Stephen Morgan e2198ff1ee lib: Auto-postings with Amount queries should filter only those commodities which match the query.
Also corrects a regression introduced in
8ab29f84b3 where transaction modifier
postings without multipliers would incorrectly be filtered by commodity.
2021-07-01 09:35:56 -10:00

141 lines
6.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
A 'TransactionModifier' is a rule that modifies certain 'Transaction's,
typically adding automated postings to them.
module Hledger.Data.TransactionModifier (
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (txnTieKnot)
import Hledger.Query (Query, filterQuery, matchesAmount, matchesPosting,
parseQuery, queryIsAmt, queryIsSym, simplifyQuery)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (commentJoin, commentAddTag)
import Hledger.Utils (dbg6, wrap)
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Posting
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Transaction
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Journal
-- | Apply all the given transaction modifiers, in turn, to each transaction.
-- Or if any of them fails to be parsed, return the first error. A reference
-- date is provided to help interpret relative dates in transaction modifier
-- queries.
modifyTransactions :: Day -> [TransactionModifier] -> [Transaction] -> Either String [Transaction]
modifyTransactions d tmods ts = do
fs <- mapM (transactionModifierToFunction d) tmods -- convert modifiers to functions, or return a parse error
modifytxn t = t''
t' = foldr (flip (.)) id fs t -- apply each function in turn
t'' = if t' == t -- and add some tags if it was changed
then t'
else t'{tcomment=tcomment t' `commentAddTag` ("modified",""), ttags=("modified","") : ttags t'}
Right $ map modifytxn ts
-- | Converts a 'TransactionModifier' to a 'Transaction'-transforming function
-- which applies the modification(s) specified by the TransactionModifier.
-- Or, returns the error message there is a problem parsing the TransactionModifier's query.
-- A reference date is provided to help interpret relative dates in the query.
-- The postings of the transformed transaction will reference it in the usual
-- way (ie, 'txnTieKnot' is called).
-- Currently the only kind of modification possible is adding automated
-- postings when certain other postings are present.
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- >>> t = nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 1]}
-- >>> test = either putStr (T.putStr.showTransaction) . fmap ($ t) . transactionModifierToFunction nulldate
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "" ["pong" `post` usd 2]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
-- pong $2.00 ; generated-posting: =
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "miss" ["pong" `post` usd 2]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "ping" ["pong" `post` amount{aismultiplier=True, aquantity=3}]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
-- pong $3.00 ; generated-posting: = ping
transactionModifierToFunction :: Day -> TransactionModifier -> Either String (Transaction -> Transaction)
transactionModifierToFunction refdate TransactionModifier{tmquerytxt, tmpostingrules} = do
q <- simplifyQuery . fst <$> parseQuery refdate tmquerytxt
fs = map (tmPostingRuleToFunction q tmquerytxt) tmpostingrules
generatePostings ps = concatMap (\p -> p : map ($p) (if q `matchesPosting` p then fs else [])) ps
Right $ \t@(tpostings -> ps) -> txnTieKnot t{tpostings=generatePostings ps}
-- | Converts a 'TransactionModifier''s posting rule to a 'Posting'-generating function,
-- which will be used to make a new posting based on the old one (an "automated posting").
-- The new posting's amount can optionally be the old posting's amount multiplied by a constant.
-- If the old posting had a total-priced amount, the new posting's multiplied amount will be unit-priced.
-- The new posting will have two tags added: a normal generated-posting: tag which also appears in the comment,
-- and a hidden _generated-posting: tag which does not.
-- The TransactionModifier's query text is also provided, and saved
-- as the tags' value.
tmPostingRuleToFunction :: Query -> T.Text -> TMPostingRule -> (Posting -> Posting)
tmPostingRuleToFunction query querytxt pr =
\p -> renderPostingCommentDates $ pr
{ pdate = pdate pr <|> pdate p
, pdate2 = pdate2 pr <|> pdate2 p
, pamount = amount' p
, pcomment = pcomment pr `commentAddTag` ("generated-posting",qry)
, ptags = ("generated-posting", qry) :
("_generated-posting",qry) :
ptags pr
qry = "= " <> querytxt
symq = filterQuery (liftA2 (||) queryIsSym queryIsAmt) query
amount' = case postingRuleMultiplier pr of
Nothing -> const $ pamount pr
Just n -> \p ->
-- Multiply the old posting's amount by the posting rule's multiplier.
pramount = dbg6 "pramount" . head . amountsRaw $ pamount pr
matchedamount = dbg6 "matchedamount" . filterMixedAmount (symq `matchesAmount`) $ pamount p
-- Handle a matched amount with a total price carefully so as to keep the transaction balanced (#928).
-- Approach 1: convert to a unit price and increase the display precision slightly
-- Mixed as = dbg6 "multipliedamount" $ n `multiplyMixedAmount` mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice matchedamount
-- Approach 2: multiply the total price (keeping it positive) as well as the quantity
as = dbg6 "multipliedamount" $ multiplyMixedAmount n matchedamount
case acommodity pramount of
"" -> as
-- TODO multipliers with commodity symbols are not yet a documented feature.
-- For now: in addition to multiplying the quantity, it also replaces the
-- matched amount's commodity, display style, and price with those of the posting rule.
c -> mapMixedAmount (\a -> a{acommodity = c, astyle = astyle pramount, aprice = aprice pramount}) as
postingRuleMultiplier :: TMPostingRule -> Maybe Quantity
postingRuleMultiplier p = case amountsRaw $ pamount p of
[a] | aismultiplier a -> Just $ aquantity a
_ -> Nothing
renderPostingCommentDates :: Posting -> Posting
renderPostingCommentDates p = p { pcomment = comment' }
dates = T.concat $ catMaybes [showDate <$> pdate p, ("=" <>) . showDate <$> pdate2 p]
| T.null dates = pcomment p
| otherwise = (wrap "[" "]" dates) `commentJoin` pcomment p