# Cozette [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/slavfox/Cozette?logo=github&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/slavfox/Cozette/releases/latest) [![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/cozette-otb?color=%231793d1&label=AUR&logo=arch-linux&logoColor=%23fff&style=flat-square)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cozette-otb/) ![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/slavfox/Cozette/Build%20fonts?logo=github&style=flat-square) ![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/slavfox/Cozette/total?style=flat-square) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/slavfox/Cozette?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/slavfox/Cozette/blob/master/LICENSE) ![Cozette](./img/sample.png) A bitmap programming font optimized for coziness. # Contents - [About Cozette](#about-cozette) - [Installation](#installation) - [Linux](#linux) - [Mac](#mac) - [Windows](#windows) - [Notes on specific applications](#notes-on-specific-applications) - [VSCode, general GUI applications](#vscode-general-gui-applications) - [Kitty](#kitty) - [Roadmap](#roadmap) - [Recommended alternatives](#recommended-alternatives) - [Character map](#character-map) - [License](#license) # About Cozette Cozette is a 6x13px (bounding box; average 5px character width, 3px descent, 10px ascent, 8px cap height) bitmap font based on [Dina], which itself is based on [Proggy]. It's also heavily inspired by [Creep]. I absolutely adore Creep, and was using it up until I got a higher-DPI screen for which it was slightly too small. That prompted me to make the bitmap font I always wished existed: Cozette; a small-but-not-tiny bitmap font with great coverage of all the glyphs *you* might encounter in the terminal: ![glyphs in Cozette](./img/characters.png) I'm intentionally putting the emphasis on "you" - although Cozette already has all the glyphs I've seen in my CLI tools so far, *you* might find it's missing a glyph you wish it had. If that's the case, *please [file an issue]*! It's an important goal for Cozette to be a useful bitmap alternative to [Nerd Fonts]. A nicer character map that includes the codepoints can be found at [the bottom of this README]! # Installation ### [You can get Cozette over at the Releases tab]! Cozette is distributed in two main variants: bitmap and vector. Bitmap fonts are, effectively, just that - bitmaps. They scale terribly, but look nice and sharp (and pixel-perfect) at one specific point size. Vector fonts scale well, but in this case, might look ugly at smaller point sizes because of antialiasing issues and the like. ### Linux The preferred format is `.otb` (for bitmaps) or `.ttf` (for CozetteVector). To install the font, just throw it in your fonts directory (you probably want to follow your distro's instructions). On Ubuntu, if you don't want to reconsider your distro choice, you might need to [specifically enable bitmap fonts]. **If you're on Arch**, [ifreund] made [an AUR package] for the .otb! Install it using your AUR helper of choice: ``` $ yay -S cozette-otb ``` Or, if you're not using an AUR helper: ``` $ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/cozette-otb.git $ cd cozette-otb $ makepkg -si ``` ### Mac Download the `.dfont` and install it with `Font Book .app`. Both the bitmap `Cozette.dfont` and the vector `CozetteVector.dfont` should work. ### Windows Grab `CozetteVector.ttf`. If you want to get the bitmap versions to work, [follow the instructions from here]. ### BSD / Solaris / Haku /Other You know what you're doing. ### Notes on specific applications #### VSCode, general GUI applications VSCode and a lot of other GUI applications don't support bitmap fonts, so you will want to use CozetteVector there. In applications that do support bitmap fonts, you will want to use the normal, bitmap Cozette (unless it's too small for you, in which case, CozetteVector scales better). #### Kitty **[4e554c4c](https://github.com/4e554c4c) made [an AUR package for `kitty` patched to support bitmap fonts](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kitty-bitmap/).** > `if you like bitmap fonts, kitty is not for you.` **According to its author, `kitty` [doesn't, and never will, support bitmap fonts](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/97#issuecomment-373970232)**. If you *really* want to get Cozette working, you can try the [AUR package mentioned above](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kitty-bitmap/), or apply [the patch there](https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/Allow-bitmap-fonts.patch?h=kitty-bitmap) yourself. If that doesn't work, you can try the trick from [here](https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/97#issuecomment-579094656); if you explicitly set Cozette(Vector)'s `spacing` to 100, and `scalable` to `true` in `fontconfig`, `kitty` *should* accept it. You can also make Cozette work flawlessly by uninstalling `kitty` and using a terminal emulator for which *not rendering fonts* isn't a design principle - I cannot recommend [alacritty](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty/) enough. it's excellent, has worked flawlessly for me for quite some time, and both configuring and getting bitmap fonts to work in it is a breeze. (The support was discussed in [slavfox/Cozette#18](https://github.com/slavfox/Cozette/issues/18). Many thanks to all the participants there, especially to to Luflosi, who brought up flipping the `allow_bitmapped_fonts` flag in [their fork](https://github.com/Luflosi/kitty/commit/e645e0b5ed084c2c57ecfb8acafc07e76f5717bb), and to [4e554c4c](https://github.com/4e554c4c), who made the AUR package.) # Roadmap Check the [CHANGELOG] for the latest news! Here's where Cozette is so far, in the rough order the features are going to be implemented: - [x] ASCII - [x] Powerline - [x] Build scripts to handle exporting - [x] Box-drawing (mostly) - [x] Braille - [x] Cyrillic! - [ ] Nerdfonts: - [x] nf-pom-* - [x] nf-seti-* - [ ] nf-dev-* (partial) - [ ] nf-weather-* - [x] Glyph map generation (so I don't have to keep `characters.png` up to date) - [x] "True" TTF version - [x] Windows support - [x] Full [vim-airline] support! - [x] Full [ranger_devicons] support! - [x] [starship] supported out of the box! - [x] Full [powerlevel10k] support! (if it doesn't work, try setting `POWERLEVEL9K_MODE` to `nerdfont-complete`) - [x] Charmap including the code points (to make it easier for users to report issues/request additions) - [ ] Bold version - [ ] Italic version - [ ] Ligatures # Recommended alternatives Cozette is, intentionally, a very small font. If you're looking for other bitmap fonts with extra glyphs, a couple of my favorites are [Tamzen](https://github.com/sunaku/tamzen-font/) and [Envypn](https://github.com/Sorixelle/envypn-powerline). You might also find the [Tecate/bitmap-fonts repo](https://github.com/Tecate/bitmap-fonts) useful. # Character map For easy copy-pasting, the character map is provided in text form in [img/charmap.txt](./img/charmap.txt). If you just want to see how the glyphs look in Cozette, here is a screenshot of it: ![Character map](./img/charmap.png) # Building If you want to build Cozette yourself, you'll need [FontForge]. Once you have that, just clone this repo, open `Cozette/Cozette.sfd` in FontForge, and go to *File → Generate Fonts...*. To run the build scripts I use to prepare releases, first install Python 3.8 and [pipenv]. For generating the images, you will also need `xorg-mkfontscale` and `xterm`. Then, install the dependencies and run `build.py fonts`: ```console $ pipenv install $ pipenv run python3.8 build.py fonts ``` Then install the generated fonts, and run ```console $ pipenv run python3.8 build.py images ``` Running ```console $ pipenv run python3.8 build.py changelog ``` will output the changelog between your local version and the last tag. # License Cozette is licensed [MIT] 💜 Massive thanks to [ym1234] for helping me figure out how to make the font tables behave nicely. Additional thanks to [autumn] and [cpkio] for contributing characters! [Dina]: https://www.dcmembers.com/jibsen/download/61/ [Proggy]: https://github.com/bluescan/proggyfonts [Creep]: https://github.com/romeovs/creep [great coverage of all the glyphs I might encounter in the terminal]: #character-map [file an issue]: https://github.com/slavfox/Cozette/issues/new [Nerd Fonts]: https://www.nerdfonts.com/ [the bottom of this README]: #character-map [You can get Cozette over at the Releases tab]: https://github.com/slavfox/Cozette/releases [ifreund]: https://github.com/ifreund [an AUR package]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cozette-otb/ [specifically enable bitmap fonts]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/1560114 [follow the instructions from here]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide [CHANGELOG]: ./CHANGELOG.md [vim-airline]: https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline/ [ranger_devicons]: https://github.com/alexanderjeurissen/ranger_devicons [starship]: https://starship.rs/ [fontforge]: https://fontforge.org/en-US/ [powerlevel10k]: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/ [pipenv]: https://github.com/pypa/pipenv [MIT]: ./LICENSE [ym1234]: https://github.com/ym1234 [autumn]: https://github.com/auctumnus [cpkio]: https://github.com/cpkio