Simon Michael 0f1cbef9a8 namegeddon! conform to new terminology in ledger 3, more or less
This renames RawTransaction -> Posting and Entry -> LedgerTransaction,
plus a bunch more cleanups for consistency.  So while ledger 3 has
transactions containing postings, and so do we when speaking to users,
internally we call ledger 3's transactions LedgerTransaction, and we keep
our old Transaction type as well, because it's useful and used all over
the place. To review:

- ledger 2 had Entrys containing Transactions.

- hledger 0.4 had Entrys containing RawTransactions, and Transactions
  which are a RawTransaction with its parent Entry's info added.
  Transactions are what we most work with when reporting and are
  ubiquitous in the code and docs.

- ledger 3 has Transactions containing Postings.

- hledger 0.5 now has LedgerTransactions containing Postings, with
  Transactions kept as before (a Posting plus it's parent's info).  These
  could be named PartialTransactions or TransactionPostings, but it gets
  too verbose and obscure for devs and users.
2009-04-03 10:58:05 +00:00

392 lines
14 KiB

A simple text UI for hledger, based on the vty library.
module UICommand
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import Graphics.Vty
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Ledger
import Options
import BalanceCommand
import RegisterCommand
import PrintCommand
helpmsg = "(b)alance, (r)egister, (p)rint, (right) to drill down, (left) to back up, (q)uit"
instance Show Vty where show v = "a Vty"
-- | The application state when running the ui command.
data AppState = AppState {
av :: Vty -- ^ the vty context
,aw :: Int -- ^ window width
,ah :: Int -- ^ window height
,amsg :: String -- ^ status message
,aopts :: [Opt] -- ^ command-line opts
,aargs :: [String] -- ^ command-line args
,aledger :: Ledger -- ^ parsed ledger
,abuf :: [String] -- ^ lines of the current buffered view
,alocs :: [Loc] -- ^ user's navigation trail within the UI
-- ^ never null, head is current location
} deriving (Show)
-- | A location within the user interface.
data Loc = Loc {
scr :: Screen -- ^ one of the available screens
,sy :: Int -- ^ viewport y scroll position
,cy :: Int -- ^ cursor y position
} deriving (Show)
-- | The screens available within the user interface.
data Screen = BalanceScreen -- ^ like hledger balance, shows accounts
| RegisterScreen -- ^ like hledger register, shows transaction-postings
| PrintScreen -- ^ like hledger print, shows ledger transactions
| LedgerScreen -- ^ shows the raw ledger
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Run the interactive text ui.
ui :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
ui opts args l = do
v <- mkVty
(w,h) <- getSize v
let opts' = SubTotal:opts
let a = enter BalanceScreen $
AppState {
go a
-- | Update the screen, wait for the next event, repeat.
go :: AppState -> IO ()
go a@AppState{av=av,aw=aw,ah=ah,abuf=buf,amsg=amsg,aopts=opts,aargs=args,aledger=l} = do
when (not $ DebugNoUI `elem` opts) $ update av (renderScreen a)
k <- getEvent av
case k of
EvResize x y -> go $ resize x y a
EvKey (KASCII 'l') [MCtrl] -> refresh av >> go a{amsg=helpmsg}
EvKey (KASCII 'b') [] -> go $ resetTrailAndEnter BalanceScreen a
EvKey (KASCII 'r') [] -> go $ resetTrailAndEnter RegisterScreen a
EvKey (KASCII 'p') [] -> go $ resetTrailAndEnter PrintScreen a
-- EvKey (KASCII 'l') [] -> go $ resetTrailAndEnter LedgerScreen a
EvKey KRight [] -> go $ drilldown a
EvKey KEnter [] -> go $ drilldown a
EvKey KLeft [] -> go $ backout a
EvKey KUp [] -> go $ moveUpAndPushEdge a
EvKey KDown [] -> go $ moveDownAndPushEdge a
EvKey KHome [] -> go $ moveToTop a
EvKey KUp [MCtrl] -> go $ moveToTop a
EvKey KUp [MShift] -> go $ moveToTop a
EvKey KEnd [] -> go $ moveToBottom a
EvKey KDown [MCtrl] -> go $ moveToBottom a
EvKey KDown [MShift] -> go $ moveToBottom a
EvKey KPageUp [] -> go $ prevpage a
EvKey KBS [] -> go $ prevpage a
EvKey (KASCII ' ') [MShift] -> go $ prevpage a
EvKey KPageDown [] -> go $ nextpage a
EvKey (KASCII ' ') [] -> go $ nextpage a
EvKey (KASCII 'q') [] -> shutdown av >> return ()
-- EvKey KEsc [] -> shutdown av >> return ()
_ -> go a
bh = length buf
y = posY a
-- app state modifiers
-- | The number of lines currently available for the main data display area.
pageHeight :: AppState -> Int
pageHeight a = ah a - 1
setLocCursorY, setLocScrollY :: Int -> Loc -> Loc
setLocCursorY y l = l{cy=y}
setLocScrollY y l = l{sy=y}
cursorY, scrollY, posY :: AppState -> Int
cursorY = cy . loc
scrollY = sy . loc
posY a = scrollY a + cursorY a
setCursorY, setScrollY, setPosY :: Int -> AppState -> AppState
setCursorY y a@AppState{alocs=(l:locs)} = a{alocs=(l':locs)} where l' = setLocCursorY y l
setScrollY y a@AppState{alocs=(l:locs)} = a{alocs=(l':locs)} where l' = setLocScrollY y l
setPosY y a@AppState{alocs=(l:locs)} = a{alocs=(l':locs)}
l' = setLocScrollY sy $ setLocCursorY cy l
ph = pageHeight a
cy = y `mod` ph
sy = y - cy
updateCursorY, updateScrollY, updatePosY :: (Int -> Int) -> AppState -> AppState
updateCursorY f a = setCursorY (f $ cursorY a) a
updateScrollY f a = setScrollY (f $ scrollY a) a
updatePosY f a = setPosY (f $ posY a) a
resize :: Int -> Int -> AppState -> AppState
resize x y a = setCursorY cy' a{aw=x,ah=y}
cy = cursorY a
cy' = min cy (y-2)
moveToTop :: AppState -> AppState
moveToTop a = setPosY 0 a
moveToBottom :: AppState -> AppState
moveToBottom a = setPosY (length $ abuf a) a
moveUpAndPushEdge :: AppState -> AppState
moveUpAndPushEdge a@AppState{alocs=(Loc{sy=sy,cy=cy}:_)}
| cy > 0 = updateCursorY (subtract 1) a
| sy > 0 = updateScrollY (subtract 1) a
| otherwise = a
moveDownAndPushEdge :: AppState -> AppState
moveDownAndPushEdge a@AppState{alocs=(Loc{sy=sy,cy=cy}:_)}
| sy+cy >= bh = a
| cy < ph-1 = updateCursorY (+1) a
| otherwise = updateScrollY (+1) a
ph = pageHeight a
bh = length $ abuf a
-- | Scroll down by page height or until we can just see the last line,
-- without moving the cursor, or if we are already scrolled as far as
-- possible then move the cursor to the last line.
nextpage :: AppState -> AppState
nextpage (a@AppState{abuf=b})
| sy < bh-jump = setScrollY sy' a
| otherwise = setCursorY (bh-sy) a
sy = scrollY a
jump = pageHeight a - 1
bh = length b
sy' = min (sy+jump) (bh-jump)
-- | Scroll up by page height or until we can just see the first line,
-- without moving the cursor, or if we are scrolled as far as possible
-- then move the cursor to the first line.
prevpage :: AppState -> AppState
prevpage (a@AppState{abuf=b})
| sy > 0 = setScrollY sy' a
| otherwise = setCursorY 0 a
sy = scrollY a
jump = pageHeight a - 1
sy' = max (sy-jump) 0
-- | Push a new UI location on to the stack.
pushLoc :: Loc -> AppState -> AppState
pushLoc l a = a{alocs=(l:alocs a)}
popLoc :: AppState -> AppState
popLoc a@AppState{alocs=locs}
| length locs > 1 = a{alocs=drop 1 locs}
| otherwise = a
clearLocs :: AppState -> AppState
clearLocs a = a{alocs=[]}
exit :: AppState -> AppState
exit = popLoc
loc :: AppState -> Loc
loc = head . alocs
screen :: AppState -> Screen
screen a = scr where (Loc scr _ _) = loc a
-- | Enter a new screen, saving the old ui location on the stack.
enter :: Screen -> AppState -> AppState
enter scr@BalanceScreen a = updateData $ pushLoc Loc{scr=scr,sy=0,cy=0} a
enter scr@RegisterScreen a = updateData $ pushLoc Loc{scr=scr,sy=0,cy=0} a
enter scr@PrintScreen a = updateData $ pushLoc Loc{scr=scr,sy=0,cy=0} a
enter scr@LedgerScreen a = updateData $ pushLoc Loc{scr=scr,sy=0,cy=0} a
resetTrailAndEnter scr a = enter scr $ clearLocs a
-- | Regenerate the display data appropriate for the current screen.
updateData :: AppState -> AppState
updateData a@AppState{aopts=opts,aargs=args,aledger=l}
| scr == BalanceScreen = a{abuf=lines $ showBalanceReport opts [] l, aargs=[]}
| scr == RegisterScreen = a{abuf=lines $ showRegisterReport opts args l}
| scr == PrintScreen = a{abuf=lines $ showLedgerTransactions opts args l}
| scr == LedgerScreen = a{abuf=lines $ rawledgertext l}
where scr = screen a
backout :: AppState -> AppState
backout a
| screen a == BalanceScreen = a
| otherwise = updateData $ popLoc a
drilldown :: AppState -> AppState
drilldown a
| screen a == BalanceScreen = enter RegisterScreen a{aargs=[currentAccountName a]}
| screen a == RegisterScreen = scrollToLedgerTransaction e $ enter PrintScreen a
| screen a == PrintScreen = a
-- screen a == PrintScreen = enter LedgerScreen a
-- screen a == LedgerScreen = a
where e = currentLedgerTransaction a
-- | Get the account name currently highlighted by the cursor on the
-- balance screen. Results undefined while on other screens.
currentAccountName :: AppState -> AccountName
currentAccountName a = accountNameAt (abuf a) (posY a)
-- | Get the full name of the account being displayed at a specific line
-- within the balance command's output.
accountNameAt :: [String] -> Int -> AccountName
accountNameAt buf lineno = accountNameFromComponents anamecomponents
namestohere = map (drop 22) $ take (lineno+1) buf
(indented, nonindented) = span (" " `isPrefixOf`) $ reverse namestohere
thisbranch = indented ++ take 1 nonindented
anamecomponents = reverse $ map strip $ dropsiblings thisbranch
dropsiblings :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
dropsiblings [] = []
dropsiblings (x:xs) = [x] ++ dropsiblings xs'
xs' = dropWhile moreindented xs
moreindented = (>= myindent) . indentof
myindent = indentof x
indentof = length . takeWhile (==' ')
-- | If on the print screen, move the cursor to highlight the specified entry
-- (or a reasonable guess). Doesn't work.
scrollToLedgerTransaction :: LedgerTransaction -> AppState -> AppState
scrollToLedgerTransaction e a@AppState{abuf=buf} = setCursorY cy $ setScrollY sy a
entryfirstline = head $ lines $ showLedgerTransaction $ e
halfph = pageHeight a `div` 2
y = fromMaybe 0 $ findIndex (== entryfirstline) buf
sy = max 0 $ y - halfph
cy = y - sy
-- | Get the entry containing the transaction currently highlighted by the
-- cursor on the register screen (or best guess). Results undefined while
-- on other screens. Doesn't work.
currentLedgerTransaction :: AppState -> LedgerTransaction
currentLedgerTransaction a@AppState{aledger=l,abuf=buf} = entryContainingTransaction a t
t = safehead nulltxn $ filter ismatch $ ledgerTransactions l
ismatch t = date t == (parsedate $ take 10 datedesc)
&& (take 70 $ showtxn False t nullmixedamt) == (datedesc ++ acctamt)
datedesc = take 32 $ fromMaybe "" $ find (not . (" " `isPrefixOf`)) $ [safehead "" rest] ++ reverse above
acctamt = drop 32 $ safehead "" rest
safehead d ls = if null ls then d else head ls
(above,rest) = splitAt y buf
y = posY a
-- | Get the entry which contains the given transaction.
-- Will raise an error if there are problems.
entryContainingTransaction :: AppState -> Transaction -> LedgerTransaction
entryContainingTransaction AppState{aledger=l} t = (ledger_txns $ rawledger l) !! tnum t
-- renderers
renderScreen :: AppState -> Picture
renderScreen (a@AppState{aw=w,ah=h,abuf=buf,amsg=msg}) =
pic {pCursor = Cursor cx cy,
pImage = mainimg
renderStatus w msg
(cx, cy) = (0, cursorY a)
sy = scrollY a
-- trying for more speed
mainimg = (vertcat $ map (render defaultattr) above)
(render currentlineattr thisline)
(vertcat $ map (render defaultattr) below)
render attr = renderBS attr . B.pack
(thisline,below) | null rest = (blankline,[])
| otherwise = (head rest, tail rest)
(above,rest) = splitAt cy linestorender
linestorender = map padclipline $ take (h-1) $ drop sy $ buf ++ replicate h blankline
padclipline l = take w $ l ++ blankline
blankline = replicate w ' '
-- mainimg = (renderString attr $ unlines $ above)
-- <->
-- (renderString reverseattr $ thisline)
-- <->
-- (renderString attr $ unlines $ below)
-- (above,(thisline:below))
-- | null ls = ([],[""])
-- | otherwise = splitAt y ls
-- ls = lines $ fitto w (h-1) $ unlines $ drop as $ buf
padClipString :: Int -> Int -> String -> [String]
padClipString h w s = rows
rows = map padclipline $ take h $ lines s ++ replicate h blankline
padclipline l = take w $ l ++ blankline
blankline = replicate w ' '
renderString :: Attr -> String -> Image
renderString attr s = vertcat $ map (renderBS attr . B.pack) rows
rows = lines $ fitto w h s
w = maximum $ map length $ ls
h = length ls
ls = lines s
renderStatus :: Int -> String -> Image
renderStatus w s = renderBS statusattr (B.pack $ take w (s ++ repeat ' '))
-- the all-important theming engine
theme = 1
) =
case theme of
1 -> ( -- restrained
,setBold attr
,setRV attr
2 -> ( -- colorful
setRV attr
,setFG white $ setBG red $ attr
,setFG black $ setBG green $ attr
3 -> ( --
setRV attr
,setFG white $ setBG red $ attr
,setRV attr
halfbrightattr = setHalfBright attr
reverseattr = setRV attr
redattr = setFG red attr
greenattr = setFG green attr
reverseredattr = setRV $ setFG red attr
reversegreenattr= setRV $ setFG green attr
-- pic { pCursor = Cursor x y,
-- pImage = renderFill pieceA ' ' w y
-- <->
-- renderHFill pieceA ' ' x <|> renderChar pieceA '@' <|> renderHFill pieceA ' ' (w - x - 1)
-- <->
-- renderFill pieceA ' ' w (h - y - 1)
-- <->
-- renderStatus w msg
-- }