2010-03-09 23:06:27 +00:00

251 lines
10 KiB

A 'Transaction' represents a single balanced entry in the ledger file. It
normally contains two or more balanced 'Posting's.
module Ledger.Transaction
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Dates
import Ledger.Posting
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Commodity (dollars, dollar, unknown)
instance Show Transaction where show = showTransactionUnelided
instance Show ModifierTransaction where
show t = "= " ++ mtvalueexpr t ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (mtpostings t))
instance Show PeriodicTransaction where
show t = "~ " ++ ptperiodicexpr t ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (ptpostings t))
nulltransaction :: Transaction
nulltransaction = Transaction {
Show a ledger entry, formatted for the print command. ledger 2.x's
standard format looks like this:
yyyy/mm/dd[ *][ CODE] description......... [ ; comment...............]
account name 1..................... ...$amount1[ ; comment...............]
account name 2..................... ..$-amount1[ ; comment...............]
pcodewidth = no limit -- 10 -- mimicking ledger layout.
pdescwidth = no limit -- 20 -- I don't remember what these mean,
pacctwidth = 35 minimum, no maximum -- they were important at the time.
pamtwidth = 11
pcommentwidth = no limit -- 22
showTransaction :: Transaction -> String
showTransaction = showTransaction' True False
showTransactionUnelided :: Transaction -> String
showTransactionUnelided = showTransaction' False False
showTransactionForPrint :: Bool -> Transaction -> String
showTransactionForPrint effective = showTransaction' False effective
showTransaction' :: Bool -> Bool -> Transaction -> String
showTransaction' elide effective t =
unlines $ [description] ++ showpostings (tpostings t) ++ [""]
description = concat [date, status, code, desc, comment]
date | effective = showdate $ fromMaybe (tdate t) $ teffectivedate t
| otherwise = showdate (tdate t) ++ maybe "" showedate (teffectivedate t)
status = if tstatus t then " *" else ""
code = if length (tcode t) > 0 then printf " (%s)" $ tcode t else ""
desc = ' ' : tdescription t
comment = if null com then "" else " ; " ++ com where com = tcomment t
showdate = printf "%-10s" . showDate
showedate = printf "=%s" . showdate
showpostings ps
| elide && length ps > 1 && isTransactionBalanced t
= map showposting (init ps) ++ [showpostingnoamt (last ps)]
| otherwise = map showposting ps
showposting p = showacct p ++ " " ++ showamount (pamount p) ++ showcomment (pcomment p)
showpostingnoamt p = rstrip $ showacct p ++ " " ++ showcomment (pcomment p)
showacct p = " " ++ showstatus p ++ printf (printf "%%-%ds" w) (showAccountName Nothing (ptype p) (paccount p))
w = maximum $ map (length . paccount) ps
showamount = printf "%12s" . showMixedAmountOrZero
showcomment s = if null s then "" else " ; "++s
showstatus p = if pstatus p then "* " else ""
-- | Show an account name, clipped to the given width if any, and
-- appropriately bracketed/parenthesised for the given posting type.
showAccountName :: Maybe Int -> PostingType -> AccountName -> String
showAccountName w = fmt
fmt RegularPosting = take w'
fmt VirtualPosting = parenthesise . reverse . take (w'-2) . reverse
fmt BalancedVirtualPosting = bracket . reverse . take (w'-2) . reverse
w' = fromMaybe 999999 w
parenthesise s = "("++s++")"
bracket s = "["++s++"]"
realPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
realPostings = filter isReal . tpostings
virtualPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
virtualPostings = filter isVirtual . tpostings
balancedVirtualPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
balancedVirtualPostings = filter isBalancedVirtual . tpostings
-- | Get the sums of a transaction's real, virtual, and balanced virtual postings.
transactionPostingBalances :: Transaction -> (MixedAmount,MixedAmount,MixedAmount)
transactionPostingBalances t = (sumPostings $ realPostings t
,sumPostings $ virtualPostings t
,sumPostings $ balancedVirtualPostings t)
-- | Is this transaction balanced ? A balanced transaction's real
-- (non-virtual) postings sum to 0, and any balanced virtual postings
-- also sum to 0.
isTransactionBalanced :: Transaction -> Bool
isTransactionBalanced t = isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost rsum && isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost bvsum
where (rsum, _, bvsum) = transactionPostingBalances t
-- | Ensure that this entry is balanced, possibly auto-filling a missing
-- amount first. We can auto-fill if there is just one non-virtual
-- transaction without an amount. The auto-filled balance will be
-- converted to cost basis if possible. If the entry can not be balanced,
-- return an error message instead.
balanceTransaction :: Transaction -> Either String Transaction
balanceTransaction t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
| length missingamounts' > 1 = Left $ printerr "could not balance this transaction (too many missing amounts)"
| not $ isTransactionBalanced t' = Left $ printerr $ nonzerobalanceerror t'
| otherwise = Right t'
(withamounts, missingamounts) = partition hasAmount $ filter isReal ps
(_, missingamounts') = partition hasAmount ps
t' = t{tpostings=ps'}
ps' | length missingamounts == 1 = map balance ps
| otherwise = ps
balance p | isReal p && not (hasAmount p) = p{pamount = costOfMixedAmount (-otherstotal)}
| otherwise = p
where otherstotal = sum $ map pamount withamounts
printerr s = intercalate "\n" [s, showTransactionUnelided t]
nonzerobalanceerror :: Transaction -> String
nonzerobalanceerror t = printf "could not balance this transaction (%s%s%s)" rmsg sep bvmsg
(rsum, _, bvsum) = transactionPostingBalances t
rmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost rsum = ""
| otherwise = "real postings are off by " ++ show rsum
bvmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost bvsum = ""
| otherwise = "balanced virtual postings are off by " ++ show bvsum
sep = if not (null rmsg) && not (null bvmsg) then "; " else ""
-- | Convert the primary date to either the actual or effective date.
ledgerTransactionWithDate :: WhichDate -> Transaction -> Transaction
ledgerTransactionWithDate ActualDate t = t
ledgerTransactionWithDate EffectiveDate t = txnTieKnot t{tdate=fromMaybe (tdate t) (teffectivedate t)}
-- | Ensure a transaction's postings refer back to it.
txnTieKnot :: Transaction -> Transaction
txnTieKnot t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map (settxn t) ps}
-- | Set a posting's parent transaction.
settxn :: Transaction -> Posting -> Posting
settxn t p = p{ptransaction=Just t}
tests_Transaction = TestList [
"showTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show a balanced transaction, eliding last amount"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking"
(let t = Transaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting (Just t)
,Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.18)]) "" RegularPosting (Just t)
] ""
in showTransaction t)
,"showTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show a balanced transaction, no eliding"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
(let t = Transaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting (Just t)
,Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.18)]) "" RegularPosting (Just t)
] ""
in showTransactionUnelided t)
-- document some cases that arise in debug/testing:
,"showTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show an unbalanced transaction, should not elide"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.19"
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting Nothing
,Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.19)]) "" RegularPosting Nothing
] ""))
,"showTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show an unbalanced transaction with one posting, should not elide"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting Nothing
] ""))
,"showTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show a transaction with one posting and a missing amount"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries "
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" missingamt "" RegularPosting Nothing
] ""))
,"showTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show a transaction with a priced commodityless amount"
["2010/01/01 x"
," a 1 @ $2"
," b "
(txnTieKnot $ Transaction (parsedate "2010/01/01") Nothing False "" "x" ""
[Posting False "a" (Mixed [Amount unknown 1 (Just $ Mixed [Amount dollar{precision=0} 2 Nothing])]) "" RegularPosting Nothing
,Posting False "b" missingamt "" RegularPosting Nothing
] ""))