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-- The transaction screen, showing a single transaction's general journal entry.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
module Hledger.UI.TransactionScreen
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (liftIO)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.Vty (Event(..),Key(..),Modifier(..), Button (BLeft))
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.List (listMoveTo)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli hiding (mode, prices, progname,prognameandversion)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
import Hledger.UI.UIScreens
import Hledger.UI.Editor
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (editorText, renderEditor)
import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen (uiReloadJournalIfChanged, uiCheckBalanceAssertions)
tsDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name]
tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts}}}
,aScreen=TS TSS{_tssTransaction=(i,t')
} =
case mode of
Help -> [helpDialog, maincontent]
_ -> [maincontent]
maincontent = Widget Greedy Greedy $ render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel txneditor
-- as with print, show amounts with all of their decimal places
t = transactionMapPostingAmounts mixedAmountSetFullPrecision t'
-- XXX would like to shrink the editor to the size of the entry,
-- so handler can more easily detect clicks below it
txneditor =
renderEditor (vBox . map txt) False $
editorText TransactionEditor Nothing $
showTxn ropts rspec j t
toplabel =
str "Transaction "
-- <+> withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str $ "#" ++ show (tindex t))
-- <+> str (" ("++show i++" of "++show (length nts)++" in "++acct++")")
<+> (str $ "#" ++ show (tindex t))
<+> str " ("
<+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "bold") (str $ show i)
<+> str (" of "++show (length nts))
<+> togglefilters
<+> borderQueryStr (unwords . map (quoteIfNeeded . T.unpack) $ querystring_ ropts)
<+> str (" in "++T.unpack (replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" acct)++")")
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "")
togglefilters =
case concat [
uiShowStatus copts $ statuses_ ropts
,if real_ ropts then ["real"] else []
,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"]
] of
[] -> str ""
fs -> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs)
bottomlabel = quickhelp
-- case mode of
-- Minibuffer ed -> minibuffer ed
-- _ -> quickhelp
quickhelp = borderKeysStr [
("?", "help")
,("LEFT", "back")
,("UP/DOWN", "prev/next")
--,("ESC", "cancel/top")
-- ,("a", "add")
,("E", "editor")
,("g", "reload")
,("q", "quit")
tsDraw _ = errorWrongScreenType "draw function" -- PARTIAL:
-- Render a transaction suitably for the transaction screen.
showTxn :: ReportOpts -> ReportSpec -> Journal -> Transaction -> T.Text
showTxn ropts rspec j t =
$ maybe id (transactionApplyValuation prices styles periodlast (_rsDay rspec)) (value_ ropts)
$ maybe id (transactionToCost styles) (conversionop_ ropts) t
-- (if real_ ropts then filterTransactionPostings (Real True) else id) -- filter postings by --real
prices = journalPriceOracle (infer_prices_ ropts) j
styles = journalCommodityStyles j
periodlast =
fromMaybe (error' "TransactionScreen: expected a non-empty journal") $ -- PARTIAL: shouldn't happen
reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
tsHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
tsHandle ev = do
ui0 <- get'
case ui0 of
ui@UIState{aScreen=TS TSS{_tssTransaction=(i,t), _tssTransactions=nts}
} ->
case mode of
Help ->
case ev of
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> helpHandle ev
_ -> do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
(iprev,tprev) = maybe (i,t) ((i-1),) $ lookup (i-1) nts
(inext,tnext) = maybe (i,t) ((i+1),) $ lookup (i+1) nts
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put' $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> put' $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
(pos,f) = case tsourcepos t of
(SourcePos f' l1 c1,_) -> (Just (unPos l1, Just $ unPos c1),f')
AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old ->
put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
p = reportPeriod ui
e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] -> do
-- plog (if e == AppEvent FileChange then "file change" else "manual reload") "" `seq` return ()
ej <- liftIO . runExceptT $ journalReload copts
case ej of
Left err -> put' $ pushScreen (esNew err) ui
Right j' -> put' $ regenerateScreens j' d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put' $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
-- for toggles that may change the current/prev/next transactions,
-- we must regenerate the transaction list, like the g handler above ? with regenerateTransactions ? TODO WIP
-- EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> put' $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> put' . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> put' . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveUpEvents -> put' $ tsSelect iprev tprev ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents -> put' $ tsSelect inext tnext ui
-- exit screen on LEFT
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> put' . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui -- Probably not necessary to tsSelect here, but it's safe.
-- or on a click in the app's left margin.
VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> put' . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> return ()
_ -> errorWrongScreenType "event handler"
-- | Select a new transaction and update the previous register screen
tsSelect :: Integer -> Transaction -> UIState -> UIState
tsSelect i t ui@UIState{aScreen=TS sst} = case aPrevScreens ui of
x:xs -> ui'{aPrevScreens=rsSelect i x : xs}
[] -> ui'
where ui' = ui{aScreen=TS sst{_tssTransaction=(i,t)}}
tsSelect _ _ ui = ui
-- | Select the nth item on the register screen.
rsSelect :: Integer -> Screen -> Screen
rsSelect i (RS sst@RSS{..}) = RS sst{_rssList=listMoveTo (fromInteger $ i-1) _rssList}
rsSelect _ scr = scr