromGregorian 2007 01 28)
[ posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 47.18)}
, posting {paccount = "assets:checking", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-47.19))}
])) @?=
[ "2007-01-28 coopportunity"
, " expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
, " assets:checking $-47.19"
, ""
, testCase "show a transaction with one posting and a missing amount" $
(txnTieKnot $
(fromGregorian 2007 01 28)
[posting {paccount = "expenses:food:groceries", pamount = missingmixedamt}])) @?=
(T.unlines ["2007-01-28 coopportunity", " expenses:food:groceries", ""])
, testCase "show a transaction with a priced commodityless amount" $
(txnTieKnot $
(fromGregorian 2010 01 01)
[ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount $ num 1 `at` (usd 2 `withPrecision` Precision 0)}
, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt}
])) @?=
(T.unlines ["2010-01-01 x", " a 1 @ $2", " b", ""])