Simon Michael 0eceeb5542 basic support for a comments-preserving print command.
Preserves most inter-entry comment lines and whitespace (but not yet a
comment immediately after an entry, or whitespace/comments after the last
entry.) Whitespace and comment lines are stored as part of the following
entry. Lines after the last entry are stored as an extra ledger file field.
Inspired by Nafai on #ledger.
2008-06-28 04:44:33 +00:00

53 lines
1.4 KiB

module TimeLog
import Utils
import Types
import Currency
import Amount
import LedgerTransaction
import LedgerEntry
import LedgerFile
instance Show TimeLogEntry where
show t = printf "%s %s %s" (show $ tlcode t) (tldatetime t) (tlcomment t)
instance Show TimeLog where
show tl = printf "TimeLog with %d entries" $ length $ timelog_entries tl
ledgerFromTimeLog :: TimeLog -> LedgerFile
ledgerFromTimeLog tl =
LedgerFile [] [] (entriesFromTimeLogEntries $ timelog_entries tl) ""
entriesFromTimeLogEntries :: [TimeLogEntry] -> [LedgerEntry]
entriesFromTimeLogEntries [clockin] =
entriesFromTimeLogEntries [clockin, clockoutNowEntry]
entriesFromTimeLogEntries [clockin,clockout] =
LedgerEntry {
edate = indate,
estatus = True,
ecode = "",
edescription = accountname,
ecomment = "",
etransactions = [
LedgerTransaction accountname amount "",
LedgerTransaction "TIME" (-amount) ""
accountname = tlcomment clockin
intime = tldatetime clockin
indate = dateFrom $ tldatetime clockin
outtime = tldatetime clockout
amount = hours 0 -- read $ outtime - intime
entriesFromTimeLogEntries many =
(entriesFromTimeLogEntries $ take 2 many) ++
(entriesFromTimeLogEntries $ drop 2 many)
clockoutNowEntry = TimeLogEntry ' ' "" ""
dateFrom = id