2019-01-05 07:35:54 +00:00

825 lines
33 KiB

A simple 'Amount' is some quantity of money, shares, or anything else.
It has a (possibly null) 'CommoditySymbol' and a numeric quantity:
EUR 3.44
GOOG 500
90 apples
It may also have an assigned 'Price', representing this amount's per-unit
or total cost in a different commodity. If present, this is rendered like
EUR 2 \@ $1.50 (unit price)
EUR 2 \@\@ $3 (total price)
A 'MixedAmount' is zero or more simple amounts, so can represent multiple
commodities; this is the type most often used:
$50 + EUR 3
16h + $13.55 + AAPL 500 + 6 oranges
When a mixed amount has been \"normalised\", it has no more than one amount
in each commodity and no zero amounts; or it has just a single zero amount
and no others.
Limited arithmetic with simple and mixed amounts is supported, best used
with similar amounts since it mostly ignores assigned prices and commodity
exchange rates.
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- * Amount
-- ** arithmetic
-- ** rendering
-- * MixedAmount
-- ** arithmetic
-- ** rendering
-- * misc.
) where
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Safe (maximumDef)
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Commodity
import Hledger.Utils
deriving instance Show MarketPrice
-- Amount styles
-- | Default amount style
amountstyle = AmountStyle L False 0 (Just '.') Nothing
-- Amount
instance Num Amount where
abs a@Amount{aquantity=q} = a{aquantity=abs q}
signum a@Amount{aquantity=q} = a{aquantity=signum q}
fromInteger i = nullamt{aquantity=fromInteger i}
negate a@Amount{aquantity=q} = a{aquantity= -q}
(+) = similarAmountsOp (+)
(-) = similarAmountsOp (-)
(*) = similarAmountsOp (*)
-- | The empty simple amount.
amount, nullamt :: Amount
amount = Amount{acommodity="", aquantity=0, aprice=NoPrice, astyle=amountstyle, aismultiplier=False}
nullamt = amount
-- | A temporary value for parsed transactions which had no amount specified.
missingamt :: Amount
missingamt = amount{acommodity="AUTO"}
-- Handy amount constructors for tests.
-- usd/eur/gbp round their argument to a whole number of pennies/cents.
num n = amount{acommodity="", aquantity=n}
hrs n = amount{acommodity="h", aquantity=n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=2, ascommodityside=R}}
usd n = amount{acommodity="$", aquantity=roundTo 2 n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=2}}
eur n = amount{acommodity="", aquantity=roundTo 2 n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=2}}
gbp n = amount{acommodity="£", aquantity=roundTo 2 n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=2}}
amt `at` priceamt = amt{aprice=UnitPrice priceamt}
amt @@ priceamt = amt{aprice=TotalPrice priceamt}
-- | Apply a binary arithmetic operator to two amounts, which should
-- be in the same commodity if non-zero (warning, this is not checked).
-- A zero result keeps the commodity of the second amount.
-- The result's display style is that of the second amount, with
-- precision set to the highest of either amount.
-- Prices are ignored and discarded.
-- Remember: the caller is responsible for ensuring both amounts have the same commodity.
similarAmountsOp :: (Quantity -> Quantity -> Quantity) -> Amount -> Amount -> Amount
similarAmountsOp op Amount{acommodity=_, aquantity=q1, astyle=AmountStyle{asprecision=p1}}
Amount{acommodity=c2, aquantity=q2, astyle=s2@AmountStyle{asprecision=p2}} =
-- trace ("a1:"++showAmountDebug a1) $ trace ("a2:"++showAmountDebug a2) $ traceWith (("= :"++).showAmountDebug)
amount{acommodity=c2, aquantity=q1 `op` q2, astyle=s2{asprecision=max p1 p2}}
-- c1==c2 || q1==0 || q2==0 =
-- otherwise = error "tried to do simple arithmetic with amounts in different commodities"
-- | Convert an amount to the specified commodity, ignoring and discarding
-- any assigned prices and assuming an exchange rate of 1.
amountWithCommodity :: CommoditySymbol -> Amount -> Amount
amountWithCommodity c a = a{acommodity=c, aprice=NoPrice}
-- | Convert an amount to the commodity of its assigned price, if any. Notes:
-- - price amounts must be MixedAmounts with exactly one component Amount (or there will be a runtime error) XXX
-- - price amounts should be positive, though this is not currently enforced
costOfAmount :: Amount -> Amount
costOfAmount a@Amount{aquantity=q, aprice=price} =
case price of
NoPrice -> a
UnitPrice p@Amount{aquantity=pq} -> p{aquantity=pq * q}
TotalPrice p@Amount{aquantity=pq} -> p{aquantity=pq * signum q}
-- | Replace an amount's TotalPrice, if it has one, with an equivalent UnitPrice.
-- Has no effect on amounts without one.
-- Also increases the unit price's display precision to show one extra decimal place,
-- to help keep transaction amounts balancing.
-- Does Decimal division, might be some rounding/irrational number issues.
amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice :: Amount -> Amount
a@Amount{aquantity=q, aprice=TotalPrice pa@Amount{aquantity=pq, astyle=ps@AmountStyle{asprecision=pp}}}
= a{aprice = UnitPrice pa{aquantity=abs (pq/q), astyle=ps{asprecision=pp+1}}}
amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice a = a
-- | Divide an amount's quantity by a constant.
divideAmount :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
divideAmount n a@Amount{aquantity=q} = a{aquantity=q/n}
-- | Multiply an amount's quantity by a constant.
multiplyAmount :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
multiplyAmount n a@Amount{aquantity=q} = a{aquantity=q*n}
-- | Divide an amount's quantity (and its total price, if it has one) by a constant.
-- The total price will be kept positive regardless of the multiplier's sign.
divideAmountAndPrice :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
divideAmountAndPrice n a@Amount{aquantity=q,aprice=p} = a{aquantity=q/n, aprice=f p}
f (TotalPrice a) = TotalPrice $ abs $ n `divideAmount` a
f p = p
-- | Multiply an amount's quantity (and its total price, if it has one) by a constant.
-- The total price will be kept positive regardless of the multiplier's sign.
multiplyAmountAndPrice :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
multiplyAmountAndPrice n a@Amount{aquantity=q,aprice=p} = a{aquantity=q*n, aprice=f p}
f (TotalPrice a) = TotalPrice $ abs $ n `multiplyAmount` a
f p = p
-- | Is this amount negative ? The price is ignored.
isNegativeAmount :: Amount -> Bool
isNegativeAmount Amount{aquantity=q} = q < 0
digits = "123456789" :: String
-- | Does this amount appear to be zero when displayed with its given precision ?
isZeroAmount :: Amount -> Bool
isZeroAmount -- a==missingamt = False
= not . any (`elem` digits) . showAmountWithoutPriceOrCommodity
-- | Is this amount "really" zero, regardless of the display precision ?
isReallyZeroAmount :: Amount -> Bool
isReallyZeroAmount Amount{aquantity=q} = q == 0
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, based on its commodity's
-- display settings except using the specified precision.
showAmountWithPrecision :: Int -> Amount -> String
showAmountWithPrecision p = showAmount . setAmountPrecision p
-- | Set an amount's display precision.
setAmountPrecision :: Int -> Amount -> Amount
setAmountPrecision p a@Amount{astyle=s} = a{astyle=s{asprecision=p}}
-- | Set an amount's display precision, flipped.
withPrecision :: Amount -> Int -> Amount
withPrecision = flip setAmountPrecision
-- | Get a string representation of an amount for debugging,
-- appropriate to the current debug level. 9 shows maximum detail.
showAmountDebug :: Amount -> String
showAmountDebug Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = "(missing)"
showAmountDebug Amount{..} = printf "Amount {acommodity=%s, aquantity=%s, aprice=%s, astyle=%s}" (show acommodity) (show aquantity) (showPriceDebug aprice) (show astyle)
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, without any \@ price.
showAmountWithoutPrice :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithoutPrice a = showAmount a{aprice=NoPrice}
-- | Set an amount's internal precision, ie rounds the Decimal representing
-- the amount's quantity to some number of decimal places.
-- Rounding is done with Data.Decimal's default roundTo function:
-- "If the value ends in 5 then it is rounded to the nearest even value (Banker's Rounding)".
-- Does not change the amount's display precision.
-- Intended only for internal use, eg when comparing amounts in tests.
setAmountInternalPrecision :: Int -> Amount -> Amount
setAmountInternalPrecision p a@Amount{ aquantity=q, astyle=s } = a{
,aquantity=roundTo (fromIntegral p) q
-- | Set an amount's internal precision, flipped.
-- Intended only for internal use, eg when comparing amounts in tests.
withInternalPrecision :: Amount -> Int -> Amount
withInternalPrecision = flip setAmountInternalPrecision
-- | Set (or clear) an amount's display decimal point.
setAmountDecimalPoint :: Maybe Char -> Amount -> Amount
setAmountDecimalPoint mc a@Amount{ astyle=s } = a{ astyle=s{asdecimalpoint=mc} }
-- | Set (or clear) an amount's display decimal point, flipped.
withDecimalPoint :: Amount -> Maybe Char -> Amount
withDecimalPoint = flip setAmountDecimalPoint
-- | Colour version.
cshowAmountWithoutPrice :: Amount -> String
cshowAmountWithoutPrice a = cshowAmount a{aprice=NoPrice}
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, without any price or commodity symbol.
showAmountWithoutPriceOrCommodity :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithoutPriceOrCommodity a = showAmount a{acommodity="", aprice=NoPrice}
showPrice :: Price -> String
showPrice NoPrice = ""
showPrice (UnitPrice pa) = " @ " ++ showAmount pa
showPrice (TotalPrice pa) = " @@ " ++ showAmount pa
showPriceDebug :: Price -> String
showPriceDebug NoPrice = ""
showPriceDebug (UnitPrice pa) = " @ " ++ showAmountDebug pa
showPriceDebug (TotalPrice pa) = " @@ " ++ showAmountDebug pa
-- | Given a map of standard amount display styles, apply the appropriate one to this amount.
-- If there's no standard style for this amount's commodity, return the amount unchanged.
styleAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Amount -> Amount
styleAmount styles a =
case M.lookup (acommodity a) styles of
Just s -> a{astyle=s}
Nothing -> a
-- | Get the string representation of an amount, based on its
-- commodity's display settings. String representations equivalent to
-- zero are converted to just \"0\". The special "missing" amount is
-- displayed as the empty string.
showAmount :: Amount -> String
showAmount = showAmountHelper False
-- | Colour version. For a negative amount, adds ANSI codes to change the colour,
-- currently to hard-coded red.
cshowAmount :: Amount -> String
cshowAmount a =
(if isNegativeAmount a then color Dull Red else id) $
showAmountHelper False a
showAmountHelper :: Bool -> Amount -> String
showAmountHelper _ Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = ""
showAmountHelper showzerocommodity a@Amount{acommodity=c, aprice=p, astyle=AmountStyle{..}} =
case ascommodityside of
L -> printf "%s%s%s%s" (T.unpack c') space quantity' price
R -> printf "%s%s%s%s" quantity' space (T.unpack c') price
quantity = showamountquantity a
displayingzero = not (any (`elem` digits) quantity)
(quantity',c') | displayingzero && not showzerocommodity = ("0","")
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded c)
space = if not (T.null c') && ascommodityspaced then " " else "" :: String
price = showPrice p
-- | Like showAmount, but show a zero amount's commodity if it has one.
showAmountWithZeroCommodity :: Amount -> String
showAmountWithZeroCommodity = showAmountHelper True
-- | Get the string representation of the number part of of an amount,
-- using the display settings from its commodity.
showamountquantity :: Amount -> String
showamountquantity Amount{aquantity=q, astyle=AmountStyle{asprecision=p, asdecimalpoint=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps}} =
punctuatenumber (fromMaybe '.' mdec) mgrps qstr
-- isint n = fromIntegral (round n) == n
qstr -- p == maxprecision && isint q = printf "%d" (round q::Integer)
| p == maxprecisionwithpoint = show q
| p == maxprecision = chopdotzero $ show q
| otherwise = show $ roundTo (fromIntegral p) q
-- | Replace a number string's decimal point with the specified character,
-- and add the specified digit group separators. The last digit group will
-- be repeated as needed.
punctuatenumber :: Char -> Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> String -> String
punctuatenumber dec mgrps s = sign ++ reverse (applyDigitGroupStyle mgrps (reverse int)) ++ frac''
(sign,num) = break isDigit s
(int,frac) = break (=='.') num
frac' = dropWhile (=='.') frac
frac'' | null frac' = ""
| otherwise = dec:frac'
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> String -> String
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing s = s
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups c gs)) s = addseps (repeatLast gs) s
addseps [] s = s
addseps (g:gs) s
| length s <= g = s
| otherwise = let (part,rest) = splitAt g s
in part ++ [c] ++ addseps gs rest
repeatLast [] = []
repeatLast gs = init gs ++ repeat (last gs)
chopdotzero str = reverse $ case reverse str of
'0':'.':s -> s
s -> s
-- | For rendering: a special precision value which means show all available digits.
maxprecision :: Int
maxprecision = 999998
-- | For rendering: a special precision value which forces display of a decimal point.
maxprecisionwithpoint :: Int
maxprecisionwithpoint = 999999
-- like journalCanonicaliseAmounts
-- | Canonicalise an amount's display style using the provided commodity style map.
canonicaliseAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Amount -> Amount
canonicaliseAmount styles a@Amount{acommodity=c, astyle=s} = a{astyle=s'}
s' = findWithDefault s c styles
-- | Find the market value of this amount on the given date, in it's
-- default valuation commodity, based on recorded market prices.
-- If no default valuation commodity can be found, the amount is left
-- unchanged.
amountValue :: Journal -> Day -> Amount -> Amount
amountValue j d a =
case commodityValue j d (acommodity a) of
Just v -> v{aquantity=aquantity v * aquantity a}
Nothing -> a
-- This is here not in Commodity.hs to use the Amount Show instance above for debugging.
-- | Find the market value, if known, of one unit of this commodity (A) on
-- the given valuation date, in the commodity (B) mentioned in the latest
-- applicable market price. The latest applicable market price is the market
-- price directive for commodity A with the latest date that is on or before
-- the valuation date; or if there are multiple such prices with the same date,
-- the last parsed.
commodityValue :: Journal -> Day -> CommoditySymbol -> Maybe Amount
commodityValue j valuationdate c
| null applicableprices = dbg Nothing
| otherwise = dbg $ Just $ mpamount $ last applicableprices
dbg = dbg8 ("using market price for "++T.unpack c)
applicableprices =
[p | p <- sortBy (comparing mpdate) $ jmarketprices j
, mpcommodity p == c
, mpdate p <= valuationdate
-- MixedAmount
instance Num MixedAmount where
fromInteger i = Mixed [fromInteger i]
negate (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map negate as
(+) (Mixed as) (Mixed bs) = normaliseMixedAmount $ Mixed $ as ++ bs
(*) = error' "error, mixed amounts do not support multiplication"
abs = error' "error, mixed amounts do not support abs"
signum = error' "error, mixed amounts do not support signum"
-- | The empty mixed amount.
nullmixedamt :: MixedAmount
nullmixedamt = Mixed []
-- | A temporary value for parsed transactions which had no amount specified.
missingmixedamt :: MixedAmount
missingmixedamt = Mixed [missingamt]
-- | Convert amounts in various commodities into a normalised MixedAmount.
mixed :: [Amount] -> MixedAmount
mixed = normaliseMixedAmount . Mixed
-- | Simplify a mixed amount's component amounts:
-- * amounts in the same commodity are combined unless they have different prices or total prices
-- * multiple zero amounts, all with the same non-null commodity, are replaced by just the last of them, preserving the commodity and amount style (all but the last zero amount are discarded)
-- * multiple zero amounts with multiple commodities, or no commodities, are replaced by one commodity-less zero amount
-- * an empty amount list is replaced by one commodity-less zero amount
-- * the special "missing" mixed amount remains unchanged
normaliseMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
normaliseMixedAmount = normaliseHelper False
normaliseHelper :: Bool -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
normaliseHelper squashprices (Mixed as)
| missingamt `elem` as = missingmixedamt -- missingamt should always be alone, but detect it even if not
| null nonzeros = Mixed [newzero]
| otherwise = Mixed nonzeros
newzero = case filter (/= "") (map acommodity zeros) of
_:_ -> last zeros
_ -> nullamt
(zeros, nonzeros) = partition isReallyZeroAmount $
map sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice $
groupBy groupfn $
sortBy sortfn
sortfn | squashprices = compare `on` acommodity
| otherwise = compare `on` \a -> (acommodity a, aprice a)
groupfn | squashprices = (==) `on` acommodity
| otherwise = \a1 a2 -> acommodity a1 == acommodity a2 && combinableprices a1 a2
combinableprices Amount{aprice=NoPrice} Amount{aprice=NoPrice} = True
combinableprices Amount{aprice=UnitPrice p1} Amount{aprice=UnitPrice p2} = p1 == p2
combinableprices _ _ = False
-- | Like normaliseMixedAmount, but combine each commodity's amounts
-- into just one by throwing away all prices except the first. This is
-- only used as a rendering helper, and could show a misleading price.
normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay = normaliseHelper True
-- | Sum same-commodity amounts in a lossy way, applying the first
-- price to the result and discarding any other prices. Only used as a
-- rendering helper.
sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice :: [Amount] -> Amount
sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice [] = nullamt
sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice as = (sumStrict as){aprice=aprice $ head as}
-- -- | Sum same-commodity amounts. If there were different prices, set
-- -- the price to a special marker indicating "various". Only used as a
-- -- rendering helper.
-- sumSimilarAmountsNotingPriceDifference :: [Amount] -> Amount
-- sumSimilarAmountsNotingPriceDifference [] = nullamt
-- sumSimilarAmountsNotingPriceDifference as = undefined
-- | Get a mixed amount's component amounts.
amounts :: MixedAmount -> [Amount]
amounts (Mixed as) = as
-- | Filter a mixed amount's component amounts by a predicate.
filterMixedAmount :: (Amount -> Bool) -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
filterMixedAmount p (Mixed as) = Mixed $ filter p as
-- | Return an unnormalised MixedAmount containing exactly one Amount
-- with the specified commodity and the quantity of that commodity
-- found in the original. NB if Amount's quantity is zero it will be
-- discarded next time the MixedAmount gets normalised.
filterMixedAmountByCommodity :: CommoditySymbol -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
filterMixedAmountByCommodity c (Mixed as) = Mixed as'
as' = case filter ((==c) . acommodity) as of
[] -> [nullamt{acommodity=c}]
as'' -> [sum as'']
-- | Apply a transform to a mixed amount's component 'Amount's.
mapMixedAmount :: (Amount -> Amount) -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mapMixedAmount f (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map f as
-- | Convert a mixed amount's component amounts to the commodity of their
-- assigned price, if any.
costOfMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
costOfMixedAmount (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map costOfAmount as
-- | Divide a mixed amount's quantities by a constant.
divideMixedAmount :: Quantity -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
divideMixedAmount n = mapMixedAmount (divideAmount n)
-- | Multiply a mixed amount's quantities by a constant.
multiplyMixedAmount :: Quantity -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
multiplyMixedAmount n = mapMixedAmount (multiplyAmount n)
-- | Divide a mixed amount's quantities (and total prices, if any) by a constant.
-- The total prices will be kept positive regardless of the multiplier's sign.
divideMixedAmountAndPrice :: Quantity -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
divideMixedAmountAndPrice n = mapMixedAmount (divideAmountAndPrice n)
-- | Multiply a mixed amount's quantities (and total prices, if any) by a constant.
-- The total prices will be kept positive regardless of the multiplier's sign.
multiplyMixedAmountAndPrice :: Quantity -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
multiplyMixedAmountAndPrice n = mapMixedAmount (multiplyAmountAndPrice n)
-- | Calculate the average of some mixed amounts.
averageMixedAmounts :: [MixedAmount] -> MixedAmount
averageMixedAmounts [] = 0
averageMixedAmounts as = fromIntegral (length as) `divideMixedAmount` sum as
-- | Is this mixed amount negative, if it can be normalised to a single commodity ?
isNegativeMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Maybe Bool
isNegativeMixedAmount m = case as of [a] -> Just $ isNegativeAmount a
_ -> Nothing
where as = amounts $ normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay m
-- | Does this mixed amount appear to be zero when displayed with its given precision ?
isZeroMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Bool
isZeroMixedAmount = all isZeroAmount . amounts . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
-- | Is this mixed amount "really" zero ? See isReallyZeroAmount.
isReallyZeroMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Bool
isReallyZeroMixedAmount = all isReallyZeroAmount . amounts . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
-- | Is this mixed amount "really" zero, after converting to cost
-- commodities where possible ?
isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost :: MixedAmount -> Bool
isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost = isReallyZeroMixedAmount . costOfMixedAmount
-- -- | MixedAmount derived Eq instance in Types.hs doesn't know that we
-- -- want $0 = EUR0 = 0. Yet we don't want to drag all this code over there.
-- -- For now, use this when cross-commodity zero equality is important.
-- mixedAmountEquals :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount -> Bool
-- mixedAmountEquals a b = amounts a' == amounts b' || (isZeroMixedAmount a' && isZeroMixedAmount b')
-- where a' = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay a
-- b' = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay b
-- | Given a map of standard amount display styles, apply the appropriate ones to each individual amount.
styleMixedAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
styleMixedAmount styles (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (styleAmount styles) as
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, after
-- normalising it to one amount per commodity. Assumes amounts have
-- no or similar prices, otherwise this can show misleading prices.
showMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmount = showMixedAmountHelper False False
-- | Like showMixedAmount, but zero amounts are shown with their
-- commodity if they have one.
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithZeroCommodity = showMixedAmountHelper True False
-- | Get the one-line string representation of a mixed amount.
showMixedAmountOneLine :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLine = showMixedAmountHelper False True
showMixedAmountHelper :: Bool -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountHelper showzerocommodity useoneline m =
join $ map showamt $ amounts $ normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay m
join | useoneline = intercalate ", "
| otherwise = vConcatRightAligned
showamt | showzerocommodity = showAmountWithZeroCommodity
| otherwise = showAmount
-- | Compact labelled trace of a mixed amount, for debugging.
ltraceamount :: String -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
ltraceamount s = traceWith (((s ++ ": ") ++).showMixedAmount)
-- | Set the display precision in the amount's commodities.
setMixedAmountPrecision :: Int -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
setMixedAmountPrecision p (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (setAmountPrecision p) as
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, showing each of its
-- component amounts with the specified precision, ignoring their
-- commoditys' display precision settings.
showMixedAmountWithPrecision :: Int -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithPrecision p m =
vConcatRightAligned $ map (showAmountWithPrecision p) $ amounts $ normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay m
-- | Get an unambiguous string representation of a mixed amount for debugging.
showMixedAmountDebug :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountDebug m | m == missingmixedamt = "(missing)"
| otherwise = printf "Mixed [%s]" as
where as = intercalate "\n " $ map showAmountDebug $ amounts m
-- TODO these and related fns are comically complicated:
-- | Get the string representation of a mixed amount, without showing any transaction prices.
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice m = intercalate "\n" $ map showamt as
Mixed as = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay $ mixedAmountStripPrices m
showamt = printf (printf "%%%ds" width) . showAmountWithoutPrice
width = maximumDef 0 $ map (length . showAmount) as
-- | Colour version of showMixedAmountWithoutPrice. Any individual Amount
-- which is negative is wrapped in ANSI codes to make it display in red.
cshowMixedAmountWithoutPrice :: MixedAmount -> String
cshowMixedAmountWithoutPrice m = intercalate "\n" $ map showamt as
Mixed as = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay $ mixedAmountStripPrices m
showamt a =
(if isNegativeAmount a then color Dull Red else id) $
printf (printf "%%%ds" width) $ showAmountWithoutPrice a
width = maximumDef 0 $ map (length . showAmount) as
mixedAmountStripPrices :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountStripPrices (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (\a -> a{aprice=NoPrice}) as
-- | Get the one-line string representation of a mixed amount, but without
-- any \@ prices.
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice :: MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice m = intercalate ", " $ map showAmountWithoutPrice as
(Mixed as) = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay $ stripPrices m
stripPrices (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map stripprice as where stripprice a = a{aprice=NoPrice}
-- | Colour version.
cshowMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice :: MixedAmount -> String
cshowMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice m = intercalate ", " $ map cshowAmountWithoutPrice as
(Mixed as) = normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay $ stripPrices m
stripPrices (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map stripprice as where stripprice a = a{aprice=NoPrice}
-- | Canonicalise a mixed amount's display styles using the provided commodity style map.
canonicaliseMixedAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
canonicaliseMixedAmount styles (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (canonicaliseAmount styles) as
mixedAmountValue :: Journal -> Day -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountValue j d (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (amountValue j d) as
-- | Replace each component amount's TotalPrice, if it has one, with an equivalent UnitPrice.
-- Has no effect on amounts without one.
-- Does Decimal division, might be some rounding/irrational number issues.
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice as
-- tests
tests_Amount = tests "Amount" [
tests "Amount" [
tests "costOfAmount" [
costOfAmount (eur 1) `is` eur 1
,costOfAmount (eur 2){aprice=UnitPrice $ usd 2} `is` usd 4
,costOfAmount (eur 1){aprice=TotalPrice $ usd 2} `is` usd 2
,costOfAmount (eur (-1)){aprice=TotalPrice $ usd 2} `is` usd (-2)
,tests "isZeroAmount" [
expect $ isZeroAmount amount
,expect $ isZeroAmount $ usd 0
,tests "negating amounts" [
negate (usd 1) `is` (usd 1){aquantity= -1}
,let b = (usd 1){aprice=UnitPrice $ eur 2} in negate b `is` b{aquantity= -1}
,tests "adding amounts without prices" [
(usd 1.23 + usd (-1.23)) `is` usd 0
,(usd 1.23 + usd (-1.23)) `is` usd 0
,(usd (-1.23) + usd (-1.23)) `is` usd (-2.46)
,sum [usd 1.23,usd (-1.23),usd (-1.23),-(usd (-1.23))] `is` usd 0
-- highest precision is preserved
,asprecision (astyle $ sum [usd 1 `withPrecision` 1, usd 1 `withPrecision` 3]) `is` 3
,asprecision (astyle $ sum [usd 1 `withPrecision` 3, usd 1 `withPrecision` 1]) `is` 3
-- adding different commodities assumes conversion rate 1
,expect $ isZeroAmount (usd 1.23 - eur 1.23)
,tests "showAmount" [
showAmount (usd 0 + gbp 0) `is` "0"
,tests "MixedAmount" [
tests "adding mixed amounts to zero, the commodity and amount style are preserved" [
sum (map (Mixed . (:[]))
[usd 1.25
,usd (-1) `withPrecision` 3
,usd (-0.25)
`is` Mixed [usd 0 `withPrecision` 3]
,tests "adding mixed amounts with total prices" [
sum (map (Mixed . (:[]))
[usd 1 @@ eur 1
,usd (-2) @@ eur 1
`is` Mixed [usd 1 @@ eur 1
,usd (-2) @@ eur 1
,tests "showMixedAmount" [
showMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 1]) `is` "$1.00"
,showMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 1 `at` eur 2]) `is` "$1.00 @ €2.00"
,showMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 0]) `is` "0"
,showMixedAmount (Mixed []) `is` "0"
,showMixedAmount missingmixedamt `is` ""
,tests "showMixedAmountWithoutPrice" $
let a = usd 1 `at` eur 2 in
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice (Mixed [a]) `is` "$1.00"
,showMixedAmountWithoutPrice (Mixed [a, -a]) `is` "0"
,tests "normaliseMixedAmount" [
test "a missing amount overrides any other amounts" $
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 1, missingamt]) `is` missingmixedamt
,test "unpriced same-commodity amounts are combined" $
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 0, usd 2]) `is` Mixed [usd 2]
,test "amounts with same unit price are combined" $
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 1 `at` eur 1, usd 1 `at` eur 1]) `is` Mixed [usd 2 `at` eur 1]
,test "amounts with different unit prices are not combined" $
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 1 `at` eur 1, usd 1 `at` eur 2]) `is` Mixed [usd 1 `at` eur 1, usd 1 `at` eur 2]
,test "amounts with total prices are not combined" $
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed [usd 1 @@ eur 1, usd 1 @@ eur 1]) `is` Mixed [usd 1 @@ eur 1, usd 1 @@ eur 1]
,tests "normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay" [
normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay (Mixed []) `is` Mixed [nullamt]
,expect $ isZeroMixedAmount $ normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay
(Mixed [usd 10
,usd 10 @@ eur 7
,usd (-10)
,usd (-10) @@ eur 7