2024-01-23 23:52:52 -10:00
2021-closed.journal ;examples:multi-year: expand, show equity & accounting equation [#2151] 2024-01-20 15:42:38 -10:00
2021.journal ;examples:multi-year: expand, show equity & accounting equation [#2151] 2024-01-20 15:42:38 -10:00
2022-closed.journal ;examples:multi-year: expand, show equity & accounting equation [#2151] 2024-01-20 15:42:38 -10:00
2022.journal ;examples:multi-year: expand, show equity & accounting equation [#2151] 2024-01-20 15:42:38 -10:00
2023.journal ;examples:multi-year: expand, show equity & accounting equation [#2151] 2024-01-20 15:42:38 -10:00
README.md ;examples:multi-year:readme: clarify/warn about print --equity losing directives 2024-01-23 23:52:52 -10:00

Working with multiple year files

Here are some yearly journal files demonstrating issues and techniques discussed in the close docs.

2021.journal, 2022.journal and 2023.journal each have only an opening balances transaction and some ordinary transactions. These are what you'd get if you started a new file each year using hledger's close --open command or Ledger's equity command. These files show correct balances when used individually, but they can't be combined for a multi-year report; their opening transactions are redundant and will produce nonsense balances.

To solve this, whenever we transition to a new file we can

Also (not necessary for basic personal accounting, but if we want to be fully correct), we can ensure all equity is accounted for:

Combining these in the right sequence can be tricky, so here's an example of fully migrating to a new file at the end of 2021/start of 2022. 2021-closed.journal and 2022-closed.journal are the result of applying this procedure to the 2021 and 2022 journals. (They are named differently from the original journals for clarity here; also because the print --infer-equity step overwrites your entries and discards directives, requiring some extra manual steps to preserve those. Normally you would keep the file names unchanged.)

First, ensure all equity changes are recorded:

$ hledger -f 2021.journal print --infer-equity          > 2021-closed.journal   # add explicit equity:conversion postings where needed
$ hledger -f 2021-closed.journal close --retain -e 2022 >> 2021-closed.journal  # retain earnings (transfer RX to E)

Next, migrate asset/liability balances from old file to new file. (If you want to preserve equity balances too, add a type:ALE argument.) Note how --open is done first and --close second; or you could --close first and --open not:desc:closing second:

$ hledger -f 2021-closed.journal close --open   -e 2022 >> 2022.journal         # migrate balances (add opening txn to 2022.journal)
$ hledger -f 2021-closed.journal close --close  -e 2022 >> 2021-closed.journal  # migrate balances (add closing txn to 2021.journal)

Finally, add a tag like this (manually for now) to the closing and opening transactions to make them easier to exclude from reports:

2021-12-31 closing balances  ; start:2022
2022-01-01 opening balances  ; start:2022


Now we can confirm that the accounting equation was preserved in 2021, by checking that the grand total of Assets, Liabilities, and Equity is zero. To see the end balances, we must exclude the closing balances transaction:

$ hledger -f 2021-closed.journal bse not:tag:start=2022
Balance Sheet With Equity 2021-12-31

                                 ||   2021-12-31 
 Assets                          ||              
 assets                          ||           21 
                                 ||           21 
 Liabilities                     ||              
 Equity                          ||              
 equity:conversion:A-B:A         ||         -1 A 
 equity:conversion:A-B:B         ||          1 B 
 equity:opening/closing balances ||           20 
 equity:retained earnings        || 1, 1 A, -1 B 
                                 ||           21 
 Net:                            ||            0 

We can check this for 2022 too, if we add any missing equity changes with --infer-equity and --retain (temporarily):

$ (hledger -f 2022.journal print --infer-equity; hledger -f 2022.journal close --retain) | hledger -f- bse 
Balance Sheet With Equity 2024-01-19

                          ||   2024-01-19 
 Assets                   ||              
 assets                   ||           22 
                          ||           22 
 Liabilities              ||              
 Equity                   ||              
 equity:conversion:A-B:A  ||         -1 A 
 equity:conversion:A-B:B  ||          1 B 
 equity:retained earnings || 1, 1 A, -1 B 
 equity:start             ||           21 
                          ||           22 
 Net:                     ||            0 

We can see correct balance sheets from any range of files, if we exclude all opening/closing transactions except the first:

$ hledger bs -Y -f 2021-closed.journal -f 2022-closed.journal -f 2023.journal expr:'tag:start=2021 or not tag:start'
$ hledger bs -Y -f 2021-closed.journal -f 2022-closed.journal                 expr:'tag:start=2021 or not tag:start'
$ hledger bs -Y -f 2022-closed.journal -f 2023.journal                        expr:'tag:start=2022 or not tag:start'
$ hledger bs -Y -f 2021-closed.journal                                        expr:'tag:start=2021 or not tag:start'
$ hledger bs -Y -f 2022-closed.journal                                        expr:'tag:start=2022 or not tag:start'
$ hledger bs -Y -f 2023.journal                                               # unclosed file, no query needed

We can see correct income statements from any range of files, if we exclude retain earnings transactions:

$ hledger is -Y -f 2021-closed.journal -f 2022-closed.journal -f 2023.journal not:desc:retain
$ hledger is -Y -f 2021-closed.journal -f 2022-closed.journal                 not:desc:retain
$ hledger is -Y -f 2022-closed.journal -f 2023.journal                        not:desc:retain
$ hledger is -Y -f 2021-closed.journal                                        not:desc:retain
$ hledger is -Y -f 2022-closed.journal                                        not:desc:retain
$ hledger is -Y -f 2023.journal                                               # unclosed file, no query needed