2018-10-18 14:43:00 -07:00

400 lines
19 KiB

-- The account register screen, showing transactions in an account, like hledger-web's register.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.UI.RegisterScreen
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Vty (Event(..),Key(..),Modifier(..))
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.List
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Brick.Widgets.Border (borderAttr)
import Lens.Micro.Platform
import Safe
import System.Console.ANSI
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- import Hledger.UI.Theme
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
import Hledger.UI.Editor
import Hledger.UI.TransactionScreen
import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen
registerScreen :: Screen
registerScreen = RegisterScreen{
sInit = rsInit
,sDraw = rsDraw
,sHandle = rsHandle
,rsList = list RegisterList V.empty 1
,rsAccount = ""
,rsForceInclusive = False
rsSetAccount :: AccountName -> Bool -> Screen -> Screen
rsSetAccount a forceinclusive scr@RegisterScreen{} =
scr{rsAccount=replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "*" a, rsForceInclusive=forceinclusive}
rsSetAccount _ _ scr = scr
rsInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
rsInit d reset ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@RegisterScreen{..}} =
-- gather arguments and queries
-- XXX temp
inclusive = tree_ ropts || rsForceInclusive
thisacctq = Acct $ (if inclusive then accountNameToAccountRegex else accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex) rsAccount
ropts' = ropts{
pfq | presentorfuture_ uopts == PFFuture = Any
| otherwise = Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Just $ addDays 1 d)
q = And [queryFromOpts d ropts', pfq]
-- reportq = filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) q
(_label,items) = accountTransactionsReport ropts' j q thisacctq
items' = (if empty_ ropts' then id else filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . fifth6)) $ -- without --empty, exclude no-change txns
reverse -- most recent last
-- generate pre-rendered list items. This helps calculate column widths.
displayitems = map displayitem items'
displayitem (t, _, _issplit, otheracctsstr, change, bal) =
RegisterScreenItem{rsItemDate = showDate $ transactionRegisterDate q thisacctq t
,rsItemStatus = tstatus t
,rsItemDescription = T.unpack $ tdescription t
,rsItemOtherAccounts = case splitOn ", " otheracctsstr of
[s] -> s
ss -> intercalate ", " ss
-- _ -> "<split>" -- should do this if accounts field width < 30
,rsItemChangeAmount = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice change
,rsItemBalanceAmount = showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice bal
,rsItemTransaction = t
-- blank items are added to allow more control of scroll position; we won't allow movement over these
blankitems = replicate 100 -- 100 ought to be enough for anyone
RegisterScreenItem{rsItemDate = ""
,rsItemStatus = Unmarked
,rsItemDescription = ""
,rsItemOtherAccounts = ""
,rsItemChangeAmount = ""
,rsItemBalanceAmount = ""
,rsItemTransaction = nulltransaction
-- build the List
newitems = list RegisterList (V.fromList $ displayitems ++ blankitems) 1
-- decide which transaction is selected:
-- if reset is true, the last (latest) transaction;
-- otherwise, the previously selected transaction if possible;
-- otherwise, the transaction nearest in date to it;
-- or if there's several with the same date, the nearest in journal order;
-- otherwise, the last (latest) transaction.
newitems' = listMoveTo newselidx newitems
newselidx =
case (reset, listSelectedElement rsList) of
(True, _) -> endidx
(_, Nothing) -> endidx
(_, Just (_, RegisterScreenItem{rsItemTransaction=Transaction{tindex=prevselidx, tdate=prevseld}})) ->
headDef endidx $ catMaybes [
findIndex ((==prevselidx) . tindex . rsItemTransaction) displayitems
,findIndex ((==nearestidbydatethenid) . Just . tindex . rsItemTransaction) displayitems
nearestidbydatethenid = third3 <$> (headMay $ sort
[(abs $ diffDays (tdate t) prevseld, abs (tindex t - prevselidx), tindex t) | t <- ts])
ts = map rsItemTransaction displayitems
endidx = length displayitems - 1
rsInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
rsDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name]
rsDraw UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
} =
case mode of
Help -> [helpDialog copts, maincontent]
-- Minibuffer e -> [minibuffer e, maincontent]
_ -> [maincontent]
displayitems = V.toList $ rsList ^. listElementsL
maincontent = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
-- calculate column widths, based on current available width
c <- getContext
totalwidth = c^.availWidthL
- 2 -- XXX due to margin ? shouldn't be necessary (cf UIUtils)
-- the date column is fixed width
datewidth = 10
-- multi-commodity amounts rendered on one line can be
-- arbitrarily wide. Give the two amounts as much space as
-- they need, while reserving a minimum of space for other
-- columns and whitespace. If they don't get all they need,
-- allocate it to them proportionally to their maximum widths.
whitespacewidth = 10 -- inter-column whitespace, fixed width
minnonamtcolswidth = datewidth + 1 + 2 + 2 -- date column plus at least 1 for status and 2 for desc and accts
maxamtswidth = max 0 (totalwidth - minnonamtcolswidth - whitespacewidth)
maxchangewidthseen = maximum' $ map (strWidth . rsItemChangeAmount) displayitems
maxbalwidthseen = maximum' $ map (strWidth . rsItemBalanceAmount) displayitems
changewidthproportion = fromIntegral maxchangewidthseen / fromIntegral (maxchangewidthseen + maxbalwidthseen)
maxchangewidth = round $ changewidthproportion * fromIntegral maxamtswidth
maxbalwidth = maxamtswidth - maxchangewidth
changewidth = min maxchangewidth maxchangewidthseen
balwidth = min maxbalwidth maxbalwidthseen
-- assign the remaining space to the description and accounts columns
-- maxdescacctswidth = totalwidth - (whitespacewidth - 4) - changewidth - balwidth
maxdescacctswidth =
-- trace (show (totalwidth, datewidth, changewidth, balwidth, whitespacewidth)) $
max 0 (totalwidth - datewidth - 1 - changewidth - balwidth - whitespacewidth)
-- allocating proportionally.
-- descwidth' = maximum' $ map (strWidth . second6) displayitems
-- acctswidth' = maximum' $ map (strWidth . third6) displayitems
-- descwidthproportion = (descwidth' + acctswidth') / descwidth'
-- maxdescwidth = min (maxdescacctswidth - 7) (maxdescacctswidth / descwidthproportion)
-- maxacctswidth = maxdescacctswidth - maxdescwidth
-- descwidth = min maxdescwidth descwidth'
-- acctswidth = min maxacctswidth acctswidth'
-- allocating equally.
descwidth = maxdescacctswidth `div` 2
acctswidth = maxdescacctswidth - descwidth
colwidths = (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth)
render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ renderList (rsDrawItem colwidths) True rsList
ishistorical = balancetype_ ropts == HistoricalBalance
-- inclusive = tree_ ropts || rsForceInclusive
toplabel =
withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str $ T.unpack $ replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" rsAccount)
-- <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str $ if inclusive then "" else " exclusive")
<+> togglefilters
<+> str " transactions"
-- <+> str (if ishistorical then " historical total" else " period total")
<+> borderQueryStr (query_ ropts)
-- <+> str " and subs"
<+> borderPeriodStr "in" (period_ ropts)
<+> str " ("
<+> cur
<+> str "/"
<+> total
<+> str ")"
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "")
togglefilters =
case concat [
uiShowStatus copts $ statuses_ ropts
,if real_ ropts then ["real"] else []
,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"]
] of
[] -> str ""
fs -> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs)
cur = str $ case rsList ^. listSelectedL of
Nothing -> "-"
Just i -> show (i + 1)
total = str $ show $ length nonblanks
nonblanks = V.takeWhile (not . null . rsItemDate) $ rsList^.listElementsL
-- query = query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts
bottomlabel = case mode of
Minibuffer ed -> minibuffer ed
_ -> quickhelp
selectedstr = withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") . str
quickhelp = borderKeysStr' [
("?", str "help")
,("left", str "back")
,("right", str "transaction")
,if ishistorical
then selectedstr "historical" <+> str "/period"
else str "historical/" <+> selectedstr "period")
-- rsForceInclusive may override, but use tree_ here to ensure a visible toggle effect
,if tree_ ropts
then str "flat/" <+> selectedstr "tree"
else selectedstr "flat" <+> str "/tree")
,if presentorfuture_ uopts == PFFuture
then str "present/" <+> selectedstr "future"
else selectedstr "present" <+> str "/future")
-- ,("a", "add")
-- ,("g", "reload")
-- ,("q", "quit")
rsDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
rsDrawItem :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Bool -> RegisterScreenItem -> Widget Name
rsDrawItem (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth) selected RegisterScreenItem{..} =
Widget Greedy Fixed $ do
render $
str (fitString (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True rsItemDate) <+>
str " " <+>
str (fitString (Just 1) (Just 1) True True (show rsItemStatus)) <+>
str " " <+>
str (fitString (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True rsItemDescription) <+>
str " " <+>
str (fitString (Just acctswidth) (Just acctswidth) True True rsItemOtherAccounts) <+>
str " " <+>
withAttr changeattr (str (fitString (Just changewidth) (Just changewidth) True False rsItemChangeAmount)) <+>
str " " <+>
withAttr balattr (str (fitString (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) True False rsItemBalanceAmount))
changeattr | '-' `elem` rsItemChangeAmount = sel $ "list" <> "amount" <> "decrease"
| otherwise = sel $ "list" <> "amount" <> "increase"
balattr | '-' `elem` rsItemBalanceAmount = sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative"
| otherwise = sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive"
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
| otherwise = id
rsHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
rsHandle ui@UIState{
} ev = do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
journalspan = journalDateSpan False j
nonblanks = V.takeWhile (not . null . rsItemDate) $ rsList^.listElementsL
lastnonblankidx = max 0 (length nonblanks - 1)
case mode of
Minibuffer ed ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ closeMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui
where s = chomp $ unlines $ map strip $ getEditContents ed
VtyEvent ev -> do ed' <- handleEditorEvent ev ed
continue $ ui{aMode=Minibuffer ed'}
AppEvent _ -> continue ui
MouseDown _ _ _ _ -> continue ui
MouseUp _ _ _ -> continue ui
Help ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
Normal ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui
AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old ->
continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
p = reportPeriod ui
e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] ->
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d ui) >>= continue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'a') []) -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'A') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runIadd (journalFilePath j)) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 't') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
(pos,f) = case listSelectedElement rsList of
Nothing -> (endPos, journalFilePath j)
Just (_, RegisterScreenItem{
rsItemTransaction=Transaction{tsourcepos=GenericSourcePos f l c}}) -> (Just (l, Just c),f)
Just (_, RegisterScreenItem{
rsItemTransaction=Transaction{tsourcepos=JournalSourcePos f (l,_)}}) -> (Just (l, Nothing),f)
-- display mode/query toggles
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'H') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleHistorical ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'T') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleTree ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'Z') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleEmpty ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'R') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleReal ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'U') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleUnmarked ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'P') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ togglePending ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'C') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'F') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleFuture ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KDown) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KUp) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KRight) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KLeft) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> continue $ popScreen ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> scrollSelectionToMiddle rsList >> invalidateCache >> continue ui
-- enter transaction screen for selected transaction
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveRightEvents -> do
case listSelectedElement rsList of
Just (_, RegisterScreenItem{rsItemTransaction=t}) ->
ts = map rsItemTransaction $ V.toList $ nonblanks
numberedts = zip [1..] ts
i = fromIntegral $ maybe 0 (+1) $ elemIndex t ts -- XXX
continue $ screenEnter d transactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
,tsAccount=rsAccount} ui
Nothing -> continue ui
-- prevent moving down over blank padding items;
-- instead scroll down by one, until maximally scrolled - shows the end has been reached
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents, isBlankElement mnextelement -> do
vScrollBy (viewportScroll $ rsList^.listNameL) 1
continue ui
mnextelement = listSelectedElement $ listMoveDown rsList
-- if page down or end leads to a blank padding item, stop at last non-blank
VtyEvent e@(EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KPageDown, KEnd] -> do
list <- handleListEvent e rsList
if isBlankElement $ listSelectedElement list
then do
let list' = listMoveTo lastnonblankidx list
scrollSelectionToMiddle list'
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list'}}
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list}}
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles other [pg]up/down events)
VtyEvent ev -> do
let ev' = normaliseMovementKeys ev
newitems <- handleListEvent ev' rsList
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=newitems}}
AppEvent _ -> continue ui
MouseDown _ _ _ _ -> continue ui
MouseUp _ _ _ -> continue ui
rsHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
isBlankElement mel = ((rsItemDate . snd) <$> mel) == Just ""
rsCenterAndContinue ui = do
scrollSelectionToMiddle $ rsList $ aScreen ui
continue ui