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A 'Ledger' stores, for efficiency, a 'RawLedger' plus its tree of account
names, a map from account names to 'Account's, and the display precision.
Typically it has also has had the uninteresting 'Entry's filtered out.
In addition, it stores the account filter pattern and a second set of fields
providing the filtered entries & transactions.
module Ledger.Ledger
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Account
import Ledger.AccountName
import Ledger.Transaction
import Ledger.RawLedger
import Ledger.Entry
instance Show Ledger where
show l = printf "Ledger with %d entries, %d accounts: %s"
((length $ entries $ rawledger l) +
(length $ modifier_entries $ rawledger l) +
(length $ periodic_entries $ rawledger l))
(length $ accountnames l)
(show $ accountnames l)
++ "\n" ++ (showtree $ accountnametree l)
++ "\n" ++ (showtree $ filteredaccountnametree l)
-- | Convert a raw ledger to a more efficient cached type, described above.
cacheLedger :: Regex -> RawLedger -> Ledger
cacheLedger acctpat l =
ant = rawLedgerAccountNameTree l
anames = flatten ant
ts = rawLedgerTransactions l
sortedts = sortBy (comparing account) ts
groupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) sortedts
txnmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts])
(Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- anames])
txnsof = (txnmap !)
subacctsof a = filter (isAccountNamePrefixOf a) anames
subtxnsof a = concat [txnsof a | a <- [a] ++ subacctsof a]
balmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(a, (sumTransactions $ subtxnsof a){precision=maxprecision}) | a <- anames])
(Map.fromList [(a,nullamt) | a <- anames])
amap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (txnmap ! a) (balmap ! a)) | a <- anames]
-- the same again, considering only accounts and transactions matching the account pattern
matchacct :: AccountName -> Bool
matchacct = containsRegex acctpat . accountLeafName
filteredant = treefilter matchacct ant
-- rebuild the tree after filtering to include all parents
filteredanames = flatten $ accountNameTreeFrom $ filter matchacct anames
filteredts = filter (matchacct . account) ts
filteredsortedts = sortBy (comparing account) filteredts
filteredgroupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) filteredsortedts
filteredtxnmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- filteredgroupedts])
(Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- filteredanames])
filteredtxnsof = (filteredtxnmap !)
filteredsubacctsof a = filter (isAccountNamePrefixOf a) filteredanames
filteredsubtxnsof a = concat [filteredtxnsof a | a <- [a] ++ filteredsubacctsof a]
filteredbalmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(a, (sumTransactions $ filteredsubtxnsof a){precision=maxprecision}) | a <- filteredanames])
(Map.fromList [(a,nullamt) | a <- filteredanames])
filteredamap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (filteredtxnmap ! a) (filteredbalmap ! a)) | a <- filteredanames]
maxprecision = maximum $ map (precision . amount) ts
Ledger l ant amap maxprecision acctpat filteredant filteredamap
-- | Remove ledger entries we are not interested in.
-- Keep only those which fall between the begin and end dates, match the
-- description patterns, or transact with an account matching the account
-- patterns.
filterLedgerEntries :: String -> String -> Regex -> Regex -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerEntries begin end acctpat descpat =
filterLedgerEntriesByDate begin end .
filterLedgerEntriesByDescription descpat
-- | Keep only entries whose description matches the description pattern.
filterLedgerEntriesByDescription :: Regex -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerEntriesByDescription descpat (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
RawLedger ms ps (filter matchdesc es) f
matchdesc :: Entry -> Bool
matchdesc e = case matchRegex descpat (edescription e) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
-- | Keep only entries which fall between begin and end dates.
-- We include entries on the begin date and exclude entries on the end
-- date, like ledger. An empty date string means no restriction.
filterLedgerEntriesByDate :: String -> String -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerEntriesByDate begin end (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
RawLedger ms ps (filter matchdate es) f
matchdate :: Entry -> Bool
matchdate e = (begin == "" || entrydate >= begindate) &&
(end == "" || entrydate < enddate)
begindate = parsedate begin :: UTCTime
enddate = parsedate end
entrydate = parsedate $ edate e
-- | List a 'Ledger' 's account names.
accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
accountnames l = drop 1 $ flatten $ accountnametree l
-- | List a 'Ledger' 's account names filtered by the account match pattern.
filteredaccountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
filteredaccountnames l = filter (containsRegex (acctpat l) . accountLeafName) $ accountnames l
-- | Get the named account from a ledger.
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerAccount l a = (accounts l) ! a
-- | Get the named filtered account from a ledger.
ledgerFilteredAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerFilteredAccount l a = (filteredaccounts l) ! a
-- | List a ledger's transactions.
-- NB this sets the amount precisions to that of the highest-precision
-- amount, to help with report output. It should perhaps be done in the
-- display functions, but those are far removed from the ledger. Keep in
-- mind if doing more arithmetic with these.
ledgerTransactions :: Ledger -> [Transaction]
ledgerTransactions l =
setprecisions $ rawLedgerTransactions $ rawledger l
setprecisions = map (transactionSetPrecision (lprecision l))
-- | Get a ledger's tree of accounts to the specified depth.
ledgerAccountTree :: Int -> Ledger -> Tree Account
ledgerAccountTree depth l =
addDataToAccountNameTree l depthpruned
nametree = filteredaccountnametree l --
depthpruned = treeprune depth nametree
-- | Get a ledger's tree of accounts to the specified depth, filtered by
-- the account pattern.
ledgerFilteredAccountTree :: Int -> Regex -> Ledger -> Tree Account
ledgerFilteredAccountTree depth acctpat l =
addFilteredDataToAccountNameTree l $ treeprune depth $ filteredaccountnametree l
-- | Convert a tree of account names into a tree of accounts, using their
-- parent ledger.
addDataToAccountNameTree :: Ledger -> Tree AccountName -> Tree Account
addDataToAccountNameTree = treemap . ledgerAccount
-- | Convert a tree of account names into a tree of accounts, using their
-- parent ledger's filtered account data.
addFilteredDataToAccountNameTree :: Ledger -> Tree AccountName -> Tree Account
addFilteredDataToAccountNameTree l = treemap (ledgerFilteredAccount l)
-- | Print a print report.
printentries :: Ledger -> IO ()
printentries l = putStr $ showEntries $ setprecisions $ entries $ rawledger l
where setprecisions = map (entrySetPrecision (lprecision l))
-- | Print a register report.
printregister :: Ledger -> IO ()
printregister l = putStr $ showTransactionsWithBalances
(sortBy (comparing date) $ ledgerTransactions l)
nullamt{precision=lprecision l}
This and the helper functions below generate ledger-compatible balance
report output. Here's how it should work:
A sample account tree (as in the sample.ledger file):
The balance command shows top-level accounts by default:
\> ledger balance
$-1 assets
$2 expenses
$-2 income
$1 liabilities
With -s (--showsubs), also show the subaccounts:
$-1 assets
$-2 cash
$1 saving
$2 expenses
$1 food
$1 supplies
$-2 income
$-1 gifts
$-1 salary
$1 liabilities:debts
- @checking@ is not shown because it has a zero balance and no interesting
- @liabilities@ is displayed only as a prefix because it has no transactions
of its own and only one subaccount.
With an account pattern, show only the accounts with matching names:
\> ledger balance o
$1 expenses:food
$-2 income
- The o matched @food@ and @income@, so they are shown.
- Parents of matched accounts are also shown for context (@expenses@).
- This time the grand total is also shown, because it is not zero.
Again, -s adds the subaccounts:
\> ledger -s balance o
$1 expenses:food
$-2 income
$-1 gifts
$-1 salary
- @food@ has no subaccounts. @income@ has two, so they are shown.
- We do not add the subaccounts of parents included for context (@expenses@).
Here are some rules for account balance display, as seen above:
- grand total is omitted if it is 0
- leaf accounts and branches with 0 balance or 0 transactions are omitted
- inner accounts with 0 transactions and 1 subaccount are displayed inline
- in a filtered report, matched accounts are displayed with their parents
inline (a consequence of the above)
- in a showsubs report, all subaccounts of matched accounts are displayed
showLedgerAccountBalances :: Ledger -> Int -> String
showLedgerAccountBalances l maxdepth =
concatMap (showAccountTree l maxdepth) acctbranches
if isZeroAmount total
then ""
else printf "--------------------\n%20s\n" $ showAmountRounded total
acctbranches = branches $ ledgerAccountTree maxdepth l
filteredacctbranches = branches $ ledgerFilteredAccountTree maxdepth (acctpat l) l
total = sum $ map (abalance . root) filteredacctbranches
-- | Get the string representation of a tree of accounts.
-- The ledger from which the accounts come is also required, so that
-- we can check for boring accounts.
showAccountTree :: Ledger -> Int -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree l maxdepth = showAccountTree' l maxdepth 0 ""
showAccountTree' :: Ledger -> Int -> Int -> String -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree' l maxdepth indentlevel prefix t
-- merge boring inner account names with the next line
| isBoringInnerAccount l maxdepth acct = subsindented 0 (fullname++":")
-- ditto with unmatched parent accounts when filtering by account
| filtering && doesnotmatch = subsindented 0 (fullname++":")
-- otherwise show this account's name & balance
| otherwise = bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ leafname ++ "\n" ++ (subsindented 1 "")
acct = root t
subs = branches t
subsindented i p = concatMap (showAccountTree' l maxdepth (indentlevel+i) p) subs
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance $ acct
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
fullname = aname acct
leafname = accountLeafName fullname
filtering = filteredaccountnames l /= (accountnames l)
doesnotmatch = not (containsRegex (acctpat l) leafname)
-- | Is this account a boring inner account in this ledger ?
-- Boring inner accounts have no transactions, one subaccount,
-- and depth less than the maximum display depth.
-- Also, they are unmatched parent accounts when account matching is in effect.
isBoringInnerAccount :: Ledger -> Int -> Account -> Bool
isBoringInnerAccount l maxdepth a
| name == "top" = False
| depth < maxdepth && numtxns == 0 && numsubs == 1 = True
| otherwise = False
name = aname a
depth = accountNameLevel name
numtxns = length $ atransactions a
-- how many (filter-matching) subaccounts has this account ?
numsubs = length $ subAccountNamesFrom (filteredaccountnames l) name
-- | Is the named account a boring inner account in this ledger ?
isBoringInnerAccountName :: Ledger -> Int -> AccountName -> Bool
isBoringInnerAccountName l maxdepth = isBoringInnerAccount l maxdepth . ledgerAccount l