2019-02-11 14:12:48 -08:00

762 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack exec
--package base-prelude
--package directory
--package extra
--package regex
--package safe
--package shake
--package time
One of two project scripts files (Makefile, Shake.hs).
This one provides a stronger programming language and more
platform independence than Make. It will build needed packages (above)
on first run and whenever the resolver in stack.yaml changes.
To minimise such startup delays, and reduce sensitivity to git checkout,
compiling is recommended; run the script in interpreted mode to do that.
It requires stack (https://haskell-lang.org/get-started) and
auto-installs the packages above. Also, some rules require:
- groff
- m4
- makeinfo
- pandoc
- sed
Usage: see below. Also:
$ find hledger-lib hledger | entr ./Shake website # rebuild web files on changes in these dirs
Shake rule dependency graph:
Shake wishes:
just one shake import
wildcards in phony rules
multiple individually accessible wildcards
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude ()
import "base-prelude" BasePrelude
import "base" Control.Exception as C
-- required packages, keep synced with Makefile -> SHAKEDEPS:
import "directory" System.Directory as S (getDirectoryContents)
import "extra" Data.List.Extra
import "process" System.Process
import "regex" Text.RE.TDFA.String
import "regex" Text.RE.Replace
import "safe" Safe
import "shake" Development.Shake
import "shake" Development.Shake.FilePath
import "time" Data.Time
-- import "hledger-lib" Hledger.Utils.Debug
usage = unlines
,"./Shake.hs (re)compile this script"
,"./Shake commandhelp build embedded help texts for the hledger CLI"
,"./Shake manuals build txt/man/info/html manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake oldmanuals build old versions of html manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake PKG build a single hledger package and its embedded docs"
,"./Shake build build all hledger packages and their embedded docs"
,"./Shake website build the website and web manuals"
,"./Shake website-all build the website and all web manual versions"
,"./Shake all build all the above"
,"./Shake mainpages build the web pages from the main repo"
,"./Shake wikipages build the web pages from the wiki repo"
-- ,"./Shake site/index.md update wiki links on the website home page"
,"./Shake FILE build any individual file"
,"./Shake setversion update all packages from PKG/.version"
,"./Shake changelogs update the changelogs with any new commits"
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md[-dry] update or preview this changelog"
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md-finalise set final release heading in this changelog"
,"./Shake site/doc/VERSION/.snapshot save current web manuals as this snapshot"
,"./Shake clean clean help texts, manuals, staged site content"
,"./Shake Clean also clean rendered site, object files, Shake's cache"
,"./Shake [help] show these commands"
,"./Shake --help show Shake options (--color, --rebuild, ...)"
,"See also: make help"
groff = "groff"
makeinfo = "makeinfo"
pandoc = "pandoc"
-- Must support both BSD sed and GNU sed. Tips:
-- BSD:
-- use [a-z] [0-9] instead of \w \d etc.
-- GNU:
-- backslash-escape {
sed = "sed -E"
-- The kind of markdown used in our doc source files.
fromsrcmd = "-f markdown-smart-tex_math_dollars"
-- The kind of markdown we like to generate for the website.
towebmd = "-t markdown-smart-fenced_divs --atx-headers"
main = do
-- hledger manual also includes the markdown files from here:
let commandsdir = "hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands"
commandmds <- filter (".md" `isSuffixOf`) . map (commandsdir </>) <$> S.getDirectoryContents commandsdir
let commandtxts = map (-<.> "txt") commandmds
let wikidir = "wiki"
wikipagefilenames <- map dropExtension . filter (".md" `isSuffixOf`) <$> S.getDirectoryContents wikidir
-- ,shakeReport=[".shake.html"]
} $ do
want ["help"]
phony "help" $ liftIO $ putStrLn usage
phony "all" $ need ["commandhelp", "manuals", "build", "website"]
-- phony "compile" $ need ["Shake"]
-- "Shake" %> \out -> do
-- need [out <.> "hs"]
-- unit $ cmd "./Shake.hs" -- running as stack script installs deps and compiles
-- putLoud "You can now run ./Shake instead of ./Shake.hs"
-- documentation versions shown on the website
docversions = [ "0.27", "1.0" , "1.1" , "1.2" , "1.3" , "1.4" , "1.5" , "1.9", "1.10", "1.11", "1.12", "1.13" ]
-- main package names, in standard build order
packages = [
changelogs = "CHANGES.md" : map (</> "CHANGES.md") packages
-- doc files (or related targets) that should be generated
-- before building hledger packages.
-- [(PKG, [TARGETS])]
embeddedFiles = [
-- hledger embeds the plain text command help files and all packages' text/nroff/info manuals
("hledger", commandtxts ++ ["manuals"])
-- hledger-ui imports the hledger-ui manuals from hledger
,("hledger-ui", ["hledger"])
-- man page names (manual names plus a man section number), in suggested reading order
manpageNames = [
-- basic manual names, without numbers
manualNames = map manpageNameToManualName manpageNames
-- main markdown+m4 source files for manuals (hledger/hledger.m4.md)
-- These may include additional files using m4.
m4manuals = [manualDir m </> m <.> "m4.md" | m <- manualNames]
-- manuals rendered to nroff, ready for man (hledger/hledger.1)
nroffmanuals = [manpageDir m </> m | m <- manpageNames]
-- manuals rendered to plain text, ready for embedding (hledger/hledger.txt)
txtmanuals = [manualDir m </> m <.> "txt" | m <- manualNames]
-- manuals rendered to info, ready for info (hledger/hledger.info)
infomanuals = [manualDir m </> m <.> "info" | m <- manualNames]
-- individual manuals rendered to markdown, ready for conversion to html (site/hledger.md)
mdmanuals = ["site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "md" | m <- manpageNames]
-- latest version of the manuals rendered to html
htmlmanuals = ["site/_site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "html" | m <- manpageNames++["manual"]]
-- old versions of the manuals rendered to html
oldhtmlmanuals = map (normalise . ("site/_site/doc" </>) . (<.> "html")) $
[ v </> manpageNameToUri p | v <- docversions, v>="1.0", p <- manpageNames ++ ["manual"] ] ++
[ v </> "manual" | v <- docversions, v <"1.0" ] -- before 1.0 there was only the combined manual
-- the html for website pages kept in the main repo
mainpageshtml = map (normalise . ("site/_site" </>) . (<.> "html")) [
-- from site/*.md
-- some copied from elsewhere
-- the html for website pages kept in the wiki repo (cookbook content)
wikipageshtml = map (normalise . ("site/_site" </>) . (<.> ".html")) wikipagefilenames
-- TODO: make website URIs lower-case ?
-- manuals rendered to markdown and combined, ready for web rendering
mdcombinedmanual = "site/manual.md"
-- extensions of static web asset files, to be copied to the website
webassetexts = ["png", "gif", "cur", "js", "css", "eot", "ttf", "woff", "svg"]
-- The directory in which to find this man page.
-- hledger.1 -> hledger/doc, hledger_journal.5 -> hledger-lib/doc
manpageDir m
| '_' `elem` m = "hledger-lib"
| otherwise = dropExtension m
-- The directory in which to find this manual.
-- hledger -> hledger, hledger_journal -> hledger-lib
manualDir m
| '_' `elem` m = "hledger-lib"
| otherwise = m
-- The URI corresponding to this man page.
-- hledger.1 -> hledger, hledger_journal.5 -> journal
manpageNameToUri m | "hledger_" `isPrefixOf` m = dropExtension $ drop 8 m
| otherwise = dropExtension m
-- The man page corresponding to this URI.
-- hledger -> hledger.1, journal -> hledger_journal.5
manpageUriToName u | "hledger" `isPrefixOf` u = u <.> "1"
| otherwise = "hledger_" ++ u <.> "5"
-- Generate the manuals in nroff, plain text and info formats.
phony "manuals" $ need $ concat [
-- Generate nroff man pages suitable for man output.
phony "nroffmanuals" $ need nroffmanuals
nroffmanuals |%> \out -> do -- hledger/hledger.1
let src = manpageNameToManualName out <.> "m4.md"
commonm4 = "doc/common.m4"
dir = takeDirectory out
packagem4 = dir </> "defs.m4"
tmpl = "doc/manpage.nroff"
-- assume all other m4 files in dir are included by this one XXX not true in hledger-lib
deps <- liftIO $ filter (/= src) . filter (".m4.md" `isSuffixOf`) . map (dir </>) <$> S.getDirectoryContents dir
need $ [src, commonm4, packagem4, tmpl] ++ deps
when (dir=="hledger") $ need commandmds
cmd Shell
"m4 -P -DMAN -I" dir commonm4 packagem4 src "|"
pandoc fromsrcmd "-s" "--template" tmpl
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-html-blocks.lua"
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-html-inlines.lua"
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-links.lua"
"-o" out
-- Generate plain text manuals suitable for embedding in
-- executables and viewing with a pager.
phony "txtmanuals" $ need txtmanuals
txtmanuals |%> \out -> do -- hledger/hledger.txt
let src = manualNameToManpageName $ dropExtension out
need [src]
cmd Shell groff "-t -e -mandoc -Tascii" src "| col -bx >" out -- http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Man-Page/q10.html
-- Generate Info manuals suitable for viewing with info.
phony "infomanuals" $ need infomanuals
infomanuals |%> \out -> do -- hledger/hledger.info
let src = out -<.> "m4.md"
commonm4 = "doc/common.m4"
dir = takeDirectory out
packagem4 = dir </> "defs.m4"
-- assume all other m4 files in dir are included by this one XXX not true in hledger-lib
deps <- liftIO $ filter (/= src) . filter (".m4.md" `isSuffixOf`) . map (dir </>) <$> S.getDirectoryContents dir
need $ [src, commonm4, packagem4] ++ deps
when (dir=="hledger") $ need commandmds
cmd Shell
"m4 -P -I" dir commonm4 packagem4 src "|"
pandoc fromsrcmd
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-html-blocks.lua"
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-html-inlines.lua"
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-links.lua"
"-t texinfo |"
makeinfo "--force --no-split -o" out
-- Generate the individual web manuals' markdown source, using m4
-- and pandoc to tweak content.
phony "mdmanuals" $ need mdmanuals
mdmanuals |%> \out -> do -- site/hledger.md
let manpage = manpageUriToName $ dropExtension $ takeFileName out -- hledger
manual = manpageNameToManualName manpage
dir = manpageDir manpage
src = dir </> manual <.> "m4.md"
commonm4 = "doc/common.m4"
packagem4 = dir </> "defs.m4"
heading = let h = manual
in if "hledger_" `isPrefixOf` h
then drop 8 h ++ " format"
else h
-- assume all other m4 files in dir are included by this one XXX not true in hledger-lib
deps <- liftIO $ filter (/= src) . filter (".m4.md" `isSuffixOf`) . map (dir </>) <$> S.getDirectoryContents dir
need $ [src, commonm4, packagem4] ++ deps
when (manual=="hledger") $ need commandmds
liftIO $ writeFile out $ "# " ++ heading ++ "\n\n"
cmd Shell
"m4 -P -DMAN -DWEB -I" dir commonm4 packagem4 src "|"
pandoc fromsrcmd towebmd
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-demote-headers.lua"
">>" out
-- Generate the combined web manual's markdown source, by
-- concatenating tweaked versions of the individual manuals.
phony "mdcombinedmanual" $ need [ mdcombinedmanual ]
mdcombinedmanual %> \out -> do
need mdmanuals
liftIO $ writeFile mdcombinedmanual $ addToc ""
forM_ mdmanuals $ \f -> do -- site/hledger.md, site/journal.md
cmd_ Shell ("printf '\\n\\n' >>") mdcombinedmanual
cmd_ Shell pandoc f towebmd
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-drop-toc.lua"
"--lua-filter tools/pandoc-demote-headers.lua"
">>" mdcombinedmanual
-- Copy some extra markdown files from the main repo into the site
-- TODO adding table of contents placeholders
["site/README.md", "site/CONTRIBUTING.md"] |%> \out ->
copyFile' (dropDirectory1 out) out -- XXX (map toLower out)
phony "website" $ need [
phony "website-all" $ need [
-- copy all static asset files (files with certain extensions
-- found under sites, plus one or two more) to sites/_site/
phony "webassets" $ do
assets <- getDirectoryFiles "site" (map ("//*" <.>) webassetexts)
need [ "site/_site" </> file
| file <- assets ++ [
, not ("_site//*" ?== file)
-- copy any one of the static asset files to sites/_site/
"site/_site/files/README" : [ "site/_site//*" <.> ext | ext <- webassetexts ] |%> \out -> do
copyFile' ("site" </> dropDirectory2 out) out
-- embed the wiki's latest table of contents into the main site's home page
"site/index.md" %> \out -> do
wikicontent <- dropWhile (not . ("#" `isPrefixOf`)) . lines <$> readFile' "wiki/Home.md"
old <- liftIO $ readFileStrictly "site/index.md"
let (startmarker, endmarker) = ("<!-- WIKICONTENT -->", "<!-- ENDWIKICONTENT -->")
(before, after') = break (startmarker `isPrefixOf`) $ lines old
(_, after) = break (endmarker `isPrefixOf`) $ after'
new = unlines $ concat [before, [startmarker], wikicontent, after]
liftIO $ writeFile out new
-- render all web pages from the main repo (manuals, home, download, relnotes etc) as html, saved in site/_site/
phony "mainpages" $ need mainpageshtml
-- render all pages from the wiki as html, saved in site/_site/.
-- We assume there are no filename collisions with mainpages.
phony "wikipages" $ need wikipageshtml
phony "htmlmanuals" $ need htmlmanuals
phony "oldmanuals" $ need oldhtmlmanuals
-- Render one website page (main or wiki) as html, saved in sites/_site/.
-- Wiki pages will have a heading and TOC placeholder prepended.
-- All pages will have github-style wiki links hyperlinked.
"site/_site//*.html" %> \out -> do
let filename = takeBaseName out
pagename = fileNameToPageName filename
iswikipage = filename `elem` wikipagefilenames
isoldmanual = "site/_site/doc/" `isPrefixOf` out
| iswikipage = "wiki" </> filename <.> "md"
| isoldmanual = "site" </> (drop 11 $ dropExtension out) <.> "md"
| otherwise = "site" </> filename <.> "md"
template = "site/site.tmpl"
siteRoot = if "site/_site/doc//*" ?== out then "../.." else "."
need [source, template]
-- read markdown source, link any wikilinks, maybe add a heading and TOC, pipe it to pandoc, write html out
Stdin . wikiLink . (if iswikipage then addHeading pagename . addToc else id) <$> (readFile' source) >>=
(cmd Shell pandoc "-" fromsrcmd "-t html"
"--template" template
("--metadata=siteRoot:" ++ siteRoot)
("--metadata=\"title:" ++ pagename ++ "\"")
"-o" out )
phony "build" $ need packages
-- build any of the hledger packages, after generating any doc
-- files they embed or import.
sequence_ [ phony pkg $ do
need $ fromMaybe [] $ lookup pkg embeddedFiles
cmd Shell "stack build " pkg
| pkg <- packages ]
phony "commandhelp" $ need commandtxts
commandtxts |%> \out -> do
let src = out -<.> "md"
need [src]
cmd Shell
pandoc fromsrcmd src "--lua-filter" "tools/pandoc-dedent-code-blocks.lua" "-t plain" ">" out
-- git log showing short commit hashes
gitlog = "git log --abbrev-commit"
-- git log formats suitable for changelogs/release notes
-- %s=subject, %an=author name, %n=newline if needed, %w=width/indent1/indent2, %b=body, %h=hash
changelogGitFormat = "--pretty=format:'- %s (%an)%n%w(0,2,2)%b'"
-- changelogVerboseGitFormat = "--pretty=format:'- %s (%an)%n%w(0,2,2)%b%h' --stat"
-- Format a git log message, with one of the formats above, as a changelog item
changelogCleanupCmd = unwords [
,"-e 's/^( )*\\* /\1- /'" -- ensure bullet lists in descriptions use hyphens not stars
,"-e 's/ \\(Simon Michael\\)//'" -- strip maintainer's author name
,"-e 's/^- (doc: *)?(updated? *)?changelogs?( *updates?)?$//'" -- strip some variants of "updated changelog"
,"-e 's/^ +\\[ci skip\\] *$//'" -- strip [ci skip] lines
,"-e 's/^ +$//'" -- replace lines containing only spaces with empty lines
-- ,"-e 's/\r//'" -- strip windows carriage returns (XXX \r untested. IDEA doesn't like a real ^M here)
,"-e '/./,/^$/!d'" -- replace consecutive newlines with one
-- Things to exclude when doing git log for project-wide changelog.
-- git exclude pathspecs, https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary.html#gitglossary-aiddefpathspecapathspec
projectChangelogExcludeDirs = unwords [
-- update all changelogs with latest commits
phony "changelogs" $ need changelogs
-- show the changelogs updates that would be written
-- phony "changelogs-dry" $ need changelogsdry
-- [PKG/]CHANGES.md[-dry] <- git log
-- Add commits to the specified changelog since the tag/commit in
-- the topmost heading, also removing that previous heading if it
-- was an interim heading (a commit hash). Or (the -dry variants)
-- just print the new changelog items to stdout without saving.
phonys (\out' -> if
| not $ out' `elem` (changelogs ++ map (++"-dry") changelogs) -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just $ do
let (out, dryrun) | "-dry" `isSuffixOf` out' = (take (length out' - 4) out', True)
| otherwise = (out', False)
old <- liftIO $ lines <$> readFileStrictly out
let dir = takeDirectory out
pkg | dir=="." = Nothing
| otherwise = Just dir
gitlogpaths = fromMaybe projectChangelogExcludeDirs pkg
isnotheading = not . ("#" `isPrefixOf`)
iscommithash s = length s > 6 && all isAlphaNum s
(preamble, oldheading:rest) = span isnotheading old
lastversion = words oldheading !! 1
lastrev | iscommithash lastversion = lastversion
| otherwise = fromMaybe "hledger" pkg ++ "-" ++ lastversion
headrev <- unwords . words . fromStdout <$>
(cmd Shell gitlog "-1 --pretty=%h -- " gitlogpaths :: Action (Stdout String))
if headrev == lastrev
then liftIO $ putStrLn $ out ++ ": up to date"
else do
newitems <- fromStdout <$>
(cmd Shell gitlog changelogGitFormat (lastrev++"..") "--" gitlogpaths
"|" changelogCleanupCmd :: Action (Stdout String))
let newcontent = "# "++headrev++"\n\n" ++ newitems
newfile = unlines $ concat [
,if iscommithash lastrev then [] else [oldheading]
liftIO $ if dryrun
then putStr newcontent
else writeFile out newfile
-- [PKG/]CHANGES.md-finalise <- PKG/.version
-- Converts the specified changelog's topmost heading, if it is an
-- interim heading (a commit hash), to a permanent heading
-- containing the intended release version (from .version) and
-- today's date. For the project CHANGES.md, the version number
-- in hledger/.version is used.
phonys (\out' -> let suffix = "-finalise" in if
| not $ out' `elem` (map (++suffix) changelogs) -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just $ do
out = take (length out' - length suffix) out'
versiondir = case takeDirectory out of
"." -> "hledger"
d -> d
versionfile = versiondir </> ".version"
need [versionfile]
version <- ((head . words) <$>) $ liftIO $ readFile versionfile
old <- liftIO $ readFileStrictly out
date <- liftIO getCurrentDay
let (before, _:after) = break ("# " `isPrefixOf`) $ lines old
new = unlines $ before ++ ["# "++version++" "++show date] ++ after
liftIO $ writeFile out new
-- Given the desired version string saved in PKG/.version, update
-- it everywhere needed in the package. See also CONTRIBUTING.md >
-- Version numbers.
let inAllPackages f = map (</> f) packages
phony "setversion" $ need $
inAllPackages "defs.m4"
++ inAllPackages "package.yaml"
-- PKG/defs.m4 <- PKG/.version
"hledger*/defs.m4" %> \out -> do
let versionfile = takeDirectory out </> ".version"
need [versionfile]
version <- ((head . words) <$>) $ liftIO $ readFile versionfile
cmd_ Shell sed "-i -e" ("'s/(_version_}}, *)\\{\\{[^}]+/\\1{{"++version++"/'") out
-- PKG/package.yaml <- PKG/.version
"hledger*/package.yaml" %> \out -> do
let versionfile = takeDirectory out </> ".version"
need [versionfile]
version <- ((head . words) <$>) $ liftIO $ readFile versionfile
let ma:jor:_ = splitOn "." version
nextmajorversion = intercalate "." $ ma : (show $ read jor+1) : []
-- One simple task: update some strings in a small text file.
-- Several ugly solutions:
-- 1. use haskell list utils. Tedious.
-- old <- liftIO $ readFileStrictly out
-- let isversionline s = "version" `isPrefixOf` (dropWhile isSpace $ takeWhile (not.(`elem` " :")) s)
-- (before, _:after) = break isversionline $ lines old
-- -- oldversion = words versionline !! 1
-- new = unlines $ before ++ ["version: "++version] ++ after
-- liftIO $ writeFile out new
-- 2. use regular expressions in haskell. Haskell has no portable,
-- featureful, replacing, backreference-supporting regex lib yet.
-- 3. use sed. Have to assume non-GNU sed, eg on mac.
-- Things to update in package.yaml:
-- version: VER
cmd_ Shell sed "-i -e" ("'s/(^version *:).*/\\1 "++version++"/'") out
cmd_ Shell sed "-i -e" ("'s/(-DVERSION=)\"[^\"]+/\\1\""++version++"/'") out
-- this package's dependencies on other hledger packages (typically hledger-lib, hledger)
-- This one is a bit tricky, and we do it with these limitations:
-- a. We handle bounds in one of these forms (allowing extra whitespace):
-- ==A
-- >A
-- >=A
-- >A && <B
-- >=A && <B
-- b. We set
-- the new lower bound to: this package's new version, V
-- the new upper bound if any, to: the next major version after V
-- both of which may not be what's desired.
-- c. We convert > bounds to >= bounds.
-- hledger[-PKG] ==LOWER
let versionre = "([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+" -- 2 or 3 part version number regexp
cmd_ Shell sed "-i -e" ("'s/(hledger(-[a-z]+)?) *== *"++versionre++" *$/\\1 == "++version++"/'") out
-- hledger[-PKG] >[=]LOWER
cmd_ Shell sed "-i -e" ("'s/(hledger(-[a-z]+)?) *>=? *"++versionre++" *$/\\1 >= "++version++"/'") out
-- hledger[-PKG] >[=]LOWER && <UPPER
pat = "(hledger(-[a-z]+)?) *>=? *"++versionre++" *&& *< *"++versionre++" *$"
rpl = "\\1 >="++version++" \\&\\& <"++nextmajorversion -- This was a beast. These ampersands must be backslash-escaped.
arg = "'s/"++pat++"/"++rpl++"/'"
cmd_ Shell sed "-i -e" arg out
-- tagrelease: \
-- $(call def-help,tagrelease, commit a release tag based on $(VERSIONFILE) for each package )
-- for p in $(PACKAGES); do git tag -f $$p-$(VERSION); done
-- Generate the web manuals based on the current checkout and save
-- them as the specified versioned snapshot in site/doc/VER/ .
-- .snapshot is a dummy file.
"site/doc/*/.snapshot" %> \out -> do
need $ mdcombinedmanual : mdmanuals
let snapshot = takeDirectory out
cmd_ Shell "mkdir -p" snapshot
forM_ mdmanuals $ \f -> -- site/hledger.md, site/journal.md
cmd_ Shell "cp" f (snapshot </> takeFileName f)
cmd_ Shell "cp" "site/manual.md" snapshot
cmd_ Shell "cp -r site/images" snapshot
cmd_ Shell "touch" out
-- Cleanup.
phony "clean" $ do
putNormal "Cleaning generated help texts, manuals, staged site content"
removeFilesAfter "." commandtxts
removeFilesAfter "." mdmanuals
removeFilesAfter "." [mdcombinedmanual]
removeFilesAfter "." ["site/README.md", "site/CONTRIBUTING.md"]
phony "Clean" $ do
need ["clean"]
putNormal "Cleaning generated site content, object files, shake build cache"
removeFilesAfter "site" ["_*"]
removeFilesAfter "tools" ["*.o","*.p_o","*.hi"]
removeFilesAfter "site" ["*.o","*.p_o","*.hi"]
removeFilesAfter ".shake" ["//*"]
-- Convert numbered man page names to manual names.
-- hledger.1 -> hledger, hledger_journal.5 -> hledger_journal
manpageNameToManualName = dropNumericSuffix
dropNumericSuffix s = reverse $
case reverse s of
c : '.' : cs | isDigit c -> cs
cs -> cs
-- Convert manual names to numbered man page names.
-- hledger -> hledger.1, hledger_journal -> hledger_journal.5
manualNameToManpageName s
| '_' `elem` s = s <.> "5"
| otherwise = s <.> "1"
dropDirectory2 = dropDirectory1 . dropDirectory1
readFileStrictly :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileStrictly f = readFile f >>= \s -> C.evaluate (length s) >> return s
-- | Get the current local date.
getCurrentDay :: IO Day
getCurrentDay = do
t <- getZonedTime
return $ localDay (zonedTimeToLocalTime t)
-- markdown helpers
type Markdown = String
-- | Prepend a markdown heading.
addHeading :: String -> Markdown -> Markdown
addHeading h = (("# "++h++"\n\n")++)
-- | Prepend a table of contents placeholder.
addToc :: Markdown -> Markdown
addToc = ((tocMarker++"\n\n")++)
where tocMarker = "$TOC$"
-- | Convert Github-style wikilinks to hledger website links.
wikiLink :: Markdown -> Markdown
wikiLink =
replaceBy wikilinkre wikilinkReplace .
replaceBy labelledwikilinkre labelledwikilinkReplace
-- regex stuff
-- couldn't figure out how to use match subgroups, so we don't
-- wikilinkre = [re|\[\[$([^]]+)]]|] -- [[A]]
-- labelledwikilinkre = [re|\[\[$([^(|)]+)\|$([^]]*)\]\]|] -- [[A|B]]
wikilinkre = [re|\[\[[^]]+]]|] -- [[A]]
labelledwikilinkre = [re|\[\[[^(|)]+\|[^]]*\]\]|] -- [[A|B]]. The | is parenthesised to avoid ending the quasiquoter
-- wikilinkReplace _ loc@RELocation{locationCapture} cap@Capture{capturedText} =
wikilinkReplace _ _ Capture{capturedText} =
-- trace (show (loc,cap)) $
Just $ "["++name++"]("++uri++")"
name = init $ init $ drop 2 capturedText
uri = pageNameToUri name
-- labelledwikilinkReplace _ loc@RELocation{locationCapture} cap@Capture{capturedText} =
labelledwikilinkReplace _ _ Capture{capturedText} =
Just $ "["++label++"]("++uri++")"
[label,name] = take 2 $ (splitOn "|" $ init $ init $ drop 2 capturedText) ++ [""]
uri = pageNameToUri name
pageNameToUri = (++".html") . intercalate "-" . words
fileNameToPageName = unwords . splitOn "-"
-- | Easier regex replace helper. Replaces each occurrence of a
-- regular expression in src, by transforming each matched text with
-- the given function.
replaceBy re f src = replaceAllCaptures TOP f $ src *=~ re
-- not powerful enough, saved for reference:
-- wikify = (*=~/ wikilinkreplace) . (*=~/ labelledwikilinkreplace)
-- where
-- -- [[A]] -> [A](.../A)
-- wikilinkreplace :: SearchReplace RE String
-- wikilinkreplace = [ed|\[\[$([^]]+)]]///[$1]($1.html)|]
-- -- [[A|B]] -> [A](.../B)
-- labelledwikilinkreplace :: SearchReplace RE String
-- labelledwikilinkreplace = [ed|\[\[$([^(|)]+)\|$([^]]*)\]\]///[$1]($2.html)|]