2024-04-26 17:38:13 -10:00

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# Vanguard account csv rules
# Vanguard's can might be found at: Balances -> Download center
# No need for a wildcard here - repeated downloads keep the same name,
# for me with safari at least, unlike with wells fargo csvs.
source OfxDownload.csv
# The csv needs to be date-sorted before we convert it.
# Use sort -t, +2 OfxDownload.csv >OfxDownload.clean.csv
# Then we read the sorted copy
source OfxDownload*.clean.csv
# Vanguard's transactions csv has two sections:
# 1. A list of accounts and balances, with 6 fields:
# Account Number,Investment Name,Symbol,Shares,Share Price,Total Value,
# 2. A list of transactions, with 15 fields:
# Account Number,Trade Date,Settlement Date,Transaction Type,Transaction Description,Investment Name,Symbol,Shares,Share Price,Principal Amount,Commission Fees,Net Amount,Accrued Interest,Account Type,
# After date sorting they are jumbled but we can still exclude unwanted lines:
# Skip section 1's 6-field lines
if ^([^,]*,){6}$
# Skip section 2's headings line
if ^Account Number
# That leaves just the transactions, in date order.
# Sample rules, customise for your needs:
fields Account_Number,Trade_Date,Settlement_Date,Transaction_Type,Transaction_Description,Investment_Name,Symbol,Shares,Share_Price,Principal_Amount,Commission_Fees,Net_Amount,Accrued_Interest,Account_Type,
date %Settlement_Date
account1 assets:brokerage:vg:vmfxx
currency $
description vanguard | %Transaction_Description
# Transactions come in various types, including:
## 1. Funds Received
if %Transaction_Type Funds Received
account2 assets:bank:wf:checking
amount %Net_Amount
## 2. Sweep in
if %Transaction_Type Sweep in
## 3. Sweep out
if %Transaction_Type Sweep out
## 4. Buy
# default buy rule, assume a bond
if %Transaction_Type Buy
date %Trade_Date
account2 assets:brokerage:vg:%Symbol
description vanguard | %Transaction_Description %Shares shares of %Investment_Name at $%Share_Price
amount1 %Principal_Amount
comment1 date:%Settlement_Date
amount2 %Shares %Symbol @ $%Share_Price
comment2 date:%Settlement_Date
# money market buy rule, recorded as $ for convenience
if %Transaction_Type Buy
& %Symbol VUSXX
date %Trade_Date
account2 assets:brokerage:vg:%Symbol
description vanguard | %Transaction_Description %Shares shares of %Investment_Name at $%Share_Price
amount1 %Principal_Amount
comment1 date:%Settlement_Date
currency2 $
amount2 -%Principal_Amount
comment2 date:%Settlement_Date
## 5. Dividend
# Where each dividend goes (reinvest, settlement fund, bank account..)
# is configured for each holding, and can change over time. See
# https://personal.vanguard.com/us/BrokerageDistributionController?HldId=851406218194320
# vmfxx to settlement
if %Transaction_Type Dividend
& %Symbol VMFXX
description vanguard | %Transaction_Description for %Symbol
amount -%Net_Amount
account1 revenues:dividends:vmfxx
account2 assets:brokerage:vg:vmfxx
# vusxx reinvest
if %Transaction_Type Dividend
& %Symbol VUSXX
description vanguard | %Transaction_Description for %Symbol
amount -%Net_Amount
account1 revenues:dividends:vusxx
account2 assets:brokerage:vg:vusxx
# vceb to settlement
if %Transaction_Type Dividend
& %Symbol VCEB
description vanguard | %Transaction_Description for %Symbol
amount -%Net_Amount
account1 revenues:dividends:vceb
account2 assets:brokerage:vg:vmfxx
## 6. Reinvestment
# Note: for reinvestment transactions,
# Vanguard's transactions CSV doesn't include costs
# and their online transactions report shows inaccurate costs;
# use their online lot details report instead.
if %Transaction_Type Reinvestment
## 7. Sell
# if %Transaction_Type Sell
# ...