
My new macOS app for discovering & sharing GIFs is on Product Hunt

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## Contents - [Platforms](#platforms) - [Programming Languages](#programming-languages) - [Front-End Development](#front-end-development) - [Back-End Development](#back-end-development) - [Computer Science](#computer-science) - [Big Data](#big-data) - [Theory](#theory) - [Books](#books) - [Editors](#editors) - [Gaming](#gaming) - [Development Environment](#development-environment) - [Entertainment](#entertainment) - [Databases](#databases) - [Media](#media) - [Learn](#learn) - [Security](#security) - [Content Management Systems](#content-management-systems) - [Hardware](#hardware) - [Business](#business) - [Work](#work) - [Networking](#networking) - [Decentralized Systems](#decentralized-systems) - [Higher Education](#higher-education) - [Events](#events) - [Testing](#testing) - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) - [Related](#related) ## Platforms - [Node.js]( - Async non-blocking event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. - [Cross-Platform]( - Writing cross-platform code on Node.js. - [Frontend Development]( - [iOS]( - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets. - [Android]( - Mobile operating system developed by Google. - [IoT & Hybrid Apps]( - [Electron]( - Cross-platform native desktop apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS. - [Cordova]( - JavaScript API for hybrid apps. - [React Native]( - JavaScript framework for writing natively rendering mobile apps for iOS and Android. - [Xamarin]( - Mobile app development IDE, testing, and distribution. - [Linux]( - [Containers]( - [eBPF]( - Virtual machine that allows you to write more efficient and powerful tracing and monitoring for Linux systems. - [Arch-based Projects]( - Linux distributions and projects based on Arch Linux. - [macOS]( - Operating system for Apple's Mac computers. - [Command-Line]( - [Screensavers]( - [Apps]( - [Open Source Apps]( - [watchOS]( - Operating system for the Apple Watch. - [JVM]( - [Salesforce]( - [Amazon Web Services]( - [Windows]( - [IPFS]( - P2P hypermedia protocol. - [Fuse]( - Mobile development tools. - [Heroku]( - Cloud platform as a service. - [Raspberry Pi]( - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more. - [Qt]( - Cross-platform GUI app framework. - [WebExtensions]( - Cross-browser extension system. - [RubyMotion]( - Write cross-platform native apps for iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS in Ruby. - [Smart TV]( - Create apps for different TV platforms. - [GNOME]( - Simple and distraction-free desktop environment for Linux. - [KDE]( - A free software community dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience. - [.NET]( - [Core]( - [Roslyn]( - Open-source compilers and code analysis APIs for C# and VB.NET languages. - [Amazon Alexa]( - Virtual home assistant. - [DigitalOcean]( - Cloud computing platform designed for developers. - [Flutter]( - Google's mobile SDK for building native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase written in Dart. - [Home Assistant]( - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. - [IBM Cloud]( - Cloud platform for developers and companies. - [Firebase]( - App development platform built on Google Cloud Platform. - [Robot Operating System 2.0]( - Set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot apps. - [Adafruit IO]( - Visualize and store data from any device. - [Cloudflare]( - CDN, DNS, DDoS protection, and security for your site. - [Actions on Google]( - Developer platform for Google Assistant. - [ESP]( - Low-cost microcontrollers with WiFi and broad IoT applications. ## Programming Languages - [JavaScript]( - [Promises]( - [Standard Style]( - Style guide and linter. - [Must Watch Talks]( - [Tips]( - [Network Layer]( - [Micro npm Packages]( - [Mad Science npm Packages]( - Impossible sounding projects that exist. - [Maintenance Modules]( - For npm packages. - [npm]( - Package manager. - [AVA]( - Test runner. - [ESLint]( - Linter. - [Functional Programming]( - [Observables]( - [npm scripts]( - Task runner. - [30 Seconds of Code]( - Code snippets you can understand in 30 seconds. - [Swift]( - Apple's compiled programming language that is secure, modern, programmer-friendly, and fast. - [Education]( - [Playgrounds]( - [Python]( - General-purpose programming language designed for readability. - [Asyncio]( - Asynchronous I/O in Python 3. - [Scientific Audio]( - Scientific research in audio/music. - [CircuitPython]( - A version of Python for microcontrollers. - [Data Science]( - Data analysis and machine learning. - [Typing]( - Optional static typing for Python. - [Rust]( - [Haskell]( - [PureScript]( - [Go]( - [Scala]( - [Scala Native]( - Optimizing ahead-of-time compiler for Scala based on LLVM. - [Ruby]( - [Clojure]( - [ClojureScript]( - [Elixir]( - [Elm]( - [Erlang]( - [Julia]( - [Lua]( - [C]( - [C/C++]( - General-purpose language with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained software. - [R]( - [D]( - [Common Lisp]( - Powerful dynamic multiparadigm language that facilitates iterative and interactive development. - [Learning]( - [Perl]( - [Groovy]( - [Dart]( - [Java]( - Popular secure object-oriented language designed for flexibility to "write once, run anywhere". - [RxJava]( - [Kotlin]( - [OCaml]( - [ColdFusion]( - [Fortran]( - [PHP]( - Server-side scripting language. - [Composer]( - Package manager. - [Pascal]( - [Assembler]( - [AutoHotkey]( - [AutoIt]( - [Crystal]( - [Frege]( - Haskell for the JVM. - [CMake]( - Build, test, and package software. - [ActionScript 3]( - Object-oriented language targeting Adobe AIR. - [Eta]( - Functional programming language for the JVM. - [Idris]( - General purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types influenced by Haskell and ML. - [Ada/SPARK]( - Modern programming language designed for large, long-lived apps where reliability and efficiency are essential. - [Q#]( - Domain-specific programming language used for expressing quantum algorithms. - [Imba]( - Programming language inspired by Ruby and Python and compiles to performant JavaScript. - [Vala]( - Programming language designed to take full advantage of the GLib and GNOME ecosystems, while preserving the speed of C code. - [Coq]( - Formal language and environment for programming and specification which facilitates interactive development of machine-checked proofs. - [V]( - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. ## Front-End Development - [ES6 Tools]( - [Web Performance Optimization]( - [Web Tools]( - [CSS]( - Style sheet language that specifies how HTML elements are displayed on screen. - [Critical-Path Tools]( - [Scalability]( - [Must-Watch Talks]( - [Protips]( - [Frameworks]( - [React]( - App framework. - [Relay]( - Framework for building data-driven React apps. - [React Hooks]( - A new feature that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. - [Web Components]( - [Polymer]( - JavaScript library to develop Web Components. - [Angular]( - App framework. - [Backbone]( - App framework. - [HTML5]( - Markup language used for websites & web apps. - [SVG]( - XML-based vector image format. - [Canvas]( - [KnockoutJS]( - JavaScript library. - [Dojo Toolkit]( - JavaScript toolkit. - [Inspiration]( - [Ember]( - App framework. - [Android UI]( - [iOS UI]( - [Meteor]( - [BEM]( - [Flexbox]( - [Web Typography]( - [Web Accessibility]( - [Material Design]( - [D3]( - Library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations. - [Emails]( - [jQuery]( - Easy to use JavaScript library for DOM manipulation. - [Tips]( - [Web Audio]( - [Offline-First]( - [Static Website Services]( - [Cycle.js]( - Functional and reactive JavaScript framework. - [Text Editing]( - [Motion UI Design]( - [Vue.js]( - App framework. - [Marionette.js]( - App framework. - [Aurelia]( - App framework. - [Charting]( - [Ionic Framework 2]( - [Chrome DevTools]( - [PostCSS]( - CSS tool. - [Draft.js]( - Rich text editor framework for React. - [Service Workers]( - [Progressive Web Apps]( - [choo]( - App framework. - [Redux]( - State container for JavaScript apps. - [webpack]( - Module bundler. - [Browserify]( - Module bundler. - [Sass]( - CSS preprocessor. - [Ant Design]( - Enterprise-class UI design language. - [Less]( - CSS preprocessor. - [WebGL]( - JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics. - [Preact]( - App framework. - [Progressive Enhancement]( - [Next.js]( - Framework for server-rendered React apps. - [Hyperapp]( - Tiny JavaScript library for building web apps. - [lit-html]( - HTML templating library for JavaScript. - [JAMstack]( - Modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt markup. - [WordPress-Gatsby]( - Web development technology stack with WordPress as a back end and Gatsby as a front end. - [Mobile Web Development]( - Creating a great mobile web experience. - [Storybook]( - Development environment for UI components. - [Blazor]( - .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly. - [PageSpeed Metrics]( - Metrics to help understand page speed and user experience. - [Tailwind CSS]( - Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. - [Seed]( - Rust framework for creating web apps running in WebAssembly. - [Web Performance Budget]( - Techniques to ensure certain performance metrics for a website. - [Web Animation]( - Animations in the browser with JavaScript, CSS, SVG, etc. - [Yew]( - Rust framework inspired by Elm and React for creating multi-threaded frontend web apps with WebAssembly. - [Material-UI]( - Material Design React components for faster and easier web development. ## Back-End Development - [Flask]( - Python framework. - [Docker]( - [Vagrant]( - Automation virtual machine environment. - [Pyramid]( - Python framework. - [Play1 Framework]( - [CakePHP]( - PHP framework. - [Symfony]( - PHP framework. - [Education]( - [Laravel]( - PHP framework. - [Education]( - [Rails]( - Web app framework for Ruby. - [Gems]( - Packages. - [Phalcon]( - PHP framework. - [Useful `.htaccess` Snippets]( - [nginx]( - Web server. - [Dropwizard]( - Java framework. - [Kubernetes]( - Open-source platform that automates Linux container operations. - [Lumen]( - PHP micro-framework. - [Serverless Framework]( - Serverless computing and serverless architectures. - [Apache Wicket]( - Java web app framework. - [Vert.x]( - Toolkit for building reactive apps on the JVM. - [Terraform]( - Tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure. - [Vapor]( - Server-side development in Swift. - [Dash]( - Python web app framework. ## Computer Science - [University Courses]( - [Data Science]( - [Tutorials]( - [Machine Learning]( - [Tutorials]( - [ML with Ruby]( - Learning, implementing, and applying Machine Learning using Ruby. - [Core ML Models]( - Models for Apple's machine learning framework. - [H2O]( - Open source distributed machine learning platform written in Java with APIs in R, Python, and Scala. - [Speech and Natural Language Processing]( - [Spanish]( - [NLP with Ruby]( - [Question Answering]( - The science of asking and answering in natural language with a machine. - [Natural Language Generation]( - Generation of text used in data to text, conversational agents, and narrative generation applications. - [Linguistics]( - [Cryptography]( - [Papers]( - Theory basics for using cryptography by non-cryptographers. - [Computer Vision]( - [Deep Learning]( - Neural networks. - [TensorFlow]( - Library for machine intelligence. - [Papers]( - The most cited deep learning papers. - [Education]( - [Deep Vision]( - [Open Source Society University]( - [Functional Programming]( - [Empirical Software Engineering]( - Evidence-based research on software systems. - [Static Analysis & Code Quality]( - [Information Retrieval]( - Learn to develop your own search engine. - [Quantum Computing]( - Computing which utilizes quantum mechanics and qubits on quantum computers. ## Big Data - [Big Data]( - [Public Datasets]( - [Hadoop]( - Framework for distributed storage and processing of very large data sets. - [Data Engineering]( - [Streaming]( - [Apache Spark]( - Unified engine for large-scale data processing. - [Qlik]( - Business intelligence platform for data visualization, analytics, and reporting apps. - [Splunk]( - Platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing structured and unstructured machine-generated big data in real-time. ## Theory - [Papers We Love]( - [Talks]( - [Algorithms]( - [Education]( - Learning and practicing. - [Algorithm Visualizations]( - [Artificial Intelligence]( - [Search Engine Optimization]( - [Competitive Programming]( - [Math]( - [Recursion Schemes]( - Traversing nested data structures. ## Books - [Free Programming Books]( - [Free Software Testing Books]( - [Go Books]( - [R Books]( - [Mind Expanding Books]( - [Book Authoring]( - [Elixir Books]( ## Editors - [Sublime Text]( - [Vim]( - [Emacs]( - [Atom]( - Open-source and hackable text editor. - [Visual Studio Code]( - Cross-platform open-source text editor. ## Gaming - [Game Development]( - [Game Networking]( - Network programming for multiplayer online games. - [Game Talks]( - [Godot]( - Game engine. - [Open Source Games]( - [Unity]( - Game engine. - [Chess]( - [LÖVE]( - Game engine. - [PICO-8]( - Fantasy console. - [Game Boy Development]( - [Construct 2]( - Game engine. - [Gideros]( - Game engine. - [Minecraft]( - Sandbox video game. - [Game Datasets]( - Materials and datasets for Artificial Intelligence in games. - [Haxe Game Development]( - A high-level strongly typed programming language used to produce cross-platform native code. - [libGDX]( - Java game framework. - [PlayCanvas]( - Game engine. - [Game Remakes]( - Actively maintained open-source game remakes. ## Development Environment - [Quick Look Plugins]( - For macOS. - [Dev Env]( - [Dotfiles]( - [Shell]( - [Fish]( - User-friendly shell. - [Command-Line Apps]( - [ZSH Plugins]( - [GitHub]( - Hosting service for Git repositories. - [Browser Extensions]( - [Cheat Sheet]( - [Pinned Gists]( - Dynamic pinned gists for your GitHub profile. - [Git Cheat Sheet & Git Flow]( - [Git Tips]( - [Git Add-ons]( - Enhance the `git` CLI. - [Git Hooks]( - Scripts for automating tasks during `git` workflows. - [SSH]( - [FOSS for Developers]( - [Hyper]( - Cross-platform terminal app built on web technologies. - [PowerShell]( - Cross-platform object-oriented shell. - [Alfred Workflows]( - Productivity app for macOS. - [Terminals Are Sexy]( - [GitHub Actions]( - Create tasks to automate your workflow and share them with others on GitHub. ## Entertainment - [Science Fiction]( - Scifi. - [Fantasy]( - [Podcasts]( - [Email Newsletters]( - [IT Quotes]( ## Databases - [Database]( - [MySQL]( - [SQLAlchemy]( - [InfluxDB]( - [Neo4j]( - [MongoDB]( - NoSQL database. - [RethinkDB]( - [TinkerPop]( - Graph computing framework. - [PostgreSQL]( - Object-relational database. - [CouchDB]( - Document-oriented NoSQL database. - [HBase]( - Distributed, scalable, big data store. - [NoSQL Guides]( - Help on using non-relational, distributed, open-source, and horizontally scalable databases. - [Contexture]( - Abstracts queries/filters and results/aggregations from different backing data stores like ElasticSearch and MongoDB. - [Database Tools]( - Everything that makes working with databases easier. ## Media - [Creative Commons Media]( - [Fonts]( - [Codeface]( - Text editor fonts. - [Stock Resources]( - [GIF]( - Image format known for animated images. - [Music]( - [Open Source Documents]( - [Audio Visualization]( - [Broadcasting]( - [Pixel Art]( - Pixel-level digital art. - [FFmpeg]( - Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. - [Icons]( - Downloadable SVG/PNG/font icon projects. ## Learn - [CLI Workshoppers]( - Interactive tutorials. - [Learn to Program]( - [Speaking]( - [Tech Videos]( - [Dive into Machine Learning]( - [Computer History]( - [Programming for Kids]( - [Educational Games]( - Learn while playing. - [JavaScript Learning]( - [CSS Learning]( - Mainly about CSS – the language and the modules. - [Product Management]( - Learn how to be a better product manager. - [Roadmaps]( - Gives you a clear route to improve your knowledge and skills. ## Security - [Application Security]( - [Security]( - [CTF]( - Capture The Flag. - [Malware Analysis]( - [Android Security]( - [Hacking]( - [Honeypots]( - Deception trap, designed to entice an attacker into attempting to compromise the information systems in an organization. - [Incident Response]( - [Vehicle Security and Car Hacking]( - [Web Security]( - Security of web apps & services. - [Lockpicking]( - The art of unlocking a lock by manipulating its components without the key. - [Cybersecurity Blue Team]( - Groups of individuals who identify security flaws in information technology systems. - [Fuzzing]( - Automated software testing technique that involves feeding pseudo-randomly generated input data. - [Embedded and IoT Security]( - [GDPR]( - Regulation on data protection and privacy for all individuals within EU. ## Content Management Systems - [Umbraco]( - [Refinery CMS]( - Ruby on Rails CMS. - [Wagtail]( - Django CMS focused on flexibility and user experience. - [Textpattern]( - Lightweight PHP-based CMS. - [Drupal]( - Extensible PHP-based CMS. - [Craft CMS]( - Content-first CMS. ## Hardware - [Robotics]( - [Internet of Things]( - [Electronics]( - For electronic engineers and hobbyists. - [Bluetooth Beacons]( - [Electric Guitar Specifications]( - Checklist for building your own electric guitar. - [Plotters]( - Computer-controlled drawing machines and other visual art robots. ## Business - [Open Companies]( - [Places to Post Your Startup]( - [OKR Methodology]( - Goal setting & communication best practices. - [Leading and Managing]( - Leading people and being a manager in a technology company/environment. - [Indie]( - Independent developer businesses. - [Tools of the Trade]( - Tools used by companies on Hacker News. - [Clean Tech]( - Fighting climate change with technology. - [Wardley Maps]( - Provides high situational awareness to help improve strategic planning and decision making. ## Work - [Slack]( - Team collaboration. - [Communities]( - [Remote Jobs]( - [Productivity]( - [Niche Job Boards]( - [Programming Interviews]( - [Code Review]( - Reviewing code. ## Networking - [Software-Defined Networking]( - [Network Analysis]( - [PCAPTools]( ## Decentralized Systems - [Bitcoin]( - Bitcoin services and tools for software developers. - [Ripple]( - Open source distributed settlement network. - [Non-Financial Blockchain]( - Non-financial blockchain applications. - [Mastodon]( - Open source decentralized microblogging network. - [Ethereum]( - Distributed computing platform for smart contract development. - [Blockchain AI]( - Blockchain projects for artificial intelligence and machine learning. - [EOSIO]( - A decentralized operating system supporting industrial-scale apps. - [Corda]( - Open source blockchain platform designed for business. - [Waves]( - Open source blockchain platform and development toolset for Web 3.0 apps and decentralized solutions. ## Higher Education - [Computational Neuroscience]( - A multidisciplinary science which uses computational approaches to study the nervous system. - [Digital History]( - Computer-aided scientific investigation of history. ## Events - [Creative Tech Events]( - Events around the globe for creative coding, tech, design, music, arts and cool stuff. - [Events in Italy]( - Tech-related events in Italy. - [Events in the Netherlands]( - Tech-related events in the Netherlands. ## Testing - [Testing]( - Software testing. - [Visual Regression Testing]( - Ensures changes did not break the functionality or style. - [Selenium]( - Open-source browser automation framework and ecosystem. - [Appium]( - Test automation tool for apps. - [TAP]( - Test Anything Protocol. - [JMeter]( - Load testing and performance measurement tool. - [k6]( - Open-source, developer-centric performance monitoring and load testing solution. ## Miscellaneous - [JSON]( - Text based data interchange format. - [GeoJSON]( - [Datasets]( - [CSV]( - A text file format that stores tabular data and uses a comma to separate values. - [Discounts for Student Developers]( - [Sysadmin]( - [Radio]( - [Awesome]( - Recursion illustrated. - [Analytics]( - [REST]( - [Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery]( - [Services Engineering]( - [Free for Developers]( - [Answers]( - Stack Overflow, Quora, etc. - [Sketch]( - Design app for macOS. - [Boilerplate Projects]( - [Readme]( - [Design and Development Guides]( - [Software Engineering Blogs]( - [Self Hosted]( - [FOSS Production Apps]( - [Gulp]( - Task runner. - [AMA]( - Ask Me Anything. - [Answers]( - [Open Source Photography]( - [OpenGL]( - Cross-platform API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics. - [GraphQL]( - [Transit]( - [Research Tools]( - [Data Visualization]( - [Social Media Share Links]( - [Microservices]( - [Unicode]( - Unicode standards, quirks, packages and resources. - [Code Points]( - [Beginner-Friendly Projects]( - [Katas]( - [Tools for Activism]( - [Citizen Science]( - For community-based and non-institutional scientists. - [MQTT]( - "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. - [Hacking Spots]( - [For Girls]( - [Vorpal]( - Node.js CLI framework. - [Vulkan]( - Low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API. - [LaTeX]( - Typesetting language. - [Economics]( - An economist's starter kit. - [Funny Markov Chains]( - [Bioinformatics]( - [Cheminformatics]( - Informatics techniques applied to problems in chemistry. - [Colorful]( - Choose your next color scheme. - [Steam]( - Digital distribution platform. - [Bots]( - Building bots. - [Site Reliability Engineering]( - [Empathy in Engineering]( - Building and promoting more compassionate engineering cultures. - [DTrace]( - Dynamic tracing framework. - [Userscripts]( - Enhance your browsing experience. - [Pokémon]( - Pokémon and Pokémon GO. - [ChatOps]( - Managing technical and business operations through a chat. - [Falsehood]( - Falsehoods programmers believe in. - [Domain-Driven Design]( - Software development approach for complex needs by connecting the implementation to an evolving model. - [Quantified Self]( - Self-tracking through technology. - [SaltStack]( - Python-based config management system. - [Web Design]( - For digital designers. - [Creative Coding]( - Programming something expressive instead of something functional. - [No-Login Web Apps]( - Web apps that work without login. - [Free Software]( - Free as in freedom. - [Framer]( - Prototyping interactive UI designs. - [Markdown]( - Markup language. - [Dev Fun]( - Funny developer projects. - [Healthcare]( - Open source healthcare software for facilities, providers, developers, policy experts, and researchers. - [Magento 2]( - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP. - [TikZ]( - Graph drawing packages for TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt. - [Neuroscience]( - Study of the nervous system and brain. - [Ad-Free]( - Ad-free alternatives. - [Esolangs]( - Programming languages designed for experimentation or as jokes rather than actual use. - [Prometheus]( - Open-source monitoring system. - [Homematic]( - Smart home devices. - [Ledger]( - Double-entry accounting on the command-line. - [Uncopyright]( - Public domain works. - [Crypto Currency Tools & Algorithms]( - Digital currency where encryption is used to regulate the generation of units and verify transfers. - [Diversity]( - Creating a more inclusive and diverse tech community. - [Open Source Supporters]( - Companies that offer their tools and services for free to open source projects. - [Design Principles]( - Create better and more consistent designs and experiences. - [Theravada]( - Teachings from the Theravada Buddhist tradition. - [inspectIT]( - Open source Java app performance management tool. - [Open Source Maintainers]( - The experience of being an open source maintainer. - [Calculators]( - Calculators for every platform. - [Captcha]( - A type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. - [Jupyter]( - Create and share documents that contain code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. - [FIRST Robotics Competition]( - International high school robotics championship. - [Humane Technology]( - Open source projects that help improve society. - [Speakers]( - Conference and meetup speakers in the programming and design community. - [Board Games]( - Table-top gaming fun for all. - [Software Patreons]( - Fund individual programmers or the development of open source projects. - [Parasite]( - Parasites and host-pathogen interactions. - [Food]( - Food-related projects on GitHub. - [Mental Health]( - Mental health awareness and self-care in the software industry. - [Bitcoin Payment Processors]( - Start accepting Bitcoin. - [Scientific Computing]( - Solving complex scientific problems using computers. - [Amazon Sellers]( - [Agriculture]( - Open source technology for farming and gardening. - [Product Design]( - Design a product from the initial concept to production. - [Prisma]( - Turn your database into a GraphQL API. - [Software Architecture]( - The discipline of designing and building software. - [Connectivity Data and Reports]( - Better understand who has access to telecommunication and internet infrastructure and on what terms. - [Stacks]( - Tech stacks for building different apps and features. - [Cytodata]( - Image-based profiling of biological phenotypes for computational biologists. - [IRC]( - Open source messaging protocol. - [Advertising]( - Advertising and programmatic media for websites. - [Earth]( - Find ways to resolve the climate crisis. - [Naming]( - Naming things in computer science done right. - [Biomedical Information Extraction]( - How to extract information from unstructured biomedical data and text. - [Web Archiving]( - An effort to preserve the Web for future generations. ## Related - [Awesome Indexed]( - Search the Awesome dataset. - [Awesome Search]( - Quick search for Awesome lists. - [StumbleUponAwesome]( - Discover random pages from the Awesome dataset using a browser extension. - [Awesome CLI]( - A simple command-line tool to dive into Awesome lists.