Simon Michael 1ef8f329c6 lib: simpler more robust version strings, with date/without patchlevel
We no longer rely on git tags and git describe output, since it's
hard to reliably select the correct tag eg for minor releases.
We might use them again in future for dev builds, but it requires
adding git describe --match support to githash. For now,

* Program name, OS and architecture are always shown.
* The package version is always shown.
* If there is git info at build time, the latest commit hash and commit date are shown.

Example outputs:
A homebrew binary, not built in git repo: hledger-ui 1.24, mac-aarch64
A CI release build, built in git repo:    hledger 1.24.1-g455b35293-20211210, mac-x86_64

API changes:

* new type synonyms ProgramName, PackageVersion, VersionString
* versionStringForProgname -> versionString with extra argument
* versionStringFor -> versionStringWith with extra argument
2021-12-10 12:42:40 -10:00

125 lines
4.6 KiB

module Hledger.UI.UIOptions
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Lens.Micro (set)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Hledger.Cli hiding (packageversion, progname, prognameandversion)
import Hledger.UI.Theme (themes, themeNames)
-- cf Hledger.Cli.Version
packageversion :: PackageVersion
packageversion =
#ifdef VERSION
progname :: ProgramName
progname = "hledger-ui"
prognameandversion :: VersionString
prognameandversion = versionString progname packageversion
uiflags = [
-- flagNone ["debug-ui"] (setboolopt "rules-file") "run with no terminal output, showing console"
flagNone ["watch","w"] (setboolopt "watch") "watch for data and date changes and reload automatically"
,flagReq ["theme"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "theme" s opts) "THEME" ("use this custom display theme ("++intercalate ", " themeNames++")")
,flagReq ["register"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "register" s opts) "ACCTREGEX" "start in the (first) matched account's register"
,flagNone ["change"] (setboolopt "change")
"show period balances (changes) at startup instead of historical balances"
-- ,flagNone ["cumulative"] (setboolopt "cumulative")
-- "show balance change accumulated across periods (in multicolumn reports)"
-- ,flagNone ["historical","H"] (setboolopt "historical")
-- "show historical ending balance in each period (includes postings before report start date)\n "
++ flattreeflags False
-- ,flagNone ["present"] (setboolopt "present") "exclude transactions dated later than today (default)"
-- ,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "with --flat, omit this many leading account name components"
-- ,flagReq ["format"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "format" s opts) "FORMATSTR" "use this custom line format"
-- ,flagNone ["no-elide"] (setboolopt "no-elide") "don't compress empty parent accounts on one line"
--uimode :: Mode RawOpts
uimode = (mode "hledger-ui" (setopt "command" "ui" def)
"browse accounts, postings and entries in a full-window curses interface"
(argsFlag "[PATTERNS]") []){
modeGroupFlags = Group {
groupUnnamed = uiflags
,groupHidden = hiddenflags
++ [flagNone ["future"] (setboolopt "forecast") "compatibility alias, use --forecast instead"]
,groupNamed = [(generalflagsgroup1)]
-- "Reads your ~/.hledger.journal file, or another specified by $LEDGER_FILE or -f, and starts the full-window curses ui."
-- hledger-ui options, used in hledger-ui and above
data UIOpts = UIOpts
{ uoWatch :: Bool
, uoTheme :: Maybe String
, uoRegister :: Maybe String
, uoCliOpts :: CliOpts
} deriving (Show)
defuiopts = UIOpts
{ uoWatch = False
, uoTheme = Nothing
, uoRegister = Nothing
, uoCliOpts = defcliopts
-- | Process a RawOpts into a UIOpts.
-- This will return a usage error if provided an invalid theme.
rawOptsToUIOpts :: RawOpts -> IO UIOpts
rawOptsToUIOpts rawopts = do
cliopts <- set balanceaccum accum <$> rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
return defuiopts {
uoWatch = boolopt "watch" rawopts
,uoTheme = checkTheme <$> maybestringopt "theme" rawopts
,uoRegister = maybestringopt "register" rawopts
,uoCliOpts = cliopts
-- show historical balance by default (unlike hledger)
accum = fromMaybe Historical $ balanceAccumulationOverride rawopts
checkTheme t = if t `M.member` themes then t else usageError $ "invalid theme name: " ++ t
-- XXX some refactoring seems due
getHledgerUIOpts :: IO UIOpts
--getHledgerUIOpts = processArgs uimode >>= return >>= rawOptsToUIOpts
getHledgerUIOpts = do
args <- getArgs >>= expandArgsAt
let args' = replaceNumericFlags args
let cmdargopts = either usageError id $ process uimode args'
rawOptsToUIOpts cmdargopts
instance HasCliOpts UIOpts where
cliOpts f uiopts = (\x -> uiopts{uoCliOpts=x}) <$> f (uoCliOpts uiopts)
instance HasInputOpts UIOpts where
inputOpts = cliOpts.inputOpts
instance HasBalancingOpts UIOpts where
balancingOpts = cliOpts.balancingOpts
instance HasReportSpec UIOpts where
reportSpec = cliOpts.reportSpec
instance HasReportOptsNoUpdate UIOpts where
reportOptsNoUpdate = cliOpts.reportOptsNoUpdate
instance HasReportOpts UIOpts where
reportOpts = cliOpts.reportOpts