2019-09-10 20:20:30 -07:00

276 lines
9.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Swagger
import Data.Text hiding (map,reverse)
import Network.Wai as Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
import Safe
import Servant
import Servant.Swagger
import System.Console.Docopt
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Cli hiding (Reader, version)
#ifdef VERSION
hledgerApiVersion = VERSION
hledgerApiVersion = "dev build"
-- https://github.com/docopt/docopt.hs#readme
-- XXX VERSION is "X.Y" and the quotes appear in the output
doc :: Docopt
doc = [docopt|
hledger-api VERSION
Serves hledger data and reports as a JSON web API.
hledger-api [options]
start API server
hledger-api --swagger
print API docs in Swagger 2.0 format
hledger-api --version
hledger-api -h|--help
-f --file FILE use a different input file
(default: $LEDGER_FILE or ~/.hledger.journal)
-d --static-dir DIR serve files from a different directory
(default: .)
--host IPADDR listen on this IP address (default:
-p --port PORT listen on this TCP port (default: 8001)
--version show version
-h --help show usage
swaggerSpec :: Swagger
swaggerSpec = toSwagger (Proxy :: Proxy HledgerApi)
& info.title .~ "hledger API"
& info.version .~ pack hledgerApiVersion
& info.description .~ Just "This is the API provided by hledger-api for reading hledger data"
& info.license .~ Just (License "GPLv3+" (Nothing))
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs >>= parseArgsOrExit doc
when (isPresent args (shortOption 'h') || isPresent args (longOption "help")) $ exitWithUsage doc
when (isPresent args (longOption "version")) $ putStrLn ("hledger-api " ++ hledgerApiVersion) >> exitSuccess
when (isPresent args (longOption "swagger")) $ BL8.putStrLn (encode swaggerSpec) >> exitSuccess
defh = ""
h = getArgWithDefault args defh (longOption "host")
defp = "8001"
p <- case readMay $ getArgWithDefault args defp (longOption "port") of
Nothing -> exitWithUsage doc
Just n -> return n
deff <- defaultJournalPath
let f = getArgWithDefault args deff (longOption "file")
requireJournalFileExists f
defd = "."
d = getArgWithDefault args defd (longOption "static-dir")
readJournalFile def f >>= either error' (serveApi h p d f)
serveApi :: String -> Int -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Journal -> IO ()
serveApi h p d f j = do
printf "Starting web api http://%s:%d/api/v1 for %s\n" h p f
printf "and file server http://%s:%d for %s/\n" h p d
printf "Press ctrl-c to quit\n"
let warpsettings = defaultSettings
& setHost (fromString h)
& setPort p
Warp.runSettings warpsettings $
logStdout $
hledgerApiApp d j
type HledgerApi =
"api" :> "v1" :>
"accountnames" :> Get '[JSON] [AccountName]
:<|> "transactions" :> Get '[JSON] [Transaction]
:<|> "prices" :> Get '[JSON] [MarketPrice]
:<|> "commodities" :> Get '[JSON] [CommoditySymbol]
:<|> "accounts" :> Get '[JSON] [Account]
:<|> "accounts" :> Capture "acct" AccountName :> Get '[JSON] AccountTransactionsReport
type HledgerSwaggerApi =
"swagger.json" :> Get '[JSON] Swagger
:<|> HledgerApi
type HledgerSwaggerFilesApi =
:<|> Raw
hledgerApiApp :: FilePath -> Journal -> Wai.Application
hledgerApiApp staticdir j = Servant.serve api server
api :: Proxy HledgerSwaggerFilesApi
api = Proxy
server :: Server HledgerSwaggerFilesApi
server =
return swaggerSpec
:<|> accountnamesH
:<|> transactionsH
:<|> pricesH
:<|> commoditiesH
:<|> accountsH
:<|> accounttransactionsH
:<|> serveDirectoryFileServer staticdir
accountnamesH = return $ journalAccountNames j
transactionsH = return $ jtxns j
pricesH = return $ map priceDirectiveToMarketPrice $ jpricedirectives j
commoditiesH = return $ (M.keys . jinferredcommodities) j
accountsH = return $ ledgerTopAccounts $ ledgerFromJournal Hledger.Query.Any j
accounttransactionsH (a::AccountName) = do
-- d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
ropts = defreportopts
-- ropts' = ropts {depth_=Nothing
-- ,balancetype_=HistoricalBalance
-- }
q = Hledger.Query.Any --filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) $ queryFromOpts d ropts'
thisacctq = Acct $ accountNameToAccountRegex a -- includes subs
return $ accountTransactionsReport ropts j q thisacctq
-- avoiding https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/290 - no longer needed ?
--instance ToJSON Status where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions -- avoiding https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/290
--instance ToJSON GenericSourcePos where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON Decimal where toJSON = toJSON . show
--instance ToJSON Amount where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON AmountStyle where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON Side where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON DigitGroupStyle where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON MixedAmount where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON BalanceAssertion where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON AmountPrice where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON MarketPrice where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON PostingType where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON Posting where
-- toJSON Posting{..} =
-- object
-- ["pdate" .= toJSON pdate
-- ,"pdate2" .= toJSON pdate2
-- ,"pstatus" .= toJSON pstatus
-- ,"paccount" .= toJSON paccount
-- ,"pamount" .= toJSON pamount
-- ,"pcomment" .= toJSON pcomment
-- ,"ptype" .= toJSON ptype
-- ,"ptags" .= toJSON ptags
-- ,"pbalanceassertion" .= toJSON pbalanceassertion
-- ,"ptransactionidx" .= toJSON (maybe "" (show.tindex) ptransaction)
-- ]
--instance ToJSON Transaction where toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions
--instance ToJSON Account where
-- toJSON a =
-- object
-- ["aname" .= toJSON (aname a)
-- ,"aebalance" .= toJSON (aebalance a)
-- ,"aibalance" .= toJSON (aibalance a)
-- ,"anumpostings" .= toJSON (anumpostings a)
-- ,"aboring" .= toJSON (aboring a)
-- ,"aparentname" .= toJSON (maybe "" aname $ aparent a)
-- ,"asubs" .= toJSON (map toJSON $ asubs a)
-- ]
-- Convert things to JSON for serving to clients
instance ToJSON Status
instance ToJSON GenericSourcePos
instance ToJSON Decimal where toJSON = toJSON . show
instance ToJSON Amount
instance ToJSON AmountStyle
instance ToJSON Side
instance ToJSON DigitGroupStyle
instance ToJSON MixedAmount
instance ToJSON BalanceAssertion
instance ToJSON AmountPrice
instance ToJSON MarketPrice
instance ToJSON PostingType
instance ToJSON Posting where
toJSON Posting{..} =
["pdate" .= toJSON pdate
,"pdate2" .= toJSON pdate2
,"pstatus" .= toJSON pstatus
,"paccount" .= toJSON paccount
,"pamount" .= toJSON pamount
,"pcomment" .= toJSON pcomment
,"ptype" .= toJSON ptype
,"ptags" .= toJSON ptags
,"pbalanceassertion" .= toJSON pbalanceassertion
,"ptransactionidx" .= toJSON (maybe "" (show.tindex) ptransaction)
instance ToJSON Transaction
instance ToJSON Account where
toJSON a =
["aname" .= toJSON (aname a)
,"aebalance" .= toJSON (aebalance a)
,"aibalance" .= toJSON (aibalance a)
,"anumpostings" .= toJSON (anumpostings a)
,"aboring" .= toJSON (aboring a)
,"aparentname" .= toJSON (maybe "" aname $ aparent a)
,"asubs" .= toJSON (map toJSON $ asubs a)
-- convert things to Schema for swagger API description
instance ToSchema Status
instance ToSchema GenericSourcePos
instance ToSchema Decimal
declareNamedSchema _proxy = pure $ NamedSchema (Just "Decimal") schema
schema = mempty
& type_ .~ SwaggerNumber
& example .~ Just (toJSON (100 :: Decimal))
instance ToSchema Amount
instance ToSchema AmountStyle
instance ToSchema Side
instance ToSchema DigitGroupStyle
instance ToSchema MixedAmount
instance ToSchema BalanceAssertion
instance ToSchema AmountPrice
#if MIN_VERSION_swagger2(2,1,5)
where declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchemaUnrestricted defaultSchemaOptions
instance ToSchema MarketPrice
instance ToSchema PostingType
instance ToSchema Posting
instance ToSchema Transaction
instance ToSchema Account
instance ToSchema AccountDeclarationInfo
-- instance ToSchema AccountTransactionsReport