Simon Michael 102b76c17f lib: textification: commodity symbols
hledger -f data/100x100x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 39288536 bytes, 77 GCs, 196608/269560 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.016 MUT (0.028 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.012 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 39290808 bytes, 77 GCs, 196608/269560 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.021 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.011 elapsed) :ghc>>

hledger -f data/1000x100x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 314268960 bytes, 612 GCs, 2143219/6826152 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.009 elapsed), 0.135 MUT (0.151 elapsed), 0.065 GC (0.178 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 314254512 bytes, 612 GCs, 2072377/6628024 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 0.130 MUT (0.134 elapsed), 0.064 GC (0.075 elapsed) :ghc>>

hledger -f data/10000x100x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 3070016592 bytes, 5965 GCs, 13138220/64266016 avg/max bytes residency (10 samples), 128M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 1.272 MUT (1.322 elapsed), 0.527 GC (0.595 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 3069989896 bytes, 5973 GCs, 12687877/62848920 avg/max bytes residency (10 samples), 124M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 1.295 MUT (1.324 elapsed), 0.511 GC (0.570 elapsed) :ghc>>

hledger -f data/100000x100x10.journal stats
<<ghc: 30753448072 bytes, 59763 GCs, 121502982/673169248 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1640M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.007 elapsed), 12.421 MUT (12.672 elapsed), 6.240 GC (7.812 elapsed) :ghc>>
<<ghc: 30753350528 bytes, 59811 GCs, 117616668/666703600 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1588M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.011 elapsed), 13.209 MUT (13.683 elapsed), 6.137 GC (7.117 elapsed) :ghc>>
2016-05-24 19:00:57 -07:00

77 lines
2.3 KiB

A 'Commodity' is a symbol representing a currency or some other kind of
thing we are tracking, and some display preferences that tell how to
display 'Amount's of the commodity - is the symbol on the left or right,
are thousands separated by comma, significant decimal places and so on.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.Data.Commodity
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Test.HUnit
-- import qualified Data.Map as M
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
-- characters that may not be used in a non-quoted commodity symbol
nonsimplecommoditychars = "0123456789-+.@;\n \"{}=" :: [Char]
quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded s | any (`elem` nonsimplecommoditychars) (T.unpack s) = "\"" <> s <> "\""
| otherwise = s
commodity = ""
-- handy constructors for tests
-- unknown = commodity
-- usd = "$"
-- eur = "€"
-- gbp = "£"
-- hour = "h"
-- Some sample commodity' names and symbols, for use in tests..
commoditysymbols =
-- | Look up one of the sample commodities' symbol by name.
comm :: String -> CommoditySymbol
comm name = snd $ fromMaybe
(error' "commodity lookup failed")
(find (\n -> fst n == name) commoditysymbols)
-- | Find the conversion rate between two commodities. Currently returns 1.
conversionRate :: CommoditySymbol -> CommoditySymbol -> Double
conversionRate _ _ = 1
-- -- | Convert a list of commodities to a map from commodity symbols to
-- -- unique, display-preference-canonicalised commodities.
-- canonicaliseCommodities :: [CommoditySymbol] -> Map.Map String CommoditySymbol
-- canonicaliseCommodities cs =
-- Map.fromList [(s,firstc{precision=maxp}) | s <- symbols,
-- let cs = commoditymap ! s,
-- let firstc = head cs,
-- let maxp = maximum $ map precision cs
-- ]
-- where
-- commoditymap = Map.fromList [(s, commoditieswithsymbol s) | s <- symbols]
-- commoditieswithsymbol s = filter ((s==) . symbol) cs
-- symbols = nub $ map symbol cs
tests_Hledger_Data_Commodity = TestList [