
86 lines
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module Options (module Options, usageInfo)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Utils
usageHeader = "Usage: hledger [OPTIONS] register|balance [MATCHARGS]"
getOptions :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
getOptions argv =
case getOpt RequireOrder options argv of
(o,n,[] ) -> return (o,n)
(_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo usageHeader options))
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [
Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version number"
, Option ['f'] ["file"] (OptArg readFileOpt "FILE") "ledger file, or - to read stdin"
, Option ['s'] ["subtotal"] (NoArg ShowSubs) "balance: show sub-accounts" --; register: show subtotals"
data Flag = Version | File String | ShowSubs deriving (Show,Eq)
readFileOpt :: Maybe String -> Flag
readFileOpt = File . fromMaybe "stdin"
getFile :: Flag -> String
getFile (File s) = s
getFile _ = []
getLedgerFilePath :: [Flag] -> IO String
getLedgerFilePath opts = do
defaultpath <- tildeExpand "~/ledger.dat"
envordefault <- getEnv "LEDGER" `catch` \_ -> return defaultpath
return $ last $ [envordefault] ++ (filter (/= "") (map getFile opts))
-- ledger pattern args are a list of account patterns optionally followed
-- by -- and a list of description patterns
ledgerPatternArgs :: [String] -> ([String],[String])
ledgerPatternArgs args =
case "--" `elem` args of
True -> ((takeWhile (/= "--") args), tail $ (dropWhile (/= "--") args))
False -> (args,[])
getDepth :: [Flag] -> Int
getDepth opts =
maximum $ [1] ++ map depthval opts where
depthval (ShowSubs) = 9999
depthval _ = 1
-- example:
-- module Opts where
-- import System.Console.GetOpt
-- import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
-- data Flag
-- = Verbose | Version
-- | Input String | Output String | LibDir String
-- deriving Show
-- options :: [OptDescr Flag]
-- options =
-- [ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "chatty output on stderr"
-- , Option ['V','?'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version number"
-- , Option ['o'] ["output"] (OptArg outp "FILE") "output FILE"
-- , Option ['c'] [] (OptArg inp "FILE") "input FILE"
-- , Option ['L'] ["libdir"] (ReqArg LibDir "DIR") "library directory"
-- ]
-- inp,outp :: Maybe String -> Flag
-- outp = Output . fromMaybe "stdout"
-- inp = Input . fromMaybe "stdin"
-- compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
-- compilerOpts argv =
-- case getOpt Permute options argv of
-- (o,n,[] ) -> return (o,n)
-- (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
-- where header = "Usage: ic [OPTION...] files..."