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Utilities used throughout hledger, or needed low in the module hierarchy.
These are the bottom of hledger's module graph.
module Hledger.Utils (
-- * Functions
-- * Lists
-- * Trees
-- * Tuples
-- * Misc
-- * Other
module Hledger.Utils.Debug,
module Hledger.Utils.Parse,
module Hledger.Utils.IO,
module Hledger.Utils.Regex,
module Hledger.Utils.String,
module Hledger.Utils.Text,
-- * Tests
module Hledger.Utils.Test,
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.List.Extra (chunksOf, foldl', foldl1', uncons, unsnoc)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, unpack)
import Data.Tree (foldTree, Tree (Node, subForest))
import Language.Haskell.TH (DecsQ, Name, mkName, nameBase)
import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~))
import Lens.Micro.TH (DefName(TopName), lensClass, lensField, makeLensesWith, classyRules)
import Hledger.Utils.Debug
import Hledger.Utils.Parse
import Hledger.Utils.IO
import Hledger.Utils.Regex
import Hledger.Utils.String
import Hledger.Utils.Text
import Hledger.Utils.Test
-- Functions
-- | Apply a function the specified number of times,
-- which should be > 0 (otherwise does nothing).
-- Possibly uses O(n) stack ?
applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyN n f | n < 1 = id
| otherwise = (!! n) . iterate f
-- from protolude, compare
-- applyN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
-- applyN n f = X.foldr (.) identity (X.replicate n f)
-- | Like mapM but uses sequence'.
{-# INLINABLE mapM' #-}
mapM' :: Monad f => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
mapM' f = sequence' . map f
-- | This is a version of sequence based on difference lists. It is
-- slightly faster but we mostly use it because it uses the heap
-- instead of the stack. This has the advantage that Neil Mitchells
-- trick of limiting the stack size to discover space leaks doesnt
-- show this as a false positive.
{-# INLINABLE sequence' #-}
sequence' :: Monad f => [f a] -> f [a]
sequence' ms = do
h <- go id ms
return (h [])
go h [] = return h
go h (m:ms') = do
x <- m
go (h . (x :)) ms'
curry2 :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curry2 f x y = f (x, y)
uncurry2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry2 f (x, y) = f x y
curry3 :: ((a, b, c) -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> d
curry3 f x y z = f (x, y, z)
uncurry3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> d
uncurry3 f (x, y, z) = f x y z
curry4 :: ((a, b, c, d) -> e) -> a -> b -> c -> d -> e
curry4 f w x y z = f (w, x, y, z)
uncurry4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (a, b, c, d) -> e
uncurry4 f (w, x, y, z) = f w x y z
-- Lists
-- | Total version of maximum, for integral types, giving 0 for an empty list.
maximum' :: Integral a => [a] -> a
maximum' [] = 0
maximum' xs = maximumStrict xs
-- | Strict version of maximum that doesnt leak space
{-# INLINABLE maximumStrict #-}
maximumStrict :: Ord a => [a] -> a
maximumStrict = foldl1' max
-- | Strict version of minimum that doesnt leak space
{-# INLINABLE minimumStrict #-}
minimumStrict :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimumStrict = foldl1' min
splitAtElement :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitAtElement x l =
case l of
[] -> []
e:es | e==x -> split es
es -> split es
split es = let (first,rest) = break (x==) es
in first : splitAtElement x rest
-- | Strict version of sum that doesnt leak space
{-# INLINABLE sumStrict #-}
sumStrict :: Num a => [a] -> a
sumStrict = foldl' (+) 0
-- Trees
-- | Get the leaves of this tree as a list.
-- The topmost node ("root" in hledger account trees) is not counted as a leaf.
treeLeaves :: Tree a -> [a]
treeLeaves Node{subForest=[]} = []
treeLeaves t = foldTree (\a bs -> (if null bs then (a:) else id) $ concat bs) t
-- Tuples
first3 (x,_,_) = x
second3 (_,x,_) = x
third3 (_,_,x) = x
first4 (x,_,_,_) = x
second4 (_,x,_,_) = x
third4 (_,_,x,_) = x
fourth4 (_,_,_,x) = x
first5 (x,_,_,_,_) = x
second5 (_,x,_,_,_) = x
third5 (_,_,x,_,_) = x
fourth5 (_,_,_,x,_) = x
fifth5 (_,_,_,_,x) = x
first6 (x,_,_,_,_,_) = x
second6 (_,x,_,_,_,_) = x
third6 (_,_,x,_,_,_) = x
fourth6 (_,_,_,x,_,_) = x
fifth6 (_,_,_,_,x,_) = x
sixth6 (_,_,_,_,_,x) = x
-- Misc
-- | Convert a list of strings to a multi-line multi-column list
-- fitting within the given width. Not wide character aware.
multicol :: Int -> [String] -> String
multicol _ [] = []
multicol width strs =
maxwidth = maximum' $ map length strs
numcols = min (length strs) (width `div` (maxwidth+2))
itemspercol = length strs `div` numcols
colitems = chunksOf itemspercol strs
cols = map unlines colitems
sep = " "
T.unpack $ textConcatBottomPadded $ map T.pack $ intersperse sep cols
-- | Find the number of digits of an 'Int'.
{-# INLINE numDigitsInt #-}
numDigitsInt :: Integral a => Int -> a
numDigitsInt n
| n == minBound = 19 -- negate minBound is out of the range of Int
| n < 0 = go (negate n)
| otherwise = go n
go a | a < 10 = 1
| a < 100 = 2
| a < 1000 = 3
| a < 10000 = 4
| a >= 10000000000000000 = 16 + go (a `quot` 10000000000000000)
| a >= 100000000 = 8 + go (a `quot` 100000000)
| otherwise = 4 + go (a `quot` 10000)
-- | Make classy lenses for Hledger options fields.
-- This is intended to be used with BalancingOpts, InputOpt, ReportOpts,
-- ReportSpec, and CliOpts.
-- When run on X, it will create a typeclass named HasX (except for ReportOpts,
-- which will be named HasReportOptsNoUpdate) containing all the lenses for that type.
-- If the field name starts with an underscore, the lens name will be created
-- by stripping the underscore from the front on the name. If the field name ends with
-- an underscore, the field name ends with an underscore, the lens name will be
-- mostly created by stripping the underscore, but a few names for which this
-- would create too many conflicts instead have a second underscore appended.
-- ReportOpts fields for which updating them requires updating the query in
-- ReportSpec are instead names by dropping the trailing underscore and
-- appending NoUpdate to the name, e.g. querystring_ -> querystringNoUpdate.
-- There are a few reasons for the complicated rules.
-- - We have some legacy field names ending in an underscore (e.g. value_)
-- which we want to temporarily accommodate, before eventually switching to
-- a more modern style (e.g. _rsReportOpts)
-- - Certain fields in ReportOpts need to update the enclosing ReportSpec when
-- they are updated, and it is a common programming error to forget to do
-- this. We append NoUpdate to those lenses which will not update the
-- enclosing field, and reserve the shorter name for manually define lenses
-- (or at least something lens-like) which will update the ReportSpec.
-- cf. the lengthy discussion here and in surrounding comments:
-- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/pull/1545#issuecomment-881974554
makeHledgerClassyLenses :: Name -> DecsQ
makeHledgerClassyLenses x = flip makeLensesWith x $ classyRules
& lensField .~ (\_ _ n -> fieldName $ nameBase n)
& lensClass .~ (className . nameBase)
fieldName n | Just ('_', name) <- uncons n = [TopName (mkName name)]
| Just (name, '_') <- unsnoc n,
name `Set.member` queryFields = [TopName (mkName $ name ++ "NoUpdate")]
| Just (name, '_') <- unsnoc n,
name `Set.member` commonFields = [TopName (mkName $ name ++ "__")]
| Just (name, '_') <- unsnoc n = [TopName (mkName name)]
| otherwise = []
-- Fields which would cause too many conflicts if we exposed lenses with these names.
commonFields = Set.fromList
[ "empty", "drop", "color", "transpose" -- ReportOpts
, "anon", "new", "auto" -- InputOpts
, "rawopts", "file", "debug", "width" -- CliOpts
-- When updating some fields of ReportOpts within a ReportSpec, we need to
-- update the rsQuery term as well. To do this we implement a special
-- HasReportOpts class with some special behaviour. We therefore give the
-- basic lenses a special NoUpdate name to avoid conflicts.
className "ReportOpts" = Just (mkName "HasReportOptsNoUpdate", mkName "reportOptsNoUpdate")
className (x':xs) = Just (mkName ("Has" ++ x':xs), mkName (toLower x' : xs))
className [] = Nothing
-- Fields of ReportOpts which need to update the Query when they are updated.
queryFields = Set.fromList ["period", "statuses", "depth", "date2", "real", "querystring"]
tests_Utils = testGroup "Utils" [