Chris Lemaire 97f15eac03 Fix failing hledger-web test
This test appeared to have failed after adding source positions to
generated transactions. This is because the generated transaction id for
web pages appears to be dependent on whether the transaction has an
associated source file. Because it has one associated now, the id was
updated to be 'transaction-2-1' for instance, instead of
'transaction-0-1' as it would have been before. The fix is to change the
2023-01-21 23:24:43 +01:00

102 lines
3.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Web.Test (
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.Hspec (hspec)
import Yesod.Default.Config
import Yesod.Test
import Hledger.Web.Application ( makeFoundationWith )
import Hledger.Web.WebOptions ( WebOpts(cliopts_), defwebopts, prognameandversion )
import Hledger.Web.Import hiding (get, j)
import Hledger.Cli hiding (prognameandversion)
runHspecTestsWith :: AppConfig DefaultEnv Extra -> WebOpts -> Journal -> YesodSpec App -> IO ()
runHspecTestsWith yesodconf hledgerwebopts j specs = do
app <- makeFoundationWith j yesodconf hledgerwebopts
hspec $ yesodSpec app specs
-- Run hledger-web's built-in tests using the hspec test runner.
hledgerWebTest :: IO ()
hledgerWebTest = do
putStrLn $ "Running tests for " ++ prognameandversion -- ++ " (--test --help for options)"
-- loadConfig fails without ./config/settings.yml; use a hard-coded one
let conf = AppConfig{
appEnv = Testing
,appPort = 3000 -- will it clash with a production instance ? doesn't seem to
,appRoot = "http://localhost:3000"
,appHost = "*4"
,appExtra = Extra
{ extraCopyright = ""
, extraAnalytics = Nothing
, extraStaticRoot = Nothing
-- http://hspec.github.io/writing-specs.html
-- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/yesod-test-1.6.10/docs/Yesod-Test.html
-- "The best way to see an example project using yesod-test is to create a scaffolded Yesod project:
-- stack new projectname yesodweb/sqlite
-- (See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack-templates/wiki#yesod for the full list of Yesod templates)"
-- Since these tests use makeFoundation, the startup code in Hledger.Web.Main is not tested. XXX
-- Be aware that unusual combinations of opts/files here could cause problems,
-- eg if cliopts{file_} is left empty journalReload might reload the user's default journal.
-- basic tests
runHspecTestsWith conf defwebopts nulljournal $ do
ydescribe "hledger-web" $ do
yit "serves a reasonable-looking journal page" $ do
get JournalR
statusIs 200
bodyContains "Add a transaction"
yit "serves a reasonable-looking register page" $ do
get RegisterR
statusIs 200
bodyContains "accounts"
-- WIP
-- yit "shows the add form" $ do
-- get JournalR
-- -- printBody
-- -- let addbutton = "button:contains('add')"
-- -- bodyContains addbutton
-- -- htmlAnyContain "button:visible" "add"
-- printMatches "div#addmodal:visible"
-- htmlCount "div#addmodal:visible" 0
-- -- clickOn "a#addformlink"
-- -- printBody
-- -- bodyContains addbutton
-- yit "can add transactions" $ do
-- Have forecasting on for testing
iopts = definputopts{forecast_=Just nulldatespan}
copts = defcliopts{inputopts_=iopts, file_=[""]} -- non-empty, see file_ note above
wopts = defwebopts{cliopts_=copts}
pj <- readJournal' (T.pack $ unlines -- PARTIAL: readJournal' should not fail
["~ monthly"
," assets 10"
," income"
-- Have to give a non-null filename "fake" so forecast transactions get index 0
j <- fmap (either error id) . runExceptT $ journalFinalise iopts "fake" "" pj -- PARTIAL: journalFinalise should not fail
runHspecTestsWith conf wopts j $ do
ydescribe "hledger-web --forecast" $ do
yit "serves a journal page showing forecasted transactions" $ do
get JournalR
statusIs 200
bodyContains "id=\"transaction-2-1\""
bodyContains "id=\"transaction-2-2\""