Stephen Morgan af31d6e140 lib,cli,ui: Remove redundant Typeable and Data instances.
Also add some explicit import lists.
2020-08-31 15:41:30 +10:00

98 lines
3.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hledger.UI.UIOptions
import Data.Default
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Environment
import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,version,prognameandversion)
import Hledger.UI.Theme (themeNames)
progname, version :: String
progname = "hledger-ui"
#ifdef VERSION
version = VERSION
version = ""
prognameandversion :: String
prognameandversion = progname ++ " " ++ version :: String
uiflags = [
-- flagNone ["debug-ui"] (setboolopt "rules-file") "run with no terminal output, showing console"
flagNone ["watch"] (setboolopt "watch") "watch for data and date changes and reload automatically"
,flagReq ["theme"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "theme" s opts) "THEME" ("use this custom display theme ("++intercalate ", " themeNames++")")
,flagReq ["register"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "register" s opts) "ACCTREGEX" "start in the (first) matched account's register"
,flagNone ["change"] (setboolopt "change")
"show period balances (changes) at startup instead of historical balances"
-- ,flagNone ["cumulative"] (setboolopt "cumulative")
-- "show balance change accumulated across periods (in multicolumn reports)"
-- ,flagNone ["historical","H"] (setboolopt "historical")
-- "show historical ending balance in each period (includes postings before report start date)\n "
++ flattreeflags False
-- ,flagNone ["present"] (setboolopt "present") "exclude transactions dated later than today (default)"
-- ,flagReq ["drop"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "drop" s opts) "N" "with --flat, omit this many leading account name components"
-- ,flagReq ["format"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "format" s opts) "FORMATSTR" "use this custom line format"
-- ,flagNone ["no-elide"] (setboolopt "no-elide") "don't compress empty parent accounts on one line"
--uimode :: Mode RawOpts
uimode = (mode "hledger-ui" (setopt "command" "ui" def)
"browse accounts, postings and entries in a full-window curses interface"
(argsFlag "[PATTERNS]") []){
modeGroupFlags = Group {
groupUnnamed = uiflags
,groupHidden = hiddenflags
++ [flagNone ["future"] (setboolopt "forecast") "compatibility alias, use --forecast instead"]
,groupNamed = [(generalflagsgroup1)]
-- "Reads your ~/.hledger.journal file, or another specified by $LEDGER_FILE or -f, and starts the full-window curses ui."
-- hledger-ui options, used in hledger-ui and above
data UIOpts = UIOpts {
watch_ :: Bool
,change_ :: Bool
,cliopts_ :: CliOpts
} deriving (Show)
defuiopts = UIOpts
-- instance Default CliOpts where def = defcliopts
rawOptsToUIOpts :: RawOpts -> IO UIOpts
rawOptsToUIOpts rawopts = checkUIOpts <$> do
cliopts <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
return defuiopts {
watch_ = boolopt "watch" rawopts
,change_ = boolopt "change" rawopts
,cliopts_ = cliopts
checkUIOpts :: UIOpts -> UIOpts
checkUIOpts opts =
either usageError (const opts) $ do
case maybestringopt "theme" $ rawopts_ $ cliopts_ opts of
Just t | not $ elem t themeNames -> Left $ "invalid theme name: "++t
_ -> Right ()
-- XXX some refactoring seems due
getHledgerUIOpts :: IO UIOpts
--getHledgerUIOpts = processArgs uimode >>= return >>= rawOptsToUIOpts
getHledgerUIOpts = do
args <- getArgs >>= expandArgsAt
let args' = replaceNumericFlags args
let cmdargopts = either usageError id $ process uimode args'
rawOptsToUIOpts cmdargopts