2008-10-03 02:37:19 +00:00

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All the main data types, defined here to avoid import cycles.
See the corresponding modules for documentation.
module Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Date = String
type DateTime = String
data Currency = Currency {
symbol :: String,
rate :: Double
} deriving (Eq,Show)
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: Currency,
quantity :: Double,
precision :: Int -- ^ number of significant decimal places
} deriving (Eq)
type AccountName = String
data RawTransaction = RawTransaction {
taccount :: AccountName,
tamount :: Amount,
tcomment :: String
} deriving (Eq)
-- | a ledger "modifier" entry. Currently ignored.
data ModifierEntry = ModifierEntry {
valueexpr :: String,
m_transactions :: [RawTransaction]
} deriving (Eq)
-- | a ledger "periodic" entry. Currently ignored.
data PeriodicEntry = PeriodicEntry {
periodexpr :: String,
p_transactions :: [RawTransaction]
} deriving (Eq)
data Entry = Entry {
edate :: Date,
estatus :: Bool,
ecode :: String,
edescription :: String,
ecomment :: String,
etransactions :: [RawTransaction],
epreceding_comment_lines :: String
} deriving (Eq)
data RawLedger = RawLedger {
modifier_entries :: [ModifierEntry],
periodic_entries :: [PeriodicEntry],
entries :: [Entry],
final_comment_lines :: String
} deriving (Eq)
data TimeLogEntry = TimeLogEntry {
tlcode :: Char,
tldatetime :: DateTime,
tlcomment :: String
} deriving (Eq,Ord)
data TimeLog = TimeLog {
timelog_entries :: [TimeLogEntry]
} deriving (Eq)
data Transaction = Transaction {
entryno :: Int,
date :: Date,
description :: String,
account :: AccountName,
amount :: Amount
} deriving (Eq)
data Account = Account {
aname :: AccountName,
atransactions :: [Transaction],
abalance :: Amount
data Ledger = Ledger {
rawledger :: RawLedger,
accountnametree :: Tree AccountName,
accounts :: Map.Map AccountName Account,
lprecision :: Int