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Utilities for top-level modules and ghci. See also "Ledger.IO" and
module Utils
import Control.Monad.Error
import Ledger
import Options (Opt,ledgerFilePathFromOpts,optsToFilterSpec)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.IO (stderr)
import System.IO.UTF8 (hPutStrLn)
import System.Exit
import System.Cmd (system)
import System.Info (os)
import System.Time (getClockTime)
-- | Parse the user's specified ledger file and run a hledger command on
-- it, or report a parse error. This function makes the whole thing go.
withLedgerDo :: [Opt] -> [String] -> String -> ([Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withLedgerDo opts args cmdname cmd = do
-- We kludgily read the file before parsing to grab the full text, unless
-- it's stdin, or it doesn't exist and we are adding. We read it strictly
-- to let the add command work.
f <- ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts
let f' = if f == "-" then "/dev/null" else f
fileexists <- doesFileExist f
let creating = not fileexists && cmdname == "add"
rawtext <- if creating then return "" else strictReadFile f'
t <- getCurrentLocalTime
tc <- getClockTime
let go = cmd opts args . filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args t rawtext . (\rl -> rl{filepath=f,filereadtime=tc})
if creating then go nulljournal else (runErrorT . parseLedgerFile t) f
>>= flip either go
(\e -> hPutStrLn stderr e >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
-- | Get a Ledger from the given string and options, or raise an error.
ledgerFromStringWithOpts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> LocalTime -> String -> IO Ledger
ledgerFromStringWithOpts opts args reftime s =
liftM (filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args reftime s) $ journalFromString s
-- | Read a Ledger from the given file, filtering according to the
-- options, or give an error.
readLedgerWithOpts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Ledger
readLedgerWithOpts opts args f = do
t <- getCurrentLocalTime
readLedgerWithFilterSpec (optsToFilterSpec opts args t) f
-- | Convert a Journal to a canonicalised, cached and filtered Ledger
-- based on the command-line options/arguments and a reference time.
filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> LocalTime -> String -> Journal -> Ledger
filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args = filterAndCacheLedger . optsToFilterSpec opts args
-- | Attempt to open a web browser on the given url, all platforms.
openBrowserOn :: String -> IO ExitCode
openBrowserOn u = trybrowsers browsers u
trybrowsers (b:bs) u = do
e <- system $ printf "%s %s" b u
case e of
ExitSuccess -> return ExitSuccess
ExitFailure _ -> trybrowsers bs u
trybrowsers [] u = do
putStrLn $ printf "Sorry, I could not start a browser (tried: %s)" $ intercalate ", " browsers
putStrLn $ printf "Please open your browser and visit %s" u
return $ ExitFailure 127
browsers | os=="darwin" = ["open"]
| os=="mingw32" = ["start","firefox","safari","opera","iexplore"]
| otherwise = ["sensible-browser","firefox"]
-- jeffz: write a ffi binding for it using the Win32 package as a basis
-- start by adding System/Win32/Shell.hsc and follow the style of any
-- other module in that directory for types, headers, error handling and
-- what not.
-- ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "www.somepage.com", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
-- ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "firefox.exe", "www.somepage.com" NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);