Simon Michael daf6732368 addons, doc: a new help scheme, more automated and usable
The previous cleanup defined long help separately from the usage text
generated by cmdargs. This meant keeping flag descriptions synced
between the two, and also the short help was often too verbose and
longer than the long help.

Now, the non-usage bits of long help are defined as pre and postambles
within the cmdargs mode, letting cmdargs generate the long help
including all flags. We derive the short help from this by truncating
at the start of the hledger common flags.

Most of the bundled addons (all but hledger-budget) now use the
new scheme and have pretty reasonable -h and --help output.
We can do more to reduce boilerplate for addon authors.
2017-01-24 09:27:43 -08:00

194 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack runghc --verbosity info
--package hledger-lib
--package hledger
--package Chart
--package Chart-diagrams
--package cmdargs
--package colour
--package data-default
--package here
--package safe
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Colour.RGBSpace
import Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSL (hsl)
import Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear (rgb)
import Data.Default
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.String.Here
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tree
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
import Safe
import System.Console.CmdArgs hiding (def)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Exit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,progversion)
defchartoutput = "hledger.svg"
defchartitems = 10
defchartsize = "600x400"
cmdmode :: Mode RawOpts
cmdmode = (defAddonCommandMode "hledger-chart") {
modeHelp = [here|
generate a pie chart for the top account balances with the same sign,
in SVG format.
Based on the old hledger-chart package, this is not yet useful.
It's supposed to show only balances of one sign, but this might be broken.
,modeHelpSuffix=lines [here|
,modeGroupFlags = Group {
groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
,groupUnnamed = [
flagReq ["chart-output","o"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "chart-output" s opts) "IMGFILE" ("output filename (default: "++defchartoutput++")")
,flagReq ["chart-items"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "chart-items" s opts) "N" ("number of accounts to show (default: "++show defchartitems++")")
,flagReq ["chart-size"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "chart-size" s opts) "WIDTHxHEIGHT" ("image size (default: "++defchartsize++")")
,groupHidden = []
,modeArgs = ([], Just $ argsFlag "[QUERY] --add-posting \"ACCT AMTEXPR\" ...")
data ChartOpts = ChartOpts {
chart_output_ :: FilePath
,chart_items_ :: Int
,chart_size_ :: String
,cliopts_ :: CliOpts
} deriving (Show)
defchartopts = ChartOpts
getHledgerChartOpts :: IO ChartOpts
getHledgerChartOpts = do
cliopts <- getHledgerCliOpts cmdmode
return defchartopts {
chart_output_ = fromMaybe defchartoutput $ maybestringopt "debug-chart" $ rawopts_ cliopts
,chart_items_ = fromMaybe defchartitems $ maybeintopt "debug-items" $ rawopts_ cliopts
,chart_size_ = fromMaybe defchartsize $ maybestringopt "debug-size" $ rawopts_ cliopts
,cliopts_ = cliopts
main :: IO ()
main = do
chopts <- getHledgerChartOpts
d <- getCurrentDay
j <- defaultJournal
let ropts = (reportopts_ $ cliopts_ chopts)
let balreport = singleBalanceReport ropts (queryFromOpts d ropts) j
let go -- | "--help" `elem` (rawopts_ $ cliopts_ chopts) = putStr (showModeHelp chartmode) >> exitSuccess
-- | "--version" `elem` (rawopts_ $ cliopts_ chopts) = putStrLn progversion >> exitSuccess
| otherwise = withJournalAndChartOptsDo chopts (writeChart balreport)
-- copied from hledger-web
withJournalAndChartOptsDo :: ChartOpts -> (ChartOpts -> Journal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withJournalAndChartOptsDo opts cmd = do
f <- head `fmap` journalFilePathFromOpts (cliopts_ opts)
readJournalFile Nothing Nothing True f >>=
either error' (cmd opts . journalApplyAliases (aliasesFromOpts $ cliopts_ opts))
-- | Generate an image with the pie chart and write it to a file
writeChart :: BalanceReport -> ChartOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
writeChart balreport opts j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
if null $ jtxns j
then putStrLn "This journal has no transactions, can't make a chart." >> exitFailure
else do
let chart = genPie opts balreport
let fileoptions = def -- FileOptions (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h) SVG loadSansSerifFonts
renderableToFile fileoptions filename (toRenderable chart)
return ()
filename = chart_output_ opts
(w,h) = parseSize $ chart_size_ opts
ropts = reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts
-- | Parse image size from a command-line option
parseSize :: String -> (Int,Int)
parseSize str = (read w, read h)
x = fromMaybe (error' "Size should be in WIDTHxHEIGHT format") $ findIndex (=='x') str
(w,_:h) = splitAt x str
-- | Generate pie chart
genPie :: ChartOpts -> BalanceReport -> PieLayout
genPie opts (items, total) = def { _pie_background = solidFillStyle $ opaque $ white
, _pie_plot = pie_chart }
pie_chart = def { _pie_data = map (uncurry accountPieItem) chartitems
, _pie_start_angle = (-90)
, _pie_colors = mkColours hue
, _pie_label_style = def{_font_size=12}
chartitems = dbg1 "chart" $ top num samesignitems :: [(AccountName, Double)]
(samesignitems, sign) = sameSignNonZero items
top n t = topn ++ [other]
(topn,rest) = splitAt n $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing snd) t
other = ("other", sum $ map snd rest)
num = chart_items_ opts
hue = if sign > 0 then red else green where (red, green) = (0, 110)
copts = cliopts_ opts
ropts = reportopts_ copts
-- | Select the nonzero items with same sign as the first, and make
-- them positive. Also return a 1 or -1 corresponding to the original sign.
sameSignNonZero :: [BalanceReportItem] -> ([(AccountName, Double)], Int)
sameSignNonZero is
| null nzs = ([], 1)
| otherwise = (map pos $ filter (test.fourth4) nzs, sign)
nzs = filter ((/=0).fourth4) is
pos (acct,_,_,Mixed as) = (acct, abs $ read $ show $ maybe 0 aquantity $ headMay as)
sign = if fourth4 (head nzs) >= 0 then 1 else (-1)
test = if sign > 0 then (>0) else (<0)
-- | Convert all quantities of MixedAccount to a single commodity
-- amountValue :: MixedAmount -> Double
-- amountValue = quantity . mixedAmountWithCommodity unknown
-- | Generate a tree of account names together with their balances.
-- The balance of account is decremented by the balance of its subaccounts
-- which are drawn on the chart.
-- balances :: Tree Account -> Tree (AccountName, Double)
-- balances (Node rootAcc subAccs) = Node newroot newsubs
-- where
-- newroot = (aname rootAcc,
-- amountValue $
-- aibalance rootAcc - (sum . map (aibalance . root)) subAccs)
-- newsubs = map balances subAccs
-- | Build a single pie chart item
accountPieItem :: AccountName -> Double -> PieItem
accountPieItem accname balance = PieItem (T.unpack accname) offset balance where offset = 0
-- | Generate an infinite color list suitable for charts.
mkColours :: Double -> [AlphaColour Double]
mkColours hue = cycle $ [opaque $ rgbToColour $ hsl h s l | (h,s,l) <- liftM3 (,,)
[hue] [0.7] [0.1,0.2..0.7] ]
rgbToColour :: (Fractional a) => RGB a -> Colour a
rgbToColour (RGB r g b) = rgb r g b