mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 08:05:40 +03:00
Beginning of stanza work
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Prelude (($!), ($), Either (..), return, IO, (.), (>>=), Maybe (..), mayb
import Data.Aeson.Types ((.:), (.:?), Object, Parser, Value, parseEither)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- | The directory from which we're reading the config file.
newtype BaseDir = BaseDir FilePath
@ -53,3 +54,5 @@ instance ParseYamlFile FilePath where
parseYamlFile (BaseDir dir) o = ((dir </>) . fromText) <$> parseJSON o
instance (ParseYamlFile a, Ord a) => ParseYamlFile (Set.Set a) where
parseYamlFile base o = parseJSON o >>= ((Set.fromList <$>) . mapM (parseYamlFile base))
instance ParseYamlFile a => ParseYamlFile (V.Vector a) where
parseYamlFile base o = parseJSON o >>= ((V.fromList <$>) . mapM (parseYamlFile base))
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import System.Posix.Types (UserID, GroupID)
import Data.Conduit.Process.Unix (ProcessTracker, RotatingLog, terminateMonitoredProcess, monitorProcess)
import Data.Yaml.FilePath
import qualified Prelude
data Command = Reload | Terminate
newtype App = App (Command -> KIO ())
@ -47,17 +48,7 @@ unpackBundle tf muid bundle appname = do
case mconfig of
Right config -> return config
Left e -> throwIO $ InvalidConfigFile e
config' <-
case bconfigApp config of
Nothing -> return config
Just app -> do
abs <- F.canonicalizePath $ aconfigExec app
return config
{ bconfigApp = Just app
{ aconfigExec = abs
return (dir, config')
return (dir, config)
start :: TempFolder
-> Maybe (Text, (UserID, GroupID))
@ -70,11 +61,13 @@ start :: TempFolder
-> KIO () -- ^ action to perform to remove this App from list of actives
-> KIO (App, KIO ())
start tf muid processTracker portman plugins rlog appname bundle removeFromList = do
Prelude.error "FIXME Keter.App.start"
chan <- newChan
return (App $ writeChan chan, rest chan)
runApp port dir config = do
otherEnv <- pluginsGetEnv plugins appname (aconfigRaw config)
otherEnv <- pluginsGetEnv plugins appname (bconfigRaw config)
let env = ("PORT", show port)
: ("APPROOT", (if aconfigSsl config then "https://" else "http://") ++ aconfigHost config)
: otherEnv
@ -202,6 +195,7 @@ start tf muid processTracker portman plugins rlog appname bundle removeFromList
case res of
Left e -> $logEx e
Right () -> return ()
testApp :: Port -> KIO Bool
testApp port = do
@ -156,11 +156,13 @@ keter (F.decodeString -> input) mkPlugins = do
bundles0 <- fmap (filter isKeter) $ listDirectory incoming
runKIO' $ mapM_ addApp bundles0
{- FIXME handle static stanzas
let staticReverse r = do
HostMan.addEntry portman (ReverseProxy.reversingHost r)
$ HostMan.PEReverseProxy
$ ReverseProxy.RPEntry r manager
runKIO' $ mapM_ staticReverse (Set.toList kconfigReverseProxy)
-- File system watching
wm <- FSN.startManager
@ -4,4 +4,11 @@ module Keter.Types
import Keter.Types.Common as X
import Keter.Types.V04 as X (ReverseProxyConfig (..), RewriteRule (..), PortSettings (..), TLSConfig (..))
import Keter.Types.V10 as X (BundleConfig (..), AppConfig (..), Redirect (..), StaticHost (..), KeterConfig (..))
import Keter.Types.V10 as X
( BundleConfig (..)
, WebAppConfig (..)
, RedirectConfig (..)
, StaticFilesConfig (..)
, KeterConfig (..)
, Stanza (..)
@ -16,39 +16,22 @@ import qualified Filesystem.Path as F
import Data.Default
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Conduit.Network (HostPreference)
-- Bundle configuration
data AppConfig = AppConfig
{ aconfigExec :: F.FilePath
, aconfigArgs :: [Text]
, aconfigHost :: Text
, aconfigSsl :: Bool
, aconfigExtraHosts :: Set Text
, aconfigRaw :: Object
instance ToCurrent AppConfig where
type Previous AppConfig = V04.AppConfig
toCurrent (V04.AppConfig a b c d e f) = AppConfig a b c d e f
instance ParseYamlFile AppConfig where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "AppConfig" $ \o -> AppConfig
<$> lookupBase basedir o "exec"
<*> o .:? "args" .!= []
<*> o .: "host"
<*> o .:? "ssl" .!= False
<*> o .:? "extra-hosts" .!= Set.empty
<*> return o
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
data BundleConfig = BundleConfig
{ bconfigApp :: Maybe AppConfig
, bconfigStaticHosts :: Set StaticHost
, bconfigRedirects :: Set Redirect
{ bconfigStanzas :: !(Vector Stanza)
, bconfigRaw :: !Object -- ^ used for plugins
instance ToCurrent BundleConfig where
type Previous BundleConfig = V04.BundleConfig
toCurrent (V04.BundleConfig a b c) = BundleConfig (fmap toCurrent a) (Set.map toCurrent b) (Set.map toCurrent c)
toCurrent (V04.BundleConfig webapp statics redirs) = BundleConfig (V.concat
[ maybe V.empty V.singleton $ fmap (StanzaWebApp . toCurrent) webapp
, V.fromList $ map (StanzaStaticFiles . toCurrent) $ Set.toList statics
, V.fromList $ map (StanzaRedirect . toCurrent) $ Set.toList redirs
]) (maybe mempty V04.configRaw webapp)
instance ParseYamlFile BundleConfig where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "Config" $ \o -> do
@ -56,40 +39,8 @@ instance ParseYamlFile BundleConfig where
((toCurrent :: V04.BundleConfig -> BundleConfig) <$> parseYamlFile basedir (Object o))
current o = BundleConfig
<$> ((Just <$> parseYamlFile basedir (Object o)) <|> pure Nothing)
<*> lookupBaseMaybe basedir o "static-hosts" .!= Set.empty
<*> o .:? "redirects" .!= Set.empty
data StaticHost = StaticHost
{ shHost :: Text
, shRoot :: F.FilePath
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance ToCurrent StaticHost where
type Previous StaticHost = V04.StaticHost
toCurrent (V04.StaticHost a b) = StaticHost a b
instance ParseYamlFile StaticHost where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "StaticHost" $ \o -> StaticHost
<$> o .: "host"
<*> lookupBase basedir o "root"
data Redirect = Redirect
{ redFrom :: Text
, redTo :: Text
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance ToCurrent Redirect where
type Previous Redirect = V04.Redirect
toCurrent (V04.Redirect a b) = Redirect a b
instance FromJSON Redirect where
parseJSON (Object o) = Redirect
<$> o .: "from"
<*> o .: "to"
parseJSON _ = fail "Wanted an object"
<$> lookupBase basedir o "stanzas"
<*> pure o
data KeterConfig = KeterConfig
{ kconfigDir :: F.FilePath
@ -98,7 +49,7 @@ data KeterConfig = KeterConfig
, kconfigPort :: Port
, kconfigSsl :: Maybe V04.TLSConfig
, kconfigSetuid :: Maybe Text
, kconfigReverseProxy :: Set V04.ReverseProxyConfig
, kconfigBuiltinStanzas :: !(V.Vector Stanza)
, kconfigIpFromHeader :: Bool
@ -111,7 +62,7 @@ instance ToCurrent KeterConfig where
(V.fromList $ map StanzaReverseProxy $ Set.toList g)
instance Default KeterConfig where
@ -122,7 +73,7 @@ instance Default KeterConfig where
, kconfigPort = 80
, kconfigSsl = Nothing
, kconfigSetuid = Nothing
, kconfigReverseProxy = Set.empty
, kconfigBuiltinStanzas = V.empty
, kconfigIpFromHeader = False
@ -138,5 +89,123 @@ instance ParseYamlFile KeterConfig where
<*> o .:? "port" .!= kconfigPort def
<*> (o .:? "ssl" >>= maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . parseYamlFile basedir))
<*> o .:? "setuid"
<*> o .:? "reverse-proxy" .!= Set.empty
<*> return V.empty
<*> o .:? "ip-from-header" .!= False
data Stanza = StanzaStaticFiles StaticFilesConfig
| StanzaRedirect RedirectConfig
| StanzaWebApp WebAppConfig
| StanzaReverseProxy V04.ReverseProxyConfig
instance ParseYamlFile Stanza where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "Stanza" $ \o -> do
typ <- o .: "type"
case typ of
"static-files" -> fmap StanzaStaticFiles $ parseYamlFile basedir $ Object o
"redirect" -> fmap StanzaRedirect $ parseYamlFile basedir $ Object o
"webapp" -> fmap StanzaWebApp $ parseYamlFile basedir $ Object o
"reverse-proxy" -> fmap StanzaReverseProxy $ parseJSON $ Object o
_ -> fail $ "Unknown stanza type: " ++ typ
data StaticFilesConfig = StaticFilesConfig
{ sfconfigRoot :: !F.FilePath
, sfconfigHosts :: !(Set Host)
, sfconfigListings :: !Bool
-- FIXME basic auth
instance ToCurrent StaticFilesConfig where
type Previous StaticFilesConfig = V04.StaticHost
toCurrent (V04.StaticHost host root) = StaticFilesConfig
{ sfconfigRoot = root
, sfconfigHosts = Set.singleton host
, sfconfigListings = False
instance ParseYamlFile StaticFilesConfig where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "StaticFilesConfig" $ \o -> StaticFilesConfig
<$> lookupBase basedir o "root"
<*> (o .: "hosts" <|> (Set.singleton <$> (o .: "host")))
<*> o .:? "directory-listing" .!= False
data RedirectConfig = RedirectConfig
{ redirconfigHosts :: !(Set Host)
, redirconfigStatus :: !Int
, redirconfigActions :: !(Vector RedirectAction)
instance ToCurrent RedirectConfig where
type Previous RedirectConfig = V04.Redirect
toCurrent (V04.Redirect from to) = RedirectConfig
{ redirconfigHosts = Set.singleton from
, redirconfigStatus = 303
, redirconfigActions = V.singleton $ RedirectAction SPAny
$ RDPrefix False to 80
instance ParseYamlFile RedirectConfig where
parseYamlFile _ = withObject "RedirectConfig" $ \o -> RedirectConfig
<$> (o .: "hosts" <|> (Set.singleton <$> (o .: "host")))
<*> o .:? "status" .!= 303
<*> o .: "actions"
data RedirectAction = RedirectAction !SourcePath !RedirectDest
instance FromJSON RedirectAction where
parseJSON = withObject "RedirectAction" $ \o -> RedirectAction
<$> (maybe SPAny SPSpecific <$> (o .:? "path"))
<*> parseJSON (Object o)
data SourcePath = SPAny
| SPSpecific !Text
data RedirectDest = RDUrl !Text
| RDPrefix !IsSecure !Host !Port
instance FromJSON RedirectDest where
parseJSON = withObject "RedirectDest" $ \o ->
url o <|> prefix o
url o = RDUrl <$> o .: "url"
prefix o = RDPrefix
<$> o .:? "secure" .!= False
<*> o .: "host"
<*> o .: "port"
type IsSecure = Bool
data WebAppConfig = WebAppConfig
{ waconfigExec :: !F.FilePath
, waconfigArgs :: !(Vector Text)
, waconfigApprootHost :: !Text -- ^ primary host, used for approot
, waconfigHosts :: !(Set Text) -- ^ all hosts, not including the approot host
, waconfigSsl :: !Bool
instance ToCurrent WebAppConfig where
type Previous WebAppConfig = V04.AppConfig
toCurrent (V04.AppConfig exec args host ssl hosts _raw) = WebAppConfig
{ waconfigExec = exec
, waconfigArgs = V.fromList args
, waconfigApprootHost = host
, waconfigHosts = hosts
, waconfigSsl = ssl
instance ParseYamlFile WebAppConfig where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "WebAppConfig" $ \o -> do
(ahost, hosts) <-
h <- o .: "host"
return (h, Set.empty)) <|>
hs <- o .: "hosts"
case hs of
[] -> fail "Must provide at least one host"
h:hs' -> return (h, Set.fromList hs'))
<$> lookupBase basedir o "exec"
<*> o .:? "args" .!= V.empty
<*> return ahost
<*> return hosts
<*> o .:? "ssl" .!= False
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Library
, warp-tls
, aeson
, unordered-containers
, vector
Exposed-Modules: Keter.Plugin.Postgres
Reference in New Issue
Block a user