2019-05-23 21:55:18 -07:00

524 lines
28 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
Multi-column balance reports, used by the balance command.
module Hledger.Reports.MultiBalanceReports (
-- -- * Tests
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Safe
import Text.Tabular as T
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Read (mamountp')
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions
import Hledger.Reports.BalanceReport
-- | A multi balance report is a balance report with one or more columns. It has:
-- 1. a list of each column's period (date span)
-- 2. a list of rows, each containing:
-- * the full account name
-- * the leaf account name
-- * the account's depth
-- * A list of amounts, one for each column. The meaning of the
-- amounts depends on the type of multi balance report, of which
-- there are three: periodic, cumulative and historical (see
-- 'BalanceType' and "Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance").
-- * the total of the row's amounts for a periodic report,
-- or zero for cumulative/historical reports (since summing
-- end balances generally doesn't make sense).
-- * the average of the row's amounts
-- 3. the column totals, and the overall grand total (or zero for
-- cumulative/historical reports) and grand average.
newtype MultiBalanceReport =
MultiBalanceReport ([DateSpan]
type MultiBalanceReportRow = (AccountName, AccountName, Int, [MixedAmount], MixedAmount, MixedAmount)
type MultiBalanceReportTotals = ([MixedAmount], MixedAmount, MixedAmount) -- (Totals list, sum of totals, average of totals)
instance Show MultiBalanceReport where
-- use pshow (pretty-show's ppShow) to break long lists onto multiple lines
-- we add some bogus extra shows here to help it parse the output
-- and wrap tuples and lists properly
show (MultiBalanceReport (spans, items, totals)) =
"MultiBalanceReport (ignore extra quotes):\n" ++ pshow (show spans, map show items, totals)
-- type alias just to remind us which AccountNames might be depth-clipped, below.
type ClippedAccountName = AccountName
-- | Generate a multicolumn balance report for the matched accounts,
-- showing the change of balance, accumulated balance, or historical balance
-- in each of the specified periods. Does not support tree-mode boring parent eliding.
-- If the normalbalance_ option is set, it adjusts the sorting and sign of amounts
-- (see ReportOpts and CompoundBalanceCommand).
-- hledger's most powerful and useful report, used by the balance
-- command (in multiperiod mode) and by the bs/cf/is commands.
multiBalanceReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> MultiBalanceReport
multiBalanceReport ropts@ReportOpts{..} q j@Journal{..} =
(if invert_ then mbrNegate else id) $
MultiBalanceReport (colspans, sortedrowsvalued, totalsrow)
dbg1 s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg1 (p++" "++s) -- add prefix in this function's debug output
-- dbg1 = const id -- exclude this function from debug output
-- 1. Queries, report/column dates.
symq = dbg1 "symq" $ filterQuery queryIsSym $ dbg1 "requested q" q
depthq = dbg1 "depthq" $ filterQuery queryIsDepth q
depth = queryDepth depthq
depthless = dbg1 "depthless" . filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth)
datelessq = dbg1 "datelessq" $ filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2) q
dateqcons = if date2_ then Date2 else Date
-- The date span specified by -b/-e/-p options and query args if any.
requestedspan = dbg1 "requestedspan" $ queryDateSpan date2_ q
-- If the requested span is open-ended, close it using the journal's end dates.
-- This can still be the null (open) span if the journal is empty.
requestedspan' = dbg1 "requestedspan'" $ requestedspan `spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan date2_ j
-- The list of interval spans enclosing the requested span.
-- This list can be empty if the journal was empty,
-- or if hledger-ui has added its special date:-tomorrow to the query
-- and all txns are in the future.
intervalspans = dbg1 "intervalspans" $ splitSpan interval_ requestedspan'
-- The requested span enlarged to enclose a whole number of intervals.
-- This can be the null span if there were no intervals.
reportspan = dbg1 "reportspan" $ DateSpan (maybe Nothing spanStart $ headMay intervalspans)
(maybe Nothing spanEnd $ lastMay intervalspans)
mreportstart = spanStart reportspan
-- The user's query with no depth limit, and expanded to the report span
-- if there is one (otherwise any date queries are left as-is, which
-- handles the hledger-ui+future txns case above).
reportq = dbg1 "reportq" $ depthless $
if reportspan == nulldatespan
then q
else And [datelessq, reportspandatesq]
reportspandatesq = dbg1 "reportspandatesq" $ dateqcons reportspan
-- The date spans to be included as report columns.
colspans :: [DateSpan] = dbg1 "colspans" $ splitSpan interval_ displayspan
| empty_ = dbg1 "displayspan (-E)" reportspan -- all the requested intervals
| otherwise = dbg1 "displayspan" $ requestedspan `spanIntersect` matchedspan -- exclude leading/trailing empty intervals
matchedspan = dbg1 "matchedspan" $ postingsDateSpan' (whichDateFromOpts ropts) ps
-- 2. Things we'll need for valuation, if -V/--value-at are present.
-- Valuation complicates this report quite a lot.
-- Here's the current intended effect of --value-at on each part of the report:
-- -H starting balances:
-- transaction: sum of values of previous postings on their posting dates
-- period: value -H starting balances at day before report start
-- date: value -H starting balances at date
-- table cells:
-- transaction: value each posting before calculating table cell amounts
-- period: value each table cell amount at subperiod end
-- date: value each table cell amount at date
-- column totals:
-- transaction: sum/average the valued cell amounts
-- period: sum/average the unvalued amounts and value at subperiod end
-- date: sum/average the unvalued amounts and value at date
-- row totals & averages, grand total & average:
-- transaction: sum/average the valued amounts
-- period: sum/average the unvalued amounts and value at report period end
-- date: sum/average the unvalued amounts and value at date
-- mvalueat = valueTypeFromOpts ropts
today = fromMaybe (error' "postingsReport: ReportOpts today_ is unset so could not satisfy --value-at=now") today_
-- Market prices. Sort into date then parse order,
-- & reverse for quick lookup of the latest price.
prices = reverse $ sortOn mpdate jmarketprices
-- A helper for valuing amounts according to --value-at.
maybevalue :: Day -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
maybevalue periodlastday amt = case value_ of
Nothing -> amt
Just (AtCost _mc) -> amt -- assume --value-at=transaction was handled earlier
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices periodlastday amt
Just (AtNow _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices today amt
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices d amt
-- The last day of each column subperiod.
lastdays :: [Day] =
map ((maybe
(error' "multiBalanceReport: expected all spans to have an end date") -- XXX should not happen
(addDays (-1)))
. spanEnd) colspans
-- The last day of the overall report period.
reportlastday =
fromMaybe (error' "multiBalanceReport: expected a non-empty journal") -- XXX might happen ? :(
$ reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay ropts j
-- 3. Calculate starting balances (both unvalued and valued), if needed for -H
-- Balances at report start date, unvalued, from all earlier postings which otherwise match the query.
startbals :: [(AccountName, MixedAmount)] = dbg1 "startbals" $ map (\(a,_,_,b) -> (a,b)) startbalanceitems
(startbalanceitems,_) = dbg1 "starting balance report" $ balanceReport ropts''{value_=Nothing} startbalq j
ropts' | tree_ ropts = ropts{no_elide_=True}
| otherwise = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat}
ropts'' = ropts'{period_ = precedingperiod}
precedingperiod = dateSpanAsPeriod $ spanIntersect (DateSpan Nothing mreportstart) $ periodAsDateSpan period_
-- q projected back before the report start date.
-- When there's no report start date, in case there are future txns (the hledger-ui case above),
-- we use emptydatespan to make sure they aren't counted as starting balance.
startbalq = dbg1 "startbalq" $ And [datelessq, dateqcons precedingspan]
precedingspan = case mreportstart of
Just d -> DateSpan Nothing (Just d)
Nothing -> emptydatespan
-- Balances at report start date, maybe valued according to --value-at. XXX duplication
startbalsmaybevalued :: [(AccountName, MixedAmount)] = dbg1 "startbalsmaybevalued" $ map (\(a,_,_,b) -> (a,b)) startbalanceitems
(startbalanceitems,_) = dbg1 "starting balance report (maybe valued)" $ balanceReport ropts'' startbalq j
ropts' | tree_ ropts = ropts{no_elide_=True}
| otherwise = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat}
ropts'' = ropts'{period_ = precedingperiod}
precedingperiod = dateSpanAsPeriod $ spanIntersect (DateSpan Nothing mreportstart) $ periodAsDateSpan period_
-- q projected back before the report start date.
-- When there's no report start date, in case there are future txns (the hledger-ui case above),
-- we use emptydatespan to make sure they aren't counted as starting balance.
startbalq = dbg1 "startbalq" $ And [datelessq, dateqcons precedingspan]
precedingspan = case mreportstart of
Just d -> DateSpan Nothing (Just d)
Nothing -> emptydatespan
-- The matched accounts with a starting balance. All of these should appear
-- in the report even if they have no postings during the report period.
startaccts = dbg1 "startaccts" $ map fst startbals
-- Helpers to look up an account's starting balance.
startingBalanceFor a = fromMaybe nullmixedamt $ lookup a startbals
valuedStartingBalanceFor a = fromMaybe nullmixedamt $ lookup a startbalsmaybevalued
-- 4. Gather postings for each column.
-- Postings matching the query within the report period.
ps :: [Posting] =
dbg1 "ps" $
journalPostings $
filterJournalAmounts symq $ -- remove amount parts excluded by cur:
filterJournalPostings reportq $ -- remove postings not matched by (adjusted) query
journalSelectingAmountFromOpts ropts j
-- Group postings into their columns, with the column end dates.
colps :: [([Posting], Maybe Day)] =
dbg1 "colps"
[(filter (isPostingInDateSpan' (whichDateFromOpts ropts) s) ps, spanEnd s) | s <- colspans]
-- If --value-at=transaction is in effect, convert the postings to value before summing.
colpsmaybevalued :: [([Posting], Maybe Day)] =
case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> [([postingValue jmarketprices (postingDate p) p | p <- ps], periodend) | (ps,periodend) <- colps]
_ -> colps
-- 5. Calculate account balance changes in each column.
-- In each column, gather the accounts that have postings and their change amount.
-- Do this for the unvalued postings, and if needed the posting-date-valued postings.
acctChangesFromPostings :: [Posting] -> [(ClippedAccountName, MixedAmount)]
acctChangesFromPostings ps = [(aname a, (if tree_ ropts then aibalance else aebalance) a) | a <- as]
as = depthLimit $
(if tree_ ropts then id else filter ((>0).anumpostings)) $
drop 1 $ accountsFromPostings ps
| tree_ ropts = filter ((depthq `matchesAccount`).aname) -- exclude deeper balances
| otherwise = clipAccountsAndAggregate depth -- aggregate deeper balances at the depth limit
-- colacctchanges :: [[(ClippedAccountName, MixedAmount)]] =
-- dbg1 "colacctchanges" $ map (acctChangesFromPostings . fst) colps
colacctchangesmaybevalued :: [[(ClippedAccountName, MixedAmount)]] =
dbg1 "colacctchangesmaybevalued" $ map (acctChangesFromPostings . fst) colpsmaybevalued
-- 6. Gather the account balance changes into a regular matrix including the accounts
-- from all columns (and with -H, accounts with starting balances), adding zeroes where needed.
-- All account names that will be displayed, possibly depth-clipped.
displayaccts :: [ClippedAccountName] =
dbg1 "displayaccts" $
(if tree_ ropts then expandAccountNames else id) $
nub $ map (clipOrEllipsifyAccountName depth) $
if empty_ || balancetype_ == HistoricalBalance
then nub $ sort $ startaccts ++ allpostedaccts
else allpostedaccts
allpostedaccts :: [AccountName] = dbg1 "allpostedaccts" $ sort $ accountNamesFromPostings ps
-- Each column's balance changes for each account, adding zeroes where needed.
colallacctchanges :: [[(ClippedAccountName, MixedAmount)]] =
dbg1 "colallacctchanges"
[sortBy (comparing fst) $
unionBy (\(a,_) (a',_) -> a == a') postedacctchanges zeroes
| postedacctchanges <- colacctchangesmaybevalued]
where zeroes = [(a, nullmixedamt) | a <- displayaccts]
-- Transpose to get each account's balance changes across all columns.
acctchanges :: [(ClippedAccountName, [MixedAmount])] =
dbg1 "acctchanges"
[(a, map snd abs) | abs@((a,_):_) <- transpose colallacctchanges] -- never null, or used when null...
-- 7. Build the report rows.
-- One row per account, with account name info, column amounts, row total and row average.
-- Calculate them two ways: unvalued for calculating column/grand totals, and valued for display.
rows :: [MultiBalanceReportRow] =
dbg1 "rows" $
[(a, accountLeafName a, accountNameLevel a, unvaluedbals, rowtot, rowavg)
| (a,changes) <- acctchanges
-- The amounts to be displayed (period changes, cumulative totals, or historical balances).
, let unvaluedbals = case balancetype_ of
HistoricalBalance -> drop 1 $ scanl (+) (startingBalanceFor a) changes
CumulativeChange -> drop 1 $ scanl (+) 0 changes
_ -> changes
-- The total and average for the row.
, let rowtot = if balancetype_==PeriodChange then sum unvaluedbals else 0
, let rowavg = averageMixedAmounts unvaluedbals
, empty_ || depth == 0 || any (not . isZeroMixedAmount) unvaluedbals
rowsvalued :: [MultiBalanceReportRow] =
dbg1 "rowsvalued" $
[(a, accountLeafName a, accountNameLevel a, valuedbals, valuedrowtot, valuedrowavg)
| (a,changes) <- acctchanges
-- The amounts to be displayed (period changes, cumulative totals, or historical balances).
, let unvaluedbals = case balancetype_ of
HistoricalBalance -> drop 1 $ scanl (+) (startingBalanceFor a) changes
CumulativeChange -> drop 1 $ scanl (+) 0 changes
_ -> changes
-- The amounts valued according to --value-at, if needed.
, let valuedbals1 = case balancetype_ of
HistoricalBalance -> drop 1 $ scanl (+) (valuedStartingBalanceFor a) changes
CumulativeChange -> drop 1 $ scanl (+) 0 changes
_ -> changes
, let valuedbals = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> valuedbals1
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> [mixedAmountValue prices periodlastday amt | (amt,periodlastday) <- zip unvaluedbals lastdays]
Just (AtNow _mc) -> [mixedAmountValue prices today amt | amt <- valuedbals1]
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> [mixedAmountValue prices d amt | amt <- valuedbals1]
_ -> unvaluedbals --value-at=transaction was handled earlier
-- The total and average for the row, and their values.
, let rowtot = if balancetype_==PeriodChange then sum unvaluedbals else 0
, let rowavg = averageMixedAmounts unvaluedbals
, let valuedrowtot = case value_ of
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices reportlastday rowtot
Just (AtNow _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices today rowtot
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices d rowtot
_ -> rowtot
, let valuedrowavg = case value_ of
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices reportlastday rowavg
Just (AtNow _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices today rowavg
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> mixedAmountValue prices d rowavg
_ -> rowavg
, empty_ || depth == 0 || any (not . isZeroMixedAmount) valuedbals
-- 8. Sort the report rows.
-- Sort the rows by amount or by account declaration order. This is a bit tricky.
-- TODO: is it always ok to sort report rows after report has been generated, as a separate step ?
sortedrowsvalued :: [MultiBalanceReportRow] =
dbg1 "sortedrowsvalued" $
sortrows rowsvalued
| sort_amount_ && accountlistmode_ == ALTree = sortTreeMBRByAmount
| sort_amount_ = sortFlatMBRByAmount
| otherwise = sortMBRByAccountDeclaration
-- Sort the report rows, representing a tree of accounts, by row total at each level.
-- Similar to sortMBRByAccountDeclaration/sortAccountNamesByDeclaration.
sortTreeMBRByAmount rows = sortedrows
anamesandrows = [(first6 r, r) | r <- rows]
anames = map fst anamesandrows
atotals = [(a,tot) | (a,_,_,_,tot,_) <- rows]
accounttree = accountTree "root" anames
accounttreewithbals = mapAccounts setibalance accounttree
-- should not happen, but it's dangerous; TODO
setibalance a = a{aibalance=fromMaybe (error "sortTreeMBRByAmount 1") $ lookup (aname a) atotals}
sortedaccounttree = sortAccountTreeByAmount (fromMaybe NormallyPositive normalbalance_) accounttreewithbals
sortedanames = map aname $ drop 1 $ flattenAccounts sortedaccounttree
sortedrows = sortAccountItemsLike sortedanames anamesandrows
-- Sort the report rows, representing a flat account list, by row total.
sortFlatMBRByAmount = sortBy (maybeflip $ comparing (normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay . fifth6))
maybeflip = if normalbalance_ == Just NormallyNegative then id else flip
-- Sort the report rows by account declaration order then account name.
sortMBRByAccountDeclaration rows = sortedrows
anamesandrows = [(first6 r, r) | r <- rows]
anames = map fst anamesandrows
sortedanames = sortAccountNamesByDeclaration j (tree_ ropts) anames
sortedrows = sortAccountItemsLike sortedanames anamesandrows
-- 9. Build the report totals row.
-- Calculate and maybe value the column totals.
highestlevelaccts = [a | a <- displayaccts, not $ any (`elem` displayaccts) $ init $ expandAccountName a]
colamts = transpose [bs | (a,_,_,bs,_,_) <- rows , not (tree_ ropts) || a `elem` highestlevelaccts]
colamtsvalued = transpose [bs | (a,_,_,bs,_,_) <- rowsvalued, not (tree_ ropts) || a `elem` highestlevelaccts]
coltotals :: [MixedAmount] =
dbg1 "coltotals" $
case value_ of
Nothing -> map sum colamts
Just (AtCost _mc) -> map sum colamtsvalued
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> map (\(amts,periodlastday) -> maybevalue periodlastday $ sum amts) $ zip colamts lastdays
Just (AtNow _mc) -> map (maybevalue today . sum) colamts
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> map (maybevalue d . sum) colamts
-- Calculate and maybe value the grand total and average.
[grandtotal,grandaverage] =
let amts = map ($ map sum colamts)
[if balancetype_==PeriodChange then sum else const 0
in case value_ of
Nothing -> amts
Just (AtCost _mc) -> amts
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> map (maybevalue reportlastday) amts
Just (AtNow _mc) -> map (maybevalue today) amts
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> map (maybevalue d) amts
-- Totals row.
totalsrow :: MultiBalanceReportTotals =
dbg1 "totalsrow" (coltotals, grandtotal, grandaverage)
-- | Given a MultiBalanceReport and its normal balance sign,
-- if it is known to be normally negative, convert it to normally positive.
mbrNormaliseSign :: NormalSign -> MultiBalanceReport -> MultiBalanceReport
mbrNormaliseSign NormallyNegative = mbrNegate
mbrNormaliseSign _ = id
-- | Flip the sign of all amounts in a MultiBalanceReport.
mbrNegate (MultiBalanceReport (colspans, rows, totalsrow)) =
MultiBalanceReport (colspans, map mbrRowNegate rows, mbrTotalsRowNegate totalsrow)
mbrRowNegate (acct,shortacct,indent,amts,tot,avg) = (acct,shortacct,indent,map negate amts,-tot,-avg)
mbrTotalsRowNegate (amts,tot,avg) = (map negate amts,-tot,-avg)
-- | Figure out the overall date span of a multicolumn balance report.
multiBalanceReportSpan :: MultiBalanceReport -> DateSpan
multiBalanceReportSpan (MultiBalanceReport ([], _, _)) = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
multiBalanceReportSpan (MultiBalanceReport (colspans, _, _)) = DateSpan (spanStart $ head colspans) (spanEnd $ last colspans)
-- | Generates a simple non-columnar BalanceReport, but using multiBalanceReport,
-- in order to support --historical. Does not support tree-mode boring parent eliding.
-- If the normalbalance_ option is set, it adjusts the sorting and sign of amounts
-- (see ReportOpts and CompoundBalanceCommand).
balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> BalanceReport
balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport opts q j = (rows', total)
MultiBalanceReport (_, rows, (totals, _, _)) = multiBalanceReport opts q j
rows' = [(a
,if flat_ opts then a else a' -- BalanceReport expects full account name here with --flat
,if tree_ opts then d-1 else 0 -- BalanceReport uses 0-based account depths
, headDef nullmixedamt amts -- 0 columns is illegal, should not happen, return zeroes if it does
) | (a,a',d, amts, _, _) <- rows]
total = headDef nullmixedamt totals
-- common rendering helper, XXX here for now
tableAsText :: ReportOpts -> (a -> String) -> Table String String a -> String
tableAsText (ReportOpts{pretty_tables_ = pretty}) showcell =
. trimborder
. lines
. render pretty id id showcell
. align
trimborder = drop 1 . init . map (drop 1 . init)
align (Table l t d) = Table l' t d
acctswidth = maximum' $ map strWidth (headerContents l)
l' = padRightWide acctswidth <$> l
-- tests
tests_MultiBalanceReports = tests "MultiBalanceReports" [
(opts,journal) `gives` r = do
let (eitems, etotal) = r
(MultiBalanceReport (_, aitems, atotal)) = multiBalanceReport opts (queryFromOpts nulldate opts) journal
showw (acct,acct',indent,lAmt,amt,amt') = (acct, acct', indent, map showMixedAmountDebug lAmt, showMixedAmountDebug amt, showMixedAmountDebug amt')
(map showw aitems) `is` (map showw eitems)
((\(_, b, _) -> showMixedAmountDebug b) atotal) `is` (showMixedAmountDebug etotal) -- we only check the sum of the totals
usd0 = usd 0
amount0 = Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=0, aprice=NoPrice, astyle=AmountStyle {ascommodityside = L, ascommodityspaced = False, asprecision = 2, asdecimalpoint = Just '.', asdigitgroups = Nothing}, aismultiplier=False}
tests "multiBalanceReport" [
test "null journal" $
(defreportopts, nulljournal) `gives` ([], Mixed [nullamt])
,test "with -H on a populated period" $
(defreportopts{period_= PeriodBetween (fromGregorian 2008 1 1) (fromGregorian 2008 1 2), balancetype_=HistoricalBalance}, samplejournal) `gives`
("assets:bank:checking", "checking", 3, [mamountp' "$1.00"] , Mixed [nullamt], Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=1}])
,("income:salary" ,"salary" , 2, [mamountp' "$-1.00"], Mixed [nullamt], Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(-1)}])
Mixed [nullamt])
,_test "a valid history on an empty period" $
(defreportopts{period_= PeriodBetween (fromGregorian 2008 1 2) (fromGregorian 2008 1 3), balancetype_=HistoricalBalance}, samplejournal) `gives`
("assets:bank:checking","checking",3, [mamountp' "$1.00"], mamountp' "$1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=1}])
,("income:salary","salary",2, [mamountp' "$-1.00"], mamountp' "$-1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(-1)}])
Mixed [usd0])
,_test "a valid history on an empty period (more complex)" $
(defreportopts{period_= PeriodBetween (fromGregorian 2009 1 1) (fromGregorian 2009 1 2), balancetype_=HistoricalBalance}, samplejournal) `gives`
("assets:bank:checking","checking",3, [mamountp' "$1.00"], mamountp' "$1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=1}])
,("assets:bank:saving","saving",3, [mamountp' "$1.00"], mamountp' "$1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=1}])
,("assets:cash","cash",2, [mamountp' "$-2.00"], mamountp' "$-2.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(-2)}])
,("expenses:food","food",2, [mamountp' "$1.00"], mamountp' "$1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(1)}])
,("expenses:supplies","supplies",2, [mamountp' "$1.00"], mamountp' "$1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(1)}])
,("income:gifts","gifts",2, [mamountp' "$-1.00"], mamountp' "$-1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(-1)}])
,("income:salary","salary",2, [mamountp' "$-1.00"], mamountp' "$-1.00",Mixed [amount0 {aquantity=(-1)}])
Mixed [usd0])