😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
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Steven Levithan bbf38d634a
Add Regex

> An opinionated list of regular expression tools, tutorials, libraries, etc.

Covers all major regex flavors, and currently includes especially deep coverage of regular expressions in JavaScript. Not a list of merely well-known tools and resources, but rather the very best.

### By submitting this pull request I confirm I've read and complied with the below requirements 🖖

**Please read it multiple times. I spent a lot of time on these guidelines and most people miss a lot.**

## Requirements for your pull request

- [x] Don't open a Draft / WIP pull request while you work on the guidelines. A pull request should be 100% ready and should adhere to all the guidelines when you open it. **Instead use [#2242](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/issues/2242) for incubation visibility**.
- [x] **Don't waste my time.** Do a good job, adhere to all the guidelines, and be responsive.
- [x] **You have to review at least 2 other [open pull requests](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen).**
	- [Add Technical Writing Learning #3022 (comment)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/pull/3022#issuecomment-2096704310)
	- [Add Microsoft Azure Architecture #3029 (comment)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/pull/3029#issuecomment-2097072966)
- [x] You have read and understood the [instructions for creating a list](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/main/create-list.md).
- [x] This pull request has a title in the format `Add Name of List`. It should not contain the word `Awesome`.
	-  `Add Swift`
	-  `Add Software Architecture`
	-  `Update readme.md`
	-  `Add Awesome Swift`
	-  `Add swift`
	-  `add Swift`
	-  `Adding Swift`
	-  `Added Swift`
- [x] Your entry here should include a short description of the project/theme of the list. **It should not describe the list itself.** The first character should be uppercase and the description should end in a dot. It should be an objective description and not a tagline or marketing blurb. It should not contain the name of the list.
	-  `- [iOS](…) - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.`
	-  `- [Framer](…) - Prototyping interactive UI designs.`
	-  `- [iOS](…) - Resources and tools for iOS development.`
	-  `- [Framer](…)`
	-  `- [Framer](…) - prototyping interactive UI designs`
- [x] Your entry should be added at the bottom of the appropriate category.
- [x] The title of your entry should be title-cased and the URL to your list should end in `#readme`.
	- Example: `- [Software Architecture](https://github.com/simskij/awesome-software-architecture#readme) - The discipline of designing and building software.`
- [x] No blockchain-related lists.
- [x] The suggested Awesome list complies with the below requirements.

## Requirements for your Awesome list

- [x] **Has been around for at least 30 days.**<br>That means 30 days from either the first real commit or when it was open-sourced. Whatever is most recent.
- [x] Run [`awesome-lint`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-lint) on your list and fix the reported issues. If there are false-positives or things that cannot/shouldn't be fixed, please [report it](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-lint/issues/new).
- [x] The default branch should be named [`main`, not `master`](https://www.zdnet.com/article/github-to-replace-master-with-alternative-term-to-avoid-slavery-references/).
- [x] **Includes a succinct description of the project/theme at the top of the readme.** [(Example)](https://github.com/willempienaar/awesome-quantified-self)
	-  `Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.`
	-  `Prototyping interactive UI designs.`
	-  `Resources and tools for iOS development.`
	-  `Awesome Framer packages and tools.`
- [x] It's the result of hard work and the best I could possibly produce.
	**If you have not put in considerable effort into your list, your pull request will be immediately closed.**
- [x] The repo name of your list should be in lowercase slug format: `awesome-name-of-list`.
	-  `awesome-swift`
	-  `awesome-web-typography`
	-  `awesome-Swift`
	-  `AwesomeWebTypography`
- [x] The heading title of your list should be in [title case](https://capitalizemytitle.com/) format: `# Awesome Name of List`.
	-  `# Awesome Swift`
	-  `# Awesome Web Typography`
	-  `# awesome-swift`
	-  `# AwesomeSwift`
- [x] Non-generated Markdown file in a GitHub repo.
- [x] The repo should have `awesome-list` & `awesome` as [GitHub topics](https://help.github.com/articles/about-topics). I encourage you to add more relevant topics.
- [x] Not a duplicate. Please search for existing submissions.
- [x] Only has awesome items. Awesome lists are curations of the best, not everything.
- [x] Does not contain items that are unmaintained, has archived repo, deprecated, or missing docs. If you really need to include such items, they should be in a separate Markdown file.
- [x] Includes a project logo/illustration whenever possible.
	- Either centered, fullwidth, or placed at the top-right of the readme. [(Example)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-electron)
	- The image should link to the project website or any relevant website.
	- **The image should be high-DPI.** Set it to a maximum of half the width of the original image.
	- Don't include both a title saying `Awesome X` and a logo with `Awesome X`. You can put the header image in a `#` (Markdown header) or `<h1>`.
- [x] Entries have a description, unless the title is descriptive enough by itself. It rarely is though.
- [x] Includes the [Awesome badge](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/main/awesome.md#awesome-badge).
	- Should be placed on the right side of the readme heading.
		- Can be placed centered if the list has a centered graphics header.
	- Should link back to this list.
- [x] Has a Table of Contents section.
	- Should be named `Contents`, not `Table of Contents`.
	- Should be the first section in the list.
	- Should only have one level of [nested lists](https://commonmark.org/help/tutorial/10-nestedLists.html), preferably none.
	- Must not feature `Contributing` or `Footnotes` sections.
- [x] Has an appropriate license.
	- **We strongly recommend the [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), but any [Creative Commons license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/) will work.**
		- Tip: You can quickly add it to your repo by going to this URL: `https://github.com/<user>/<repo>/community/license/new?branch=main&template=cc0-1.0` (replace `<user>` and `<repo>` accordingly).
	- A code license like MIT, BSD, Apache, GPL, etc, is not acceptable. Neither are WTFPL and [Unlicense](https://unlicense.org).
	- Place a file named `license` or `LICENSE` in the repo root with the license text.
	- **Do not** add the license name, text, or a `Licence` section to the readme. GitHub already shows the license name and link to the full text at the top of the repo.
	- To verify that you've read all the guidelines, please comment on your pull request with just the word `unicorn`.
- [x] Has [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/main/awesome.md#include-contribution-guidelines).
	- The file should be named `contributing.md`. The casing is up to you.
	- It can optionally be linked from the readme in a dedicated section titled `Contributing`, positioned at the top or bottom of the main content.
	- The section should not appear in the Table of Contents.
- [x] All non-important but necessary content (like extra copyright notices, hyperlinks to sources, pointers to expansive content, etc) should be grouped in a `Footnotes` section at the bottom of the readme. The section should not be present in the Table of Contents.
- [x] Has consistent formatting and proper spelling/grammar.
	- The link and description are separated by a dash. <br>Example: `- [AVA](…) - JavaScript test runner.`
	- The description starts with an uppercase character and ends with a period.
	- Consistent and correct naming. For example, `Node.js`, not `NodeJS` or `node.js`.
- [x] Does not use [hard-wrapping](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/319925/difference-between-hard-wrap-and-soft-wrap).
- [x] Does not include a CI (e.g. GitHub Actions) badge.<br>You can still use a CI for linting, but the badge has no value in the readme.
- [x] Does not include an `Inspired by awesome-foo` or `Inspired by the Awesome project` kinda link at the top of the readme. The Awesome badge is enough.
2024-06-04 14:06:36 +02:00
.github/workflows Meta tweaks 2023-11-11 05:07:23 +07:00
media Meta tweaks 2024-02-14 02:24:03 +07:00
.editorconfig add .editorconfig 2016-05-02 15:21:32 +07:00
.gitattributes Prevent the lint script from affecting repo language stats 2021-09-02 01:37:48 +02:00
awesome.md Fix typos (#2835) 2023-10-26 21:59:56 +07:00
code-of-conduct.md Fix typos (#2835) 2023-10-26 21:59:56 +07:00
contributing.md Fix typos (#2835) 2023-10-26 21:59:56 +07:00
create-list.md Improve the list guidelines 2019-07-05 00:28:01 +07:00
license Use HTTPS links 2020-04-16 17:35:41 +08:00
pull_request_template.md Fix typos (#2835) 2023-10-26 21:59:56 +07:00
readme.md Add Regex 2024-06-04 14:06:36 +02:00

What is an awesome list?    Contribution guide    Creating a list    Twitter   

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  • Node.js - Async non-blocking event-driven JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • Frontend Development
  • iOS - Mobile operating system for Apple phones and tablets.
  • Android - Mobile operating system developed by Google.
  • IoT & Hybrid Apps
  • Electron - Cross-platform native desktop apps using JavaScript/HTML/CSS.
  • Cordova - JavaScript API for hybrid apps.
  • React Native - JavaScript framework for writing natively rendering mobile apps for iOS and Android.
  • Xamarin - Mobile app development IDE, testing, and distribution.
  • Linux
    • Containers
    • eBPF - Virtual machine that allows you to write more efficient and powerful tracing and monitoring for Linux systems.
    • Arch-based Projects - Linux distributions and projects based on Arch Linux.
    • AppImage - Package apps in a single file that works on various mainstream Linux distributions.
  • macOS - Operating system for Apple's Mac computers.
  • watchOS - Operating system for the Apple Watch.
  • JVM
  • Salesforce
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Windows
  • IPFS - P2P hypermedia protocol.
  • Fuse - Mobile development tools.
  • Heroku - Cloud platform as a service.
  • Raspberry Pi - Credit card-sized computer aimed at teaching kids programming, but capable of a lot more.
  • Qt - Cross-platform GUI app framework.
  • WebExtensions - Cross-browser extension system.
  • Smart TV - Create apps for different TV platforms.
  • GNOME - Simple and distraction-free desktop environment for Linux.
  • KDE - A free software community dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience.
  • .NET
    • Core
    • Roslyn - Open-source compilers and code analysis APIs for C# and VB.NET languages.
  • Amazon Alexa - Virtual home assistant.
  • DigitalOcean - Cloud computing platform designed for developers.
  • Flutter - Google's mobile SDK for building native iOS and Android apps from a single codebase written in Dart.
  • Home Assistant - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
  • IBM Cloud - Cloud platform for developers and companies.
  • Firebase - App development platform built on Google Cloud.
  • Robot Operating System 2.0 - Set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot apps.
  • Adafruit IO - Visualize and store data from any device.
  • Cloudflare - CDN, DNS, DDoS protection, and security for your site.
  • Actions on Google - Developer platform for Google Assistant.
  • ESP - Low-cost microcontrollers with WiFi and broad IoT applications.
  • Deno - A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.
  • DOS - Operating system for x86-based personal computers that was popular during the 1980s and early 1990s.
  • Nix - Package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package management reliable and reproducible.
  • Integration - Linking together different IT systems (components) to functionally cooperate as a whole.
  • Node-RED - A programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services.
  • Low Code - Allowing business professionals to address their needs on their own with little to no coding skills.
  • Capacitor - Cross-platform open source runtime for building Web Native apps.
  • ArcGIS Developer - Mapping and location analysis platform for developers.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy - Low-power wireless communication protocol ideal for IoT, wearables, and other battery-powered applications.
  • Uno Platform - Open-source .NET UI platform for building cross-platform apps.

Programming Languages

  • JavaScript
  • Swift - Apple's compiled programming language that is secure, modern, programmer-friendly, and fast.
  • Python - General-purpose programming language designed for readability.
    • Asyncio - Asynchronous I/O in Python 3.
    • Scientific Audio - Scientific research in audio/music.
    • CircuitPython - A version of Python for microcontrollers.
    • Data Science - Data analysis and machine learning.
    • Typing - Optional static typing for Python.
    • MicroPython - A lean and efficient implementation of Python 3 for microcontrollers.
  • Rust
    • Pest - Parser generator.
  • Haskell
  • PureScript
  • Go
  • Scala
    • Scala Native - Optimizing ahead-of-time compiler for Scala based on LLVM.
  • Ruby
  • Clojure
  • ClojureScript
  • Elixir
  • Elm
  • Erlang
  • Julia - High-level dynamic programming language designed to address the needs of high-performance numerical analysis and computational science.
  • Lua
  • C
  • C/C++ - General-purpose language with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained software.
  • R - Functional programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
  • D
  • Common Lisp - Powerful dynamic multiparadigm language that facilitates iterative and interactive development.
  • Perl
  • Groovy
  • Dart
  • Java - Popular secure object-oriented language designed for flexibility to "write once, run anywhere".
  • Kotlin
  • OCaml
  • ColdFusion
  • Fortran
  • PHP - Server-side scripting language.
  • Pascal
  • AutoHotkey
  • AutoIt
  • Crystal
  • Frege - Haskell for the JVM.
  • CMake - Build, test, and package software.
  • ActionScript 3 - Object-oriented language targeting Adobe AIR.
  • Eta - Functional programming language for the JVM.
  • Idris - General purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types influenced by Haskell and ML.
  • Ada/SPARK - Modern programming language designed for large, long-lived apps where reliability and efficiency are essential.
  • Q# - Domain-specific programming language used for expressing quantum algorithms.
  • Imba - Programming language inspired by Ruby and Python and compiles to performant JavaScript.
  • Vala - Programming language designed to take full advantage of the GLib and GNOME ecosystems, while preserving the speed of C code.
  • Coq - Formal language and environment for programming and specification which facilitates interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
  • V - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software.
  • Zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
  • Move - Domain-specific programming language for writing safe smart contracts.
  • Esolangs - Programming languages designed for experimentation or as jokes rather than actual use.

Front-End Development

Back-End Development

  • Flask - Python framework.
  • Docker
  • Vagrant - Automation virtual machine environment.
  • Pyramid - Python framework.
  • Play1 Framework
  • CakePHP - PHP framework.
  • Symfony - PHP framework.
  • Laravel - PHP framework.
    • Education
    • TALL Stack - Full-stack development solution featuring libraries built by the Laravel community.
  • Rails - Web app framework for Ruby.
  • Phalcon - PHP framework.
  • Useful .htaccess Snippets
  • nginx - Web server.
  • Dropwizard - Java framework.
  • Kubernetes - Open-source platform that automates Linux container operations.
  • Lumen - PHP micro-framework.
  • Serverless Framework - Serverless computing and serverless architectures.
  • Apache Wicket - Java web app framework.
  • Vert.x - Toolkit for building reactive apps on the JVM.
  • Terraform - Tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure.
  • Vapor - Server-side development in Swift.
  • Dash - Python web app framework.
  • FastAPI - Python web app framework.
  • CDK - Open-source software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code.
  • IAM - User accounts, authentication and authorization.
  • Slim - PHP framework.
  • Fiber - Web framework built on top of Fasthttp, the fastest HTTP engine for Go.
  • Kustomize - Kubernetes native declarative configuration management tool.
  • OpenTofu - Open-source infrastructure as code tool.

Computer Science

Big Data





Development Environment



  • Database
  • MySQL
  • SQLAlchemy
  • InfluxDB
  • Neo4j
  • MongoDB - NoSQL database.
  • RethinkDB
  • TinkerPop - Graph computing framework.
  • PostgreSQL - Object-relational database.
  • CouchDB - Document-oriented NoSQL database.
  • HBase - Distributed, scalable, big data store.
  • NoSQL Guides - Help on using non-relational, distributed, open-source, and horizontally scalable databases.
  • Database Tools - Everything that makes working with databases easier.
  • TypeDB - Logical database to organize large and complex networks of data as one body of knowledge.
  • Cassandra - Open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system.
  • TDengine - An open-source time-series database with high-performance, scalability, and SQL support.
  • Supabase - An open-source alternative to Firebase.
  • PocketBase - An open-source, Go-based backend in one file.




Content Management Systems

  • Umbraco
  • Refinery CMS - Ruby on Rails CMS.
  • Wagtail - Django CMS focused on flexibility and user experience.
  • Textpattern - Lightweight PHP-based CMS.
  • Drupal - Extensible PHP-based CMS.
  • Craft CMS - Content-first CMS.
  • Sitecore - .NET digital marketing platform that combines CMS with tools for managing multiple websites.
  • Silverstripe CMS - PHP MVC framework that serves as a classic or headless CMS.
  • Directus - A real-time API and app dashboard for managing SQL database content.
  • Plone - Open source Python CMS.





Decentralized Systems

  • Bitcoin - Bitcoin services and tools for software developers.
  • Ripple - Open source distributed settlement network.
  • Non-Financial Blockchain - Non-financial blockchain applications.
  • Mastodon - Open source decentralized microblogging network.
  • Ethereum - Distributed computing platform for smart contract development.
  • Blockchain AI - Blockchain projects for artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • EOSIO - A decentralized operating system supporting industrial-scale apps.
  • Corda - Open source blockchain platform designed for business.
  • Waves - Open source blockchain platform and development toolset for Web 3.0 apps and decentralized solutions.
  • Substrate - Framework for writing scalable, upgradeable blockchains in Rust.
  • Golem - Open source peer-to-peer marketplace for computing resources.
  • Stacks - A smart contract platform secured by Bitcoin.
  • Algorand - An open-source, proof of stake blockchain and smart contract computing platform.
  • ZeroNet - A decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users.
  • Cosmos SDK - Modular framework for building app-specific blockchains in Go.

Health and Social Science



  • Testing - Software testing.
  • Visual Regression Testing - Ensures changes did not break the functionality or style.
  • Selenium - Open-source browser automation framework and ecosystem.
  • Appium - Test automation tool for apps.
  • TAP - Test Anything Protocol.
  • JMeter - Load testing and performance measurement tool.
  • k6 - Open-source, developer-centric performance monitoring and load testing solution.
  • Playwright - Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
  • Quality Assurance Roadmap - How to start & build a career in software testing.
  • Gatling - Open-source load and performance testing framework based on Scala, Akka, and Netty.
