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{- |
This module contains hledger's unit tests. These are built in to hledger,
and can be run at any time by doing @hledger test@ (or, with a few more
options, by doing @make unittest@ in the hledger source tree.)
Other kinds of tests:
hledger's functional tests are a set of shell/command-line tests defined
by .test files in the tests\/ subdirectory. These can be run by doing
@make functest@ in the hledger source tree.
hledger's doctests are shell tests defined in literal blocks in haddock
documentation in the source, run by doing @make doctest@ in the hledger
source tree. They are no longer used, but here is an example:
$ hledger -f sample.ledger balance o
$1 expenses:food
$-2 income
$-1 gifts
$-1 salary
module Tests
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Format
import Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Test.HUnit.Tools (runVerboseTests)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) -- base 3 compatible
import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD))
import Commands.All
import Ledger
import Options
import Utils
runtests opts args = do
(counts,_) <- runner ts
if errors counts > 0 || (failures counts > 0)
then exitFailure
else exitWith ExitSuccess
runner | Verbose `elem` opts = runVerboseTests
| otherwise = liftM (flip (,) 0) . runTestTT
ts = TestList $ filter matchname $ concatMap tflatten tests
--ts = tfilter matchname $ TestList tests -- unflattened
matchname = matchpats args . tname
-- | Get a Test's label, or the empty string.
tname :: Test -> String
tname (TestLabel n _) = n
tname _ = ""
-- | Flatten a Test containing TestLists into a list of single tests.
tflatten :: Test -> [Test]
tflatten (TestLabel _ t@(TestList _)) = tflatten t
tflatten (TestList ts) = concatMap tflatten ts
tflatten t = [t]
-- | Filter TestLists in a Test, recursively, preserving the structure.
tfilter :: (Test -> Bool) -> Test -> Test
tfilter p (TestLabel l ts) = TestLabel l (tfilter p ts)
tfilter p (TestList ts) = TestList $ filter (any p . tflatten) $ map (tfilter p) ts
tfilter _ t = t
-- | Simple way to assert something is some expected value, with no label.
is :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
a `is` e = assertEqual "" e a
-- | Assert a parse result is some expected value, or print a parse error.
parseis :: (Show a, Eq a) => (Either ParseError a) -> a -> Assertion
parse `parseis` expected = either printParseError (`is` expected) parse
-- | Tests for any function or topic. Mostly ordered by test name.
tests :: [Test]
tests = [
"account directive" ~:
let sameParse str1 str2 = do l1 <- rawLedgerFromString str1
l2 <- rawLedgerFromString str2
l1 `is` l2
in TestList
"account directive 1" ~: sameParse
"2008/12/07 One\n test:from $-1\n test:to $1\n"
"!account test\n2008/12/07 One\n from $-1\n to $1\n"
,"account directive 2" ~: sameParse
"2008/12/07 One\n test:foo:from $-1\n test:foo:to $1\n"
"!account test\n!account foo\n2008/12/07 One\n from $-1\n to $1\n"
,"account directive 3" ~: sameParse
"2008/12/07 One\n test:from $-1\n test:to $1\n"
"!account test\n!account foo\n!end\n2008/12/07 One\n from $-1\n to $1\n"
,"account directive 4" ~: sameParse
("2008/12/07 One\n alpha $-1\n beta $1\n" ++
"!account outer\n2008/12/07 Two\n aigh $-2\n bee $2\n" ++
"!account inner\n2008/12/07 Three\n gamma $-3\n delta $3\n" ++
"!end\n2008/12/07 Four\n why $-4\n zed $4\n" ++
"!end\n2008/12/07 Five\n foo $-5\n bar $5\n"
("2008/12/07 One\n alpha $-1\n beta $1\n" ++
"2008/12/07 Two\n outer:aigh $-2\n outer:bee $2\n" ++
"2008/12/07 Three\n outer:inner:gamma $-3\n outer:inner:delta $3\n" ++
"2008/12/07 Four\n outer:why $-4\n outer:zed $4\n" ++
"2008/12/07 Five\n foo $-5\n bar $5\n"
,"accountnames" ~:
accountnames ledger7 `is`
["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving","equity","equity:opening balances",
"liabilities","liabilities:credit cards","liabilities:credit cards:discover"]
,"accountNameTreeFrom" ~: do
accountNameTreeFrom ["a"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","b"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" [], Node "b" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","a:b"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" []]]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a:b:c"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" [Node "a:b:c" []]]]
,"amount arithmetic" ~: do
let a1 = dollars 1.23
let a2 = Amount (comm "$") (-1.23) Nothing
let a3 = Amount (comm "$") (-1.23) Nothing
(a1 + a2) `is` Amount (comm "$") 0 Nothing
(a1 + a3) `is` Amount (comm "$") 0 Nothing
(a2 + a3) `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
(a3 + a3) `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
sum [a2,a3] `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
sum [a3,a3] `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
sum [a1,a2,a3,-a3] `is` Amount (comm "$") 0 Nothing
let dollar0 = dollar{precision=0}
(sum [Amount dollar 1.25 Nothing, Amount dollar0 (-1) Nothing, Amount dollar (-0.25) Nothing])
`is` (Amount dollar 0 Nothing)
,"mixed amount arithmetic" ~: do
let dollar0 = dollar{precision=0}
(sum $ map (Mixed . (\a -> [a]))
[Amount dollar 1.25 Nothing,
Amount dollar0 (-1) Nothing,
Amount dollar (-0.25) Nothing])
`is` Mixed [Amount dollar 0 Nothing]
,"balance report tests" ~:
let (opts,args) `gives` es = do
l <- sampleledgerwithopts opts args
showBalanceReport opts args l `is` unlines es
in TestList
"balance report with no args" ~:
([], []) `gives`
[" $-1 assets"
," $1 bank:saving"
," $-2 cash"
," $2 expenses"
," $1 food"
," $1 supplies"
," $-2 income"
," $-1 gifts"
," $-1 salary"
," $1 liabilities:debts"
,"balance report can be limited with --depth" ~:
([Depth "1"], []) `gives`
[" $-1 assets"
," $2 expenses"
," $-2 income"
," $1 liabilities"
,"balance report with account pattern o" ~:
([SubTotal], ["o"]) `gives`
[" $1 expenses:food"
," $-2 income"
," $-1 gifts"
," $-1 salary"
," $-1"
,"balance report with account pattern o and --depth 1" ~:
([Depth "1"], ["o"]) `gives`
[" $1 expenses"
," $-2 income"
," $-1"
,"balance report with account pattern a" ~:
([], ["a"]) `gives`
[" $-1 assets"
," $1 bank:saving"
," $-2 cash"
," $-1 income:salary"
," $1 liabilities:debts"
," $-1"
,"balance report with account pattern e" ~:
([], ["e"]) `gives`
[" $-1 assets"
," $1 bank:saving"
," $-2 cash"
," $2 expenses"
," $1 food"
," $1 supplies"
," $-2 income"
," $-1 gifts"
," $-1 salary"
," $1 liabilities:debts"
,"balance report with unmatched parent of two matched subaccounts" ~:
([], ["cash","saving"]) `gives`
[" $-1 assets"
," $1 bank:saving"
," $-2 cash"
," $-1"
,"balance report with multi-part account name" ~:
([], ["expenses:food"]) `gives`
[" $1 expenses:food"
," $1"
,"balance report with negative account pattern" ~:
([], ["not:assets"]) `gives`
[" $2 expenses"
," $1 food"
," $1 supplies"
," $-2 income"
," $-1 gifts"
," $-1 salary"
," $1 liabilities:debts"
," $1"
,"balance report negative account pattern always matches full name" ~:
([], ["not:e"]) `gives` []
,"balance report negative patterns affect totals" ~:
([], ["expenses","not:food"]) `gives`
[" $1 expenses:supplies"
," $1"
,"balance report with -E shows zero-balance accounts" ~:
([SubTotal,Empty], ["assets"]) `gives`
[" $-1 assets"
," $1 bank"
," $0 checking"
," $1 saving"
," $-2 cash"
," $-1"
,"balance report with cost basis" ~: do
rl <- rawLedgerFromString $ unlines
,"2008/1/1 test "
," a:b 10h @ $50"
," c:d "
let l = cacheLedger [] $
filterRawLedger (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] Nothing False $
canonicaliseAmounts True rl -- enable cost basis adjustment
showBalanceReport [] [] l `is`
[" $500 a:b"
," $-500 c:d"
,"balance report elides zero-balance root account(s)" ~: do
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [] [] sampletime
["2008/1/1 one"
," test:a 1"
," test:b"
showBalanceReport [] [] l `is`
[" 1 test:a"
," -1 test:b"
,"balanceLedgerTransaction" ~: do
assertBool "detect unbalanced entry, sign error"
(isLeft $ balanceLedgerTransaction
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "test" ""
[Posting False "a" (Mixed [dollars 1]) "" RegularPosting,
Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertBool "detect unbalanced entry, multiple missing amounts"
(isLeft $ balanceLedgerTransaction
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "test" ""
[Posting False "a" missingamt "" RegularPosting,
Posting False "b" missingamt "" RegularPosting
] ""))
let e = balanceLedgerTransaction (LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "test" ""
[Posting False "a" (Mixed [dollars 1]) "" RegularPosting,
Posting False "b" missingamt "" RegularPosting
] "")
assertBool "one missing amount should be ok" (isRight e)
assertEqual "balancing amount is added"
(Mixed [dollars (-1)])
(case e of
Right e' -> (pamount $ last $ ltpostings e')
Left _ -> error "should not happen")
,"cacheLedger" ~:
length (Map.keys $ accountmap $ cacheLedger [] rawledger7) `is` 15
,"canonicaliseAmounts" ~:
"use the greatest precision" ~:
rawLedgerPrecisions (canonicaliseAmounts False $ rawLedgerWithAmounts ["1","2.00"]) `is` [2,2]
,"commodities" ~:
commodities ledger7 `is` [Commodity {symbol="$", side=L, spaced=False, comma=False, precision=2}]
,"dateSpanFromOpts" ~: do
let todaysdate = parsedate "2008/11/26"
let gives = is . show . dateSpanFromOpts todaysdate
[] `gives` "DateSpan Nothing Nothing"
[Begin "2008", End "2009"] `gives` "DateSpan (Just 2008-01-01) (Just 2009-01-01)"
[Period "in 2008"] `gives` "DateSpan (Just 2008-01-01) (Just 2009-01-01)"
[Begin "2005", End "2007",Period "in 2008"] `gives` "DateSpan (Just 2008-01-01) (Just 2009-01-01)"
-- don't know what this should do
-- ,"elideAccountName" ~: do
-- (elideAccountName 50 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
-- `is` "aa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
-- (elideAccountName 20 "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
-- `is` "aa:aa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
,"entriesFromTimeLogEntries" ~: do
today <- getCurrentDay
now' <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
let now = utcToLocalTime tz now'
nowstr = showtime now
yesterday = prevday today
clockin = TimeLogEntry In
mktime d = LocalTime d . fromMaybe midnight . parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S"
showtime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M"
assertEntriesGiveStrings name es ss = assertEqual name ss (map ltdescription $ entriesFromTimeLogEntries now es)
assertEntriesGiveStrings "started yesterday, split session at midnight"
[clockin (mktime yesterday "23:00:00") ""]
assertEntriesGiveStrings "split multi-day sessions at each midnight"
[clockin (mktime (addDays (-2) today) "23:00:00") ""]
assertEntriesGiveStrings "auto-clock-out if needed"
[clockin (mktime today "00:00:00") ""]
let future = utcToLocalTime tz $ addUTCTime 100 now'
futurestr = showtime future
assertEntriesGiveStrings "use the clockin time for auto-clockout if it's in the future"
[clockin future ""]
[printf "%s-%s" futurestr futurestr]
,"expandAccountNames" ~:
expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"] `is`
,"intervalFromOpts" ~: do
let gives = is . intervalFromOpts
[] `gives` NoInterval
[WeeklyOpt] `gives` Weekly
[MonthlyOpt] `gives` Monthly
[QuarterlyOpt] `gives` Quarterly
[YearlyOpt] `gives` Yearly
[Period "weekly"] `gives` Weekly
[Period "monthly"] `gives` Monthly
[Period "quarterly"] `gives` Quarterly
[WeeklyOpt, Period "yearly"] `gives` Yearly
,"isAccountNamePrefixOf" ~: do
"assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets" `is` False
"assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets:bank" `is` True
"assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets:bank:checking" `is` True
"my assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets:bank" `is` False
,"isLedgerTransactionBalanced" ~: do
assertBool "detect balanced"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1.00]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "c" (Mixed [dollars (-1.00)]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertBool "detect unbalanced"
(not $ isLedgerTransactionBalanced
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1.00]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "c" (Mixed [dollars (-1.01)]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertBool "detect unbalanced, one posting"
(not $ isLedgerTransactionBalanced
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1.00]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertBool "one zero posting is considered balanced for now"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 0]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertBool "virtual postings don't need to balance"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1.00]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "c" (Mixed [dollars (-1.00)]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "d" (Mixed [dollars 100]) "" VirtualPosting
] ""))
assertBool "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves"
(not $ isLedgerTransactionBalanced
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1.00]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "c" (Mixed [dollars (-1.00)]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "d" (Mixed [dollars 100]) "" BalancedVirtualPosting
] ""))
assertBool "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves (2)"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2009/01/01") Nothing False "" "a" ""
[Posting False "b" (Mixed [dollars 1.00]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "c" (Mixed [dollars (-1.00)]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "d" (Mixed [dollars 100]) "" BalancedVirtualPosting
,Posting False "e" (Mixed [dollars (-100)]) "" BalancedVirtualPosting
] ""))
,"isSubAccountNameOf" ~: do
"assets" `isSubAccountNameOf` "assets" `is` False
"assets:bank" `isSubAccountNameOf` "assets" `is` True
"assets:bank:checking" `isSubAccountNameOf` "assets" `is` False
"assets:bank" `isSubAccountNameOf` "my assets" `is` False
,"default year" ~: do
rl <- rawLedgerFromString defaultyear_ledger_str
ltdate (head $ ledger_txns rl) `is` fromGregorian 2009 1 1
return ()
,"ledgerFile" ~: do
assertBool "ledgerFile should parse an empty file" (isRight $ parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerFile "")
r <- rawLedgerFromString "" -- don't know how to get it from ledgerFile
assertBool "ledgerFile parsing an empty file should give an empty ledger" $ null $ ledger_txns r
,"ledgerHistoricalPrice" ~:
parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerHistoricalPrice price1_str `parseis` price1
,"ledgerTransaction" ~: do
parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction entry1_str `parseis` entry1
assertBool "ledgerTransaction should not parse just a date"
$ isLeft $ parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction "2009/1/1\n"
assertBool "ledgerTransaction should require some postings"
$ isLeft $ parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction "2009/1/1 a\n"
let t = parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerTransaction "2009/1/1 a ;comment\n b 1\n"
assertBool "ledgerTransaction should not include a comment in the description"
$ either (const False) ((== "a") . ltdescription) t
,"ledgeraccountname" ~: do
assertBool "ledgeraccountname parses a normal accountname" (isRight $ parsewith ledgeraccountname "a:b:c")
assertBool "ledgeraccountname rejects an empty inner component" (isLeft $ parsewith ledgeraccountname "a::c")
assertBool "ledgeraccountname rejects an empty leading component" (isLeft $ parsewith ledgeraccountname ":b:c")
assertBool "ledgeraccountname rejects an empty trailing component" (isLeft $ parsewith ledgeraccountname "a:b:")
,"ledgerposting" ~:
parseWithCtx emptyCtx ledgerposting rawposting1_str `parseis` rawposting1
,"parsedate" ~: do
parsedate "2008/02/03" `is` parsetimewith "%Y/%m/%d" "2008/02/03" sampledate
parsedate "2008-02-03" `is` parsetimewith "%Y/%m/%d" "2008/02/03" sampledate
,"period expressions" ~: do
let todaysdate = parsedate "2008/11/26"
let str `gives` result = show (parsewith (periodexpr todaysdate) str) `is` ("Right " ++ result)
"from aug to oct" `gives` "(NoInterval,DateSpan (Just 2008-08-01) (Just 2008-10-01))"
"aug to oct" `gives` "(NoInterval,DateSpan (Just 2008-08-01) (Just 2008-10-01))"
"every day from aug to oct" `gives` "(Daily,DateSpan (Just 2008-08-01) (Just 2008-10-01))"
"daily from aug" `gives` "(Daily,DateSpan (Just 2008-08-01) Nothing)"
"every week to 2009" `gives` "(Weekly,DateSpan Nothing (Just 2009-01-01))"
,"print report tests" ~: TestList
"print expenses" ~:
let args = ["expenses"]
l <- sampleledgerwithopts [] args
showLedgerTransactions [] args l `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 * eat & shop"
," expenses:food $1"
," expenses:supplies $1"
," assets:cash $-2"
, "print report with depth arg" ~:
l <- sampleledger
showLedgerTransactions [Depth "2"] [] l `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income"
," income:salary $-1"
,"2008/06/01 gift"
," income:gifts $-1"
,"2008/06/03 * eat & shop"
," expenses:food $1"
," expenses:supplies $1"
," assets:cash $-2"
,"2008/12/31 * pay off"
," liabilities:debts $1"
,"punctuatethousands 1" ~: punctuatethousands "" `is` ""
,"punctuatethousands 2" ~: punctuatethousands "1234567.8901" `is` "1,234,567.8901"
,"punctuatethousands 3" ~: punctuatethousands "-100" `is` "-100"
,"register report tests" ~:
let registerdates = filter (not . null) . map (strip . take 10) . lines
"register report with no args" ~:
l <- sampleledger
showRegisterReport [] [] l `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:salary $-1 0"
,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank:saving $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1"
," expenses:supplies $1 $2"
," assets:cash $-2 0"
,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"register report with cleared arg" ~:
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [Cleared] [] sampletime sample_ledger_str
showRegisterReport [Cleared] [] l `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1"
," expenses:supplies $1 $2"
," assets:cash $-2 0"
,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"register report with uncleared arg" ~:
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [UnCleared] [] sampletime sample_ledger_str
showRegisterReport [UnCleared] [] l `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:salary $-1 0"
,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank:saving $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"register report sorts by date" ~:
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [] [] sampletime $ unlines
["2008/02/02 a"
," b 1"
," c"
,"2008/01/01 d"
," e 1"
," f"
registerdates (showRegisterReport [] [] l) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/02/02"]
,"register report with account pattern" ~:
l <- sampleledger
showRegisterReport [] ["cash"] l `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2"
,"register report with account pattern, case insensitive" ~:
l <- sampleledger
showRegisterReport [] ["cAsH"] l `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2"
,"register report with display expression" ~:
l <- sampleledger
let gives displayexpr =
(registerdates (showRegisterReport [Display displayexpr] [] l) `is`)
"d<[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01"]
"d<=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02"]
"d=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/02"]
"d>=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"d>[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
,"register report with period expression" ~:
l <- sampleledger
let periodexpr `gives` dates = do
lopts <- sampleledgerwithopts [Period periodexpr] []
registerdates (showRegisterReport [Period periodexpr] [] lopts) `is` dates
"" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"2008" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"2007" `gives` []
"june" `gives` ["2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03"]
"monthly" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/12/01"]
"quarterly" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"]
showRegisterReport [Period "yearly"] [] l `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 - 2008/12/31 assets:bank:saving $1 $1"
," assets:cash $-2 $-1"
," expenses:food $1 0"
," expenses:supplies $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
," income:salary $-1 $-1"
," liabilities:debts $1 0"
registerdates (showRegisterReport [Period "quarterly"] [] l) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"]
registerdates (showRegisterReport [Period "quarterly",Empty] [] l) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/07/01","2008/10/01"]
, "register report with depth arg" ~:
l <- sampleledger
showRegisterReport [Depth "2"] [] l `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income income:salary $-1 $-1"
,"2008/06/01 gift income:gifts $-1 $-2"
,"2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $-1"
," expenses:supplies $1 0"
," assets:cash $-2 $-2"
,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $-1"
,"show dollars" ~: show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00"
,"show hours" ~: show (hours 1) ~?= "1.0h"
,"showLedgerTransaction" ~: do
assertEqual "show a balanced transaction, eliding last amount"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.18)]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertEqual "show a balanced transaction, no eliding"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.18)]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
-- document some cases that arise in debug/testing:
assertEqual "show an unbalanced transaction, should not elide"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.19"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting
,Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.19)]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertEqual "show an unbalanced transaction with one posting, should not elide"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting
] ""))
assertEqual "show a transaction with one posting and a missing amount"
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries "
(LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" missingamt "" RegularPosting
] ""))
,"unicode in balance layout" ~: do
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [] [] sampletime
"2009/01/01 * медвежья шкура\n расходы:покупки 100\n актив:наличные\n"
showBalanceReport [] [] l `is` unlines
[" -100 актив:наличные"
," 100 расходы:покупки"]
,"unicode in register layout" ~: do
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [] [] sampletime
"2009/01/01 * медвежья шкура\n расходы:покупки 100\n актив:наличные\n"
showRegisterReport [] [] l `is` unlines
["2009/01/01 медвежья шкура расходы:покупки 100 100"
," актив:наличные -100 0"]
,"smart dates" ~: do
let gives = is . fixSmartDateStr (parsedate "2008/11/26")
"1999-12-02" `gives` "1999/12/02"
"1999.12.02" `gives` "1999/12/02"
"1999/3/2" `gives` "1999/03/02"
"19990302" `gives` "1999/03/02"
"2008/2" `gives` "2008/02/01"
"20/2" `gives` "0020/02/01"
"1000" `gives` "1000/01/01"
"4/2" `gives` "2008/04/02"
"2" `gives` "2008/11/02"
"January" `gives` "2008/01/01"
"feb" `gives` "2008/02/01"
"today" `gives` "2008/11/26"
"yesterday" `gives` "2008/11/25"
"tomorrow" `gives` "2008/11/27"
"this day" `gives` "2008/11/26"
"last day" `gives` "2008/11/25"
"next day" `gives` "2008/11/27"
"this week" `gives` "2008/11/24" -- last monday
"last week" `gives` "2008/11/17" -- previous monday
"next week" `gives` "2008/12/01" -- next monday
"this month" `gives` "2008/11/01"
"last month" `gives` "2008/10/01"
"next month" `gives` "2008/12/01"
"this quarter" `gives` "2008/10/01"
"last quarter" `gives` "2008/07/01"
"next quarter" `gives` "2009/01/01"
"this year" `gives` "2008/01/01"
"last year" `gives` "2007/01/01"
"next year" `gives` "2009/01/01"
-- "last wed" `gives` "2008/11/19"
-- "next friday" `gives` "2008/11/28"
-- "next january" `gives` "2009/01/01"
,"splitSpan" ~: do
let gives (interval, span) = (splitSpan interval span `is`)
(NoInterval,mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2009/01/01") `gives`
[mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2009/01/01"]
(Quarterly,mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2009/01/01") `gives`
[mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2008/04/01"
,mkdatespan "2008/04/01" "2008/07/01"
,mkdatespan "2008/07/01" "2008/10/01"
,mkdatespan "2008/10/01" "2009/01/01"
(Quarterly,nulldatespan) `gives`
(Daily,mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2008/01/01") `gives`
[mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2008/01/01"]
(Quarterly,mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2008/01/01") `gives`
[mkdatespan "2008/01/01" "2008/01/01"]
,"subAccounts" ~: do
l <- sampleledger
let a = ledgerAccount l "assets"
map aname (ledgerSubAccounts l a) `is` ["assets:bank","assets:cash"]
,"summariseTransactionsInDateSpan" ~: do
let gives (b,e,tnum,depth,showempty,ts) =
(summariseTransactionsInDateSpan (mkdatespan b e) tnum depth showempty ts `is`)
let ts =
nulltxn{tdescription="desc",taccount="expenses:food:groceries",tamount=Mixed [dollars 1]}
,nulltxn{tdescription="desc",taccount="expenses:food:dining", tamount=Mixed [dollars 2]}
,nulltxn{tdescription="desc",taccount="expenses:food", tamount=Mixed [dollars 4]}
,nulltxn{tdescription="desc",taccount="expenses:food:dining", tamount=Mixed [dollars 8]}
("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,False,[]) `gives`
("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,True,[]) `gives`
nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31"}
("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,False,ts) `gives`
nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31",taccount="expenses:food", tamount=Mixed [dollars 4]}
,nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31",taccount="expenses:food:dining", tamount=Mixed [dollars 10]}
,nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31",taccount="expenses:food:groceries",tamount=Mixed [dollars 1]}
("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,2,False,ts) `gives`
nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31",taccount="expenses:food",tamount=Mixed [dollars 15]}
("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,1,False,ts) `gives`
nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31",taccount="expenses",tamount=Mixed [dollars 15]}
("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,0,False,ts) `gives`
nulltxn{tdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",tdescription="- 2008/12/31",taccount="",tamount=Mixed [dollars 15]}
,"postingamount" ~: do
parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount " $47.18" `parseis` Mixed [dollars 47.18]
parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount " $1." `parseis`
Mixed [Amount Commodity {symbol="$",side=L,spaced=False,comma=False,precision=0} 1 Nothing]
-- test data
sampledate = parsedate "2008/11/26"
sampletime = LocalTime sampledate midday
sampleledger = ledgerFromStringWithOpts [] [] sampletime sample_ledger_str
sampleledgerwithopts opts args = ledgerFromStringWithOpts opts args sampletime sample_ledger_str
sample_ledger_str = unlines
["; A sample ledger file."
,"; Sets up this account tree:"
,"; assets"
,"; bank"
,"; checking"
,"; saving"
,"; cash"
,"; expenses"
,"; food"
,"; supplies"
,"; income"
,"; gifts"
,"; salary"
,"; liabilities"
,"; debts"
,"2008/01/01 income"
," assets:bank:checking $1"
," income:salary"
,"2008/06/01 gift"
," assets:bank:checking $1"
," income:gifts"
,"2008/06/02 save"
," assets:bank:saving $1"
," assets:bank:checking"
,"2008/06/03 * eat & shop"
," expenses:food $1"
," expenses:supplies $1"
," assets:cash"
,"2008/12/31 * pay off"
," liabilities:debts $1"
," assets:bank:checking"
,";final comment"
defaultyear_ledger_str = unlines
,"01/01 A"
," a $1"
," b"
write_sample_ledger = writeFile "sample.ledger" sample_ledger_str
rawposting1_str = " expenses:food:dining $10.00\n"
rawposting1 = Posting False "expenses:food:dining" (Mixed [dollars 10]) "" RegularPosting
entry1_str = unlines
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking"
entry1 =
LedgerTransaction (parsedate "2007/01/28") Nothing False "" "coopportunity" ""
[Posting False "expenses:food:groceries" (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) "" RegularPosting,
Posting False "assets:checking" (Mixed [dollars (-47.18)]) "" RegularPosting] ""
entry2_str = unlines
["2007/01/27 * joes diner"
," expenses:food:dining $10.00"
," expenses:gifts $10.00"
," assets:checking $-20.00"
entry3_str = unlines
["2007/01/01 * opening balance"
," assets:cash $4.82"
," equity:opening balances"
,"2007/01/01 * opening balance"
," assets:cash $4.82"
," equity:opening balances"
,"2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking"
periodic_entry1_str = unlines
["~ monthly from 2007/2/2"
," assets:saving $200.00"
," assets:checking"
periodic_entry2_str = unlines
["~ monthly from 2007/2/2"
," assets:saving $200.00 ;auto savings"
," assets:checking"
periodic_entry3_str = unlines
["~ monthly from 2007/01/01"
," assets:cash $4.82"
," equity:opening balances"
,"~ monthly from 2007/01/01"
," assets:cash $4.82"
," equity:opening balances"
ledger1_str = unlines
,"2007/01/27 * joes diner"
," expenses:food:dining $10.00"
," expenses:gifts $10.00"
," assets:checking $-20.00"
,"2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
ledger2_str = unlines
,"2007/01/27 * joes diner"
," expenses:food:dining $10.00"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
ledger3_str = unlines
["2007/01/27 * joes diner"
," expenses:food:dining $10.00"
,";intra-entry comment"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
ledger4_str = unlines
["!include \"somefile\""
,"2007/01/27 * joes diner"
," expenses:food:dining $10.00"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
ledger5_str = ""
ledger6_str = unlines
["~ monthly from 2007/1/21"
," expenses:entertainment $16.23 ;netflix"
," assets:checking"
,"; 2007/01/01 * opening balance"
,"; assets:saving $200.04"
,"; equity:opening balances "
ledger7_str = unlines
["2007/01/01 * opening balance"
," assets:cash $4.82"
," equity:opening balances "
,"2007/01/01 * opening balance"
," income:interest $-4.82"
," equity:opening balances "
,"2007/01/02 * ayres suites"
," expenses:vacation $179.92"
," assets:checking "
,"2007/01/02 * auto transfer to savings"
," assets:saving $200.00"
," assets:checking "
,"2007/01/03 * poquito mas"
," expenses:food:dining $4.82"
," assets:cash "
,"2007/01/03 * verizon"
," expenses:phone $95.11"
," assets:checking "
,"2007/01/03 * discover"
," liabilities:credit cards:discover $80.00"
," assets:checking "
,"2007/01/04 * blue cross"
," expenses:health:insurance $90.00"
," assets:checking "
,"2007/01/05 * village market liquor"
," expenses:food:dining $6.48"
," assets:checking "
rawledger7 = RawLedger
LedgerTransaction {
ltdate=parsedate "2007/01/01",
ltdescription="opening balance",
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 4.82]),
Posting {
paccount="equity:opening balances",
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-4.82)]),
LedgerTransaction {
ltdate=parsedate "2007/02/01",
ltdescription="ayres suites",
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 179.92]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-179.92)]),
LedgerTransaction {
ltdate=parsedate "2007/01/02",
ltdescription="auto transfer to savings",
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 200]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-200)]),
LedgerTransaction {
ltdate=parsedate "2007/01/03",
ltdescription="poquito mas",
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 4.82]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-4.82)]),
LedgerTransaction {
ltdate=parsedate "2007/01/03",
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 95.11]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-95.11)]),
LedgerTransaction {
ltdate=parsedate "2007/01/03",
Posting {
paccount="liabilities:credit cards:discover",
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 80]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-80)]),
(TOD 0 0)
ledger7 = cacheLedger [] rawledger7
ledger8_str = unlines
["2008/1/1 test "
," a:b 10h @ $40"
," c:d "
timelogentry1_str = "i 2007/03/11 16:19:00 hledger\n"
timelogentry1 = TimeLogEntry In (parsedatetime "2007/03/11 16:19:00") "hledger"
timelogentry2_str = "o 2007/03/11 16:30:00\n"
timelogentry2 = TimeLogEntry Out (parsedatetime "2007/03/11 16:30:00") ""
price1_str = "P 2004/05/01 XYZ $55.00\n"
price1 = HistoricalPrice (parsedate "2004/05/01") "XYZ" $ Mixed [dollars 55]
a1 = Mixed [(hours 1){price=Just $ Mixed [Amount (comm "$") 10 Nothing]}]
a2 = Mixed [(hours 2){price=Just $ Mixed [Amount (comm "EUR") 10 Nothing]}]
a3 = Mixed $ amounts a1 ++ amounts a2
rawLedgerWithAmounts :: [String] -> RawLedger
rawLedgerWithAmounts as =
[nullledgertxn{ltdescription=a,ltpostings=[nullrawposting{pamount=parse a}]} | a <- as]
(TOD 0 0)
where parse = fromparse . parseWithCtx emptyCtx postingamount . (" "++)