2008-10-02 23:00:11 +00:00

135 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
hledger - a ledger-compatible text-based accounting tool.
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Simon Michael <simon@joyful.com>
Released under GPL version 3 or later.
This is a minimal haskell clone of John Wiegley's ledger
<http://newartisans.com/software/ledger.html>. hledger generates
simple ledger-compatible register & balance reports from a standard
ledger file, and demonstrates a (naive) purely functional
implementation of ledger.
Code overview:
The early code defined types in each module and was (too) strictly
layered. Since then, all data types have been moved to "Types" at the
bottom, but the original modules are still used to group related
functions/methods. Here is the approximate module hierarchy:
hledger ("Main")
module Main
import System
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (ParseError)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Options
import Models
import Parse (parseLedgerAndDo, parseLedgerFile)
import Tests (hunit, quickcheck)
import Utils hiding (test)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(opts, (cmd:args)) <- getArgs >>= parseOptions
let pats = parsePatternArgs args
run cmd opts pats
where run cmd opts pats
| Help `elem` opts = putStr usage
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "selftest" = selftest opts pats
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "print" = print_ opts pats
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "register" = register opts pats
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "balance" = balance opts pats
| otherwise = putStr usage
type Command = [Flag] -> (Regex,Regex) -> IO ()
selftest :: Command
selftest opts pats = do
return ()
print_ :: Command
print_ opts pats = parseLedgerAndDo opts pats printentries
register :: Command
register opts pats = parseLedgerAndDo opts pats printregister
balance :: Command
balance opts pats = do
parseLedgerAndDo opts pats printbalance
printbalance l =
putStr $ showLedgerAccounts l depth
showsubs = (ShowSubs `elem` opts)
depth = case (pats, showsubs) of
-- when there are no account patterns and no -s, show
-- only to depth 1. (This was clearer when we used maybe.)
((wildcard,_), False) -> 1
otherwise -> 9999
{- helpers for interacting in ghci. Examples:
$ ghci hledger.hs
GHCi, version 6.8.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Ok, modules loaded: Utils, Main, Tests, Parse, Models, Ledger, RawLedger, LedgerEntry, Amount, Currency, Types, LedgerTransaction, AccountName, Transaction, Account, TimeLog, Options.
Prelude Main> l <- myledger
Ledger with 628 entries, 128 accounts
Prelude Main>
$ ghci hledger.hs
> l <- myledger
> putStr $ drawTree $ treemap show $ accountnametree l
> putStr $ showLedgerAccounts l 1
> printregister l
> import Types
> accounts l
> accountnamed "assets"
-- | return a Ledger parsed from the file your LEDGER environment variable
-- points to or (WARNING) an empty one if there was a problem.
myledger :: IO Ledger
myledger = do
parsed <- ledgerFilePath [] >>= parseLedgerFile
let ledgerfile = either (\_ -> RawLedger [] [] [] "") id parsed
return $ cacheLedger ledgerfile (wildcard,wildcard)
-- | return a Ledger parsed from the given file path
ledgerfromfile :: String -> IO Ledger
ledgerfromfile f = do
parsed <- ledgerFilePath [File f] >>= parseLedgerFile
let ledgerfile = either (\_ -> RawLedger [] [] [] "") id parsed
return $ cacheLedger ledgerfile (wildcard,wildcard)
accountnamed :: AccountName -> IO Account
accountnamed a = myledger >>= (return . fromMaybe nullacct . Map.lookup a . accounts)