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2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
module Keter.App
( App
, start
, reload
, Keter.App.terminate
) where
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
import Prelude (IO, Eq, Ord)
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
import Keter.Prelude
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
import Keter.TempFolder
import Keter.Postgres
import Keter.Process
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
import Keter.Logger (Logger, detach)
import Keter.PortManager hiding (start)
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
2012-10-12 14:02:58 +04:00
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Check as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
import Codec.Compression.GZip (decompress)
2012-05-14 11:15:50 +04:00
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as F
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
import Data.Yaml
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import qualified Network
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Control.Exception (onException, throwIO, bracket)
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
import System.IO (hClose)
2012-10-12 14:02:58 +04:00
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Conduit (($$), yield)
2012-10-12 14:17:00 +04:00
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import System.Posix.IO.ByteString (fdWriteBuf, closeFd, FdOption (CloseOnExec), setFdOption, createFile)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
data Config = Config
2012-05-14 11:15:50 +04:00
{ configExec :: F.FilePath
, configArgs :: [Text]
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
, configHost :: String
2012-05-11 12:42:56 +04:00
, configPostgres :: Bool
2012-09-14 07:29:03 +04:00
, configSsl :: Bool
2012-10-12 14:17:00 +04:00
, configExtraHosts :: Set String
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
, configStaticHosts :: Set StaticHost
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
instance FromJSON Config where
parseJSON (Object o) = Config
2012-05-14 11:15:50 +04:00
<$> (F.fromText <$> o .: "exec")
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
<*> o .:? "args" .!= []
<*> o .: "host"
2012-05-11 12:42:56 +04:00
<*> o .:? "postgres" .!= False
2012-09-14 07:29:03 +04:00
<*> o .:? "ssl" .!= False
2012-10-12 14:17:00 +04:00
<*> o .:? "extra-hosts" .!= Set.empty
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
<*> o .:? "static-hosts" .!= Set.empty
parseJSON _ = fail "Wanted an object"
data StaticHost = StaticHost
{ shHost :: String
, shRoot :: FilePath
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance FromJSON StaticHost where
parseJSON (Object o) = StaticHost
<$> o .: "host"
<*> (F.fromText <$> o .: "root")
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
parseJSON _ = fail "Wanted an object"
data Command = Reload | Terminate
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
newtype App = App (Command -> KIO ())
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
unpackBundle :: TempFolder
2012-05-14 11:15:50 +04:00
-> F.FilePath
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
-> Appname
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
-> KIO (Either SomeException (FilePath, Config))
unpackBundle tf bundle appname = do
elbs <- readFileLBS bundle
case elbs of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right lbs -> do
edir <- getFolder tf appname
case edir of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right dir -> do
log $ UnpackingBundle bundle dir
let rest = do
2012-10-12 14:02:58 +04:00
unpackTar dir $ $ decompress lbs
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
let configFP = dir F.</> "config" F.</> "keter.yaml"
Just config <- decodeFile $ F.encodeString configFP
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
return (dir, config
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
{ configStaticHosts = Set.fromList
$ mapMaybe (fixStaticHost dir)
$ Set.toList
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
$ configStaticHosts config
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
liftIO $ rest `onException` removeTree dir
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
-- | Ensures that the given path does not escape the containing folder and sets
-- the pathname based on config file location.
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
fixStaticHost :: FilePath -> StaticHost -> Maybe StaticHost
fixStaticHost dir sh =
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
case (F.stripPrefix (F.collapse dir F.</> "") fp, F.relative fp0) of
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
(Just _, True) -> Just sh { shRoot = fp }
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
_ -> Nothing
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
fp0 = shRoot sh
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
fp = F.collapse $ dir F.</> "config" F.</> fp0
2012-10-12 14:02:58 +04:00
unpackTar :: FilePath -> Tar.Entries Tar.FormatError -> IO ()
unpackTar dir =
loop . Tar.checkSecurity
loop Tar.Done = return ()
loop (Tar.Fail e) = either throwIO throwIO e
loop (Tar.Next e es) = go e >> loop es
go e = do
let fp = dir </> decodeString (Tar.entryPath e)
case Tar.entryContent e of
Tar.NormalFile lbs _ -> do
createTree $ fp
let write fd bs = unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) -> do
_ <- fdWriteBuf fd (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral len)
return ()
fd <- createFile (F.encode fp) $ Tar.entryPermissions e
setFdOption fd CloseOnExec True
return fd)
(\fd -> mapM_ yield (L.toChunks lbs) $$ CL.mapM_ (write fd))
2012-10-12 14:02:58 +04:00
_ -> return ()
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
start :: TempFolder
-> PortManager
2012-05-11 12:42:56 +04:00
-> Postgres
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
-> Logger
2012-05-11 12:29:25 +04:00
-> Appname
2012-05-14 11:15:50 +04:00
-> F.FilePath -- ^ app bundle
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
-> KIO () -- ^ action to perform to remove this App from list of actives
-> KIO (App, KIO ())
start tf portman postgres logger appname bundle removeFromList = do
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
chan <- newChan
return (App $ writeChan chan, rest chan)
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
runApp port dir config = do
2012-05-14 13:26:20 +04:00
otherEnv <- do
mdbi <-
if configPostgres config
then do
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
edbi <- getInfo postgres appname
2012-05-14 13:26:20 +04:00
case edbi of
Left e -> do
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
$logEx e
2012-05-14 13:26:20 +04:00
return Nothing
Right dbi -> return $ Just dbi
else return Nothing
return $ case mdbi of
Just dbi ->
[ ("PGHOST", "localhost")
, ("PGPORT", "5432")
, ("PGUSER", dbiUser dbi)
, ("PGPASS", dbiPass dbi)
, ("PGDATABASE", dbiName dbi)
Nothing -> []
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
let env = ("PORT", show port)
2012-09-14 07:46:13 +04:00
: ("APPROOT", (if configSsl config then "https://" else "http://") ++ configHost config)
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
: otherEnv
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
("config" </> configExec config)
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
(configArgs config)
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
rest chan = forkKIO $ do
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
mres <- unpackBundle tf bundle appname
case mres of
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Left e -> do
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
$logEx e
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Right (dir, config) -> do
eport <- getPort portman
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
case eport of
Left e -> do
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
$logEx e
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
Right port -> do
process <- runApp port dir config
b <- testApp port
if b
then do
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
addEntry portman (configHost config) $ Left port
mapM_ (flip (addEntry portman) $ Left port) $ Set.toList $ configExtraHosts config
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
mapM_ (\StaticHost{..} -> addEntry portman shHost (Right shRoot)) $ Set.toList $ configStaticHosts config
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
loop chan dir process port config
else do
releasePort portman port
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Keter.Process.terminate process
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld = do
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
command <- readChan chan
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
case command of
Terminate -> do
removeEntry portman $ configHost configOld
2012-10-12 14:17:00 +04:00
mapM_ (removeEntry portman) $ Set.toList $ configExtraHosts configOld
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
mapM_ (removeEntry portman) $ map shHost $ Set.toList $ configStaticHosts configOld
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
log $ TerminatingApp appname
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
detach logger
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
Reload -> do
mres <- unpackBundle tf bundle appname
case mres of
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Left e -> do
log $ InvalidBundle bundle e
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Right (dir, config) -> do
eport <- getPort portman
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
case eport of
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
Left e -> $logEx e
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
Right port -> do
process <- runApp port dir config
b <- testApp port
if b
then do
2012-10-12 14:59:46 +04:00
addEntry portman (configHost config) $ Left port
mapM_ (flip (addEntry portman) $ Left port) $ Set.toList $ configExtraHosts config
2012-10-14 20:17:01 +04:00
mapM_ (\StaticHost{..} -> addEntry portman shHost (Right shRoot)) $ Set.toList $ configStaticHosts config
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
when (configHost config /= configHost configOld) $
removeEntry portman $ configHost configOld
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
log $ FinishedReloading appname
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
loop chan dir process port config
else do
releasePort portman port
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Keter.Process.terminate process
log $ ProcessDidNotStart bundle
2012-05-15 11:49:20 +04:00
loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
terminateOld = forkKIO $ do
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
threadDelay $ 20 * 1000 * 1000
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
log $ TerminatingOldProcess appname
Keter.Process.terminate processOld
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
threadDelay $ 60 * 1000 * 1000
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
log $ RemovingOldFolder dirOld
res <- liftIO $ removeTree dirOld
case res of
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
Left e -> $logEx e
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Right () -> return ()
2012-05-14 12:03:57 +04:00
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
testApp :: Port -> KIO Bool
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
testApp port = do
res <- timeout (90 * 1000 * 1000) testApp'
return $ fromMaybe False res
testApp' = do
threadDelay $ 2 * 1000 * 1000
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
eres <- liftIO $ Network.connectTo "" $ Network.PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
case eres of
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Left _ -> testApp'
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
Right handle -> do
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
res <- liftIO $ hClose handle
case res of
2012-05-17 10:32:11 +04:00
Left e -> $logEx e
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
Right () -> return ()
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
return True
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
reload :: App -> KIO ()
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
reload (App f) = f Reload
2012-05-15 12:19:03 +04:00
terminate :: App -> KIO ()
2012-05-11 08:38:05 +04:00
terminate (App f) = f Terminate