2008-10-17 16:55:28 +00:00

141 lines
5.4 KiB

hledger project notes
"...simplicity of design was the most essential, guiding principle.
Clarity of concepts, economy of features, efficiency and reliability of
implementations were its consequences." --Niklaus Wirth
* to do
** bugfixes
*** vertical display of commodities
** features
*** full -b/e date expressions
*** more ledger features from README
*** new features
**** automated --version
**** option for strict ledger-compatible output (or, compare xml ?)
**** --compare to compare ledger with same args
**** tidy horizontal commodities format
**** in/out times in timelog entry descriptions
**** graphs
**** easier data entry
**** flexible option ordering
**** parse more file formats
**** easy conversion from cabal-installed to darcs repo
**** i18n
*** speed
**** cache file
** tests
*** individual test running
*** figure out reliable maintainable appropriate tests
*** easy ledger compatibility testing
*** speed testing
** docs
*** readme
**** refine
*** similar blurbs
**** automate
***** hledger.hs module description
***** cabal file description
***** web page description
***** darcsweb description
*** announcements
**** archive
*** release notes
**** keep it simple
*** implementation docs
*** api docs
*** user manual
*** differences noted
**** ledger needs a space after -f
**** ledger shows description comments as part of description
**** ledger shows small time amounts in minutes
**** ledger can get timelog entry balance wrong, see mail list
* misc
** things I want to know
*** time
where have I been spending my time in recent weeks ?
where have I spent my time today ?
what is my status wrt spending plan for this week/month/year ?
what is my current status wrt time spending goals ?
*** money
where have I been spending my money ?
what is my status wrt spending plan for this week/month/year ?
what is my current status wrt spending/savings goals ?
what are all my current balances ?
what does my balance history look like ?
what does my balance future look like ?
are there any cashflow, tax, budgetary problems looming ?
*** charts
[1:27pm] <sm> I have decided I am not getting enough visible day-to-day value out of my ledger, I need more of that to stay motivated
[1:27pm] <Nafai> What do you think will help in that?
[1:27pm] <sm> I think some simple self-updating charts, or even good reports in a visible place
[1:28pm] <sm> something I don't have to spend an hour fiddling with to get answers
[1:38pm] <sm> Nafai: identifying/designing some useful reports/charts seems to be blocking me
[1:39pm] <sm> there are probably some standard ones I should use
[1:40pm] <sm> a graph of daily net worth is probably one of the simplest
[1:58pm] <sm> what else.. a chart of weekly expenses in key categories
[1:58pm] <sm> ditto, monthly
[1:58pm] <sm> a chart of monthly income
[1:59pm] <sm> those three should help me be more clear about cashflow status
[2:00pm] <sm> also I'd like something that shows me how much I am on top of financial tracking - how current my numbers are, when last reconciled etc - at a glance
[2:01pm] <sm> another simple one: current balances in all accounts
[2:01pm] <sm> those would be a great start
[2:04pm] <sm> daily net worth, weekly expense, monthly expense, monthly income, confidence/currentness report, and balance report
[2:05pm] <sm> let's see, which of those 6 would give most payoff right now
[2:05pm] <sm> probably 5
[2:06pm] <sm> how could I measure that ?
[2:06pm] <sm> number of days since last ledger entry..
[2:06pm] <sm> number of ledger entries in last 30 days (compared to average)
[2:07pm] <sm> number of days since last cleared checking entry (indicating an online reconcile)
[2:08pm] <sm> those would be a good start. How do I make those visual
[2:09pm] <sm> well I guess the first step is a script to print them
** compare other languages! a parser generator and decent speed is required
*** python: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/ZestyParser, pysec, pyparsing
*** squeak: LanguageGame, T-Gen, SmaCC
*** lisp: ?
*** ruby: too slow (?)
** data representation
*** http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0327/
*** http://www.n-heptane.com/nhlab/repos/Decimal/
*** http://www.n-heptane.com/nhlab/repos/Decimal/Money.hs
*** http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/decimal/
** lispy's template haskell for quickcheck
-- find tests with template haskell
import Language.Haskell.Parser
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports -no-recomp -fth #-}
{- ghc --make Unit.hs -main-is Unit.runTests -o unit -}
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = $(mkChecks props)
mkChecks [] = undefined
mkChecks [name] = mkCheck name
mkChecks (name:ns) = [| $(mkCheck name) >> $(mkChecks ns) |]
mkCheck name = [| putStr (name ++ ": ") >> quickCheck $(varE (mkName name)) |]
{- | looks in Tests.hs for functions like prop_foo and returns
the list. Requires that Tests.hs be valid Haskell98. -}
props :: [String]
props = unsafePerformIO $
do h <- openFile "Tests.hs" ReadMode
s <- hGetContents h
case parseModule s of
(ParseOk (HsModule _ _ _ _ ds)) -> return (map declName (filter isProp ds))
(ParseFailed loc s') -> error (s' ++ " " ++ show loc)
{- | checks if function binding name starts with @prop_@ indicating
that it is a quickcheck property -}
isProp :: HsDecl -> Bool
isProp d@(HsFunBind _) = "prop_" `isPrefixOf` (declName d)
isProp _ = False
{- | takes an HsDecl and returns the name of the declaration -}
declName :: HsDecl -> String
declName (HsFunBind (HsMatch _ (HsIdent name) _ _ _:_)) = name
declName _ = undefined