Simon Michael 770dcee742 lib: textification: comments and tags
No change.

hledger -f data/100x100x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 42859576 bytes, 84 GCs, 193781/269984 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.016 MUT (0.020 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.011 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 42859576 bytes, 84 GCs, 193781/269984 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.018 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.013 elapsed) :ghc>>

hledger -f data/1000x1000x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 349576344 bytes, 681 GCs, 1407388/4091680 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 11M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 0.124 MUT (0.130 elapsed), 0.047 GC (0.055 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 349576280 bytes, 681 GCs, 1407388/4091680 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 11M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 0.126 MUT (0.132 elapsed), 0.049 GC (0.058 elapsed) :ghc>>

hledger -f data/10000x1000x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 3424030664 bytes, 6658 GCs, 11403359/41071624 avg/max bytes residency (11 samples), 111M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 1.207 MUT (1.228 elapsed), 0.473 GC (0.528 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 3424030760 bytes, 6658 GCs, 11403874/41077288 avg/max bytes residency (11 samples), 111M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 1.234 MUT (1.256 elapsed), 0.470 GC (0.520 elapsed) :ghc>>

hledger -f data/100000x1000x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 34306547448 bytes, 66727 GCs, 76805504/414629288 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1009M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 12.615 MUT (12.813 elapsed), 4.656 GC (5.291 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 34306547320 bytes, 66727 GCs, 76805504/414629288 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1009M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.009 elapsed), 12.802 MUT (13.065 elapsed), 4.774 GC (5.441 elapsed) :ghc>>
2016-05-24 19:00:57 -07:00

158 lines
4.2 KiB

A reader for the "timedot" file format.
#ACCT DOTS # Each dot represents 15m, spaces are ignored
# on 2/1, 1h was spent on FOSS haskell work, 0.25h on research, etc.
fos.haskell .... ..
biz.research .
inc.client1 .... .... .... .... .... ....
biz.research .
inc.client1 .... .... ..
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Read.TimedotReader (
-- * Reader
-- * Misc other exports
-- * Tests
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
import System.FilePath
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Read.Common
import Hledger.Utils hiding (ptrace)
-- easier to toggle this here sometimes
-- import qualified Hledger.Utils (ptrace)
-- ptrace = Hledger.Utils.ptrace
ptrace = return
reader :: Reader
reader = Reader format detect parse
format :: String
format = "timedot"
-- | Does the given file path and data look like it might contain this format ?
detect :: FilePath -> Text -> Bool
detect f t
| f /= "-" = takeExtension f == '.':format -- from a file: yes if the extension matches the format name
| otherwise = regexMatches "(^|\n)[0-9]" $ T.unpack t -- from stdin: yes if we can see a possible timedot day entry (digits in column 0)
-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from the timedot format, or give an error.
parse :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse _ = parseAndFinaliseJournal timedotfilep
timedotfilep :: ErroringJournalParser ParsedJournal
timedotfilep = do many timedotfileitemp
timedotfileitemp = do
ptrace "timedotfileitemp"
choice [
void emptyorcommentlinep
,timedotdayp >>= \ts -> modifyState (addTransactions ts)
] <?> "timedot day entry, or default year or comment line or blank line"
addTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Journal -> Journal
addTransactions ts j = foldl' (flip ($)) j (map addTransaction ts)
-- | Parse timedot day entries to zero or more time transactions for that day.
-- @
-- 2/1
-- fos.haskell .... ..
-- biz.research .
-- inc.client1 .... .... .... .... .... ....
-- @
timedotdayp :: ErroringJournalParser [Transaction]
timedotdayp = do
ptrace " timedotdayp"
d <- datep <* eolof
es <- catMaybes <$> many (const Nothing <$> try emptyorcommentlinep <|>
Just <$> (notFollowedBy datep >> timedotentryp))
return $ map (\t -> t{tdate=d}) es -- <$> many timedotentryp
-- | Parse a single timedot entry to one (dateless) transaction.
-- @
-- fos.haskell .... ..
-- @
timedotentryp :: ErroringJournalParser Transaction
timedotentryp = do
ptrace " timedotentryp"
pos <- genericSourcePos <$> getPosition
many spacenonewline
a <- modifiedaccountnamep
many spacenonewline
hours <-
try (followingcommentp >> return 0)
<|> (timedotdurationp <*
(try followingcommentp <|> (newline >> return "")))
let t = nulltransaction{
tsourcepos = pos,
tstatus = Cleared,
tpostings = [
,pamount=Mixed [setAmountPrecision 2 $ num hours] -- don't assume hours; do set precision to 2
,ptransaction=Just t
return t
timedotdurationp :: ErroringJournalParser Quantity
timedotdurationp = try timedotnumberp <|> timedotdotsp
-- | Parse a duration written as a decimal number of hours (optionally followed by the letter h).
-- @
-- 1.5h
-- @
timedotnumberp :: ErroringJournalParser Quantity
timedotnumberp = do
(q, _, _, _) <- numberp
many spacenonewline
optional $ char 'h'
many spacenonewline
return q
-- | Parse a quantity written as a line of dots, each representing 0.25.
-- @
-- .... ..
-- @
timedotdotsp :: ErroringJournalParser Quantity
timedotdotsp = do
dots <- filter (not.isSpace) <$> many (oneOf ". ")
return $ (/4) $ fromIntegral $ length dots
tests_Hledger_Read_TimedotReader = TestList [