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synced 2025-01-04 08:13:20 +03:00
135 lines
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Executable File
135 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --verbosity error --package hledger
-- stack runghc --verbosity error --package hledger --package hledger-lib --package text --package safe
-- stack script --compile --resolver lts-20.13 --verbosity error --package hledger --package text
-- stack script --compile --resolver lts-20.13 --verbosity error --package hledger --package hledger-lib --package text --package safe
-- The topmost stack command above is used to run this script.
-- stack script uses released hledger, stack runghc uses local hledger source.
-- This script currently requires local hledger source, for Hledger.Cli.Script.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, PackageImports #-}
import Hledger.Cli.Script
import qualified "text" Data.Text as T
import qualified "text" Data.Text.IO as T
cmdmode = hledgerCommandMode (unlines
-- Command name, then --help text, then _FLAGS; empty help lines get stripped:
,"This is an example of a (hledger-lib-using) hledger script."
,"Usage: hledger-script-example [OPTS] [ARGS]"
,"or: hledger script-example -- [OPTS] [ARGS]"
,"Save it under another name and customise it."
,"The hledger- name makes it appear in hledger's commands list."
,"$ hledger-script-example --help"
,"(this help)"
[] [generalflagsgroup1] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]") -- or Nothing
main = do
opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} <- getHledgerCliOpts cmdmode
withJournalDo opts $ \j -> do
putStrLn "it worked! print something more useful here"
-- Examples:
-- See also bin/*.hs
-- Count transactions, possibly filtered by a query:
-- d <- getCurrentDay
-- let
-- q = _rsQuery rspec
-- ts = filter (q `matchesTransaction`) $ jtxns $ journalApplyValuationFromOpts rspec j
-- printf "File %s: %d transactions\n" (journalFilePath j) (length ts)
-- register-max:
-- withJournalDo opts $ \j -> do
-- let
-- postingReportItems = postingsReport rspec j
-- maxbal = fifth5 $ maximumBy (comparing fifth5) r
-- is = filter ((== maxbal).fifth5) r
-- mapM_ printItem is
-- printItem (_, _, _, p, bal) = do
-- let
-- d = postingDate p
-- mt = ptransaction p
-- desc = fmt 30 $ maybe "-" tdescription mt
-- acct = fmt 30 $ paccount p
-- amt = fmta 12 $ T.pack $ showMixedAmountOneLine $ pamount p
-- baltxt = fmta 12 $ T.pack $ showMixedAmountOneLine bal
-- T.putStrLn $ T.unwords [showDate d, desc, "", acct, "", amt, " ", baltxt]
-- where
-- fmt w = formatText True (Just w) (Just w) . textElideRight w
-- fmta w = formatText False (Just w) Nothing
-- Using [s|...|] for multiline string literals (requires string-qq package and {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}):
-- cmdmode = hledgerCommandMode (unlines
-- -- Command name, then --help text, then _FLAGS; empty help lines get stripped:
-- [s| script-example
-- This is an example of a (hledger-lib-using) hledger script."
-- Usage: hledger-script-example [OPTS] [ARGS]"
-- or: hledger script-example -- [OPTS] [ARGS]"
-- Save it under another name and customise it."
-- The hledger- name makes it appear in hledger's commands list."
-- Examples:"
-- $ hledger-script-example --help"
-- (this help)"
-- |]
-- ------------------------------------78----------------------------------------
-- [] [generalflagsgroup1] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]") -- or Nothing
More help:
This an example of an addon command (an executable named hledger-*).
It supports many of the usual hledger options; run it with -h/--help
to see them. When you want to create a new hledger command,
save this script under a new name, somewhere in $PATH, give it
execute permission, and start tweaking the code.
This is a stack script, requiring stack to run. hledger addons do not
have to be stack scripts, but this one is, as they work well for this.
If you prefer you can adapt it to be a cabal script, or you can
install the required haskell libraries (see above) and then
run/compile it with a suitable runghc/ghc command.
The script may require specific versions of the libraries.
If run/compiled from inside the hledger source tree, it will use that hledger
version and the libs of the stackage resolver in stack.yaml.
If run/compiled from outside the hledger source tree, it will use the hledger
and libs of the resolver in ~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml.
Or you can specify a --resolver in the stack command above.
Executing this script will cause stack to run it in interpreted mode:
$ hledger-script-example.hs
Or you can compile first:
$ stack ghc hledger-script-example.hs --package hledger --package string-qq
$ hledger-script-example
Whether compiled or not, you can also run it as a hledger subcommand, if it is in $PATH:
$ hledger script-example