2016-05-02 20:12:11 -07:00

126 lines
4.9 KiB

-- The error screen, showing a current error condition (such as a parse error after reloading the journal)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen
-- import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Monoid
-- import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Brick
-- import Brick.Widgets.List
-- import Brick.Widgets.Border
-- import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
-- import Brick.Widgets.Center
-- import Text.Printf
-- import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion,green)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- import Hledger.UI.Theme
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
screen = ErrorScreen{
esState = ""
,sInitFn = initErrorScreen
,sDrawFn = drawErrorScreen
,sHandleFn = handleErrorScreen
initErrorScreen :: Day -> AppState -> AppState
initErrorScreen _ st@AppState{aScreen=ErrorScreen{}} = st
initErrorScreen _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
drawErrorScreen :: AppState -> [Widget]
drawErrorScreen AppState{ -- aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=_copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=_ropts@ReportOpts{query_=querystr}}},
aScreen=ErrorScreen{esState=err}} = [ui]
toplabel = withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str "Oops. Please fix this problem then press g to reload")
-- <+> str " transactions"
-- <+> borderQueryStr querystr -- no, account transactions report shows all transactions in the acct ?
-- <+> str " and subs"
-- <+> str " ("
-- <+> cur
-- <+> str "/"
-- <+> total
-- <+> str ")"
-- cur = str $ case l^.listSelectedL of
-- Nothing -> "-"
-- Just i -> show (i + 1)
-- total = str $ show $ length displayitems
-- displayitems = V.toList $ l^.listElementsL
bottomlabel = borderKeysStr [
-- ("up/down/pgup/pgdown/home/end", "move")
("g", "reload")
-- ,("left", "return to accounts")
-- query = query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts
ui = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
-- calculate column widths, based on current available width
-- c <- getContext
-- let
-- totalwidth = c^.availWidthL
-- - 2 -- XXX due to margin ? shouldn't be necessary (cf UIUtils)
render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ withAttr "error" $ str err
drawErrorScreen _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
-- drawErrorItem :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Bool -> (String,String,String,String,String) -> Widget
-- drawErrorItem (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth) selected (date,desc,accts,change,bal) =
-- Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
-- render $
-- str (fitString (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date) <+>
-- str " " <+>
-- str (fitString (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc) <+>
-- str " " <+>
-- str (fitString (Just acctswidth) (Just acctswidth) True True accts) <+>
-- str " " <+>
-- withAttr changeattr (str (fitString (Just changewidth) (Just changewidth) True False change)) <+>
-- str " " <+>
-- withAttr balattr (str (fitString (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) True False bal))
-- where
-- changeattr | '-' `elem` change = sel $ "list" <> "amount" <> "decrease"
-- | otherwise = sel $ "list" <> "amount" <> "increase"
-- balattr | '-' `elem` bal = sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative"
-- | otherwise = sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive"
-- sel | selected = (<> "selected")
-- | otherwise = id
handleErrorScreen :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
handleErrorScreen st@AppState{
} e = do
case e of
Vty.EvKey Vty.KEsc [] -> halt st
Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar 'g') [] -> do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
(ej, _) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged copts d j
case ej of
Left err -> continue st{aScreen=s{esState=err}} -- show latest parse error
Right j' -> continue $ reload j' d $ popScreen st -- return to previous screen, and reload it
-- Vty.EvKey (Vty.KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen st
-- Vty.EvKey (Vty.KRight) [] -> error (show curItem) where curItem = listSelectedElement is
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles [pg]up/down)
_ -> do continue st
-- is' <- handleEvent ev is
-- continue st{aScreen=s{rsState=is'}}
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed st someLens e
handleErrorScreen _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen"