Simon Michael df3cb6d334 tools: use latest pandoc, avoiding SoftBreak error
Require a recent snapshot with the latest pandoc-types for the pandoc
filters (may be different from the snapshot used to build hledger).
2016-04-05 16:17:08 -07:00

171 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack runghc
--package base-prelude
--package directory
--package extra
--package here
--package safe
--package shake
--package time
Usage: see below.
Shake.hs is a more powerful Makefile, providing a number of commands
for performing useful tasks. Compiling this script is suggested, so that
it runs quicker and will not be affected eg when exploring old code versions.
More about Shake: http://shakebuild.com/manual
Requires: https://www.haskell.org/downloads#stack
Shake notes:
wildcards in phony rules
multiple individually accessible wildcards
just one shake import
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, QuasiQuotes #-}
import Prelude ()
import "base-prelude" BasePrelude
-- import "base" System.Console.GetOpt
import "extra" Data.List.Extra
import "here" Data.String.Here
import "safe" Safe
import "shake" Development.Shake
import "shake" Development.Shake.FilePath
import "time" Data.Time
import "directory" System.Directory as S (getDirectoryContents)
usage = [i|Usage:
./Shake.hs compile # compile this script (optional)
./Shake # show commands
./Shake --help # show options
./Shake [--color] COMMAND
manpages :: [String]
manpages = [
manpageDir :: String -> FilePath
manpageDir p
| '_' `elem` p = "hledger-lib"
| otherwise = dropExtension p
buildDir :: FilePath
buildDir = ".build"
pandocExe :: String
pandocExe = "pandoc"
pandocFiltersResolver :: String
pandocFiltersResolver = "--resolver lts-5.11"
main :: IO ()
main = do
pandocFilters <-
map ("tools" </>). nub . sort . map (-<.> "") . filter ("pandoc" `isPrefixOf`)
<$> S.getDirectoryContents "tools"
-- ,shakeReport=[".shake.html"]
} $ do
want ["help"]
phony "help" $ liftIO $ putStrLn usage
phony "compile" $ need ["Shake"]
"Shake" %> \out -> do
need ["Shake.hs"]
cmd "stack ghc Shake.hs" :: Action ExitCode
putLoud "Compiled ./Shake, you can now use this instead of ./Shake.hs"
-- docs
-- man pages, still markdown but with man-only sections removed.
-- (We let hakyll do the html rendering since it's good
-- at applying the site style, table of contents etc.)
let manpageFilteredMds = ["site" </> p <.>".md" | p <- manpages]
-- man pages, converted to man nroff with web-only sections removed
let manpageNroffs = [manpageDir p </> p | p <- manpages]
phony "manpages" $ need $ manpageNroffs ++ manpageFilteredMds
manpageNroffs |%> \out -> do
md = out <.> "md"
tmpl = "doc/manpage.nroff"
need $ md : tmpl : pandocFilters
cmd pandocExe md "--to man -s --template" tmpl
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlBlocks"
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlInlines"
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveLinks"
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveNotes"
"--filter tools/pandocCapitalizeHeaders"
"-o" out
manpageFilteredMds |%> \out -> do
p = dropExtension $ takeFileName out
md = manpageDir p </> p <.> "md"
tmpl = "doc/manpage.html"
need $ md : tmpl : pandocFilters
cmd "pandoc" md "--to markdown"
-- XXX assume this is compiled
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveManonlyBlocks"
"-o" out
pandocFilters |%> \out -> do
need [out <.> "hs"]
cmd ("stack "++pandocFiltersResolver++" ghc") out
phony "clean" $ do
putNormal "Cleaning generated files"
removeFilesAfter "" manpageNroffs
removeFilesAfter "" manpageFilteredMds
putNormal "Cleaning object files"
removeFilesAfter "tools" ["*.o","*.p_o","*.hi"]
putNormal "Cleaning shake build files"
removeFilesAfter buildDir ["//*"]
-- manpageHtmls |%> \out -> do
-- let
-- p = dropExtension $ takeFileName out
-- md = manpageDir p </> p <.> "md"
-- tmpl = "doc/manpage.html"
-- need [md, tmpl]
-- cmd "pandoc" md "--to html --filter tools/pandocRemoveManpageBlocks.hs --template" tmpl "-o" out
-- "site/manual2.html" %> \out -> do
-- need ["site/manual2.md"]
-- cmd "pandoc site/manual2.md -o" out
-- "_build//*.o" %> \out -> do
-- let c = dropDirectory1 $ out -<.> "c"
-- let m = out -<.> "m"
-- () <- cmd "gcc -c" [c] "-o" [out] "-MMD -MF" [m]
-- needMakefileDependencies m