This commit is contained in:
Michael Snoyman 2012-05-14 11:03:57 +03:00
parent 3837c68c44
commit 3a3edc9431
3 changed files with 96 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import qualified Network
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException, onException)
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException, onException, throwIO)
import System.IO (hClose)
import System.Directory (removeDirectoryRecursive)
import Control.Monad (when)
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ unpackBundle :: TempFolder
-> Appname
-> IO (Maybe (FilePath, Config))
unpackBundle tf bundle appname = tryM $ do
lbs <- Keter.Prelude.readFileLBS bundle
elbs <- runKIO $ Keter.Prelude.readFileLBS bundle
lbs <- either throwIO return elbs
dir <- getFolder tf appname
putStrLn $ "Unpacking bundle to: " ++ dir
let rest = do
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ start tf nginx postgres appname bundle removeFromList = do
, ("PGDATABASE", dbiName dbi)
else return []
runKIO $ run
("config" F.</> configExec config)
(F.decodeString dir)
(configArgs config)
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ start tf nginx postgres appname bundle removeFromList = do
else do
releasePort nginx port
Keter.Process.terminate process
runKIO $ Keter.Process.terminate process
loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld = do
command <- C.readChan chan
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ start tf nginx postgres appname bundle removeFromList = do
mres <- unpackBundle tf bundle appname
case mres of
Nothing -> do
Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.InvalidBundle bundle
runKIO $ Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.InvalidBundle bundle
loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld
Just (dir, config) -> do
port <- getPort nginx
@ -151,18 +152,21 @@ start tf nginx postgres appname bundle removeFromList = do
loop chan dir process port config
else do
releasePort nginx port
Keter.Process.terminate process
Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.ProcessDidNotStart bundle
runKIO $ Keter.Process.terminate process
runKIO $ Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.ProcessDidNotStart bundle
loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld
terminateOld = void $ forkIO $ do
threadDelay $ 20 * 1000 * 1000
putStrLn $ "Terminating old process for: " ++ show appname
Keter.Process.terminate processOld
runKIO $ Keter.Process.terminate processOld
threadDelay $ 60 * 1000 * 1000
putStrLn $ "Removing folder: " ++ dirOld
removeDirectoryRecursive dirOld
runKIO :: Keter.Prelude.KIO a -> IO a -- FIXME remove this
runKIO = Keter.Prelude.runKIO print
testApp :: Port -> IO Bool
testApp port = do
putStrLn $ "Testing app on port: " ++ show port

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@ -11,11 +11,22 @@ module Keter.Prelude
, (P..)
, LogMessage (..)
, log
, IO
, toString
, (A.***)
, readFileLBS
, P.Either (..)
, E.SomeException
, runKIO
, void
, liftIO
, forkKIO
-- * MVar
, M.MVar
, newMVar
, modifyMVar
, swapMVar
) where
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as F
@ -23,17 +34,45 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Control.Arrow as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Prelude (($), (.))
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
type String = T.Text
type IO = P.IO -- FIXME
log :: LogMessage -> IO ()
log = P.print
newtype KIO a = KIO { unKIO :: (LogMessage -> P.IO ()) -> P.IO a }
instance P.Monad KIO where
return = KIO . P.const . P.return
KIO x >>= y = KIO $ \f -> do
x' <- x f
let KIO mz = y x'
mz f
instance P.Functor KIO where
fmap = Control.Monad.liftM
instance Control.Applicative.Applicative KIO where
(<*>) = Control.Monad.ap
pure = P.return
log :: LogMessage -> KIO ()
log msg = do
f <- getLogger
void $ liftIO $ f msg
getLogger = KIO P.return
void :: P.Monad m => m a -> m ()
void f = f P.>> P.return ()
data LogMessage
= ProcessCreated F.FilePath
| InvalidBundle F.FilePath
| ProcessDidNotStart F.FilePath
| ExceptionThrown E.SomeException
deriving P.Show
class ToString a where
@ -46,5 +85,28 @@ instance ToString T.Text where
instance ToString F.FilePath where
toString = F.encodeString
readFileLBS :: F.FilePath -> IO L.ByteString
readFileLBS = L.readFile P.. toString
readFileLBS :: F.FilePath -> KIO (P.Either E.SomeException L.ByteString)
readFileLBS = liftIO . L.readFile P.. toString
liftIO :: P.IO a -> KIO (P.Either E.SomeException a)
liftIO = KIO . P.const . E.try
liftIO_ :: P.IO a -> KIO a
liftIO_ = KIO . P.const
runKIO :: (LogMessage -> P.IO ()) -> KIO a -> P.IO a
runKIO f (KIO g) = g f
newMVar :: a -> KIO (M.MVar a)
newMVar = liftIO_ . M.newMVar
modifyMVar :: M.MVar a -> (a -> KIO (a, b)) -> KIO b
modifyMVar m f = KIO $ \x -> M.modifyMVar m (\a -> unKIO (f a) x)
swapMVar :: M.MVar a -> a -> KIO a
swapMVar m = liftIO_ . M.swapMVar m
forkKIO :: KIO () -> KIO ()
forkKIO f = do
x <- KIO P.return
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ unKIO f x

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@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ module Keter.Process
import Keter.Prelude
import qualified System.Process as SP
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M
data Status = NeedsRestart | NoRestart | Running SP.ProcessHandle
@ -17,22 +15,27 @@ run :: FilePath -- ^ executable
-> FilePath -- ^ working directory
-> [String] -- ^ command line parameter
-> [(String, String)] -- ^ environment
-> IO Process
-> KIO Process
run exec dir args env = do
mstatus <- M.newMVar NeedsRestart
mstatus <- newMVar NeedsRestart
let loop = do
next <- M.modifyMVar mstatus $ \status ->
next <- modifyMVar mstatus $ \status ->
case status of
NoRestart -> return (NoRestart, return ())
_ -> do
-- FIXME put in some kind of rate limiting: if we last
-- tried to restart within five second, wait an extra
-- five seconds
(_, _, _, ph) <- SP.createProcess cp
res <- liftIO $ SP.createProcess cp
case res of
Left e -> do
log $ ExceptionThrown e
return (NeedsRestart, return ())
Right (_, _, _, ph) -> do
log $ ProcessCreated exec
return (Running ph, SP.waitForProcess ph >> loop)
return (Running ph, liftIO (SP.waitForProcess ph) >> loop)
_ <- forkIO loop
forkKIO loop
return $ Process mstatus
cp = (SP.proc (toString exec) $ map toString args)
@ -45,12 +48,12 @@ run exec dir args env = do
-- | Abstract type containing information on a process which will be restarted.
newtype Process = Process (M.MVar Status)
newtype Process = Process (MVar Status)
-- | Terminate the process and prevent it from being restarted.
terminate :: Process -> IO ()
terminate :: Process -> KIO ()
terminate (Process mstatus) = do
status <- M.swapMVar mstatus NoRestart
status <- swapMVar mstatus NoRestart
case status of
Running ph -> SP.terminateProcess ph
Running ph -> void $ liftIO $ SP.terminateProcess ph
_ -> return ()