2007-03-13 04:11:39 +00:00

115 lines
2.6 KiB

module Amount
import Utils
import BasicTypes
a simple amount is a currency, quantity pair:
EUR 3.44
GOOG 500
a mixed amount is one or more simple amounts:
$50, EUR 3, AAPL 500
16h, $13.55, oranges 6
$1 - $5 = $-4
$1 + EUR 0.76 = $2
EUR0.76 + $1 = EUR 1.52
EUR0.76 - $1 = 0
($5, 2h) + $1 = ($6, 2h)
($50, EUR 3, AAPL 500) + ($13.55, oranges 6) = $67.51, AAPL 500, oranges 6
($50, EUR 3) * $-1 = $-53.96
($50, AAPL 500) * $-1 = error
tests = runTestTT $ test [
show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00"
show (hours 1) ~?= "1h" -- currently h1.00
parseAmount "$1" ~?= dollars 1 -- currently 0
-- currency
data Currency = Currency {
symbol :: String,
rate :: Double -- relative to the dollar
} deriving (Eq,Show)
currencies =
Currency "$" 1
,Currency "EUR" 0.760383
,Currency "£" 0.512527
,Currency "h" 60 -- hours
,Currency "m" 1 -- minutes
getcurrency :: String -> Currency
getcurrency s = head $ [(Currency symbol rate) | (Currency symbol rate) <- currencies, symbol==s]
-- convenience
dollars = Amount $ getcurrency "$"
euro = Amount $ getcurrency "EUR"
pounds = Amount $ getcurrency "£"
hours = Amount $ getcurrency "h"
minutes = Amount $ getcurrency "m"
conversionRate :: Currency -> Currency -> Double
conversionRate oldc newc = (rate newc) / (rate oldc)
-- amount
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: Currency,
quantity :: Double
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Amount where show = showAmountRoundedOrZero
nullamt = dollars 0
parseAmount :: String -> Amount
parseAmount s = nullamt
showAmountRoundedOrZero :: Amount -> String
showAmountRoundedOrZero (Amount cur qty) =
let rounded = printf "%.2f" qty in
case rounded of
"0.00" -> "0"
"-0.00" -> "0"
otherwise -> (symbol cur) ++ rounded
instance Num Amount where
abs (Amount c q) = Amount c (abs q)
signum (Amount c q) = Amount c (signum q)
fromInteger i = Amount (getcurrency "$") (fromInteger i)
(+) = amountAdd
(-) = amountSub
(*) = amountMul
Amount ac aq `amountAdd` b = Amount ac (aq + (quantity $ toCurrency ac b))
Amount ac aq `amountSub` b = Amount ac (aq - (quantity $ toCurrency ac b))
Amount ac aq `amountMul` b = Amount ac (aq * (quantity $ toCurrency ac b))
toCurrency :: Currency -> Amount -> Amount
toCurrency newc (Amount oldc q) =
Amount newc (q * (conversionRate oldc newc))
-- mixed amounts
--data MixedAmount = MixedAmount [Amount] deriving (Eq,Ord)