2007-07-03 08:46:39 +00:00

177 lines
5.2 KiB

module Ledger
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Utils
import Types
import Amount
import Account
import AccountName
import EntryTransaction
import RawLedger
cacheLedger :: RawLedger -> Ledger
cacheLedger l =
ant = rawLedgerAccountNameTree l
ans = flatten ant
ts = rawLedgerTransactions l
sortedts = sortBy (comparing account) ts
groupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) sortedts
tmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts])
(Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- ans])
txns a = tmap ! a
subaccts a = filter (isAccountNamePrefixOf a) ans
subtxns a = concat [txns a | a <- [a] ++ subaccts a]
bmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(a, sumEntryTransactions $ subtxns a) | a <- ans])
(Map.fromList [(a,nullamt) | a <- ans])
amap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (tmap ! a) (bmap ! a)) | a <- ans]
Ledger l ant amap
accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
accountnames l = flatten $ accountnametree l
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerAccount l a = (accounts l) ! a
ledgerTransactions :: Ledger -> [EntryTransaction]
ledgerTransactions l = concatMap atransactions $ Map.elems $ accounts l
ledgerTransactionsMatching :: ([String],[String]) -> Ledger -> [EntryTransaction]
ledgerTransactionsMatching ([],[]) l = ledgerTransactionsMatching ([".*"],[".*"]) l
ledgerTransactionsMatching (rs,[]) l = ledgerTransactionsMatching (rs,[".*"]) l
ledgerTransactionsMatching ([],rs) l = ledgerTransactionsMatching ([".*"],rs) l
ledgerTransactionsMatching (acctpats,descpats) l =
(concat [filter (matchTransactionAccount r) ts | r <- acctregexps])
(concat [filter (matchTransactionDescription r) ts | r <- descregexps])
ts = ledgerTransactions l
acctregexps = map mkRegex acctpats
descregexps = map mkRegex descpats
ledgerAccountTreeMatching :: Ledger -> [String] -> Bool -> Int -> Tree Account
ledgerAccountTreeMatching l [] showsubs maxdepth =
ledgerAccountTreeMatching l [".*"] showsubs maxdepth
ledgerAccountTreeMatching l acctpats showsubs maxdepth =
addDataToAccountNameTree l $
filterAccountNameTree acctpats showsubs maxdepth $
accountnametree l
addDataToAccountNameTree :: Ledger -> Tree AccountName -> Tree Account
addDataToAccountNameTree = treemap . ledgerAccount
-- balance report support
-- examples: here is a sample account tree:
-- assets
-- cash
-- checking
-- saving
-- equity
-- expenses
-- food
-- shelter
-- income
-- salary
-- liabilities
-- debts
-- standard balance command shows all top-level accounts:
-- > ledger bal
-- $ assets
-- $ equity
-- $ expenses
-- $ income
-- $ liabilities
-- with an account pattern, show only the ones with matching names:
-- > ledger bal asset
-- $ assets
-- with -s, show all subaccounts of matched accounts:
-- > ledger -s bal asset
-- $ assets
-- $ cash
-- $ checking
-- $ saving
-- we elide boring accounts in two ways:
-- - leaf accounts and branches with 0 balance or 0 transactions are omitted
-- - inner accounts with 0 transactions and 1 subaccount are displayed inline
-- so this:
-- a (0 txns)
-- b (0 txns)
-- c
-- d
-- e (0 txns)
-- f
-- g
-- h (0 txns)
-- i (0 balance)
-- is displayed like:
-- a:b:c
-- d
-- e
-- f
-- g
showLedgerAccounts :: Ledger -> [String] -> Bool -> Int -> String
showLedgerAccounts l acctpats showsubs maxdepth =
(showAccountTree l)
(branches (ledgerAccountTreeMatching l acctpats showsubs maxdepth))
showAccountTree :: Ledger -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree l = showAccountTree' l 0 . interestingAccountsFrom
showAccountTree' :: Ledger -> Int -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree' l indentlevel t
-- if this acct is boring, don't show it
| isBoringAccount l acct = subacctsindented 0
-- otherwise show normal indented account name with balance,
-- prefixing the names of any boring parents
| otherwise =
bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ leafname ++ "\n" ++ (subacctsindented 1)
acct = root t
subacctsindented i = concatMap (showAccountTree' l (indentlevel+i)) $ branches t
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance $ acct
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
prefix = concatMap (++ ":") $ map accountLeafName boringparents
boringparents = takeWhile (isBoringAccountName l) $ parentAccountNames $ aname acct
leafname = accountLeafName $ aname acct
isBoringAccount :: Ledger -> Account -> Bool
isBoringAccount l a
| name == "top" = False
| (length txns == 0) && ((length subs) == 1) = True
| otherwise = False
name = aname a
txns = atransactions a
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (accountnames l) name
isBoringAccountName :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isBoringAccountName l = isBoringAccount l . ledgerAccount l
interestingAccountsFrom :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
interestingAccountsFrom =
treefilter hastxns . treefilter hasbalance
hasbalance = (/= 0) . abalance
hastxns = (> 0) . length . atransactions