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2013-07-26 11:09:11 +04:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
2013-07-25 18:35:16 +04:00
-- | Used for management of applications.
module Keter.AppManager
( -- * Types
, AppId (..)
, Action (..)
, AppInput (..)
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, RunKIO (..)
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-- * Actions
, perform
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, reloadAppList
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-- * Initialize
, initialize
) where
import Control.Applicative
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import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, withMVar)
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import Control.Concurrent.STM
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import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Posix.Types (EpochTime)
import Keter.App (App, AppId (..), AppInput (..),
import qualified Keter.App as App
import Keter.Prelude (KIO)
import qualified Keter.Prelude as KP
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import Keter.Types
data AppManager = AppManager
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{ apps :: !(TVar (Map AppId (TVar AppState)))
, runKIO :: !RunKIO
, appStartConfig :: !AppStartConfig
, mutex :: !(MVar ())
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2013-07-26 11:09:11 +04:00
data AppState = ASRunning App
| ASStarting
!(Maybe App)
!(TVar (Maybe EpochTime))
!(TVar (Maybe Action)) -- ^ the next one to try
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| ASTerminated
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data Action = Reload AppInput | Terminate
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newtype RunKIO = RunKIO { unRunKIO :: forall a. KIO a -> IO a }
initialize :: RunKIO -> AppStartConfig -> IO AppManager
initialize runKIO' asc = AppManager
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<$> newTVarIO Map.empty
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<*> return runKIO'
<*> return asc
<*> newMVar ()
-- | Reset which apps are running.
-- * Any app not listed here that is currently running will be terminated.
-- * Any app listed here that is currently running will be reloaded.
-- * Any app listed here that is not currently running will be started.
reloadAppList :: AppManager
-> Map Appname (KP.FilePath, EpochTime)
-> IO ()
reloadAppList am@AppManager {..} newApps = withMVar mutex $ const $ do
actions <- atomically $ do
m <- readTVar apps
let currentApps = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe toAppName $ Map.keys m
allApps = Set.toList $ Map.keysSet newApps `Set.union` currentApps
fmap catMaybes $ mapM (getAction m) allApps
sequence_ actions
toAppName AIBuiltin = Nothing
toAppName (AINamed x) = Just x
getAction currentApps appname = do
case Map.lookup (AINamed appname) currentApps of
Nothing -> return freshLaunch
Just tstate -> do
state <- readTVar tstate
case state of
ASTerminated -> return freshLaunch
ASRunning app ->
case Map.lookup appname newApps of
Nothing -> return terminate
Just (fp, newTimestamp) -> do
moldTimestamp <- App.getTimestamp app
return $ if moldTimestamp == Just newTimestamp
then Nothing
else reload fp newTimestamp
ASStarting _ tmoldTimestamp tmaction ->
case Map.lookup appname newApps of
Nothing -> do
writeTVar tmaction $ Just Terminate
return Nothing
Just (fp, newTimestamp) -> do
moldTimestamp <- readTVar tmoldTimestamp
return $ if moldTimestamp == Just newTimestamp
then Nothing
else reload fp newTimestamp
freshLaunch =
case Map.lookup appname newApps of
Nothing -> E.assert False Nothing
Just (fp, timestamp) -> reload fp timestamp
terminate = Just $ performNoLock am (AINamed appname) Terminate
reload fp timestamp = Just $ performNoLock am (AINamed appname) (Reload $ AIBundle fp timestamp)
case (Map.lookup appname currentApps, Map.lookup appname newApps) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> E.assert False Nothing
(Just _, Nothing) -> Just $ perform am (AINamed appname) Terminate
(Nothing, Just _) -> Just $ perform am (AINamed appname) (Reload AIBundle)
actions <- do
current <- getAllApps appMan
let apps = Set.toList $ Set.fromList (Map.keys newMap) `Set.union` current
fmap catMaybes $ forM apps $ \appname -> return $
case (Set.member appname current, Map.lookup appname newMap) of
(False, Nothing) -> Nothing -- should never happen
(True, Nothing) -> Just $ terminateApp appname
(False, Just (bundle, _)) -> Just $ runKIO' $ addApp bundle
(Just (_, oldTime), Just (bundle, newTime))
| newTime /= oldTime -> Just $ runKIO' $ addApp bundle
| otherwise -> Nothing
P.sequence_ actions
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getAllApps :: AppManager -> IO (Set Appname)
getAllApps AppManager {..} = atomically $ do
m <- readTVar apps
return $ Set.fromList $ mapMaybe toAppName $ Map.keys m
2013-07-26 11:09:11 +04:00
2013-07-25 18:35:16 +04:00
perform :: AppManager -> AppId -> Action -> IO ()
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perform am appid action = withMVar (mutex am) $ const $ performNoLock am appid action
performNoLock :: AppManager -> AppId -> Action -> IO ()
performNoLock am@AppManager {..} aid action = E.mask_ $ do
2013-07-25 20:58:54 +04:00
launchWorker' <- atomically $ do
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m <- readTVar apps
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case Map.lookup aid m of
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Just tstate -> do
state <- readTVar tstate
case state of
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ASStarting _mcurrent _tmtimestamp tmnext -> do
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writeTVar tmnext $ Just action
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-- use the previous worker, so nothing to do
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return noWorker
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ASRunning runningApp -> do
tmnext <- newTVar Nothing
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tmtimestamp <- newTVar $
case action of
Reload (AIBundle _fp timestamp) -> Just timestamp
Reload (AIData _) -> Nothing
Terminate -> Nothing
writeTVar tstate $ ASStarting (Just runningApp) tmtimestamp tmnext
return $ launchWorker am aid tstate tmnext (Just runningApp) action
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ASTerminated -> onNotRunning
Nothing -> onNotRunning
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2013-07-25 20:58:54 +04:00
noWorker = return ()
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onNotRunning =
case action of
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Reload input -> do
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tmnext <- newTVar Nothing
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tmtimestamp <- newTVar $
case input of
AIBundle _fp timestamp -> Just timestamp
AIData _ -> Nothing
tstate <- newTVar $ ASStarting Nothing tmtimestamp tmnext
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modifyTVar apps $ Map.insert aid tstate
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return $ launchWorker am aid tstate tmnext Nothing action
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Terminate -> return noWorker
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launchWorker :: AppManager
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-> AppId
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-> TVar AppState
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-> TVar (Maybe Action)
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-> Maybe App
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-> Action
-> IO ()
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launchWorker AppManager {..} appid tstate tmnext mcurrentApp0 action0 = void $ forkIO $ do
loop mcurrentApp0 action0
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loop mcurrentApp action = do
mRunningApp <- processAction mcurrentApp action
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mnext <- atomically $ do
mnext <- readTVar tmnext
writeTVar tmnext Nothing
case mnext of
Nothing ->
case mRunningApp of
Nothing -> writeTVar tstate ASTerminated
Just runningApp -> writeTVar tstate $ ASRunning runningApp
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Just next -> do
tmtimestamp <- newTVar $
case action of
Reload (AIBundle _fp timestamp) -> Just timestamp
Reload (AIData _) -> Nothing
Terminate -> Nothing
writeTVar tstate $ ASStarting mRunningApp tmtimestamp tmnext
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return mnext
case mnext of
Nothing -> return ()
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Just next -> loop mRunningApp action
processAction Nothing Terminate = return Nothing
processAction (Just app) Terminate = do
unRunKIO runKIO $ App.terminate app
return Nothing
processAction Nothing (Reload input) = unRunKIO runKIO $ do
eres <- App.start appStartConfig appid input
case eres of
Left e -> do
let name =
case appid of
AIBuiltin -> "<builtin>"
AINamed x -> x
KP.log $ KP.ErrorStartingBundle name e
return Nothing
Right app -> return $ Just app
processAction (Just app) (Reload input) = unRunKIO runKIO $ do
App.reload app input
-- reloading will /always/ result in a valid app, either the old one
-- will continue running or the new one will replace it.
return $ Just app