Simon Michael 9650e88cc5 tools: travis: also run the hunit unit tests by default
Run at least some unit tests by default again.
The hunit tests are fast and we can run them without any rebuilding.
2017-06-06 09:34:52 -07:00

197 lines
7.5 KiB

# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build
# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/caching/
# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/haskell/
# http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/travis_ci.html
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/commercialhaskell/stack/master/doc/travis-simple.yml
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/commercialhaskell/stack/master/doc/travis-complex.yml
# https://github.com/hvr/multi-ghc-travis#user-content-travisyml-template-for-non-container-based-infrastructure
# https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/common-build-problems/#Build-times-out-because-no-output-was-received
# https://github.com/koterpillar/tianbar/blob/master/Dockerfile.base - custom docker image to save time
# https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/blob/master/.travis.yml
# The Build Lifecycle #
# A build on Travis CI is made up of two steps:
# install: install any dependencies required
# script: run the build script
# You can run custom commands before the installation step (before_install), and before (before_script) or after (after_script) the script step.
# In a before_install step, you can install additional dependencies required by your project such as Ubuntu packages or custom services.
# You can perform additional steps when your build succeeds or fails using the after_success (such as building documentation, or deploying to a custom server) or after_failure (such as uploading log files) options. In both after_failure and after_success, you can access the build result using the $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT environment variable.
# The complete build lifecycle, including three optional deployment steps and after checking out the git repository and changing to the repository directory, is:
# OPTIONAL Install apt addons
# OPTIONAL Install cache components
# before_install
# install
# before_script
# script
# OPTIONAL before_cache (for cleaning up cache)
# Travis CI uploads the cache after the script phase of the build, but before either after_success or after_failure.
# Failure to upload the cache does not mark the job as failed.
# after_success or after_failure
# OPTIONAL before_deploy
# OPTIONAL deploy
# OPTIONAL after_deploy
# after_script
# we limit the `make` to 40 min
# to ensure that slow builds still upload their
# cache results and therefore should be faster
# (and might work) for the next build
# - DURATION=2400
# - scripts/travis-command-wrapper.py -s "date" -i 120 --deadline=$(( $(date +%s) + ${DURATION} )) make
sudo: false
dist: trusty
language: generic
timeout: 1000
- $HOME/.stack/
- $HOME/.local/bin/
- .stack-work/
- shelltestrunner/
# addons:
# apt:
# packages:
# - libgmp-dev
- master
- travis
# matrix:
# include:
# - env: ARGS=""
# - env: ARGS="--stack-yaml stack-7.10.yaml"
# - ghc: 7.10.3
# - ghc: 8.0.2
install: # command output is hidden as they complete
# if any command fails, end the travis script
- set -e
# warn about nulls ? no, breaks travis
#- set -u
# stack
- mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
- export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
- if [[ ! -x ~/.local/bin/stack ]]; then travis_retry curl -L https://www.stackage.org/stack/linux-x86_64 | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack'; chmod a+x ~/.local/bin/stack; fi
- stack --version
- stack setup
- stack exec -- ghc --version
# hledger dependencies, or at least some of them, built separately to use less memory
# - stack build --only-dependencies hledger-lib #hledger hledger-ui # --test
# TODO does this build hledger-lib & hledger, then rebuild them later with -Werror ?
# - stack build cryptohash
# - stack build --only-dependencies hledger-web # --test
# - stack build --only-dependencies hledger-api # --test
# addon dependencies
#- stack build Chart Chart-diagrams colour Diff
# shelltestrunner, need unreleased installable version
#- git clone http://github.com/simonmichael/shelltestrunner
- if [[ ! -d shelltestrunner ]]; then git clone http://github.com/simonmichael/shelltestrunner; fi
- if [[ ! -x ~/.local/bin/shelltest ]]; then stack install --stack-yaml=shelltestrunner/stack.yaml --resolver=lts-8.6; fi
- shelltest --version
script: # command output is not hidden
# less slow
# build hledger packages, ensuring no warnings,
# and any deps not already cached, separately to use less memory
- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror hledger-lib
- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror hledger
- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror hledger-ui
- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror hledger-web
- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror hledger-api
# run the built-in hunit tests. This doesn't run the doctests,
# but doesn't require rebuilding and is fast
- stack exec -- hledger test
# run functional tests, skipping the ones for addons
- COLUMNS=80 stack exec -- shelltest --execdir -j16 tests -x /bin -x /addons
# more slow
# build hledger packages, ensuring no warnings, no haddock failures, package test suites passing,
# and any deps not already cached, separately to use less memory
#- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-lib
#- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger
#- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-ui
#- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-web
#- stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-api
# build hledger addons, ensuring no warnings
#- stack build Diff
#- stack build Chart
#- stack build diagrams-lib
#- stack build Chart-diagrams
#- sh -e bin/compile.sh
# run functional tests
#- make functest
# # list directory contents
# - pwd
# - ls -laF /
# - ls -laF $HOME
# - ls -laF
# # coveralls.io coverage reports
# # - stack install hpc-coveralls
# # - hpc-coveralls count-von-count-tests --exclude-dir=tests --exclude-dir=src/Gyrid --display-report
- "chat.freenode.net#hledger"
on_success: change # [always|never|change] default: always
on_failure: change # default: always
use_notice: true
skip_join: true
# If you enable skip_join, remember to remove the NO_EXTERNAL_MSGS flag (n) on the IRC channel(s) the bot notifies.
- "%{commit}: %{message} %{build_url}"
# - "%{repository_name} (%{commit}) : %{message} %{build_url}"
# You can interpolate the following variables:
# repository_slug: your GitHub repo identifier (like svenfuchs/minimal)
# repository_name: the slug without the username
# repository: same as repository_slug [Deprecated]
# build_number: build number
# build_id: build id
# branch: branch build name
# commit: shortened commit SHA
# author: commit author name
# commit_message: commit message of build
# commit_subject: first line of the commit message
# result: result of build
# message: travis message to the build
# duration: duration of the build
# compare_url: commit change view URL
# build_url: URL of the build detail
# The default template is:
# - "%{repository}#%{build_number} (%{branch} - %{commit} : %{author}): %{message}"
# - "Change view : %{compare_url}"
# - "Build details : %{build_url}"
# email: # false
# recipients:
# - one@example.com
# - other@example.com
# on_success: [always|never|change] # default: change
# on_failure: [always|never|change] # default: always