2007-02-16 09:00:17 +00:00

124 lines
3.6 KiB

-- data types & behaviours
module Models (
module Models,
module Ledger,
module EntryTransaction,
module Transaction,
module Entry,
module Account,
module BasicTypes,
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex
import Data.List
import Utils
import BasicTypes
import Account
import Entry
import Transaction
import EntryTransaction
import Ledger
-- any top-level stuff that mixed up the other types
-- showAccountNamesWithBalances :: [(AccountName,String)] -> Ledger -> String
-- showAccountNamesWithBalances as l =
-- unlines $ map (showAccountNameAndBalance l) as
-- showAccountNameAndBalance :: Ledger -> (AccountName, String) -> String
-- showAccountNameAndBalance l (a, adisplay) =
-- printf "%20s %s" (showBalance $ accountBalance l a) adisplay
accountBalance :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Amount
accountBalance l a =
sumEntryTransactions (accountTransactions l a)
accountTransactions :: Ledger -> AccountName -> [EntryTransaction]
accountTransactions l a = ledgerTransactionsMatching (["^" ++ a ++ "(:.+)?$"], []) l
accountBalanceNoSubs :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Amount
accountBalanceNoSubs l a =
sumEntryTransactions (accountTransactionsNoSubs l a)
accountTransactionsNoSubs :: Ledger -> AccountName -> [EntryTransaction]
accountTransactionsNoSubs l a = ledgerTransactionsMatching (["^" ++ a ++ "$"], []) l
addDataToAccounts :: Ledger -> (Tree AccountName) -> (Tree AccountData)
addDataToAccounts l acct =
Tree (acctdata, map (addDataToAccounts l) (atsubs acct))
acctdata = (aname, atxns, abal)
aname = atacct acct
atxns = accountTransactionsNoSubs l aname
abal = accountBalance l aname
-- an AccountData tree adds some other things we want to cache for
-- convenience, like the account's balance and transactions.
type AccountData = (AccountName,[EntryTransaction],Amount)
type AccountDataTree = Tree AccountData
adtdata = fst . unTree
adtsubs = snd . unTree
nullad = Tree (("", [], 0), [])
adname (a,_,_) = a
adtxns (_,ts,_) = ts
adamt (_,_,amt) = amt
-- a (2 txns)
-- b (boring acct - 0 txns, exactly 1 sub)
-- c (5 txns)
-- d
-- to:
-- a (2 txns)
-- b:c (5 txns)
-- d
-- elideAccount adt = adt
-- elideAccount :: Tree AccountData -> Tree AccountData
-- elideAccount adt = adt
-- a
-- b
-- c
-- d
-- to:
-- $7 a
-- $5 b
-- $5 c
-- $0 d
showAccountWithBalances :: Ledger -> Tree AccountData -> String
showAccountWithBalances l adt = (showAccountsWithBalance l) (adtsubs adt)
showAccountsWithBalance :: Ledger -> [Tree AccountData] -> String
showAccountsWithBalance l adts =
concatMap showAccountDataBranch adts
showAccountDataBranch :: Tree AccountData -> String
showAccountDataBranch adt =
topacct ++ "\n" ++ subs
-- case boring of
-- True ->
-- False ->
topacct = (showAmount abal) ++ " " ++ (indentAccountName aname)
showAmount amt = printf "%11s" (show amt)
aname = adname $ adtdata adt
atxns = adtxns $ adtdata adt
abal = adamt $ adtdata adt
subs = (showAccountsWithBalance l) $ adtsubs adt
boring = (length atxns == 0) && ((length subs) == 1)
ledgerAccountsData :: Ledger -> Tree AccountData
ledgerAccountsData l = addDataToAccounts l (ledgerAccounts l)
showLedgerAccountsWithBalances :: Ledger -> Tree AccountData -> String
showLedgerAccountsWithBalances l adt =
showAccountWithBalances l adt