Separate PortPool, non-braindead host management (finally!)

This commit is contained in:
Michael Snoyman 2013-07-25 15:44:23 +03:00
parent f28556e4d7
commit d6fc43ed2d
9 changed files with 245 additions and 154 deletions

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@ -1,139 +1,129 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Keter.HostManager
( -- * Types
, Host
, HostManager
, HostEntry (..)
, Reservations
, Conflicts
-- * Actions
, getPort
, releasePort
, addEntry
, removeEntry
, lookupPort
, reserveHosts
, forgetReservations
, activateApp
, lookupAction
-- * Initialize
, start
) where
import Keter.Prelude
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (forever, mplus)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import qualified Network
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy.Rewrite (RPEntry)
import Keter.Types
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Keter.Prelude
import Keter.Types
import Prelude (null)
import Prelude (IO)
data Command = GetPort (Either SomeException Port -> KIO ())
| ReleasePort Port
| AddEntry Host HostEntry
| RemoveEntry Host
| AddDefaultEntry HostEntry
| RemoveDefaultEntry
| LookupPort S.ByteString (Maybe HostEntry -> KIO ())
type HMState = Map.Map HostBS HostValue
-- | An abstract type which can accept commands and sends them to a background
-- nginx thread.
newtype HostManager = HostManager (Command -> KIO ())
data HostValue = HVActive !Appname !ProxyAction
| HVReserved !Appname
-- | Start running a separate thread which will accept commands and modify
-- Nginx's behavior accordingly.
start :: PortSettings -> KIO (Either SomeException HostManager)
start PortSettings{..} = do
chan <- newChan
forkKIO $ flip S.evalStateT freshState $ forever $ do
command <- lift $ readChan chan
case command of
GetPort f -> do
ns0 <- S.get
let loop :: NState -> KIO (Either SomeException Port, NState)
loop ns =
case nsAvail ns of
p:ps -> do
res <- liftIO $ Network.listenOn $ Network.PortNumber $ fromIntegral p
case res of
Left (_ :: SomeException) -> do
log $ RemovingPort p
loop ns { nsAvail = ps }
Right socket -> do
res' <- liftIO $ Network.sClose socket
case res' of
Left e -> do
$logEx e
log $ RemovingPort p
loop ns { nsAvail = ps }
Right () -> return (Right p, ns { nsAvail = ps })
[] ->
case reverse $ nsRecycled ns of
[] -> return (Left $ toException NoPortsAvailable, ns)
ps -> loop ns { nsAvail = ps, nsRecycled = [] }
(eport, ns) <- lift $ loop ns0
S.put ns
lift $ f eport
ReleasePort p ->
S.modify $ \ns -> ns { nsRecycled = p : nsRecycled ns }
AddEntry h e -> change $ Map.insert (encodeUtf8 h) e
RemoveEntry h -> change $ Map.delete $ encodeUtf8 h
AddDefaultEntry e -> S.modify $ \ns -> ns { nsDefault = Just e }
RemoveDefaultEntry -> S.modify $ \ns -> ns { nsDefault = Nothing }
LookupPort h f -> do
NState {..} <- S.get
lift $ f $ mplus (Map.lookup h nsEntries) nsDefault
return $ Right $ HostManager $ writeChan chan
newtype HostManager = HostManager (MVar HMState) -- FIXME use an IORef instead
type Conflicts = Map.Map Host Appname
type Reservations = Set.Set Host
start :: IO HostManager
start = HostManager <$> M.newMVar Map.empty
-- | Reserve the given hosts so that no other application may use them. Does
-- not yet enable any action. The semantics are:
-- 1. If a requested host is currently actively used or by an app of the same name, it is
-- considered reserved.
-- 2. If a requested host is currently reserved by an app of the same name, it
-- is considered an error in calling this API. Only one app reservation can
-- happen at a time.
-- 3. If any requested host is currently used or reserved by an app with a
-- different name, then those values are returned as @Left@.
-- 4. Otherwise, the hosts which were reserved are returned as @Right@. This
-- does /not/ include previously active hosts.
reserveHosts :: HostManager
-> Appname
-> Set.Set Host
-> KIO (Either Conflicts Reservations)
reserveHosts (HostManager mstate) app hosts = modifyMVar mstate $ \entries0 ->
return $ case partitionEithers $ map (checkHost entries0) $ Set.toList hosts of
([], toReserve) ->
(Set.foldr reserve entries0 $ Set.unions toReserve, Right Set.empty)
(conflicts, _) -> (entries0, Left $ Map.fromList conflicts)
change f = do
ns <- S.get
let entries = f $ nsEntries ns
S.put $ ns { nsEntries = entries }
freshState = NState portRange [] Map.empty Nothing
checkHost entries0 host =
case Map.lookup (encodeUtf8 host) entries0 of
Nothing -> Right $ Set.singleton host
Just (HVReserved app') -> assert (app /= app')
$ Left (host, app')
Just (HVActive app' _)
| app == app' -> Right Set.empty
| otherwise -> Left (host, app')
data NState = NState
{ nsAvail :: [Port]
, nsRecycled :: [Port]
, nsEntries :: Map.Map S.ByteString HostEntry
, nsDefault :: Maybe HostEntry
hvres = HVReserved app
reserve host es =
assert (Map.notMember hostBS es) $ Map.insert hostBS hvres es
hostBS = encodeUtf8 host
-- | Gets an unassigned port number.
getPort :: HostManager -> KIO (Either SomeException Port)
getPort (HostManager f) = do
x <- newEmptyMVar
f $ GetPort $ \p -> putMVar x p
takeMVar x
-- | Forget previously made reservations.
forgetReservations :: HostManager
-> Appname
-> Reservations
-> KIO ()
forgetReservations (HostManager mstate) app hosts = modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state0 ->
return $ Set.foldr forget state0 hosts
forget host state =
assert isReservedByMe $ Map.delete hostBS state
hostBS = encodeUtf8 host
isReservedByMe =
case Map.lookup hostBS state of
Nothing -> False
Just (HVReserved app') -> app == app'
Just HVActive{} -> False
-- | Inform the nginx thread that the given port number is no longer being
-- used, and may be reused by a new process. Note that recycling puts the new
-- ports at the end of the queue (FIFO), so that if an application holds onto
-- the port longer than expected, there should be no issues.
releasePort :: HostManager -> Port -> KIO ()
releasePort (HostManager f) p = f $ ReleasePort p
-- | Activate a new app. Note that you /must/ first reserve the hostnames you'll be using.
activateApp :: HostManager
-> Appname
-> Map.Map Host ProxyAction
-> KIO ()
activateApp (HostManager mstate) app actions = modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state0 ->
return $ Map.foldrWithKey activate state0 actions
activate host action state =
assert isOwnedByMe $ Map.insert hostBS (HVActive app action) state
hostBS = encodeUtf8 host
isOwnedByMe =
case Map.lookup hostBS state of
Nothing -> False
Just (HVReserved app') -> app == app'
Just (HVActive app' _) -> app == app'
-- | Add a new entry to the configuration for the given hostname and reload
-- nginx. Will overwrite any existing configuration for the given host. The
-- second point is important: it is how we achieve zero downtime transitions
-- between an old and new version of an app.
addEntry :: HostManager -> Host -> HostEntry -> KIO ()
addEntry (HostManager f) h p = f $ case h of
"*" -> AddDefaultEntry p
_ -> AddEntry h p
data HostEntry = PEPort Port | PEStatic FilePath | PERedirect S.ByteString | PEReverseProxy RPEntry
-- | Remove an entry from the configuration and reload nginx.
removeEntry :: HostManager -> Host -> KIO ()
removeEntry (HostManager f) h = f $ case h of
"*" -> RemoveDefaultEntry
_ -> RemoveEntry h
lookupPort :: HostManager -> S.ByteString -> KIO (Maybe HostEntry)
lookupPort (HostManager f) h = do
x <- newEmptyMVar
f $ LookupPort h $ \p -> putMVar x p
takeMVar x
lookupAction :: HostManager
-> HostBS
-> KIO (Maybe ProxyAction)
lookupAction (HostManager mstate) host = withMVar mstate $ \state ->
return $ case Map.lookup host state of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (HVActive _ action) -> Just action
Just (HVReserved _) -> Nothing

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import qualified Codec.Archive.TempTarball as TempFolder
import qualified Keter.App as App
import Keter.Types
import qualified Keter.HostManager as HostMan
import qualified Keter.PortPool as PortPool
import qualified Keter.Proxy as Proxy
import qualified Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy.Rewrite as Rewrite
import System.Posix.Files (modificationTime, getFileStatus)
@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ keter (F.decodeString -> input) mkPlugins = do
Right ue -> return $ Just (T.pack $ userName ue, (userID ue, userGroupID ue))
processTracker <- initProcessTracker
portman <- runThrow $ HostMan.start kconfigHostMan
hostman <- HostMan.start
portpool <- PortPool.start kconfigPortPool
tf <- runThrow $ liftIO $ TempFolder.setup $ kconfigDir </> "temp"
plugins <- runThrow $ loadPlugins $ map ($ kconfigDir) mkPlugins
mainlog <- runThrow $ liftIO $ LogFile.openRotatingLog
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ keter (F.decodeString -> input) mkPlugins = do
{ Warp.settingsPort = kconfigPort
, Warp.settingsHost = kconfigHost
(runKIOPrint . HostMan.lookupPort portman)
(runKIOPrint . HostMan.lookupAction hostman)
case kconfigSsl of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (Proxy.TLSConfig s ts) -> do
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ keter (F.decodeString -> input) mkPlugins = do
(runKIOPrint . HostMan.lookupPort portman)
(runKIOPrint . HostMan.lookupAction hostman)
return ()
mappMap <- M.newMVar Map.empty
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ keter (F.decodeString -> input) mkPlugins = do
@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ keter (F.decodeString -> input) mkPlugins = do
{- FIXME handle static stanzas
let staticReverse r = do
HostMan.addEntry portman (ReverseProxy.reversingHost r)
HostMan.addEntry hostman (ReverseProxy.reversingHost r)
$ HostMan.PEReverseProxy
$ ReverseProxy.RPEntry r manager
runKIO' $ mapM_ staticReverse (Set.toList kconfigReverseProxy)

Keter/PortPool.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Manages a pool of available ports and allocates them.
module Keter.PortPool
( -- * Types
-- * Actions
, getPort
, releasePort
-- * Initialize
, start
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M
import Keter.Prelude
import Keter.Types
import qualified Network
import Prelude (IO)
data PPState = PPState
{ ppAvail :: ![Port]
, ppRecycled :: !([Port] -> [Port])
newtype PortPool = PortPool (MVar PPState)
-- | Gets an unassigned port number.
getPort :: PortPool -> KIO (Either SomeException Port)
getPort (PortPool mstate) =
modifyMVar mstate loop
loop :: PPState -> KIO (PPState, Either SomeException Port)
loop PPState {..} =
case ppAvail of
p:ps -> do
let next = PPState ps ppRecycled
res <- liftIO $ Network.listenOn $ Network.PortNumber $ fromIntegral p
case res of
Left (_ :: SomeException) -> do
log $ RemovingPort p
loop next
Right socket -> do
res' <- liftIO $ Network.sClose socket
case res' of
Left e -> do
$logEx e
log $ RemovingPort p
loop next
Right () -> return (next, Right p)
[] ->
case ppRecycled [] of
[] -> return (PPState [] id, Left $ toException NoPortsAvailable)
ps -> loop $ PPState ps id
-- | Return a port to the recycled collection of the pool. Note that recycling
-- puts the new ports at the end of the queue (FIFO), so that if an application
-- holds onto the port longer than expected, there should be no issues.
releasePort :: PortPool -> Port -> KIO ()
releasePort (PortPool mstate) p =
modifyMVar_ mstate $ \(PPState avail recycled) -> return $ PPState avail $ recycled . (p:)
start :: PortSettings -> IO PortPool
start PortSettings{..} =
PortPool <$> M.newMVar freshState
freshState = PPState portRange id

View File

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ module Keter.Prelude
, newEmptyMVar
, modifyMVar
, modifyMVar_
, withMVar
, swapMVar
, takeMVar
, tryTakeMVar
@ -245,6 +246,9 @@ newEmptyMVar = liftIO_ M.newEmptyMVar
modifyMVar :: M.MVar a -> (a -> KIO (a, b)) -> KIO b
modifyMVar m f = KIO $ \x -> M.modifyMVar m (\a -> unKIO (f a) x)
withMVar :: M.MVar a -> (a -> KIO b) -> KIO b
withMVar m f = KIO $ \x -> M.withMVar m (\a -> unKIO (f a) x)
modifyMVar_ :: M.MVar a -> (a -> KIO a) -> KIO ()
modifyMVar_ m f = KIO $ \x -> M.modifyMVar_ m (\a -> unKIO (f a) x)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- | A light-weight, minimalistic reverse HTTP proxy.
module Keter.Proxy
( reverseProxy
, PortLookup
, HostLookup
, reverseProxySsl
, TLSConfig (..)
) where
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module Keter.Proxy
import Prelude hiding ((++), FilePath)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Keter.HostManager (HostEntry (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy (waiProxyToSettings, wpsSetIpHeader, SetIpHeader (..), ProxyDest (ProxyDest), WaiProxyResponse (..))
@ -27,17 +26,17 @@ import Data.Default
import Keter.Types
-- | Mapping from virtual hostname to port number.
type PortLookup = ByteString -> IO (Maybe HostEntry)
type HostLookup = ByteString -> IO (Maybe ProxyAction)
reverseProxy :: Bool -> Manager -> Warp.Settings -> PortLookup -> IO ()
reverseProxy :: Bool -> Manager -> Warp.Settings -> HostLookup -> IO ()
reverseProxy useHeader manager settings = Warp.runSettings settings . withClient useHeader manager
reverseProxySsl :: Bool -> Manager -> WarpTLS.TLSSettings -> Warp.Settings -> PortLookup -> IO ()
reverseProxySsl :: Bool -> Manager -> WarpTLS.TLSSettings -> Warp.Settings -> HostLookup -> IO ()
reverseProxySsl useHeader manager tsettings settings = WarpTLS.runTLS tsettings settings . withClient useHeader manager
withClient :: Bool -- ^ use incoming request header for IP address
-> Manager
-> PortLookup
-> HostLookup
-> Wai.Application
withClient useHeader manager portLookup =
waiProxyToSettings getDest def
@ -47,14 +46,21 @@ withClient useHeader manager portLookup =
else SIHFromSocket
} manager
getDest req = do
mport <- liftIO $ maybe (return Nothing) portLookup mhost
getDest req =
case lookup "host" $ Wai.requestHeaders req of
Nothing -> return $ WPRResponse missingHostResponse
Just host -> processHost req host
processHost req host = do
mport <- liftIO $ portLookup host
case mport of
Nothing -> return $ WPRResponse $ toResponse mhost
Nothing -> return $ WPRResponse $ unknownHostResponse host
Just (PEPort port) -> return $ WPRProxyDest $ ProxyDest "" port
Just (PEStatic root) -> fmap WPRResponse $ staticApp (defaultFileServerSettings root) req
Just (PERedirect host) -> return $ WPRResponse $ redirectApp host req
Just (PERedirect dest) -> return $ WPRResponse $ redirectApp dest req
Just (PEReverseProxy rpentry) -> fmap WPRResponse $ Rewrite.simpleReverseProxy rpentry req
mhost = lookup "host" $ Wai.requestHeaders req
@ -71,13 +77,16 @@ redirectApp host req = Wai.responseLBS
, Wai.rawQueryString req
toResponse :: Maybe ByteString -> Wai.Response
toResponse mhost = Wai.ResponseBuilder
missingHostResponse :: Wai.Response
missingHostResponse = Wai.ResponseBuilder
[("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")]
$ case mhost of
Nothing -> copyByteString "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title>Welcome to Keter</title></head><body><h1>Welcome to Keter</h1><p>You did not provide a virtual hostname for this request.</p></body></html>"
Just host ->
copyByteString "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title>Welcome to Keter</title></head><body><h1>Welcome to Keter</h1><p>The hostname you have provided, <code>"
`mappend` copyByteString host
`mappend` copyByteString "</code>, is not recognized.</p></body></html>"
$ copyByteString "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title>Welcome to Keter</title></head><body><h1>Welcome to Keter</h1><p>You did not provide a virtual hostname for this request.</p></body></html>"
unknownHostResponse :: ByteString -> Wai.Response
unknownHostResponse host = Wai.ResponseBuilder
[("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")]
(copyByteString "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title>Welcome to Keter</title></head><body><h1>Welcome to Keter</h1><p>The hostname you have provided, <code>"
`mappend` copyByteString host
`mappend` copyByteString "</code>, is not recognized.</p></body></html>")

View File

@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ import Keter.Types.V10 as X
, StaticFilesConfig (..)
, KeterConfig (..)
, Stanza (..)
, ProxyAction (..)
import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy.Rewrite (ReverseProxyConfig (..), RewriteRule (..))
import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy.Rewrite as X (ReverseProxyConfig (..), RewriteRule (..))

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Keter.Types.Common where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Aeson (Object)
import Keter.Prelude (KIO)
import Data.Aeson (Object)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Keter.Prelude (KIO)
-- | Name of the application. Should just be the basename of the application
-- file.
@ -28,3 +29,5 @@ type Port = Int
-- | A virtual host we want to serve content from.
type Host = Text
type HostBS = ByteString

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ instance ParseYamlFile BundleConfig where
data KeterConfig = KeterConfig
{ kconfigDir :: F.FilePath
, kconfigHostMan :: V04.PortSettings
, kconfigPortPool :: V04.PortSettings
, kconfigHost :: HostPreference
, kconfigPort :: Port
, kconfigSsl :: Maybe V04.TLSConfig
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ instance ToCurrent KeterConfig where
instance Default KeterConfig where
def = KeterConfig
{ kconfigDir = "."
, kconfigHostMan = def
, kconfigPortPool = def
, kconfigHost = "*"
, kconfigPort = 80
, kconfigSsl = Nothing
@ -98,6 +98,18 @@ data Stanza = StanzaStaticFiles StaticFilesConfig
| StanzaWebApp WebAppConfig
| StanzaReverseProxy ReverseProxyConfig
-- | An action to be performed for a requested hostname.
-- This datatype is very similar to Stanza, but is necessarily separate since:
-- 1. Webapps will be assigned ports.
-- 2. Not all stanzas have an associated proxy action.
data ProxyAction = PAPort Port
| PAStatic StaticFilesConfig
| PARedirect RedirectConfig
| PAReverseProxy ReverseProxyConfig
instance ParseYamlFile Stanza where
parseYamlFile basedir = withObject "Stanza" $ \o -> do
typ <- o .: "type"
@ -120,7 +132,7 @@ instance ToCurrent StaticFilesConfig where
toCurrent (V04.StaticHost host root) = StaticFilesConfig
{ sfconfigRoot = root
, sfconfigHosts = Set.singleton host
, sfconfigListings = False
, sfconfigListings = True
instance ParseYamlFile StaticFilesConfig where
@ -139,7 +151,7 @@ instance ToCurrent RedirectConfig where
type Previous RedirectConfig = V04.Redirect
toCurrent (V04.Redirect from to) = RedirectConfig
{ redirconfigHosts = Set.singleton from
, redirconfigStatus = 303
, redirconfigStatus = 301
, redirconfigActions = V.singleton $ RedirectAction SPAny
$ RDPrefix False to 80

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ Library