mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 03:42:25 +03:00
Periodic transactions were always on, which meant that periodic transactions occurring today were always shown, in future or present mode. Now, both periodic transactions and display of future transactions are controlled by --forecast, and toggleable by the F key ("forecast mode"). The --future flag has been dropped (it still works as a hidden alias for --forecast, but is deprecated). It seemed to also make sense to leave auto postings off by default, like hledger.
340 lines
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340 lines
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{- | UIState operations. -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.UI.UIState
#if !MIN_VERSION_brick(0,19,0)
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Data.List
import Data.Text.Zipper (gotoEOL)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- | Toggle between showing only unmarked items or all items.
toggleUnmarked :: UIState -> UIState
toggleUnmarked ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=reportOptsToggleStatusSomehow Unmarked copts ropts}}}
-- | Toggle between showing only pending items or all items.
togglePending :: UIState -> UIState
togglePending ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=reportOptsToggleStatusSomehow Pending copts ropts}}}
-- | Toggle between showing only cleared items or all items.
toggleCleared :: UIState -> UIState
toggleCleared ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=reportOptsToggleStatusSomehow Cleared copts ropts}}}
-- TODO testing different status toggle styles
-- | Generate zero or more indicators of the status filters currently active,
-- which will be shown comma-separated as part of the indicators list.
uiShowStatus :: CliOpts -> [Status] -> [String]
uiShowStatus copts ss =
case style of
-- in style 2, instead of "Y, Z" show "not X"
Just 2 | length ss == numstatuses-1
-> map (("not "++). showstatus) $ sort $ complement ss -- should be just one
_ -> map showstatus $ sort ss
numstatuses = length [minBound..maxBound::Status]
style = maybeintopt "status-toggles" $ rawopts_ copts
showstatus Cleared = "cleared"
showstatus Pending = "pending"
showstatus Unmarked = "unmarked"
reportOptsToggleStatusSomehow :: Status -> CliOpts -> ReportOpts -> ReportOpts
reportOptsToggleStatusSomehow s copts ropts =
case maybeintopt "status-toggles" $ rawopts_ copts of
Just 2 -> reportOptsToggleStatus2 s ropts
Just 3 -> reportOptsToggleStatus3 s ropts
-- Just 4 -> reportOptsToggleStatus4 s ropts
-- Just 5 -> reportOptsToggleStatus5 s ropts
_ -> reportOptsToggleStatus1 s ropts
-- 1 UPC toggles only X/all
reportOptsToggleStatus1 s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
| ss == [s] = ropts{statuses_=[]}
| otherwise = ropts{statuses_=[s]}
-- 2 UPC cycles X/not-X/all
-- repeatedly pressing X cycles:
-- [] U [u]
-- [u] U [pc]
-- [pc] U []
-- pressing Y after first or second step starts new cycle:
-- [u] P [p]
-- [pc] P [p]
reportOptsToggleStatus2 s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
| ss == [s] = ropts{statuses_=complement [s]}
| ss == complement [s] = ropts{statuses_=[]}
| otherwise = ropts{statuses_=[s]} -- XXX assume only three values
-- 3 UPC toggles each X
reportOptsToggleStatus3 s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
| s `elem` ss = ropts{statuses_=filter (/= s) ss}
| otherwise = ropts{statuses_=simplifyStatuses (s:ss)}
-- 4 upc sets X, UPC sets not-X
--reportOptsToggleStatus4 s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
-- | s `elem` ss = ropts{statuses_=filter (/= s) ss}
-- | otherwise = ropts{statuses_=simplifyStatuses (s:ss)}
-- 5 upc toggles X, UPC toggles not-X
--reportOptsToggleStatus5 s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
-- | s `elem` ss = ropts{statuses_=filter (/= s) ss}
-- | otherwise = ropts{statuses_=simplifyStatuses (s:ss)}
-- | Given a list of unique enum values, list the other possible values of that enum.
complement :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
complement = ([minBound..maxBound] \\)
-- | Toggle between showing all and showing only nonempty (more precisely, nonzero) items.
toggleEmpty :: UIState -> UIState
toggleEmpty ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleEmpty ropts}}}
toggleEmpty ropts = ropts{empty_=not $ empty_ ropts}
-- | Show primary amounts, not cost or value.
clearCostValue :: UIState -> UIState
clearCostValue ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{value_ = plog "clearing value mode" Nothing}}}}
-- | Toggle between showing the primary amounts or costs.
toggleCost :: UIState -> UIState
toggleCost ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{value_ = valuationToggleCost $ value_ ropts}}}}
-- | Toggle between showing primary amounts or default valuation.
toggleValue :: UIState -> UIState
toggleValue ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
value_ = plog "toggling value mode to" $ valuationToggleValue $ value_ ropts}}}}
-- | Basic toggling of -B/cost, for hledger-ui.
valuationToggleCost :: Maybe ValuationType -> Maybe ValuationType
valuationToggleCost (Just (AtCost _)) = Nothing
valuationToggleCost _ = Just $ AtCost Nothing
-- | Basic toggling of -V, for hledger-ui.
valuationToggleValue :: Maybe ValuationType -> Maybe ValuationType
valuationToggleValue (Just (AtDefault _)) = Nothing
valuationToggleValue _ = Just $ AtDefault Nothing
-- | Toggle between flat and tree mode. If current mode is unspecified/default, assume it's flat.
toggleTree :: UIState -> UIState
toggleTree ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleTreeMode ropts}}}
toggleTreeMode ropts
| accountlistmode_ ropts == ALTree = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat}
| otherwise = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALTree}
-- | Toggle between historical balances and period balances.
toggleHistorical :: UIState -> UIState
toggleHistorical ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
b | balancetype_ ropts == HistoricalBalance = PeriodChange
| otherwise = HistoricalBalance
-- | Toggle hledger-ui's "forecast mode". In forecast mode, periodic
-- transactions (generated by periodic rules) are enabled (as with
-- hledger --forecast), and also future transactions in general
-- (including non-periodic ones) are displayed. In normal mode, all
-- future transactions (periodic or not) are suppressed (unlike
-- command-line hledger).
-- After toggling this, we do a full reload of the journal from disk
-- to make it take effect; currently that's done in the callers (cf
-- AccountsScreen, RegisterScreen) where it's easier. This is
-- overkill, probably we should just hide/show the periodic
-- transactions with a query for their special tag.
toggleForecast :: UIState -> UIState
toggleForecast ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
copts' = copts{reportopts_=ropts{forecast_=not $ forecast_ ropts}}
-- | Toggle between showing all and showing only real (non-virtual) items.
toggleReal :: UIState -> UIState
toggleReal ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleReal ropts}}}
toggleReal ropts = ropts{real_=not $ real_ ropts}
-- | Toggle the ignoring of balance assertions.
toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions :: UIState -> UIState
toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{inputopts_=iopts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{inputopts_=iopts{ignore_assertions_=not $ ignore_assertions_ iopts}}}}
-- | Step through larger report periods, up to all.
growReportPeriod :: Day -> UIState -> UIState
growReportPeriod _d ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{period_=periodGrow $ period_ ropts}}}}
-- | Step through smaller report periods, down to a day.
shrinkReportPeriod :: Day -> UIState -> UIState
shrinkReportPeriod d ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{period_=periodShrink d $ period_ ropts}}}}
-- | Step the report start/end dates to the next period of same duration,
-- remaining inside the given enclosing span.
nextReportPeriod :: DateSpan -> UIState -> UIState
nextReportPeriod enclosingspan ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{period_=p}}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{period_=periodNextIn enclosingspan p}}}}
-- | Step the report start/end dates to the next period of same duration,
-- remaining inside the given enclosing span.
previousReportPeriod :: DateSpan -> UIState -> UIState
previousReportPeriod enclosingspan ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{period_=p}}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{period_=periodPreviousIn enclosingspan p}}}}
-- | If a standard report period is set, step it forward/backward if needed so that
-- it encloses the given date.
moveReportPeriodToDate :: Day -> UIState -> UIState
moveReportPeriodToDate d ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{period_=p}}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{period_=periodMoveTo d p}}}}
-- | Get the report period.
reportPeriod :: UIState -> Period
reportPeriod UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ReportOpts{period_=p}}}} =
-- | Set the report period.
setReportPeriod :: Period -> UIState -> UIState
setReportPeriod p ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Apply a new filter query.
setFilter :: String -> UIState -> UIState
setFilter s ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Clear all filters/flags.
resetFilter :: UIState -> UIState
resetFilter ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
resetDepth :: UIState -> UIState
resetDepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Get the maximum account depth in the current journal.
maxDepth :: UIState -> Int
maxDepth UIState{ajournal=j} = maximum $ map accountNameLevel $ journalAccountNames j
-- | Decrement the current depth limit towards 0. If there was no depth limit,
-- set it to one less than the maximum account depth.
decDepth :: UIState -> UIState
decDepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{..}}}}
= ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=dec depth_}}}}
dec (Just d) = Just $ max 0 (d-1)
dec Nothing = Just $ maxDepth ui - 1
-- | Increment the current depth limit. If this makes it equal to the
-- the maximum account depth, remove the depth limit.
incDepth :: UIState -> UIState
incDepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{..}}}}
= ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=inc depth_}}}}
inc (Just d) | d < (maxDepth ui - 1) = Just $ d+1
inc _ = Nothing
-- | Set the current depth limit to the specified depth, or remove the depth limit.
-- Also remove the depth limit if the specified depth is greater than the current
-- maximum account depth. If the specified depth is negative, reset the depth limit
-- to whatever was specified at uiartup.
setDepth :: Maybe Int -> UIState -> UIState
setDepth mdepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}}
= ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=mdepth'}}}}
mdepth' = case mdepth of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just d | d < 0 -> depth_ ropts
| d >= maxDepth ui -> Nothing
| otherwise -> mdepth
getDepth :: UIState -> Maybe Int
getDepth UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} = depth_ ropts
-- | Open the minibuffer, setting its content to the current query with the cursor at the end.
showMinibuffer :: UIState -> UIState
showMinibuffer ui = setMode (Minibuffer e) ui
#if MIN_VERSION_brick(0,19,0)
e = applyEdit gotoEOL $ editor MinibufferEditor (Just 1) oldq
e = applyEdit gotoEOL $ editor MinibufferEditor (str . unlines) (Just 1) oldq
oldq = query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ $ aopts ui
-- | Close the minibuffer, discarding any edit in progress.
closeMinibuffer :: UIState -> UIState
closeMinibuffer = setMode Normal
setMode :: Mode -> UIState -> UIState
setMode m ui = ui{aMode=m}
-- | Regenerate the content for the current and previous screens, from a new journal and current date.
regenerateScreens :: Journal -> Day -> UIState -> UIState
regenerateScreens j d ui@UIState{aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} =
-- XXX clumsy due to entanglement of UIState and Screen.
-- sInit operates only on an appstate's current screen, so
-- remove all the screens from the appstate and then add them back
-- one at a time, regenerating as we go.
first:rest = reverse $ s:ss :: [Screen]
ui0 = ui{ajournal=j, aScreen=first, aPrevScreens=[]} :: UIState
ui1 = (sInit first) d False ui0 :: UIState
ui2 = foldl' (\ui s -> (sInit s) d False $ pushScreen s ui) ui1 rest :: UIState
pushScreen :: Screen -> UIState -> UIState
pushScreen scr ui = ui{aPrevScreens=(aScreen ui:aPrevScreens ui)
popScreen :: UIState -> UIState
popScreen ui@UIState{aPrevScreens=s:ss} = ui{aScreen=s, aPrevScreens=ss}
popScreen ui = ui
resetScreens :: Day -> UIState -> UIState
resetScreens d ui@UIState{aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} =
(sInit topscreen) d True $ resetDepth $ resetFilter $ closeMinibuffer ui{aScreen=topscreen, aPrevScreens=[]}
topscreen = case ss of _:_ -> last ss
[] -> s
-- | Enter a new screen, saving the old screen & state in the
-- navigation history and initialising the new screen's state.
screenEnter :: Day -> Screen -> UIState -> UIState
screenEnter d scr ui = (sInit scr) d True $
pushScreen scr