Simon Michael ec51d28839 web: a bunch of ui cleanup & improvement
- the web UI has been streamlined; edit form, raw & entries views dropped
- we now remember whether sidebar is open or closed
- better help dialog
- keyboard shortcuts are now available
- better add form
- more bootstrap styling
- static file cleanups
- report filtering fixes
- upgrade jquery to 2.1.1, bootstrap to 3.1.1, drop select2, add typeahead, cookie, hotkeys
- clarify debug helpers a little
- refactoring
2014-06-13 00:19:00 +01:00

154 lines
5.1 KiB

/* hledger web ui javascript */
/* depends on jquery etc. */
// /* show/hide things based on locally-saved state */
// happens too late with large main content in chrome, visible glitch
// if (localStorage.getItem('sidebarVisible') == "false")
// $('#sidebar').hide();
// /* or request parameters */
// if ($.url.param('sidebar')=='' || $.url.param('sidebar')=='0')
// $('#sidebar').hide();
// else if ($.url.param('sidebar')=='1')
// $('#sidebar').show();
if ($.url.param('add')) {
$('#addform input[name=description]').focus();
$(document).ready(function() {
/* sidebar account hover handlers */
$('#sidebar td a').mouseenter(function(){ $(this).parent().addClass('mouseover'); });
$('#sidebar td').mouseleave(function(){ $(this).removeClass('mouseover'); });
/* keyboard shortcuts */
$(document).bind('keydown', 'shift+/', function(){ $('#searchhelpmodal').modal('toggle'); return false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'h', function(){ $('#searchhelpmodal').modal('toggle'); return false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'j', function(){ location.href = '/journal'; return false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 's', function(){ sidebarToggle(); return false; });
$(document).bind('keydown', 'a', function(){ addformFocus(); return false; });
$('#addform input,#addform button,#addformlink').bind('keydown', 'esc', addformCancel);
$(document).bind('keydown', '/', function(){ $('#searchform input').focus(); return false; });
$('#addform input,#addform button,#addformlink').bind('keydown', 'ctrl+shift+=', addformAddPosting);
$('#addform input,#addform button,#addformlink').bind('keydown', 'ctrl+=', addformAddPosting);
$('#addform input,#addform button,#addformlink').bind('keydown', 'ctrl+-', addformDeletePosting);
function sidebarToggle() {
var visible = $('#sidebar').is(':visible');
console.log('sidebar visibility was',visible);
// if opening sidebar, start an ajax fetch of its content
if (!visible) {
//console.log('getting sidebar content');
,function(data) {
//console.log( "success" );
$("#sidebar-body" ).html(data);
.done(function() {
//console.log( "success 2" );
.fail(function() {
//console.log( "error" );
// localStorage.setItem('sidebarVisible', !visible);
// set a cookie to communicate the new sidebar state to the server
$.cookie('showsidebar', visible ? '0' : '1');
// horizontally slide the sidebar in or out
// how to make it smooth, without delayed content pop-in ?
//$('#sidebar').animate({'width': 'toggle'});
//$('#sidebar').animate({'width': visible ? 'hide' : '+=20m'});
$('#sidebar').animate({'width': visible ? 'hide' : 'show'});
function addformToggle() {
if (location.pathname != '/journal') {
location.href = '/journal?add=1';
else {
$('#addform input[name=description]').focus();
function addformFocus() {
if (location.pathname != '/journal') {
location.href = '/journal?add=1';
else {
$('#addform input[name=description]').focus();
function addformCancel() {
$('#addform input[type=text]').typeahead('val','');
.each( function(){ this.reset();} )
// try to keep keybindings working in safari
function addformAddPosting() {
var rownum = $('#addform tr.posting').length + 1;
// XXX duplicates markup in Common.hs
// duplicate last row
$('#addform > table').append($('#addform > table tr:last').clone());
// fix up second-last row
$('#addform > table > tr.lastrow:first > td:last').html('');
$('#addform > table > tr.lastrow:first').removeClass('lastrow');
// fix up last row
$('#addform table').append($('#addform table tr:last').clone());
// '<tr class="posting">' +
// '<td style="padding-left:2em;">' +
// '<input id="account'+rownum+'" class="form-control input-lg" style="width:100%;" type="text"' +
// ' name=account'+rownum+'" placeholder="Account '+rownum+'">'
// );
// $('#addbtncell').appendTo($('#addform table tr:last'))
// );
function addformDeletePosting() {
function editformJournalSelect(ev) {
var textareas = $('textarea', $('form#editform'));
for (i=0; i<textareas.length; i++) {
textareas[i].style.display = 'none';
textareas[i].disabled = true;
var targ = getTarget(ev);
if (targ.value) {
var journalid = targ.value+'_textarea';
var textarea = document.getElementById(journalid);
else {
var textarea = textareas[0];
textarea.style.display = 'block';
textarea.disabled = false;
return true;
// Get the current event's target in a robust way.
// http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
function getTarget(ev) {
var targ;
if (!ev) var ev = window.event;
if (ev.target) targ = ev.target;
else if (ev.srcElement) targ = ev.srcElement;
if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode;
return targ;