2022-11-04 22:19:24 -10:00

299 lines
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{- |
Helpers for pretty-printing haskell values, reading command line arguments,
working with ANSI colours, files, and time.
Uses unsafePerformIO.
When running in GHCI, this module must be reloaded to see environmental changes.
The colour scheme may be somewhat hard-coded.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hledger.Utils.IO (
-- * Pretty showing/printing
-- * Command line arguments
-- * ANSI color
-- * Errors
-- * Files
-- hereFileRelative,
-- * Time
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject, embedStringFile)
import Data.List hiding (uncons)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime
(LocalTime, ZonedTime, getCurrentTimeZone, utcToLocalTime, utcToZonedTime)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Q, Exp)
import System.Console.ANSI
(Color,ColorIntensity,ConsoleLayer(..), SGR(..), hSupportsANSIColor, setSGRCode)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getArgs, lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath (isRelative, (</>))
import System.IO
(Handle, IOMode (..), hGetEncoding, hSetEncoding, hSetNewlineMode,
openFile, stdin, stdout, stderr, universalNewlineMode, utf8_bom)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Text.Pretty.Simple
(CheckColorTty(CheckColorTty), OutputOptions(..),
defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg, defaultOutputOptionsNoColor, pShowOpt, pPrintOpt)
import Hledger.Utils.Text (WideBuilder(WideBuilder))
-- Pretty showing/printing with pretty-simple
-- | pretty-simple options with colour enabled if allowed.
prettyopts =
(if useColorOnStderr then defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg else defaultOutputOptionsNoColor)
{ outputOptionsIndentAmount=2
, outputOptionsCompact=True
-- | pretty-simple options with colour disabled.
prettyopts' =
{ outputOptionsIndentAmount=2
, outputOptionsCompact=True
-- | Pretty show. Easier alias for pretty-simple's pShow.
pshow :: Show a => a -> String
pshow = TL.unpack . pShowOpt prettyopts
-- | Monochrome version of pshow.
pshow' :: Show a => a -> String
pshow' = TL.unpack . pShowOpt prettyopts'
-- | Pretty print. Easier alias for pretty-simple's pPrint.
pprint :: Show a => a -> IO ()
pprint = pPrintOpt CheckColorTty prettyopts
-- | Monochrome version of pprint.
pprint' :: Show a => a -> IO ()
pprint' = pPrintOpt CheckColorTty prettyopts'
-- "Avoid using pshow, pprint, dbg* in the code below to prevent infinite loops." (?)
-- Command line arguments
-- | The command line arguments that were used at program startup.
-- Uses unsafePerformIO.
{-# NOINLINE progArgs #-}
progArgs :: [String]
progArgs = unsafePerformIO getArgs
-- | Read the value of the -o/--output-file command line option provided at program startup,
-- if any, using unsafePerformIO.
outputFileOption :: Maybe String
outputFileOption =
-- keep synced with output-file flag definition in hledger:CliOptions.
let args = progArgs in
case dropWhile (not . ("-o" `isPrefixOf`)) args of
-- -oARG
('-':'o':v@(_:_)):_ -> Just v
-- -o ARG
"-o":v:_ -> Just v
_ ->
case dropWhile (/="--output-file") args of
-- --output-file ARG
"--output-file":v:_ -> Just v
_ ->
case take 1 $ filter ("--output-file=" `isPrefixOf`) args of
-- --output=file=ARG
['-':'-':'o':'u':'t':'p':'u':'t':'-':'f':'i':'l':'e':'=':v] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
-- | Check whether the -o/--output-file option has been used at program startup
-- with an argument other than "-", using unsafePerformIO.
hasOutputFile :: Bool
hasOutputFile = outputFileOption `notElem` [Nothing, Just "-"]
-- ANSI colour
-- | Read the value of the --color or --colour command line option provided at program startup
-- using unsafePerformIO. If this option was not provided, returns the empty string.
colorOption :: String
colorOption =
-- similar to debugLevel
-- keep synced with color/colour flag definition in hledger:CliOptions
let args = progArgs in
case dropWhile (/="--color") args of
-- --color ARG
"--color":v:_ -> v
_ ->
case take 1 $ filter ("--color=" `isPrefixOf`) args of
-- --color=ARG
['-':'-':'c':'o':'l':'o':'r':'=':v] -> v
_ ->
case dropWhile (/="--colour") args of
-- --colour ARG
"--colour":v:_ -> v
_ ->
case take 1 $ filter ("--colour=" `isPrefixOf`) args of
-- --colour=ARG
['-':'-':'c':'o':'l':'o':'u':'r':'=':v] -> v
_ -> ""
-- | Check the IO environment to see if ANSI colour codes should be used on stdout.
-- This is done using unsafePerformIO so it can be used anywhere, eg in
-- low-level debug utilities, which should be ok since we are just reading.
-- The logic is: use color if
-- the program was started with --color=yes|always
-- or (
-- the program was not started with --color=no|never
-- and a NO_COLOR environment variable is not defined
-- and stdout supports ANSI color
-- and -o/--output-file was not used, or its value is "-"
-- ).
useColorOnStdout :: Bool
useColorOnStdout = not hasOutputFile && useColorOnHandle stdout
-- | Like useColorOnStdout, but checks for ANSI color support on stderr,
-- and is not affected by -o/--output-file.
useColorOnStderr :: Bool
useColorOnStderr = useColorOnHandle stderr
useColorOnHandle :: Handle -> Bool
useColorOnHandle h = unsafePerformIO $ do
no_color <- isJust <$> lookupEnv "NO_COLOR"
supports_color <- hSupportsANSIColor h
let coloroption = colorOption
return $ coloroption `elem` ["always","yes"]
|| (coloroption `notElem` ["never","no"] && not no_color && supports_color)
-- | Wrap a string in ANSI codes to set and reset foreground colour.
color :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> String -> String
color int col s = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground int col] ++ s ++ setSGRCode []
-- | Wrap a string in ANSI codes to set and reset background colour.
bgColor :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> String -> String
bgColor int col s = setSGRCode [SetColor Background int col] ++ s ++ setSGRCode []
-- | Wrap a WideBuilder in ANSI codes to set and reset foreground colour.
colorB :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> WideBuilder -> WideBuilder
colorB int col (WideBuilder s w) =
WideBuilder (TB.fromString (setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground int col]) <> s <> TB.fromString (setSGRCode [])) w
-- | Wrap a WideBuilder in ANSI codes to set and reset background colour.
bgColorB :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> WideBuilder -> WideBuilder
bgColorB int col (WideBuilder s w) =
WideBuilder (TB.fromString (setSGRCode [SetColor Background int col]) <> s <> TB.fromString (setSGRCode [])) w
-- Errors
-- | Simpler alias for errorWithoutStackTrace
error' :: String -> a
error' = errorWithoutStackTrace . ("Error: " <>)
-- | A version of errorWithoutStackTrace that adds a usage hint.
usageError :: String -> a
usageError = error' . (++ " (use -h to see usage)")
-- Files
-- | Convert a possibly relative, possibly tilde-containing file path to an absolute one,
-- given the current directory. ~username is not supported. Leave "-" unchanged.
-- Can raise an error.
expandPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath -- general type sig for use in reader parsers
expandPath _ "-" = return "-"
expandPath curdir p = (if isRelative p then (curdir </>) else id) <$> expandHomePath p
-- | Expand user home path indicated by tilde prefix
expandHomePath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
expandHomePath = \case
('~':'/':p) -> (</> p) <$> getHomeDirectory
('~':'\\':p) -> (</> p) <$> getHomeDirectory
('~':_) -> ioError $ userError "~USERNAME in paths is not supported"
p -> return p
-- | Read text from a file,
-- converting any \r\n line endings to \n,,
-- using the system locale's text encoding,
-- ignoring any utf8 BOM prefix (as seen in paypal's 2018 CSV, eg) if that encoding is utf8.
readFilePortably :: FilePath -> IO Text
readFilePortably f = openFile f ReadMode >>= readHandlePortably
-- | Like readFilePortably, but read from standard input if the path is "-".
readFileOrStdinPortably :: String -> IO Text
readFileOrStdinPortably f = openFileOrStdin f ReadMode >>= readHandlePortably
openFileOrStdin :: String -> IOMode -> IO Handle
openFileOrStdin "-" _ = return stdin
openFileOrStdin f' m = openFile f' m
readHandlePortably :: Handle -> IO Text
readHandlePortably h = do
hSetNewlineMode h universalNewlineMode
menc <- hGetEncoding h
when (fmap show menc == Just "UTF-8") $ -- XXX no Eq instance, rely on Show
hSetEncoding h utf8_bom
T.hGetContents h
-- | Like embedFile, but takes a path relative to the package directory.
-- Similar to embedFileRelative ?
embedFileRelative :: FilePath -> Q Exp
embedFileRelative f = makeRelativeToProject f >>= embedStringFile
-- -- | Like hereFile, but takes a path relative to the package directory.
-- -- Similar to embedFileRelative ?
-- hereFileRelative :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-- hereFileRelative f = makeRelativeToProject f >>= hereFileExp
-- where
-- QuasiQuoter{quoteExp=hereFileExp} = hereFile
-- Time
getCurrentLocalTime :: IO LocalTime
getCurrentLocalTime = do
t <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
return $ utcToLocalTime tz t
getCurrentZonedTime :: IO ZonedTime
getCurrentZonedTime = do
t <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
return $ utcToZonedTime tz t