Simon Michael 811e71aba7 price precisions don't influence display precision; balancing is based on display precision (#23)
Like ledger, price amounts are now "unobserved", ie their precision does
not affect the canonical display precisions used when displaying amounts,
and transaction balancing is done based on display precision, ie amounts
are considered to balance if their sum appears to be zero when using the
canonical display precision.
2010-11-14 22:44:37 +00:00

74 lines
3.0 KiB

Utilities common to hledger journal readers.
module Hledger.Read.Utils
import Control.Monad.Error
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath(takeDirectory,combine)
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Hledger.Data.Types (Journal, JournalContext(..), Commodity, JournalUpdate)
import Hledger.Data.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Journal (nullctx, nulljournal, journalFinalise)
juSequence :: [JournalUpdate] -> JournalUpdate
juSequence us = liftM (foldr (.) id) $ sequence us
-- | Given a JournalUpdate-generating parsec parser, file path and data string,
-- parse and post-process a Journal so that it's ready to use, or give an error.
parseJournalWith :: (GenParser Char JournalContext (JournalUpdate,JournalContext)) -> FilePath -> String -> ErrorT String IO Journal
parseJournalWith p f s = do
tc <- liftIO getClockTime
tl <- liftIO getCurrentLocalTime
case runParser p nullctx f s of
Right (updates,ctx) -> do
j <- updates `ap` return nulljournal
case journalFinalise tc tl f s ctx j of
Right j' -> return j'
Left estr -> throwError estr
Left e -> throwError $ show e
setYear :: Integer -> GenParser tok JournalContext ()
setYear y = updateState (\ctx -> ctx{ctxYear=Just y})
getYear :: GenParser tok JournalContext (Maybe Integer)
getYear = liftM ctxYear getState
setCommodity :: Commodity -> GenParser tok JournalContext ()
setCommodity c = updateState (\ctx -> ctx{ctxCommodity=Just c})
getCommodity :: GenParser tok JournalContext (Maybe Commodity)
getCommodity = liftM ctxCommodity getState
pushParentAccount :: String -> GenParser tok JournalContext ()
pushParentAccount parent = updateState addParentAccount
where addParentAccount ctx0 = ctx0 { ctxAccount = normalize parent : ctxAccount ctx0 }
normalize = (++ ":")
popParentAccount :: GenParser tok JournalContext ()
popParentAccount = do ctx0 <- getState
case ctxAccount ctx0 of
[] -> unexpected "End of account block with no beginning"
(_:rest) -> setState $ ctx0 { ctxAccount = rest }
getParentAccount :: GenParser tok JournalContext String
getParentAccount = liftM (concat . reverse . ctxAccount) getState
-- | Convert a possibly relative, possibly tilde-containing file path to an absolute one.
-- using the current directory from a parsec source position. ~username is not supported.
expandPath :: (MonadIO m) => SourcePos -> FilePath -> m FilePath
expandPath pos fp = liftM mkAbsolute (expandHome fp)
mkAbsolute = combine (takeDirectory (sourceName pos))
expandHome inname | "~/" `isPrefixOf` inname = do homedir <- liftIO getHomeDirectory
return $ homedir ++ drop 1 inname
| otherwise = return inname
fileSuffix :: FilePath -> String
fileSuffix = reverse . takeWhile (/='.') . reverse . dropWhile (/='.')