2009-09-22 15:56:59 +00:00

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Utilities for top-level modules and ghci. See also "Ledger.IO" and
module Utils
import Control.Monad.Error
import Ledger
import Options (Opt,ledgerFilePathFromOpts,optsToFilterSpec)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.IO
-- | Parse the user's specified ledger file and run a hledger command on
-- it, or report a parse error. This function makes the whole thing go.
withLedgerDo :: [Opt] -> [String] -> String -> ([Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withLedgerDo opts args cmdname cmd = do
-- We kludgily read the file before parsing to grab the full text, unless
-- it's stdin, or it doesn't exist and we are adding. We read it strictly
-- to let the add command work.
f <- ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts
let f' = if f == "-" then "/dev/null" else f
fileexists <- doesFileExist f
let creating = not fileexists && cmdname == "add"
rawtext <- if creating then return "" else strictReadFile f'
t <- getCurrentLocalTime
let go = cmd opts args . filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args t rawtext . (\rl -> rl{filepath=f})
case creating of
True -> return rawLedgerEmpty >>= go
False -> return f >>= runErrorT . parseLedgerFile t >>= either (hPutStrLn stderr) go
-- | Get a Ledger from the given string and options, or raise an error.
ledgerFromStringWithOpts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> LocalTime -> String -> IO Ledger
ledgerFromStringWithOpts opts args reftime s =
liftM (filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args reftime s) $ rawLedgerFromString s
-- | Read a Ledger from the given file, filtering according to the
-- options, or give an error.
readLedgerWithOpts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Ledger
readLedgerWithOpts opts args f = do
t <- getCurrentLocalTime
readLedgerWithFilterSpec (optsToFilterSpec opts args t) f
-- | Convert a RawLedger to a canonicalised, cached and filtered Ledger
-- based on the command-line options/arguments and a reference time.
filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> LocalTime -> String -> RawLedger -> Ledger
filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args = filterAndCacheLedger . optsToFilterSpec opts args