2014-02-05 13:56:49 -08:00

47 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
hledger-rewrite [PATTERNS] [--add-posting "ACCT AMTEXPR"] ...
Skeleton for a minimal generic rewriter of journal entries.
Reads the default journal and prints the entries, like print,
but adds the specified postings to any entries matching PATTERNS.
Tested-with: hledger 0.22.2
import Hledger.Data.Types (Journal(..))
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli
main = do
opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} <- getCliOpts (defCommandMode ["hledger-rewrite"])
d <- getCurrentDay
q = queryFromOpts d ropts
-- parse added postings from args.. hard-coded here:
addps :: [(AccountName, Transaction -> MixedAmount)]
addps = [
("(Reserve)", (\t -> (t `firstAmountMatching` q) `divideMixedAmount` 10))
withJournalDo opts $ \opts j@Journal{jtxns=ts} -> do
-- rewrite matched transactions
let j' = j{jtxns=map (\t -> if q `matchesTransaction` t then rewriteTransaction t addps else t) ts}
-- print' opts j'
-- print all transactions (without filtering)
putStr $ showTransactions ropts Any j'
rewriteTransaction :: Transaction -> [(AccountName, Transaction -> MixedAmount)] -> Transaction
rewriteTransaction t addps = t{tpostings=tpostings t ++ map (uncurry (generatePosting t)) addps}
generatePosting :: Transaction -> AccountName -> (Transaction -> MixedAmount) -> Posting
generatePosting t acct amtfn = nullposting{paccount = accountNameWithoutPostingType acct
,ptype = accountNamePostingType acct
,pamount = amtfn t
,ptransaction = Just t
firstAmountMatching :: Transaction -> Query -> MixedAmount
firstAmountMatching t q = pamount $ head $ filter (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t