#!/bin/sh set -e is_executable () { command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } errcho () { >&2 echo "$@" } echo "# Installing slap..." if ! (is_executable npm && is_executable node && is_executable git); then if is_executable brew; then brew install node git elif is_executable port; then port install nodejs git elif is_executable apt-get; then if ! is_executable wget; then errcho "wget not available. Please install wget first, then run this script again." exit 1 fi wget -qO- https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash - # Adds NodeSource repository to dpkg sudo apt-get install -y nodejs git elif is_executable yum; then if ! is_executable curl; then errcho "curl not available. Please install curl first, then run this script again." exit 1 fi curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup | bash - # Adds NodeSource repository to yum sudo yum install -y nodejs git elif is_executable emerge; then emerge nodejs git elif is_executable pacman; then pacman -S nodejs npm git else errcho "Couldn't determine OS. Please install NodeJS manually, then run this script again." errcho "Visit https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/installing-node.js-via-package-manager for instructions on how to install NodeJS on your OS." exit 1 fi fi is_executable python2 && PYTHON='python2' maybe_sudo="$([ -w "$(npm get prefix)/lib/node_modules" ] || echo 'sudo')" $maybe_sudo npm install -g slap@latest