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-- standard always-available imports and utilities
module Ledger.Utils (
module Ledger.Utils,
module Char,
module Data.List,
module Data.Tree,
-- module Data.Map,
module Data.Ord,
module Data.Maybe,
module Text.Printf,
module Text.Regex,
module Debug.Trace,
module Test.QuickCheck,
module Test.HUnit
import Char
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Map
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex
import Debug.Trace
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (test, Testable)
import Test.HUnit
-- lists
splitAtElement :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitAtElement e l =
case dropWhile (e==) l of
[] -> []
l' -> first : splitAtElement e rest
(first,rest) = break (e==) l'
-- trees
-- aliases
root = rootLabel
branches = subForest
-- remove all nodes past a certain depth
treeprune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
treeprune 0 t = Node (root t) []
treeprune d t = Node (root t) (map (treeprune $ d-1) $ branches t)
-- apply f to all tree nodes
treemap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
treemap f t = Node (f $ root t) (map (treemap f) $ branches t)
-- remove all subtrees whose nodes do not fulfill predicate
treefilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
treefilter f t = Node
(root t)
(map (treefilter f) $ filter (treeany f) $ branches t)
-- is predicate true in any node of tree ?
treeany :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Bool
treeany f t = (f $ root t) || (any (treeany f) $ branches t)
-- treedrop -- remove the leaves which do fulfill predicate.
-- treedropall -- do this repeatedly.
-- debugging
strace a = trace (show a) a -- trace a showable expression